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The Last Ascension: Book Three of Ascension
The Last Ascension: Book Three of Ascension
The Last Ascension: Book Three of Ascension
Ebook115 pages1 hour

The Last Ascension: Book Three of Ascension

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Three hundred years have passed since the elves made their voyage to a new land. A great city has been built and the elves live in an uneasy peace under the shadow of the guardians mountain. Ascensions seemed to have slowed down upon the human island and concern begins to grow within the community.
On the human island a cleric named Balen lives a quiet life with his son within their monastery. All this is about to change as he undergoes the transformation into an elve.
Mavok, travels to the human island to collect the newly ascended elve and brings him back to the city of Elevar where the council of elders decide that it is time to once more wake the guardian.

Release dateApr 20, 2016
The Last Ascension: Book Three of Ascension

David S Croxford

I have been writing for many years ever since I was inspired by the first fantasy book I read which was Lord of The Rings. This grew a passion within me and the worlds began to grow within my mind.As I developed them on odd bits of paper and filled notepads with the sentences that grew into paragraphs and the books began to grow.My passion is writing and to share my mind with others.

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    Book preview

    The Last Ascension - David S Croxford


    by David S Croxford

    Copyright 2015 David S Croxford

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen


    Other Books

    Connect with David


    Balen looked out of the window and smiled at the scene. The lake of Unity was a beautiful sight in the autumn; when the sun lay low and cast an orange glow over the water.

    He put away the book he had been reading and stood up a bit too quick for his head swam and just for a moment his vision went white. Shaking his head, he left the library and walked into the hall of elders.

    The grand hall was covered in carvings of strange unknown creatures said to now be extinct. They held such detail that Balen is certain they could come alive if they wished to.

    'Maybe the elves could do it' he jested within his mind.

    Leaving the hall, he walked through a corridor. On the walls hung great tapestries that spoke of Unity's history. Starting from the beginning as a place the last of the builders lived their lives. Then onto the great battle fought just beyond the hills surrounding the community that cost so many lives.

    Balen often climbed the hill on his short trips to Unity to see the plaque that had been placed in honour of the fallen. Many of the names had now faded with no-one left that remembered who lay buried within the hill. He always said a prayer for them who had helped shape the world into what it was now.

    He was a man of faith. A cleric that followed the path of God who believed that a higher power created life and guided them. He travelled to Unity to get away from the strict principles of his order and to fulfil the longing in his heart for a woman.

    Reproduction between man and woman was a necessity but long ago, the act of a monogamous relationship was abolished, with the belief that it hindered learning and following the paths of knowledge.

    The woman he loved came from the path of Nature, who protected and tended to all living things within the world.

    Aly had captured his heart upon first sight during one of his trips to the community at Nature's paradise. It had been the day of her blossoming and she had performed the dance that marked her as a naturist ready to begin their journey into the forests. He had followed her and it took him a while to win her attention. In a short time, they learnt everything about each other and planned to meet up once again.

    A year passed and they had met up often. Travelling further and further away from their home communities until they discovered Unity. That is where they both learned what love was, what a partnership meant and freedom from the paths.

    Their time there had been special, though commitments to their paths pulled them back, for they both played important parts within their communities. This time though had been their longest stay. Two months had gone by and today Balen was going to ask Aly to join him in performing the ceremony of marriage. An old joining that came from the time of the builders and something only practiced within Unity.

    Outside the elders’ hall was the small island that sat within the middle of Unity Lake, connected to the rest of the land by a small bridge. Only the hall sat on the island, guarded by statues of past elders including Zalon the wise and Mavok the mighty. Both elves who had defended the community during the same battle in which the plaque had been created for.

    They were carved from large blocks of stone and showed signs of aging where the weather had beaten away at the silent protectors of the island.

    Balen walked across the small bridge and saw Aly waiting on the other side for him.

    Lost in your books again? She asked.

    Balen smiled and then embraced her.

    Have I missed something again? He asked, knowing that he likely had when it came to reading books.

    Balen had the tendency to lose track of time and memory of tasks he had to do.

    We were meeting for lunch, said Aly. Her voice stern, but the corner of her mouth twitched into a smile.

    Then let us get some lunch now, he said.

    Or we could go and have the evening meal they are now serving, Aly said.

    We could do that, said Balen and he linked his arm with hers and they walked to the food court where steam and smoke rose out of chimney's in the roof, letting out the smells of roasting meats and baked bread. Balen's stomach growled and he had not realised how hungry he had become.

    What were you reading about today? Aly asked.

    The war of the ascended, said Balen.

    Again? Aly shook her head. How many times can you read a book?

    Until I know the history word for word. It is a fascinating record of what happened and how life was back then. So much has changed in the past three hundred years, Balen said with a smile.

    They arrived at the food court and entered. Already most of the tables were full and they moved over to the tables then began to fill their plates with the hot and steamy food. Balen piled the plate full of the various meats and vegetables covered in various herbs and spices to give them differing tastes until he had a small mountain in front of him and with a big grin he followed Aly to some spaces at a table. Sitting next to them was Jeremy, the new elected elder of Unity. He was young but had shown great skill at leading people, innovating new processes that had improved their farming and allowing for the surplus of food they now feasted upon.

    Good day, Balen said to Jeremy who swallowed his mouthful and turned to them.

    Good evening Balen, Aly. How are the both of you? Jeremy asked.

    We are both well and enjoying the company of your fine people, Balen replied and picked up a mug of ale and toasted.

    You are here enough to be part of Unity, Jeremy jested and winked at him.

    Balen smiled, he had spoken to Jeremy already about the ceremony and the elder had been eager for the idea.

    What are you two scheming? Aly asked them.

    Oh, no scheming, said Balen. Just talking about this wonderful food

    Aly did not look convinced and there was something else in her eyes that he noticed.

    Are you feeling unwell? Balen asked her.

    I have just been tired recently, the foraging has been tough and many strength parties have been scouting close by, she replied.

    The path of strength was a path of warriors that chose fighting, plundering, kidnapping and rape of women to reproduce. Balen as a cleric found their practices disdainful and they had been on the other side of the fighting back at the last war trying to wipe out all elven kind. They had lost great numbers and their leader during the final battle and had been quiet since but as the years passed they were becoming bolder once again.

    You need to be careful, we should send guards out with you, said Balen.

    They never see us. We stay in the trees until they are gone, replied Aly.

    Still, I do not feel comfortable with you being out there defenceless

    Aly's eyebrows narrowed and a look of anger passed over her face. I am not defenceless, she shouted and then stood from the table then stormed off without touching her food.

    What was that about?

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