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Mastering Weight-Loss: The No Diet M2 Factor Solution
Mastering Weight-Loss: The No Diet M2 Factor Solution
Mastering Weight-Loss: The No Diet M2 Factor Solution
Ebook142 pages1 hour

Mastering Weight-Loss: The No Diet M2 Factor Solution

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About this ebook

What does healthy mean to you?

“I don’t believe in diets either which is why Jason Camera’s book title ‘Mastering Weight-Loss, the No Diet, M2 Solution’, quickly caught my attention. As a personal trainer and health advocate, getting to the root of the issue instead of clanging around heavy weights will most definitely help you reach your goals much more efficiently and sustainably.

I believe dropping inches and losing weight is a by-product of living a healthy lifestyle This comes from the mind, your environment, emotions and nutrition; everything Jason covers in 'Mastering Weight-Loss', will take you exactly where you want to be.” Drew Taddia - Radio show host of Exploring Mind and Body

Are you the kind of person that struggles with weight-loss programs, nutrition, exercise and/or finding balance in life?

If so, within the pages of this book you can look forward to learning how to shift your focus to what is really important - you.

Discover how to:
•Lose weight naturally.
•Address and conquer negative attitudes and non-supportive behaviors with tools such as self-hypnosis and value-based self-imaging exercises.
•Find balance and re-connect with yourself again with an understanding of ego and your energy systems.
•Design your own fitness plans, understand everything you will ever need to know about nutrition, and use specific strategies to change your negative eating habits.

If you are ready to change your life - then this book is for you.

With the purchase price of this course you will also receive 2 free, “Rapid Change" life coaching sessions and a 20% discount on your first month of my online personal fitness training platform "Trainerize".

PublisherJason Cameron
Release dateApr 14, 2016
Mastering Weight-Loss: The No Diet M2 Factor Solution

Jason Cameron

As a Personal Development coach, fitness trainer and nutrition coach I help people eliminate stress, achieve success, re-connect and find balance in life; personally and professionally. I help turn problems into solutions in 3 ways: -One-on-one laser coaching by telephone or in-person. -Live workshops on removing all stress from your life, communication in work and home relationships, and prioritizing /understanding your purpose in life. -E-courses for all of the above mentioned workshops! I am also a father, husband, taxi driver, band-aide guru, cook, house-cleaner who loves being able to help support my family, by helping others.

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    Mastering Weight-Loss - Jason Cameron


    The Magic Pill

    You know, I get so many questions about the magic pill it never ceases to amaze me. Whether it is in my role as a personal fitness trainer, a healthy-living consultant, a healing facilitator, or a meditation mentor the question is usually this – Do you have one? After the question leaves their mouth it is almost always followed by nervous laughter and an uncertain grin. It isn’t a joke to people though. You can see it in their eyes. If you hadn’t guessed by now I am, in fact, talking about weight-loss, the process of getting fit and/or finding balance in life.

    The sad thing is there are so many weight-loss books, exercise guru’s and life balance experts out there that would have you believe their plan is the be all and end all of plans, but have you noticed how many books are constantly coming out with this is the only plan you’ll ever need philosophies? There is a reason for it. Their intentions are to sell books – period.

    We need to start focusing on the individual instead of the philosophy. Now don’t get me wrong, I am sure all plans work for someone but there is no one plan that works for everyone. That is why we end up continuing the cycle of buying a new book on a weekly basis and trying the plan only to find it just doesn’t work for us – so we continue the cycle. Where is the individual in these mass marketed health and wellness texts?

    So, my answer to all of the individuals that ask the question is tossed back with the same grin and chuckle and the answer is unfortunately, no. There is no magic pill or perfect plan, or best exercise routine. There is only what is right for you.

    The problem lies in the unfortunate, very human condition known as I just don’t know who I am- itis. One of the most important questions I have addressed with the hundreds of people I have mentored is this – How can you get there – if you don’t know where here is?

    I am not going to sit here and tell you to follow everything I recommend in this course down the last detail or you will not succeed. Take what resonates with you and make it a part of your life. After all, that is what it’s all about isn’t it? It’s not about going on a diet, or taking part in the current fad, or allowing someone else’s philosophy to take over your life – it is about how you are going to make positive life changes for you and by you.

    The course you have in front of you is called Mastering Weight-Loss. The M2 Factor, No Diet Solution. What is the M2 factor? The M2 factor will take you away from an unhealthy weight-centered approach towards a health-centered philosophy. This course will teach you everything you need to know about a new paradigm of health – one where you will place less emphasis on weight-loss itself and more emphasis on being healthy. In fact you can look forward to enhancing your health at every level through metabolic fitness and mindfulness (the two M’s in question) rather than this misdirected and hazardous focus on the numbers of a scale.

    In my opinion, any program or course that has your health and wellness as a priority should start with you, the reader, learning a bit more about and connecting with yourself again. That way you anchor your success with the original you; the you before you were defined by the world. Just as individuals who exercise hear how important their core (those muscles in your abdominal and lower back area) are, the process of regaining balance and living a healthy, joyful life is much easier when you have the strength of your inner spiritual core for support and guidance.

    To this end, I encourage you to at least work through the chapters on ego, subconscious, energy and mindfulness before the others. It will give you an anchor in all that you do. Then feel free to wander around the course depending on what your interest is. Start with whatever feels right to you. Keep in mind that trying to change too many things at once in your life is hard and, let’s be frank – not recommended. The more you put on your plate, the less likely you are to succeed.

    One of my clients, Heather, who has worked through this course has also recommended that you set aside at least a week or two per chapter. This will give you time to work through the material and assimilate all it has to offer before moving on to the next section. If you can, I also recommend (and I will talk about this a bit later) getting someone to work through the material with – an accountability partner or a loved one who is interested in learning and growing with you.

    I hope you enjoy this course as much as I enjoyed writing it. Take your time, go through the lessons in your own way, and start actively working toward that life you do truly deserve. Just make sure, like I said, you don’t go all guns a blazin’ right out of the gate. Try for one or two basic changes every couple of weeks. Know that these are life changing moments for you. Believe that you deserve it and don’t forget to breathe.

    Most importantly, do accept that these things take time. Your human and the only way you can fail is by not doing anything at all. Even if you try – you have succeeded. Learn from what hasn’t worked and find out what does. Are you ready to begin your newest journey? I know I’m ready and can’t wait to begin working with you. It is going to be awesome.

    If you have purchased this book as an e-course through my website rather than the e-book designed for mobile devices, there are some benefits. Built into the cost of this course are two- 30-45 minutes Rapid-Change coaching sessions designed to help you clarify exactly what your main challenges are, support you in achieving success and turning your challenges into solutions.

    Whether coaching is included with the e-course or not, when you are ready for a transformational conversation I encourage you to visit to contact me for your first telephone coaching session. Once I hear from you, I will provide all of the details. I look forward to speaking to you – and co-coaching you towards every success in your journey.

    Can’t get anywhere if you don’t get off the bench though, can you? It’s time to turn the page.

    Jason Cameron, Personal Development Strategist

    Cameron Coaching Systems

    Lesson #1 – Your Ego

    My definition of ego:

    ‘The part of you that identifies with the outward forms of this world – material things, attitudes, beliefs, habits that have developed as a result of the environment you have been surrounded by since birth’.

    How was your ego created?

    As far as the ego is concerned, there been so many very good books written about the subject that I would never assume to be in the same category as many of the thought-leaders on the subject. If you want an in depth look at the world of ego, I would recommend the book A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. This is a fantastic read on any given day.

    How does one explain the ego without getting too metaphysical or saturated with jargon? We need to start at the very beginning. As a young child you are continuously surrounded by not only physical objects that were given to you by your family but you were also surrounded by the attitudes, beliefs and habits of all of

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