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Stay Fit for Life: Everything You Need to Get a Slim, Fit and Healthy Body
Stay Fit for Life: Everything You Need to Get a Slim, Fit and Healthy Body
Stay Fit for Life: Everything You Need to Get a Slim, Fit and Healthy Body
Ebook77 pages47 minutes

Stay Fit for Life: Everything You Need to Get a Slim, Fit and Healthy Body

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

It is only natural for anyone to believe that weight loss is such a simple process to accomplish. There are many advertisements presented on television that gives quick and easy solutions to losing weight. They are guaranteed to work and, of course, they do. However, they don't work for your whole life.

Fortunately, weight loss is a simple process but, unfortunately, it takes time. The fact that the so-called specialists are giving you the quick and easy method is so they can leach money off of you. If you want a healthier way to lose weight and to stay fit for the rest of your life, then moving towards the natural way is the one that you should be looking for.

This book will be giving you advice on weight loss and how to stay fit throughout your life so you can throw away your diet pills and pointless weight loss programs that you've been subscribing too.
Release dateApr 26, 2016
Stay Fit for Life: Everything You Need to Get a Slim, Fit and Healthy Body

Patricia Williams

Patricia J. Williams is the James L. Dohr Professor of Law Emerita at Columbia Law School and the longtime former “Diary of a Mad Law Professor” columnist for The Nation. She is a MacArthur fellow and the author of six books, including The Alchemy of Race and Rights, Open House, and The Miracle of the Black Leg (The New Press). She is currently a University Distinguished Professor of Law and Humanities at Northeastern University in Boston, where she lives.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    As a life-long health buff, I have probably bought and read dozens of health books, most of which turned out to be riding on a mere fad. But quite rarely, I find something that stands out from the rest of what?s currently out there?and one of such books is Patricia Williams? ?Stay fit for Life.?The book is a jaw-dropping, thorough discussion of exactly what the title says: how to stay fit not for a month, or a year, but FOR LIFE. When I say this book is comprehensive, I?m not kidding: the book meticulously addresses every existing aspect of this whole health game?what to avoid, why we fail, and what we can effectively do to really hit the nail on the head. Heck, this is the only book that I?ve ever read that discusses exhaustively all the pointless, self-defeating things we?ve all been doing for the sake of weight loss, such as all those myths that surround us, fads that don?t work, why skipping meals is just more trouble, and so on. And that?s only for starters. Patricia Williams? writing is also worth commending?she is easy to understand, entertaining even, that it?s a pleasure reading this book. Overall, getting a copy of ?Stay Fit for Life? is a great investment. Finally, here is something that shows us the big picture, as well as the vital details. Those who genuinely care about their health and that of their loved ones must get a copy of this book today?also an awesome gift to the people you care about. A sold five-star rating for this one.

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Stay Fit for Life - Patricia Williams



© 2013 by Patricia Williams

ISBN 9781456617561

All rights reserved. The reproduction or utilization of this work in whole in part, in any form by any print, electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

Any information provided in this book is through the author’s interpretation. The author has done strenuous work to reassure the accuracy of this subject. If you wish you attempt any of the practices provided in this book, you are doing so with your own responsibility. The author will not be held accountable for any misinterpretations or misrepresentations of the information provided here. 



Chapter 1:  Weight Loss Negativity

Types of Skinnies

The Hard Workers

The Lucky Bunch

The Ones Who Want to be You

The Diet Rules

Have a Plan

Be Positive

Be Conscious of Your Actions

Make Realistic Goals

Keep Going

The Myth Game


Slow Metabolism

Skipping on Meals

Walking is Pointless

Exercise is Everything

Chapter 2:  Weight Loss Positives

Making Goals

Be Specific

Make Sure it’s Doable

Make Progress

Stay Motivated

Your Habits

Chapter 3:  Failing and Succeeding

Hitting the Dead End

The Mini-Plateaus

The Big Plateaus

Why We Are Addicted

The Real World

Chapter 4:  Basic Healthy Workouts

Successful Maintenance

Be Goal Oriented

Balance it Out

Gain Supporters

Necessary Calories

Simple Cardiovascular Exercises

Chapter 5:  Basic Abs Workout

Leg Thrust

Abdominal Bicycles

Reverse Crunches

Abdominal Crunches

Abdominal Scissors



Chapter 6:  Food for Thought

Nutrition Rules

Perfection is not Necessary

Stay Within Your Limit

Eat Consistently

Eat Protein


Fruits and Vegetables


Fibrous Carbs

Winging Weight Loss



Wouldn’t it be wonderful if life allowed you to eat whatever you want without gaining a single pound? It would be bliss wouldn’t it?

You no longer have to worry about watching your weight, or searching through the refrigerator for a low-calorie snack because you’re almost at your limit, or having to exercise those excessive calories off, or having to painfully decide whether or not you should eat that delicious cake sitting on your kitchen table waiting for you to come take a piece of it.

Unfortunately, life does not work that wonderfully because even if you didn’t have to worry about the calories that you’re gaining, then you would have to worry about the type of food that you’re putting in your body.

Well, it’s obvious by now that losing weight isn’t easy. If this is your first diet then welcome aboard and hope that you’ll stay on.

If this isn’t your first diet then please continue and figure out the reason as to why your previous methods have not worked. Yes it does suck that losing weight isn’t as easy as gaining weight.

It’s harder to put off the amount of calories that you’re eating per day than to gain additional calories in one day. We all want weight loss to be simple and it has been wrongly emphasized that weight loss works best when you eat less and work out more.

It’s also been wrongly emphasized that diet pills will help you lose weight. Honestly, if the concept of weight loss was that simple then how would obesity be possible?

Sadly, obesity is possible and it’s occurring on a daily basis. The reason is due to the high level of fast food restaurants located all around us. However, before we can move into the deeper portion of the weight loss system, we have to know the basis of why our bodies make it difficult for us to lose weight in the first place.

The reason is simply due to our ancestors. That’s right. It’s their fault and the environment they were raised in. Due to the lack of available food back then, our ancestors made sure to eat as much food as possible before their starvation period started again.

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