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Finding Valor (The Channie Series Book Three)
Finding Valor (The Channie Series Book Three)
Finding Valor (The Channie Series Book Three)
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Finding Valor (The Channie Series Book Three)

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Book 3 of The Channie Series

Josh awakes with no recollection of the previous six months of his life, including his relationship with Channie. Not only is it hard for him to believe that he's married and his wife was kidnapped, but accepting that he is a mage and prophecies of the Book of the Dead are almost impossible. Will he be able to save Channie from her mother's dark magic before she is sacrificed? And more importantly, will he live up to his power-name and find Valor in time to save all the clans?

Not suitable for young teens.

Release dateJul 31, 2013
Finding Valor (The Channie Series Book Three)

Charlotte Abel

Charlotte Abel is a full time writer that lives near Boulder, Colorado with her husband Pete. When she's not reading or writing, she enjoys hiking, bicycling, archery and dog sitting. Previous careers include: dance instructor, jewelry designer and glass artist. "Enchantment," a paranormal coming of age romance, is her debut novel. She plans to publish "Shattered," a romantic thriller set in the remote Sawatch Mountain wilderness of Colorado, in the early spring of 2012.

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    Finding Valor (The Channie Series Book Three) - Charlotte Abel

    Finding Valor: Book Three of the Award Winning Channie Series

    By Charlotte Abel

    Smashwords Edition

    What readers are saying about Finding Valor :

    Finding Valor was my favorite book of the series as we are finally able to see Josh come into his own.—Chrissy Harris

    A thrilling conclusion to The Channie Series. Finding Valor is a dynamic book I couldn’t put down!—Crystal Job

    It is 100% worth every penny and completely a ‘can’t put it down’ type of book."—Tammy Ladd

    Chapter One


    Get. In the car. Now. Momma curled her lips in a feral snarl then threw the keys at Channie. They bounced off her chest.

    Channie kept her eyes locked on Josh’s face as she squatted down to retrieve the keys. Diego’s sobs tore at her as he clung to Abby’s body. But she was too numb to cry. Too empty.

    She pressed her hands over her heart as she backed out of the room. A vain attempt to keep the shattered pieces from slicing her soul into ribbons. Grief sucked at her body like quicksand. Each step away from Josh required a herculean effort. Climbing the stairs out of the basement left her completely drained. She pressed the button on the key fob with trembling fingers then crawled into the back seat and curled her body into a ball, hugging her knees to her chest. She’d sacrificed everything to save Josh and he wouldn’t even remember her. It was better this way. The remember-not spell would protect his heart as well as his life. If Channie had to die, at least Josh would be spared the grief that now consumed her.

    A quiet tap on the window startled Channie. She sat up and opened the door. Savvy, CoCo and Zeal stood, shoulder to shoulder like little soldiers. Savvy and Zeal trembled, but CoCo was solid as a rock. He put his hand on Channie’s knee. It’s gonna be okay.

    He’d just lost his mother. Channie should be comforting him. Not the other way around.

    What are you doing out here? Where’s your daddy? Diego needed to get the boys out of there.

    CoCo took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. He’s saying good-bye to Momma before Granny gets rid of the ever dense.

    Evidence. Channie hiccuped then covered her mouth with three fingers. Abby was a wife, mother, sister, daughter—not evidence. I’m sorry.

    CoCo climbed into Channie’s lap and wrapped his arms around her neck. Don’t cry, Channie. I’ll protect you.

    Channie grabbed CoCo’s wrists and held his hands against the center of her chest. Panic tightened her throat. No. You have to get out of here. Take your brothers and hide until after we’re gone. I don’t want Granny changing her mind about letting you go.

    Granny’s mean. And you ain’t got no magic to protect you no more. You need me.

    I need you to take care of your brothers and your daddy. Granny isn’t going to hurt me. At least, not yet. Not until summer solstice. She kissed his forehead. Don’t worry about me. I’m pretty tough, even without magic.

    Savvy and Zeal crawled into the back seat, climbing over CoCo to get to her. They soaked her shirt within seconds as they sobbed. Channie wanted to console them, but there wasn’t time. Momma could come at any moment. She leaned back and gazed into each of their grief-stricken faces. Listen to me. All of you. You have to be strong for your daddy and for each other. No more squabbling or bickering. Understand?

    They all nodded.

    I love you guys, more than you can imagine. Channie could barely speak around the lump in her throat. She gave them each one last hug then gently pushed them out of the car. She grabbed CoCo’s hands and pulled him close to whisper in his ear. I’m counting on you. Take your brothers and find a hidey-hole where Granny can’t get you. Now go!

    CoCo nodded then grabbed Zeal and Savvy’s hands. They ran across the yard and disappeared behind the house—right before Momma marched out the front door.

    She put her hands on her hips and scowled as she surveyed the yard. Where’d those little devils get off to?

    Channie didn’t say a word.

    Diego’s going to have his hands full with those three. Especially now that they’ve started using magic. Momma shrugged her shoulders then slid in behind the wheel as if this were nothing more than a trip to the store…as if she hadn’t just murdered her own daughter…or shattered Channie’s heart.

    She didn’t regret asking Momma to erase Josh’s memory. It was the only way to protect him. But she would never forget the look of betrayal on his face as he reached out to her and called her name. Or the way their bond dimmed as his memories fled. That vision would haunt Channie for the rest of her very short life.

    No. Damn it. She would not give up so easily. She wasn’t dead yet. She still had three months until summer solstice. A lot could change in three months. Especially if they found Aunt Wisdom. Even if she couldn’t cure Momma, she’d never let her hurt Channie.

    And then there was Daddy. As soon as he took a break from gambling, and figured out that Momma was gone, he’d come looking for her. There’d be hell to pay when he caught up with them and found out what she’d done.

    But…Daddy had ordered Momma to stay away from Channie. She’d been right outside their bedroom window and heard every word. You stay away from Channie, you hear? That’s an order.

    How had Momma gotten around a direct order? Her marriage vows were binding. They wouldn’t let her disobey her husband. A sense of foreboding quenched the tiny spark of hope in Channie’s heart.

    Momma? Where’s Daddy?

    She didn’t answer. But she didn’t need to. Channie already knew the answer. Marriage vows were binding…until death.


    Each passing mile increased Channie’s despair. When they stopped for fuel in Salina, Kansas, Momma told Channie to get behind the wheel. I want to study my book while you drive.

    Every time Momma tried to open the Book of the Dead, even with gloved hands, it burned her. And since the burns were caused by magic, there was nothing she could do to heal herself.

    When they passed the Oklahoma state line, Momma told Channie to pull off at the next rest stop.

    She cut the engine and opened the door, but Momma grabbed her wrist before she could get out of the car.

    Where do you think you’re going?

    To the bathroom. Isn’t that why we stopped?

    Momma placed the Book of the Dead in Channie’s lap. Open it.

    Channie clenched her jaw, preparing herself for the burning pain, but the book was cool to her touch. She opened it with trembling fingers. Nothing happened. Channie turned the pages slowly, so Momma could see there wasn’t anything written on any of them.

    Momma glared at her blistered fingers, curled like talons, in her lap. I don’t understand. Why does it allow you to touch it, but not me? Why does it allow you to open it, but still refuse to share its secrets?

    Channie held her breath…and her tongue. Momma was crazy, not stupid. She had to know the book wasn’t cooperating because it belonged to Josh, not her. She just refused to admit it.

    Momma banged the back of her skull against the headrest and swore. When she calmed down, it was like flipping a switch. She lowered the sun visor and patted her hair as she checked her reflection in the mirror. Not that it did any good. She still looked like a crazy witch. But as long as she didn’t act like one, Channie didn’t care. Is it okay if I go use the facilities?

    You have five minutes to go do your business and get back out here. Don’t talk to anyone.

    There was no doubt in Channie’s mind that disobeying Momma would trigger the death-pledge so she kept her eyes on the ground as she ran across the parking lot and into the cement building.

    When she got back to the car, Momma had put the Book of the Dead back in its velvet sack. It was sitting on the driver’s seat. Channie picked it up. What do you want me to do with it?

    Momma blinked. A tear leaked out of the corner of her eye. Put it in the back seat.

    The rest of the trip, while long and exhausting, was uneventful. By the time they got to Whistler’s Gulch, Channie could barely keep her eyes open. Momma took over driving.

    Channie was surprised when Momma turned left at the fork. Veyjivik trackers will be watching the cabin. We can’t go home.

    My protection spells will keep ‘em away.

    Please don’t think I’m being sassy, but…your protection spells aren’t foolproof.

    Momma backhanded Channie without even looking at her.

    She licked her split lip and tasted blood.

    When they got to the cabin, Momma parked right in the front yard, in plain sight. What happened to the oak tree? And my rose garden?

    Channie kept her bleeding mouth shut. She wasn’t about to tell Momma that Josh had accidentally destroyed ninety percent of the plants in the front yard when he got his power-name.

    Momma got out and slammed the door. She paced around the yard, fingering what remained of the shrubs she’d used for protection spells. Maybe now, she’d see how dangerous it would be to stay.

    Channie sighed with relief when Momma got back in the car and started the engine. Josh and I lived in a shack out by the old bauxite quarry.

    I ain’t living in no shack.

    The trackers are watching Aunt Wisdom’s place, too. They’ll find us.

    Momma patted Channie’s knee. Don’t worry about a thing, baby girl. Momma’ll protect you.

    Until it’s time to kill me.

    Momma drove back into Whistler’s Gulch. She bought a twelve-gauge shotgun, a couple boxes of ammo and every shrub in Walmart’s garden center. She filled the trunk and backseat with plants then tucked another five bushes around Channie in the passenger seat.

    Channie’s heart sank even lower as they drove back home. Hunter Feenie had defeated Momma’s protection spells last summer when the plants were at their prime. These little spring saplings weren’t going to hold enough magic to keep out a mouse, much less a tracker.


    The first thing Josh noticed when he woke up was the pain. A sharp-edged ache in the center of his chest throbbed with every beat of his heart, echoing the agony behind his eyes. He groaned and pried his lids open. It took him a moment to recognize the speckled, sound-dampening ceiling tiles, sage green walls and eighty-four inch flatscreen TV. What the hell was he doing at Dad’s house?

    Daddy! Josh is awake. The high-pitched, childish voice ratcheted Josh’s pain to a whole new level of agony.

    Two identical, tear-stained faces leaned over him. Double vision, migraine, confusion, lethargy…he must have a concussion. Josh squinted, but couldn’t merge the images. When a third face appeared, identical to the other two except for a lack of tears, Josh squeezed his eyes shut.

    A small, warm hand patted his cheek. You can’t go back to sleep. Channie needs you.

    Get back, CoCo. Let him breathe. The man’s voice was hoarse with a light Spanish accent. He’s not going to remember anything.

    Josh slowly rolled his head to the side and forced his eyes open once more. The man was about twenty with dark skin, hair and eyes. He’d also been crying.

    Who are you?

    The little boys chattered at the same time, making it impossible to understand any of them.

    Dial it back a bit. I have a headache. Josh rubbed his temples but it didn’t help.

    One of the kids cocked his head to the side. Use a pain-away spell.

    Josh fought through the pain, dizziness and nausea to sit up. Okay, what’s going on?

    The man sighed, long and loud. You’re not going to believe this.

    Twenty minutes later, Josh had two theories. Either Diego and his sons were crazy or this was all an elaborate prank.

    He was leaning towards prank. Eric must have slipped something into his Pepsi while he wasn’t looking then brought him to Dad’s house after he passed out. But what about this guy and his kids? Had Eric hired them? It seemed like too much effort for a prank.

    I don’t want to sound insensitive, but if your wife was murdered right in front of you, just two hours ago, how come everyone’s so calm?

    One of the boys—Josh still couldn’t tell them apart, but he thought it was Savvy—spoke up. CoCo cast a be-calm spell on all of us. That’s why you ain’t freaking out.

    Believe me, I’m freaking out on the inside. Josh stared at the wedding band on his left hand. It wouldn’t be hard to slip a ring on his finger while he was unconscious. And there’s no way in hell I got married.

    Check the photos on your phone. Diego closed his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck. There’s a picture of you and Channie at your wedding.

    Any semi-competent graphic artist can photoshop a picture. That doesn’t prove anything. Josh opened the photo app on his phone. He drew an involuntary breath as pain lanced his heart.

    He expected a posed photo of a bride and groom with his head cloned onto the groom’s body. What he saw was a photo of himself, dressed much as he was now, in jeans and a t-shirt. A look of pure joy on his face. The girl was also wearing casual clothes, but she was more beautiful than any bride he’d ever seen.

    Gold light shot out of the center of Josh’s chest. He covered it with his hand, but the light still shone through his fingers. What the hell? What is that?

    What is what?

    Josh lowered his hand. This light—shooting out of my chest. You don’t see it?

    Diego shook his head. Do you guys see what he’s talking about?

    Zeal and CoCo shook their heads.

    Savvy nodded. It’s your heart-bond.

    How come you and I are the only ones that can see it? Josh rubbed his chest again. And why does it hurt?

    Savvy shrugged. Most mages can’t see someone else’s heart-bond. But I’m special.

    CoCo rolled his eyes. You are not.

    Savvy ignored him. It hurts because Channie hurts. She’s scared and she misses you.

    The thought ripped the hole in Josh’s heart wide open. An electric current prickled his skin. It was a mild sensation, sort of like putting on a statically charged sweater. The hair on his arms stood on end as a wave of peace washed over him. What was that?

    Another be-calm spell. Savvy sank to the floor and yawned. Knock it off, CoCo.

    If you don’t want to get hit, get out of the way.

    The image on Josh’s phone drew his gaze like a magnet. No way would a gorgeous girl like that go out with me, much less marry me.

    Diego laughed, but it sounded more like a broken sob. Go look in the mirror.

    Josh needed to pee anyway. But when he saw his reflection in the bathroom mirror, he forgot all about his bladder.

    He no longer resembled a beanpole. He inhaled and grinned as his chest expanded. He twisted sideways. The view was just as impressive. Broad shoulders; deep, sculpted chest; strong neck; eight-pack abs. He yanked his shirt off and flexed his muscles. His lats flared like a cobra’s hood. His biceps bulged. "Damn. When and how did I get so ripped?"

    He could dismiss the ring and the photo as a prank. He could almost convince himself that the weird, intermittent glow pulsing out of his chest was some sort of migraine symptom affecting his vision. But nothing—not even steroids—could produce that much muscle overnight. Even his face looked stronger, older. What happened to me?

    The last thing Josh remembered was sitting on a picnic table in Heritage Park talking to Eric. Which, according to the calendar app on his phone as well as the dozen or so websites he’d checked, was over six months ago. Not last night. Josh flexed his muscles again then put his shirt on. He went back to the media room and leaned against the door jamb. Okay. I’ll admit that things are beyond weird, even unexplainable. But that doesn’t mean magic is real.

    Believe. Don’t believe. Diego shrugged. "I don’t care. But Channie gave up everything for you and she’s in danger."

    Then we need to call the cops.

    This time when Diego laughed, there was no mistaking the bitterness. "What are you gonna tell them? Prudence destroyed all the evidence with your magic."

    What do you mean she used my magic?

    She put one hand on your stomach and the other over your heart then recited a poem about borrowing power. Your back arched until only your feet and the back of your head touched the floor. Then ‘poof.’ Diego flung his hands up in the air. "Everything was gone. The blood, the dirt, the plants…Abby. Just…gone. As if none of it had ever happened. Call the cops if you want. But all they’ll do is lock you up in the looney bin."

    What do you want me to do?

    Diego gripped Josh’s shoulder with one hand and tapped his glowing chest with the other. Listen to your heart, man. You have an unbreakable bond with Channie. It will lead us straight to her. And to the crazy bitch that killed my Abby.

    I’m sorry about your wife. Josh patted Diego’s hand then lifted it off his shoulder.

    "I can’t deny that I feel something for Channie. His heart hurt every time he thought about that photo on his phone. But I don’t remember her. Magic isn’t real. And there’s nothing I can do to help you."

    Diego narrowed his eyes at Josh. Can you at least give us a ride to the bus station?

    I don’t have a car.

    You have a Rav4. Diego dropped his chin and groaned. But it’s sitting in the parking lot at your school.

    Josh shoved his hand in his front pocket and found a set of Toyota keys. I have a car?

    You need to go get it as soon as possible.

    Why? Is it parked in the teacher’s lot or something? If Dad had finally given Josh the car he’d wanted for the past two years, it’d be just his luck for it to get towed.

    No, wait. I’ve got it. Josh held his hand up and recited a small piece of the story Diego had told him. My stripper roommate gave me a pillowcase full of cash as a wedding present before my bride and I left Las Vegas to escape her crazy mother that wants to cut her heart out.

    This is not a joke. Diego spoke through gritted teeth.

    Then what is it? A scam?

    "You think I want your money? Diego’s face darkened. All I want is to save the life of your wife and make her momma pay for killing mine."

    Look, I’m sorry. But try to see things from my perspective—

    You are not the man I knew. Diego turned and stomped out of the room. Come on, boys. We’re leaving.

    At least let me pay for a cab to take you to the bus station.

    Diego glared at Josh. I told you. I don’t want your money.

    I already apologized. But I’ll say it again. I’m sorry.

    One of the triplets tugged on Josh’s hand. We’re hungry.

    Diego sighed. You’ll have to wait until we get to the bus station.

    Josh didn’t want to further insult Diego, but he wasn’t about to send those kids away hungry. My stepmom doesn’t cook, but there’s usually something to snack on in the kitchen. If it’s okay with your dad, we can go check.

    Diego gave a curt nod of his head.

    You want anything?

    No. Diego declined, but followed his sons into the kitchen.

    A foil-covered, glass baking pan on the counter drew Josh’s attention. What’s this?

    He lifted the foil.

    Pain exploded behind his eyes as a fragment of a memory flashed across his mind…A mouth-watering aroma; a dutch oven buried in coals; a beautiful voice, full of love and pride. I made cornbread, just for you.

    And then it was gone. All except for the headache.

    Josh? Are you okay? Diego ducked under Josh’s arm and half-carried-half-dragged him into the dining room. He lowered him to a chair then pulled one out for himself. What happened?

    I remembered…something.

    What was it?

    I think it was…cornbread?

    Diego rocked forward and dropped his head into his hands.

    Another wave of calming energy swept over Josh.

    Diego slumped onto the table. CoCo. You gotta stop doing that. It’s gonna drain you.

    I don’t want you to cry every time you think about Momma.

    Josh told the boys to help themselves to the cornbread. His mouth wasn’t the only thing watering. He didn’t think he could look at that pan without tearing up. Why did the thought of cornbread make everyone so sad?

    When the taxi pulled into the drive, Diego pulled Josh into an unexpected hug. Call me if you need anything. My number’s in your phone.

    Savvy, Zeal and CoCo flung their arms around Josh’s legs and clung to him. There was something undeniably familiar about the simple act of affection that made it hard to swallow. Josh leaned over to hug them and cleared his throat. Maybe we’ll run into each other again someday.

    CoCo lifted his chin and locked his gaze on Josh’s eyes. You can bet cash money on that.

    Josh didn’t want to admit it, not even to himself, but he felt connected to those little boys. The sight of them waving good-bye from the departing taxi tugged at his already aching heart.

    Josh decided he needed a long, hard ride to clear his head. He resisted the urge to look at the photo on his phone again and inspected the bikes in the garage instead. All three of his BMX bikes needed air. Dad’s mountain bike was the only one ready to ride. He wouldn’t mind if Josh borrowed it, especially if he tuned it up when he got back.

    Josh rode south until he hooked into the Boulder Creek Bike Trail at Fourth and Canyon. The scenic route along the stream was always crowded, but when he rode up on a group of old farts, riding side by side, blocking the trail, it really pissed him off.

    They huffed and puffed their way up the slightest incline then rode their brakes down even the gentlest slopes.

    Josh spotted a gap and called out, On your left as he shot into it.

    The guy on his right swerved. Josh grabbed the man’s handlebar and steadied his bike to keep him from crashing. But instead of thanking him, the old guy cussed him out.

    Josh made sure the obnoxious idiot was balanced before releasing his grip. When someone says ‘on your left,’ it means move over, not look over your shoulder.

    Why do all you young punks think you have to zip along the trail as if your pants are on fire? This isn’t a race track.

    It’s not a geriatric track either. Josh wasn’t usually rude to old people so he kept that thought to himself. But this guy and his friends were a hazard. It’d be safer for everyone if you guys rode single file.

    The old guy flipped him off.

    Josh considered hopping off the trail when he got to the underpass below Twenty-eighth Street. But all it would take to end his racing career, if not his life, was for some jerk reading a text to swerve into the designated bike lane.

    When he got to Stazio Fields, Josh left the bike path and headed south on backroads.

    The more he thought about Diego and the triplets, the less sense it made. He should have been totally freaked out when he woke up in Dad’s house with a room full of strangers. Why hadn’t he called 911, or at least Dad, the instant he woke up?

    Diego must have drugged him. That didn’t explain the missing six months of Josh’s life, or his new and improved body, but there’s no way he would have sat there and listened to Diego’s ridiculous story without totally freaking out unless he’d been sedated.

    Maybe he was the victim of some sort of mind control experiment. Why else would he feel so drawn to a girl he’d never met? Maybe it was a plot to steal his trust fund. Diego claimed he didn’t want Josh’s money, and hadn’t even let him pay for a cab, but that could just be a ploy to get him to trust him. If Diego and Channie could convince Josh he was married to her and that she was in extreme danger then he’d just fork over the whole thing. They obviously didn’t know he couldn’t touch it until he was twenty-one.

    Great. Add paranoia to the list.

    By the time Josh got to South Boulder Road, his chest hurt so badly he could barely breathe. He stopped and pulled his phone out of his pocket. The glare from the sun kept him from seeing Channie, but just knowing it was her image on the screen eased the ache in his heart. Yep. I’m definitely going crazy.

    He shoved his phone back in his pocket and kicked off. Ordinarily, he would have continued on to Cherryvale, since it had less traffic, but something inside him insisted he head east on the more direct route into Louisville. He turned right onto McCaslin Boulevard without thinking about it then veered off into the neighborhood surrounding Harper Lake. Josh rubbed his aching chest and pedaled harder. When he passed the Louisville Rec Center, he knew where he was going. Heritage Park. He just didn’t know why.


    Josh dismounted in front of a slightly neglected house on West Juniper Court, next to the park. The weird light in his chest pulsed as he stared at the far right window on the second floor. He considered knocking on the door, just to see who lived there. But it looked empty. And even if it weren’t, what was he supposed to say? Hey, I have this weird feeling about your house. Mind if I have a look around?

    He pushed Dad’s bike along the gravel path that led into the park. The ride to Heritage Park had taken a little over two hours, but Josh wasn’t any closer to figuring out what the hell was going on. He leaned the bike against the concrete building that housed the bathrooms then filled his water bottles from the drinking fountain.

    He sat at the same picnic table that he and Eric had been sitting at last night…no. Not last night. Six months ago. The yellow and purple crocus blooming in the planter box next to the playground meant it was spring, not fall.

    He pulled out his phone and stared at the wedding photo. He enlarged it until Channie’s face filled the screen. Who are you? And what sort of spell have you cast over me?

    Josh laughed. Spell. Yeah, right.

    He needed to talk to someone. Someone he knew. Someone he could trust. And someone that wouldn’t haul his ass off to the emergency room which meant someone other than Mom or Dad.

    He didn’t want to explain anything over the phone, so he texted Kassie.

    Need 2 talk. 911 Heritage Park.

    She responded immediately. On my way.

    Josh met her at the parking lot behind the baseball diamond. His jaw dropped when she got out of the car. "You…you’re…pregnant!"

    No shit, Sherlock. What’s up?


    Josh? Kassie’s eyebrows puckered. What’s wrong. Where’s Channie?

    Oh god. It’s real.

    What’s real? You’re scaring me.

    Josh wrapped his arms around Kassie. Her baby kicked him. You couldn’t fake that. Let’s go sit down. You aren’t going to believe this.

    Josh led her to the picnic tables and told her about waking up in Dad’s basement with no memory of how he got there. He told her about finding Diego and the triplets. He told her about his amnesia. He told her that Channie’s mother forced her to leave and that Diego believed she was in danger.

    He did not tell her Diego’s wild story about how Channie’s mom had forced him to kidnap Josh to save his own family. He didn’t tell her about Abby’s murder or Diego’s claim that Josh had magical abilities.

    The color drained from Kassie’s face. Why didn’t you go with Diego? You have to find Channie!

    Do you think she’s in danger? Josh’s stomach twisted.

    Her parents are horrible! Kassie’s eyes filled with tears. I can’t believe you just let her go.

    "I don’t know what happened, but I do know that I didn’t let her go. Light pulsed out of the center of Josh’s chest. It lit up the side of Kassie’s face, but she didn’t react. She didn’t even blink. Josh lowered his voice to a whisper, even though the park was deserted. Do you see anything…weird?"

    Like what?

    Like a golden glow pulsing out of my chest? If she did, she would have mentioned it already. Josh didn’t want to freak Kassie out any more than he already had by getting into the whole magic thing. So he raised his right arm and flexed. Like, how I’ve bulked up.

    You came back from Arkansas like that. Kassie smirked and elbowed his ribs. You left a boy and came home a man.

    You think I lost my V card?

    Kassie frowned. You really don’t remember?

    Josh shook his head. Of all the things to forget, why did it have to be that?

    Kassie rested a hand on her baby bump. What are you going to do?

    I don’t know. Josh propped his elbows on his knees and leaned forward. I guess I should have gone with Diego.

    Kassie moved her hand to Josh’s shoulder. You don’t know him very well.

    "I don’t know him at all."

    Why don’t you call Hunter?

    The stripper I shared an apartment with in Vegas?

    Kassie’s eyes widened. Hunter’s a stripper?

    According to Diego. He also claimed that Hunter gave Channie and me a sack full of money before we left Vegas…he thinks I left it in my car. Even with the keys poking his thigh, Josh found it hard to believe that Dad had finally caved and given him a car. Do I have a car?

    Yeah. Uncle Ezra gave it to you after Channie broke up with you.

    Channie broke up with me? Josh’s voice cracked.

    Yeah, but it was before you guys got married. Kassie grabbed Josh’s hand and hopped off the picnic table. Come on.

    Josh stood up. Where are we going?

    To get your money.

    Josh locked Dad’s bike in the rack by the baseball diamond and followed Kassie to her car. She chattered nonstop as she drove, filling in some of the gaps in Diego’s story. Most of those gaps concerned Kassie and her relationship with Hunter.

    She glanced at Josh and caught him staring at the wedding photo on his phone. I can’t believe you haven’t already made that your screensaver.

    Might as well make it my wallpaper, too. Josh’s heart warmed as he made the switch. I can’t believe I’m really married. How did that affect my racing career?

    Kassie cringed and sucked in a quick breath. Yeah, about that…


    Josh couldn’t breathe. His entire body was a ticking time bomb. Pull over.



    Kassie pulled off the road and unlocked the doors. Are you sick?

    Josh bolted out of the car without answering. If he opened his mouth, he’d scream. He wanted to hit something. He wanted to kill something. An old oak tree drew his attention. Without realizing what he was doing, or why, Josh pointed at the tree. A fluorescent bolt of red light shot out of his hand. The tree exploded.

    Josh stared at his tingling, but uninjured, palm then shifted his gaze to Kassie.

    Her eyes, and mouth, were matching circles of astonishment.

    Josh rubbed his palms on his thighs. You saw that?

    It’s kind of hard to miss an exploding tree. She swiveled her head and scanned the sky. There’s not a single cloud, anywhere. And no thunder. Did you hear any thunder?


    I didn’t see any lightning either. Did you?

    No. Nothing but a red bolt of energy shooting out of his bare hand that, apparently, no one but he could see.

    Josh walked over to the blackened hole in the ground, all that remained of the old tree. He glanced at his still tingling palm then fisted his hand. What would have happened if he hadn’t gotten out of the car in time? Would he have hurt Kassie? Or her baby? The thought tied his stomach into knots.

    Kassie tugged on Josh’s hand. Let’s go see if we can find that sack of money.

    Neither of them spoke until they got to the nearly empty parking lot at Monarch High. Kassie parked next to a cherry red Rav4 and cut the engine. She circled his car like a shark, peeking in the windows. I can’t see inside. Unlock it.

    Josh fumbled the keys out of his pocket and pressed the middle button on the fob. Kassie yanked the back passenger side door open and crawled inside. Holy shit!

    She backed out dragging a lumpy pillowcase. She plunged her hand into the bag and pulled out a fistful of bills.

    Josh grabbed the sack of money and shoved it back in the car. Are you crazy? What if someone sees this?

    Hey, I’m not the one that hauled it to school in the back of my car.

    Josh shoved his hands in his hair. I have no idea where this money came from. What if it’s stolen? What if it’s drug money? What if—

    Kassie pinched Josh’s lips shut. Why don’t you just call Hunter and ask him?

    Josh lifted his chin, freeing his mouth. I don’t know Hunter. How about you call him for me?

    Kassie pressed her lips together and shook her head.

    Why not?

    That son of a bitch asked me to marry him and then disappeared without so much as a word.

    He asked you to marry him? What was wrong with everyone? You’re not even out of high school.

    Neither are you. Kassie huffed and crossed her arms over her baby bump.

    I need to go get Dad’s bike. Meet me at Mom’s, okay?

    Oh, hell no. I’m not getting caught in that crossfire.

    What are you talking about?

    You moved in with Uncle Ezra when Aunt Marge refused to let Channie in the house.

    Mom and I are fighting? Josh couldn’t imagine things getting so bad that he’d move out.

    You gave up racing and got married, what do you think?

    I think I’m screwed.

    Chapter Two


    Hunter didn’t even bother counting the night’s haul before he shoved the money into the pillowcase in the back of his closet. It’d been at least two weeks since he’d strengthened the touch-me-not spell on the sack of live mistletoe he used to protect his stash. He was too tired to deal with it tonight. He stripped out of his clothes and crawled into bed.

    But he couldn’t fall asleep. He couldn’t stop thinking about Channie and Josh. They’d all agreed that it would be safer to not call each other unless it was an emergency. Extreme loneliness didn’t qualify. He couldn’t even call Ms. Stephanie for a quick roll in the sack. That was a one-way deal. Hunter was on call twenty-four hours a day, and by gawd, he’d better not keep her waiting. He knew her most recent gift, a Kawasaki ZX-14R, wasn’t just to make him happy. It was to cut down on the time it took for him to answer her booty calls.

    Sex with Ms. Stephanie was fun. That woman knew all sorts of tricks. But it was a temporary distraction, and left Hunter feeling more lonely than ever. He laced his fingers behind his head and studied the cracks in the ceiling. He wondered if Kassie missed him at all. He wished she hadn’t dumped his sorry ass.

    This is stupid. Hunter punched his pillow then got out of bed and took a quick shower. He didn’t bother shaving his face, or anything else. Ms. Stephanie insisted that he keep his entire body as smooth as a baby’s butt. One trip to the waxing salon was all it took for him to know that wasn’t for him. If she called, he’d let it go to voicemail and claim his battery died. He was in no mood to entertain Ms. Stephanie.

    He cast a balance spell, a quick-reflex spell, a listen-up spell and a bright-eyes spell on himself before putting on his helmet. All that magic wore him out, but he was putting his life on the line every time he got on that bike. That didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy it.

    Hunter headed north on Interstate 15 with no destination in mind. Once he was out of city limits, he opened up the throttle and worked his way up the gears. At about seventy miles an hour he really got on it. The front wheel lifted off the pavement into a hair-raising wheelie. He held it for a good fifteen seconds before easing off the throttle and leaning forward to bring that bad-boy back to earth. No wonder Ms. Stephanie called it a crotch rocket.

    It took less than an hour to get to Mesquite. He pulled into a 7-Eleven to buy the biggest cup of that frozen red drink he liked so much, even though it always gave him a headache. A girl, sitting on the back of a motorcycle, was playing with her cell phone. Hunter tipped his head in greeting, but she didn’t even look up. Whatever was on that phone must be pretty fascinating.

    Hunter didn’t know enough about the different brands of motorcycles to know if hers was faster than his. But he wanted to find out.

    A guy charged out of the store just as Hunter reached for the door. He jumped to the side to keep from being knocked over. Take it easy there, buddy.

    The guy ignored him and yelled at the girl, What the hell are you doing with my phone?

    Hunter set his helmet on the sidewalk, ready to step in if the guy got rough.

    The girl stood up on the buddy pegs then swung her right leg over the back of the bike and hopped to the ground. "I was looking for that picture you took of us yesterday and found this."

    She turned the phone around and glared at the guy. Hunter couldn’t help noticing there was an awful lot of pink skin on the screen.

    The guy’s eyes widened. You have no right to invade my privacy.

    Oh boy. Wrong thing to say.

    The girl’s energy field pulsed with equal amounts of grief and anger, while the guy just projected guilt.

    "No right? The girl’s lips parted as she shook her head. You cheated on me and you have the nerve to accuse me of invading your privacy?"

    Look, Renee, it was just a one-time fling. It didn’t mean anything. The idiot still hadn’t apologized.

    Renee’s face turned so red, it glowed. If it didn’t mean anything, why’d you take pictures?

    It won’t happen again, I promise.

    You bet it won’t happen again. We’re through.

    Get back on the bike.

    Screw you. I’d rather walk to Vegas.

    Fine. Then walk. Nice knowing you. The guy got on the motorcycle, revved the engine and took off down the highway.

    Hunter couldn’t believe it. They were out in the middle of nowhere. What kind of scoundrel abandons a pretty little thing like that in the middle of the desert? He touched her shoulder. Pardon me, miss, but I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation. Can I give you a lift?

    Renee blinked then looked at Hunter. Tears clung to the thick lashes framing her big, brown eyes. I don’t know you.

    Is there someone you can call? To come get you?

    She shook her head then froze. Panic lit up her energy field.

    Hunter never used magic to seduce women, and he wasn’t going to start now. But this girl was in trouble. He used the tiniest bit of power he could and cast a weak come-hither spell on her. Just enough to get her to trust him.

    She licked her lips and swallowed. You don’t look like a serial killer.

    I’m Hunter. He smiled and held out his hand. And I promise you, Miss Renee, you’re safe with me.

    Her smile lit up her face. I don’t know why, but I believe you.

    Where would you like to go?

    Anywhere. Anywhere at all.

    Hunter took Highway 169 to the east entrance of the Valley of Fire State Park. Renee’s arms around his waist felt…safe. She was a beautiful young woman, tall and thin, but athletic. Her straight black hair whipped around her shoulders and flicked his neck. He couldn’t help wondering what it would be like to have a normal girlfriend. Someone that wasn’t twice his age or married to someone else. Someone that didn’t look down her nose at him, even if she was knocked up with someone else’s baby. Damn it. He didn’t want to think about Kassie.

    When they got back to Vegas, Hunter tried three different restaurants before he found one that would serve them without a reservation. He felt a twinge of guilt as he used the credit card Ms. Stephanie had given him, but it wasn’t like he was cheating on her. He was just taking a nice girl out to supper. He also bought a couple of tickets from a scalper to Mystère, his favorite Cirque du Soleil show. The tickets took most of the cash in his wallet, but the look of wonder on Renee’s face as she watched the performers was worth every penny.

    The come-hither spell wore off sometime just before intermission, but Renee didn’t seem to notice. She didn’t bolt. She didn’t jerk her hand out of his or move her head off his shoulder. Hunter would have loved to take her back to his apartment, and do nothing but hold her in his arms while she slept. But he’d already dodged two of Ms. Stephanie’s calls. He wasn’t any better than Renee’s cheating boyfriend. She deserved someone that could be there for her all the time. Someone that wasn’t entangled in an adulterous affair. They stood outside the theater, holding hands, until the crowd thinned. Hunter loved that he could gaze directly into her eyes, without looking down. He didn’t want the evening to end, but he needed to get ready for work. And for the first time since he’d started dancing for money, Hunter was ashamed to admit that he was an exotic dancer.

    "I’ve had a really nice time with you,

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