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Spicy Romance & Recipes #2
Spicy Romance & Recipes #2
Spicy Romance & Recipes #2
Ebook55 pages51 minutes

Spicy Romance & Recipes #2

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Magic and mayhem from the Spicy Romance & Recipes collection, where every volume serves up something different...something daring...some thing to really sink your teeth into... Volume 2 contains the novella “Dungeons & Dirty Dreams” – a walk on the wild side with devilish humor and heat! – plus chocolaty dark dessert recipes...
“Dungeons & Dirty Dreams”: When “just friends” Eric and Lena are suddenly catapulted into a dangerous fantasy realm that they themselves invented, all hell breaks loose – monsters, demons, and the biggest challenge of all: Their secret desire for each other. That last thing, however, may be the only thing that can save them...

PublisherMimi Riser
Release dateApr 16, 2016
Spicy Romance & Recipes #2

Mimi Riser

Mimi Riser is a longtime author of fiction and nonfiction, including several series and spanning a variety of genres (with flavors ranging from sweet to spicy hot). Her books celebrate the upbeat, the offbeat, and “beating the odds.” She began life in the urban northeast, but now resides in the rural southwest with her best friend & husband Rob.

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    Spicy Romance & Recipes #2 - Mimi Riser

    A very sensual erotic romance. Filled with fantasy, steamy hot romance and a whiff of magic and mystery, this story will keep the reader spellbound as the hero and heroine use their lust for each other to find the treasure before it is too late. ~Romance Junkies


    Dungeons & Dirty Dreams

    One man, one woman, and a ravenous band of lust-wraiths… Let the games begin!


    Smashwords Edition:

    Copyright © 2016 by Mimi Riser

    All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes: This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    (Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.)


    Chapter 1: The Romance

    Dungeons & Dirty Dreams

    Night fell fast in the wasteland realm of Fortress Forlorne, decaying stronghold of long dead kings. And with the night came stealth-in-a-hood flanked by a walking mountain of muscle and magic. Out of the shadows the two figures crept, silent as wraiths, and climbed through a break in the citadel’s crumbling palisade. So entered Zeena the Thief into unknown dark danger with her battle-mate Zerick, warrior-wizard of the tribal troglodytes, close by her side…

    If only he could stay there.

    I stare across the playing table at Eric while he stares at the fantasy miniatures of our game. Tall, tan, and built like a brick wall, he looks a hell of lot more like Zerick than I look like Zeena. In tight black jeans and a sexy silk shirt he looks like a dirty old lady’s wet dream.

    Which is exactly what I am for ogling him. Too old for him anyway. At twenty-nine Eric is ten years my junior. In fact, he used to be married to my little sister Babs—who left him for my ex-husband Stanley, fool that she is. If Eric and I hadn’t already been pals, that fiasco would have brought us together for sure. But all it added to our friendship was increased proximity, since Sis got the house in her divorce settlement, and I got the house in mine.

    Stanley naturally moved in with Babs, which left Eric homeless and me with no one to open stuck jars—about all Stanley was ever good for, I might add. The obvious solution was for Eric to bunk in my guestroom till he found a place of his own. That was a year ago, by the way, and we’re still housemates. Somehow neither of us has seen any great rush for him to leave. After all, we were friends long before our ill-fated marriages.

    I was once his college history teacher, and the poor boy flunked the mid-term exam, but I gave him a chance to make up the lost credit by helping me create a Dungeons & Dragons style medieval role-playing game for the class. History in action and all that. The students loved it, everyone’s grades improved, and Eric and I have been playing the damn game ever since, although our own personal version has evolved over the years from historical to fantasy scenarios.

    If I had fewer scruples I’d evolve some of those fantasies even further. But I do, so I won’t. If I’m aching for him to trade the guest bed for mine, that’s my problem and I keep it hidden. I hope. Eric’s my best buddy. I don’t want to jeopardize that, or so I keep telling myself. Lately, however, it’s becoming harder and harder to listen to my inner voice-of-reason.

    Especially on a night like tonight when we’re celebrating the first anniversary of our divorces by eating the scrumptious chocolates Eric gave me in

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