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Aamanda wade is in a happy space with her best friends rohan and aaliyah enjoying the little pleasures of life when a storm called sahil decides to create havoc in their lives.
Worse the storm brings along arjun as an antidote to the damage caused. But arjun himself is damaged.
Will aamanda survive the storm? Will arjun damage her, get damaged or save her from destruction?

Release dateApr 17, 2016

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    Riposte - Anshuma Sharma



    Anshuma Sharma

    Copyright © 2016 Anshuma Sharma

    All Rights Reserved

    Anshuma Sharma asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


    As a beta reader / editor / reviewer the first thing that always strikes to me about a story is its characters. Anshuma’s Amanda was one such character which made me say WOW even before the first page was over.

    Amanda struck a chord with me somewhere deep within because when I look back at it I see that each one of us has that strength and firm determination hidden inside. By saying this I am not implying that we need to face what she faced to bring that strength out. I wish no woman on earth ever goes through that ordeal but yes whenever faced by a storm a woman always has a hidden reserve from where she keeps drawing strength in such turbulent times. Amanda is truly an inspiration.

    Anshuma’s book Riposte comes across as a refreshing change from all the campus romances that are flooding the market these days. Riposte, the name which in itself means retort, comeback or fight back is a story of Amanda who fights back against everything that tries to hold her down. In this book, the author has magically told a love story without spelling it out explicitly anywhere and that is what makes this book so special. If you are going to read it expecting it to be a typical love story of a girl-meet-a-boy and they lived happily ever after, let me warn you beforehand you will not find any such thing!

    The love story depicted in this book is the love that one has for their own self and for life, the love that makes you stand tall and face everything that life brings your way with a smile, the love that ensures you hold your head high under any circumstances. The love that makes you LIVE because giving up is never an option in life.

    Not making debut authors try such genres in their first book and this goes on to show how different is Anshuma. Her writing has soul of its own perhaps that explains how she brings her stories to life.Though there are quite a few characters in the book they all have very clearly defined roles and add matter to the subject justifying their existence. The narrative neatly balance and well-proportioned making it a perfectly enjoyable read.

    Riposte for me is a peep into the so-called society we live in where we are surrounded by two types of people – one who lacks love and one who has abundant love. It is this one quality that differentiates us from one another. This book is a reminder that if in life you have good friends you can win the worst battles together. Lastly this book is symbol of hope, it symbolizes that even the darkest night has an end.

    Namrata (Privy Trifles)

    Author/Editor/Blogger/Beta Reader


    I wish to personally thank the following people for their contributions to my inspiration and knowledge and other help while writing this book:

    Abhishek Tripathi : You know how there is that person who will stay with you, hold your hand and just stay when bad things happen. I always knew that you will be there; holding my hand and just being there and that would make all the difference in the world. This is my way to tell you how much you mean to me. Thank you for your constant care and support without you coming this far was not possible.

    Ankit Gupta ‘Aseer’: You know there are those people who are just like you? So much that you don’t even think you’ll like them? You were one of those people. It’s a wonder we even tolerated each other. You’re a major reason why I’ve retained most of my sanity. Thank you Best friend, I don’t know what I have done without you.

    Sharda Singh: The two of us. We don’t make sense. We never did. You are the best roommate one could ever have.

    Shefalii Dadhich: Shefalii With double ‘I’ You are love. You are funny, crazy and yes you are LOVE (in capitals)

    Utkarsh Singh: Thank you for all the laughs and silly talks (Jilleilahi).

    Shilpa Bhowmick : Thanks you for always being with me.

    Namrata Ma’am (Privy Trifles): Thank you for all the proof reading, guidance, support and your time.

    Sunidhi Jain : Thank you so much you little talented girl for designing the cover page of this book.

    Harpreet Makkar : Thank You Iron Man for each and everything you did for me.

    And last but not the least Thank you to the Family members without their contributions and support this book would not have been written:

    Hi Mummy: Thank you for all the love, care and support. You are the strongest and most beautiful lady. I love you.

    Aakarsh: Yo Bro! You are the best brother. You are wonderful, just the way you are. I love you to the moon and back.

    Parth Shukla: Hey, you little brother you are the gift that cherish my life with your presence. Thank you for everything.

    I would also like to show my sincere gratitude to my readers. * HAPPY READING*

    Dedicated to:

    Anjali Pandey.

    She doesn’t even know that she’s art.

    She will hold you & flowers will grow on the graves inside your chest & you will never stop writing about this girl who’s just like spring.

    Do you agree or not, that it was dark and you may have been partially drunk, hence not recognised the oppressor's face? Was the demanding question from the defendant's side that

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