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The Full Moons: Topical Letters In Esoteric Astrology
The Full Moons: Topical Letters In Esoteric Astrology
The Full Moons: Topical Letters In Esoteric Astrology
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The Full Moons: Topical Letters In Esoteric Astrology

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The Full Moons is an exploration of the Sun the Moon, the Truth and their interrelation, and it is the culmination of over ten years of letters the author has written on esoteric astrology. A compendium of topics in esoteric astrology, it explores the emerging universal spirituality, gradually unfolding through the current decades as seen from the perspective of topical world events, even though the principles investigated therein are timeless. The twelve astrological signs each give a unique insight into various aspects of spirituality, and each one has its own story to tell on the great evolutionary path of the soul. Because the soul is so dear to us, even though the subject matter of the book is esoteric in its presentation, there is something in its pages for everyone, whether or not you have an astrological background. Ultimately, this book can be used as reference material for the times of the full moon each month and for specified times in between. The book is extensively indexed for ease of reference and it contains abundant reference material in the appendices, along with a glossary of esoteric terminology.
Release dateApr 26, 2016
The Full Moons: Topical Letters In Esoteric Astrology

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    The Full Moons - Malvin Artley



    Three things cannot be hidden: the moon, the sun and the truth…

    The cycles of the moon and the sun have been central to the development of human life, society and consciousness throughout the ages. Since before recorded history we planted according to the moon, structured our activities around the seasons, conceived and gave birth to our babies in tune with the lunar phases. Our cultures evolved celebrations, festivals and commemorations of important events by marking the interrelationship of the sun and moon, and we learned to anticipate impending major events in our societies by the passage of eclipses. The sun and the moon were the first ‘planets’ we observed as we evolved the numerous astrological systems in our various world cultures. Up until very recently in human history, when the electric light bulb replaced our reliance on fire and the sun, we based the very rhythm of life itself on the rising and setting of the sun. When the sun gave light to the day, we were conscious in our phenomenal world. At night, when the only light available was from the moon or from fires, we entered the realm of dreams and subjective realities. Modern societies have lost touch with these cycles, yet the cycles still function, though more subconsciously these days.

    If we only stop and investigate a little, these cycles of relation between the sun and the moon still remain valid in our lives. Many emergency medical specialists may be able to tell you, for instance, when the moon is full, because the emergency wards of hospitals often do a booming business at those times. There is currently little scientific evidence from studies to support this, but I have heard directly from emergency workers who swear by the fact. The same is said to be true of psychiatric wards. Experienced hairdressers can tell you that getting one’s hair cut on the waxing moon gives a fuller and more rapid growth of hair. Biodynamic and organic farmers plan by the moon for planting and animal husbandry. The tides rise and fall according to the moon. Animals spawn and mate according to the moon and only in certain seasons, as proscribed by the sun. Yes, the physical cycles of the sun and moon are still very much in evidence if we care to look, yet in our modern age we seem to want to deny them, to think the wisdom and lore about them to be ancient mythology, or that they do not apply in our enlightened times. Such is the arrogance of our materialistic world: to think that nature and extra-planetary bodies have no effect on human life, that we are somehow above such influences. Yet, such is not the case. Aside from physical effects, the sun, moon and planets have a profound effect upon our subjective states of being, as any astrologer can tell you.

    Our languages and thus our systems of learning have evolved around these very solar/lunar cycles. The sun has always been associated with life, vigor, objectivity and the ability to rule over the environment and people. It is equated with the masculine—yang—with luminescence and the furtherance of culture. Light has a connection with enlightenment and revelation, thus the sun’s association with learning and spirituality. The moon, as the complementary polarity, has always been associated with the processes of conception, gestation and birth, women’s cycles, tradition, generation. Thus it is equated with the feminine, the subjective side of life—yin—and with the less understood manifestations of the human psyche, hence our references in language to lunatics and the like. Though in some ancient cultures the moon was seen as a masculine deity and the sun as feminine.¹

    Religious and moral disciplines frequently use the sun and moon in their symbolism. In Tibetan Buddhist tantra, for instance, the sun is seen as the symbol of the method aspect, whereas the moon is equated with wisdom. When method and wisdom are united, then full enlightenment is said to be possible. Method is equated with the male, or father, whereas wisdom is equated with the feminine, or mother. The sun and the moon in the Buddhist system signify the two halves of the very essence of the path to enlightenment—the yang and yin—of the Great Enlightenment.

    The quote at the opening of this foreword is a simplification of a longer quote from The Book of Threes of the Pali Canon,² but has been variously attributed to either the Buddha or to Confucius.³ The fact that it is in our consciousness is enough, and it goes straight to the heart of the purpose of this little work. It is not my intent here to enter into a discussion about the lunar phases and their significance, or the mechanics of the soli-lunar cycles. That has been more than adequately covered in other works.⁴ Rather it is the moon, the sun and the truth—and their interaction, primarily with respect to astrology, which we will explore in the pages to follow. Through the long ages and the processes of evolution that interaction gave rise first to biological imperatives, then to intelligent living within the natural cycles and eventually to the wisdom borne of experience—the blending of method and wisdom, which is equated with truth.

    My own experience with the moon, the sun and the truth began over a decade ago after the end of a long-term relationship, at which time I found myself with a lot of free time and in unfamiliar territory. I had moved to a new country, met one of my significant teachers as a result, been introduced to Chinese astrology and had out of necessity at that time to chop wood and carry water while I got myself established in the new land and tended to personal matters. After the relationship ended, however, I found suddenly a renewed interest and passion for a lot of the work I had done in the past with aspects of Western and esoteric astrological traditions. So I began to share insights I had as a result of these renewed interests with my friends.

    The formal sharing of those insights began when my friends started asking me what I saw in the stars regarding certain events that were taking shape throughout that time, and I started sending emails with my responses to their questions. These became more involved as I reconnected with my past interests, until they turned into letters. It was suggested that perhaps I might send those responses as bulk mailings to what was then a very small group of people, and around the full moons, as much of what I was writing concerned those lunation periods. My friends started sharing those letters with other friends and one of those contacts started posting them on his website. He eventually set up a dialog box for subscriptions. I wrote the letters with a sense of happiness but also a sense of wonder—as to why people would be so interested in a full moon and its associated astrology, as well as a sense of surprise at the amount of information that invariably presented itself when I sat down to write those letters. Looking back I can see why, however, because that period of world history was loaded with things to consider, and this has not abated.

    Since I started writing full moon letters in earnest in 2003 we have seen the ongoing war on terror, some rather major disasters such as the Sumatra Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, the financial collapse of 2008–2009. There has been no want of things for the mundane astrologer to investigate. Yet, the question that kept coming to my mind is what all these events were actually impressing upon the collective human psyche. What did the events mean to us as humanity? Was there some sort of evolutionary impulse behind everything? Were we in fact evolving as a result of the stresses in the world? What is the interaction between human thought, world events, extra-planetary activity such as sunspot activity, and factors of which we have no real cognizance whatsoever, such as the meditative power of the great beings who collectively look after the welfare of our little world, or even this world itself as an living being? There is no denying the effects of the phenomenal events that have taken place in the last decade on our collective human thought and well-being.

    In the books of Alice A. Bailey great importance is placed upon the necessity for meditation at the period of the full moon. At the full moon the sun and moon are in exact opposition and so the moon is fully illuminated by the light of the sun. In esoteric astrology the sun represents the higher aspects of every person—the solar angel⁵—whereas the moon represents the past and the lower nature, the lunar lords, or the persona. Therefore the full moon periods have been referred to as the solar festivals⁶ or the ‘solar fire festivals.’ The solar festivals span five days⁷ for the average full moon—two days preceding, the day of the lunation itself, and the two days following. At the full moon the greatest light shines upon the earth, and the solar angel and the great meditators of the world are more easily accessed. At this time there is greater potential for alignment between the higher and lower aspects of human nature and thus an opportunity for the greatest amount of subjective influence to be manifested in the world.⁸ There is much to support this view in the world religions as well⁹ and especially in the Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhist traditions which are based in the lunar month, with the solar month as a modern overlay. It is the relationship between the sun and the moon which is of importance in determining and celebrating the solar festivals in those traditions, along with the Sun signs, and it is in that word relationship that the whole idea of the solar festivals begins to take on its true meaning.

    Each full moon has its own unique character, according to the astrological signs involved. There are also solar festivals at times other than the full moon, all taking their timing from the relationship between the sun and moon. In the context of the solar festival then, the full moons are denoted according to the sign in which the Sun is posited at the time of the full moon, and not that of the Moon. For example, the Festival of Aries denotes the full moon period when the Sun is in Aries and the Moon is in Libra. The Sun is the factor of major importance, with the Moon as a reflective influence. However, it is actually neither the Sun nor the Moon which are of importance when considering the full moons with respect to their spiritual festivals. Rather, both Sun and Moon veil other influences in esoteric astrology.¹⁰

    In this book, then, we will undertake an examination of the more subjective aspects of the periods of the full moons throughout the year, but most specifically with regard to the evolution of human consciousness and the types of forces that can be ‘drawn down’ into manifestation, or into the phenomenal worlds. By phenomenal worlds we mean here the physical, emotional and conceptual realms of human existence. However, we should be aware that the full moons do not simply pertain to human life. Lunar eclipses, for example, which can only occur at certain full moons, can and do affect world systems, as evidenced in earthquakes, storms and the like. However in this book we will focus on what such events evoke in human thought and more especially in the invocation of the higher sensibilities in people, their effect on collective consciousness.

    This book is a compendium on esoteric astrology and occultism as it has been presented to the West. It is also a bridging work in that it draws upon philosophies and religions from East and West, as well as upon science and everyday experience. In each of the letters that follow under the headings of the individual astrological signs, some facet of esoteric astrology is explored and related to outer events. Each month I would study the meaning of the Sun sign and what came to me in the form of suggestions, inner promptings, world events, and a variety of other factors. So my suggestion would be to first read the section that pertains to you—your Sun sign, if you like—and then to read the other chapters as the Sun passes through each of the signs. This book begins with the outline of a full moon festival and what it means, with quotes and evidence from many sources, most specifically from theosophically-based and religious sources. This is not an academic treatise or exposition, but a compilation and exploration of the various factors concerning the full moons, and it is by no means complete. The following chapters will give an overview of the twelve festivals throughout the year, three major and nine minor, and what it means when there are thirteen in a year, as the full moons are the apex of a lunar month.¹¹ Those chapters will be devoted to the Sun sign related to each festival and the specific phase or area of human culture each is meant to address. The final chapter will examine a unique and little understood facet of the full moon as it is practised in the West, which will be a distinctly Buddhist presentation, since the reputed source of the esoteric information regarding the full moon festivals given in the Bailey teachings was said to be the abbot of a large Buddhist monastery at the time.¹² The chapters on the signs will be mainly excerpts from the letters I have put out about these festivals in order to show their practical application and the effects some of those events have had on consciousness throughout the world.

    This book is meant for those who seek a deeper understanding of the dance of cycles that has been ongoing throughout the history of our world—the sun and the moon and their interrelation with our globe. We will seek to see how factors as fundamental as the Sun and the Moon in astrology can have such an overarching emphasis on human and planetary affairs and how the other planets in astrology blend with them and add their own influences. Most of all, we seek to gain meaning from the cycles of the Sun, referring to the astrological signs and the seasons, and the full moons as a reflective, subjective overlay. And hopefully, we can begin to reinstitute interest in the cycles that have gradually slipped below our threshold of consciousness, yet beckon us to reach beyond the usual levels of our mind into realms more sublime, ideas more potent, life more profound, and interaction with the divine in each of us more meaningful, more urgent and more real. In a world that lives increasingly in the clamor of technology and society and from one sound bite or video clip to the next and where people want answers in an instant, we need more than ever to reconnect with the basic rhythms of our lives, but especially with the inner voice within each of us that we can hear and answer only in the stillness of our meditative focus or reflective thought. In the pages that follow may you, too, find a renewed inspiration and interest similar to that which the study of the full moons has brought to me over the years.

    Malvin Artley

    March 2012

    Let our commitment and capacity to serve and enlighten all lives within the six worlds be protected, grow and persist until all have gone, gone beyond the veil of life and death.¹³

    Kalachakra: dus kyi ‘khor lo (Tibetan)¹⁴


    The chapters that follow are dedicated to each of the twelve signs of the Western zodiac in succession, starting with Aries. The chapters are mainly made up of excerpts from the letters I have sent out over the past ten years. To have included the entirety of the letters for each sign would have taken too much space and would have involved unnecessary repetition, so I have deleted parts of some letters, as indicated by the ellipses. In addition, I have left out most of the astrological interpretation specific to the full moon originally under discussion, except where it is required to demonstrate particular points. There is a general format to the letters: an opening paragraph or two which contains a personal anecdote somehow connected with the theme of the letter, followed by an exploration of some aspect of the sign under consideration, then a look at the full moon figure (horoscope) with all the planetary dynamics (astrological aspects) along with a consideration of the Sabian symbols connected with the degrees of the luminaries (Sun and Moon), and a concluding paragraph which most often ties back in with the opening paragraph of the letter.

    These letters are my attempts at reconciling and testing esoteric astrology against the background of the world situation—what one might call the practical applications of esoteric astrology—as well as my attempt to understand what has been given out about esoteric astrology in the books of Alice A. Bailey, the primary source material about esoteric astrology. I have sought to apply the aphorism that all Buddhists know and which is stated at the beginning of many of Alice Bailey’s works: Accept not a thing said merely because it is said…but do so because of our own reason and consciousness. Then, act accordingly and abundantly. In other words, all presentations purportedly of some higher wisdom should be subjected to scrutiny and tested against the demands of life. If it is true, then its truth will bear out in experience and will stand the tests of time. In my opinion the works of Alice Bailey stand up well to such scrutiny, even though they have their detractors. Whether or not the words contained therein are actually those of a Tibetan master is not the important consideration. What is important is the accuracy of the words, and from what I can relate through the time I have spent with them, the presentation of astrology and the cycles that underpin it in those works is sound and trustworthy.

    I made mention of the Sabian symbols in the first paragraph of this section. The Sabian symbols were evolved through the work of Marc Edmund Jones, a Theosophist and American astrologer, in response to symbols given out through a clairvoyant, Elsie Wheeler.¹⁵ I use them because they are a peculiarly Western presentation, and I have a great interest in both Eastern and Western presentations of the ancient science and art of astrology. Those symbols are accurate in my estimation, but it should be borne in mind that there are other systems of astrological symbols for the degrees of the zodiac in use which are also accurate in their social context, and my use of the Sabians in no way excludes or precludes those other systems. Each of the following chapters begins with a brief tabulation of concepts and information that is given out in Alice Bailey’s works regarding the sign under consideration. It may be useful to go through the typical headings in each of the sections and give a brief description and explanation as to why they appear:

    1. The keynote of the signs. These express the underlying effect upon the person as he or she progresses in one of two directions, clockwise or anti-clockwise around the signs of the zodiac.

    2. The Nature of the Cross which the person is on.

    3. The influence of the planetary Rulers—orthodox or esoteric.

    4. The Rays which primarily express themselves through a particular sign. The clue to which sign it may be is found in the orthodox planetary ruler where the personality ray is concerned, and the esoteric planetary ruler where the soul is concerned.

    5. The Qualities of the sign and of the person born in that particular sign.

    6. The interplay between a sign and its polar opposite.

    7. The planets which are exalted, in detriment, or which fall in any particular sign. A study of these will indicate the three phases of the Path—with its involutionary cycle of becoming increasingly involved in matter, or life upon the Mutable Cross; the interlude of readjustment or struggle for liberation which leads to the mounting of the Fixed Cross; and the period of liberation with the mounting of the Cardinal Cross.

    8. The significance of the key words for the modes of progress through the signs.

    9. The underlying theme of any specific zodiacal sign, covered by the ideas of re-creation, regeneration, reorientation and renunciation.¹⁶


    In the tabulation at the beginning of each sign in the following chapters, then, we start with the sign and its symbol, followed by its rulers. There are three levels of rulership associated with every sign. What do we mean when we say that a sign is ruled by a particular planet? This means that, at that particular level, a sign takes on the character of the planet given as the ruler. It should be stated at the outset that the reader must possess at least a basic knowledge of astrology if this book is to make any real sense. When we say, for instance, that Aries is ruled by Mars, are we saying, then, that Aries types are martial in their outlook? Well, in a way, yes. Mars is full of passion—all sorts of passions. Its action is forceful and careless of outcomes. In extremes it is a reckless energy. When directed, it is powerful, straight to the point, but inspiring at the same time. This rulership marks the Aries type as a leader. They are people possessed of a strong sense of direction, high energy and passionate nature. They are great at initiating efforts, but often care little about finishing them. It is the thrill of the chase for the Aries type and they quickly lose interest when life becomes ‘ordinary.’

    Next we look at the esoteric ruler. The esoteric and hierarchical rulerships are not in common usage in astrological circles. However, that does not mean they are not valid.   When a person has their focus solely on the path and on service to others, then the esoteric rulers hold increasing sway. Using Aries as an example, the esoteric ruler of that sign is Mercury. The Aries person focused upon the welfare of others is in stark contrast to the more self-driven Martian Aries. Once Mercury holds sway life carries a constant theme of relating—between people, between opposites, between the higher and the lower, between self and others, between form and life. Mars brings conflict in life, but the conflict Mercury brings through its constant questioning and seeking for relation is more sublime. The realm of ideas becomes the focus instead of worldly passions. The hierarchical rulers only apply to initiates and to greater groups of lives. An initiate is one who has undergone at least one of the major expansions of consciousness (see Appendix 6) and is overshadowed constantly by the clear light of the higher Self.

    The hierarchical ruler for Aries is Uranus, and that planet establishes new orders and new ways of doing things, ways which better align with the divine within all beings. The work of Uranus is entirely impersonal. If we look at the three rulers of each sign, then, we see a journey from the strictly personal (orthodox) focus, to the realization that there is something more to life than one’s own little life (esoteric), to the universal (hierarchical). Thus, the Uranian Aries type has no thought of self. The entirety of that person’s life is consecrated to the establishment of conditions in the world that will better the lot of all beings and thus greater facilitate their spiritual growth and evolution. Such people who respond to the hierarchical rulers are very rare, whereas those able to respond to the esoteric rulers are on the increase and perhaps number in the millions.


    The essential dignities of each sign have their origins in medieval astrology, and deal with the outer expressions of the planets in each sign. Rulership is one of the essential dignities, and there is also exaltation, detriment and fall, as follows:

    Planets have varying actions through the signs, and especially with regard to a person’s orientation in life and stage of evolution. The planets gain or lose influence or are indifferent regarding their effect through the signs. Mars, for instance, rules Aries, whereas the influence of the Sun is enhanced because the Sun is exalted in Aries. The Martian Aries type is full of fire and passion—ego in other words—and the Sun finds a fertile ground for expression through that dynamic. Venus, on the other hand, loses its influence with the Martian Aries type, since Venus is associated with love, justice, consideration of others, all qualities associated with Libra, the sign opposite Aries in the zodiac. In fact, the orthodox ruler of the sign opposite the sign under consideration is considered to be in its detriment by essential dignity. Thus, Venus is in its detriment in Aries. The ‘fall,’ as the name suggests, indicates that a planet loses its influence in a sign. For Aries, that planet is Saturn. Being the planet of limitation and karma, Saturn, in a way, has no place in the life of the Aries type. Everything is new to the Aries person, and limitation does not even enter the vocabulary. Seen more esoterically, the planet in fall in a particular sign is a sort of nemesis—a devil’s advocate, a testing influence and thus a teacher for the person born into the sign. Nothing irritates an Aries more, for instance, than to feel held back in some way, yet that is part and parcel of human existence. The limitations of life are the testing ground for the ideas and impulses of the Aries person. We find similar associations for all the other signs, as we will see.

    The planet in fall is the one we want to ignore, yet the very one we need to consider in our plans. The planet in detriment is the ally—the planet which can help us the most in our worldly affairs if we could incorporate its influence. The Aries type, for instance, needs partners in life to succeed in any meaningful fashion. Venus is the ally, being the ruler of the opposite sign, Libra. The ideas of the Aries type must be tested against the established order. If successful, the order will be changed. Otherwise, the plans will have to be reevaluated. Saturn, representing limitation, offers an opportunity for the Aries person to refine his or her thinking. This concept of Saturn representing opportunity instead of limitation is a prime example of how esoteric astrology differs from orthodox astrology. Thus, detriment and fall do not represent a lessening of influence in the life of a person. Instead, rulership, detriment, exaltation and fall refer to how we treat the influences of those planets in addition to our capacity to respond to them.


    The decanates of the signs also derive from medieval astrology, shown as follows:

    They are most easily seen in relation to the march of time through history and the precession of the signs through the zodiac. A decanate, as the name suggests, is a ten-degree division of a sign, of which there are three for each sign. These are subsidiary rulerships within each of the signs. In general, the first ten degrees of any sign is ruled by the overall orthodox ruler of the sign. Thus, the ruler of the first decanate of Aries is Mars, with that decan being called the ‘Aries decan of Aries,’ the others in order being the Sun and Jupiter, from the signs that they rule. A quick glance reveals that the decanates are all within the same triplicity of the parent sign. This is the orthodox, modern representation. A synthetic reading of the decanates of a sign taken in their totality reveals something of the essential nature of the sign. If we look at the three for Aries—Mars, the Sun and Jupiter—we see that Aries is an expansive, life-giving sign. It is that sign which introduces the new, nourishes it and causes the new idea to expand. The decanates also suggest an evolution through experience in the sign. The initial phase of Aries is martial and brash, full of fire and passion. The middle phase warms and nurtures what was the given impulse in the beginning and gives it a sense of identity, as represented by the Sun. Finally, the concept or impulse is rounded out and spread abroad for all to benefit from its influence (Jupiter). The Martian Aries, then, is bold, undeveloped and direct. The solar Aries is more considered, more ego-directed, able to give voice to their ideas and able to warm the hearts of others. The Jovian Aries is the epitome of the teacher, able to inspire others and to give flight to the new. The Jovian Aries is the master at inspiration and dissemination of the next steps ahead, whatever they may be.

    There is, however, another assignation of rulers to the decanates, one that does not subscribe to the triplicities, but rather more to the esoteric significance of the signs and the journey of the higher Self from life to life:¹⁷


    The Ray which the sign transmits is not widely recognized or used by astrologers. There are said to be seven such Rays, and they are energies emanated from certain of the solar systems (the major stars) in the Great Bear, Ursa Major. These seven Rays are said to be the primary energies that shape the consciousness of our local universe, and they provide a very concise shorthand for understanding the way the signs work and what is being imparted by them. The Rays and their characteristics are listed in the appendices, mostly in Appendix 5, but here is a brief exposition:

    From our example, Aries, we can see that the native born under its influence is a somewhat conflicted person or one who revels in conflict, so it comes as no surprise that the primary Ray transmitted by Aries is the fourth Ray (R4), the energy of beauty or ‘harmony through conflict.’ The Rays are conditioning factors in the evolution of consciousness, not of form, and they are intimately linked with (if not the causes of) the aspects and attributes of divinity. In addition, they each have two primary modes of functioning, one of which lends itself to more the worldly life and the other more toward wisdom. Each has its place on the path.

    The tabulation of the Rays at the beginning of each chapter shows which signs are related to each other through the Rays. From the Aries tabulation we see that this sign is related to Virgo, as Virgo is also an expression of fourth Ray energy. The Ray energy coming through a sign is expressed by the esoteric ruler of that sign. The esoteric ruler of Aries is Mercury, as we have seen, whereas the esoteric ruler of Virgo is the Moon, both planets being transmitters or conduits of the fourth Ray. (Actually the Moon is not a planet but a luminary, however the Moon always veils the influence of another planet (see Appendices).) Thus we see that the zodiac is replete with layers of interrelation, meaning and energies, quite aside from the more orthodox interpretations of the science of astrology.


    There are three crosses, formed from the relation in the zodiac of the signs that are in a 90 and 180 degree relation to each other. The three crosses are classed according to the way they act, and are termed cardinal, fixed and mutable. Thus the signs found in the various crosses display certain qualities.

    The signs of the cardinal cross indicate beginnings and self-effort or self-initiation.

    They are the do or die signs, and they indicate as well the start of great movements in the world, a fact that is important when considering eclipses. The first degree of each of the cardinal signs is called a world view point in modern astrology, and these are points of the zodiac that are potent in terms of change in the world. The world view points are also the solstices and equinoxes, wherein there is a defining shift and change in the seasons. The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These are the signs that relate to initiation and initiated effort.

    The signs of the fixed cross indicate dedicated purpose and effort.

    Hence, their energy is fixed along certain lines which are determined by the signs. The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These are the signs wherein purpose is put to the test and measured as to its effectiveness and fitness. In esoteric astrology, these are the signs relating to discipleship and to all the attendant tests of discipleship. The middle degree of the fixed signs is very potent in terms of world changes and eclipses, second only to the world view points. These are called disaster degrees by some astrologers, and these degrees can often indicate times of important changes in the lives of people and defining moments in world history, as revealed through eclipses. Eclipses on those points are often indicators of major disasters in the world. Of course, disaster is a relative term, as even a great tragedy can be seen as a ‘clearing of the air,’ a karmic reckoning or readjustment or a door opening to rebirth.

    The final cross under consideration is the mutable cross, the cross of change and constant reassessment.

    Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are signs of incessant weighing, analysis, change and reorientation. This is the peculiarly human cross and it is part and parcel of human existence to constantly question all aspects of life. Exoterically those born under mutable emphasis are sometimes considered to be fickle or wishy-washy. In esoteric astrology the mutable cross is considered the cross of aspiration, and people born under its influence often have high aspirations. They are also likely to have good relationship skills by virtue of their immersion in the human condition. They are good executives and managers because they are able to readily adapt to any and every circumstance. The mutable cross might be called the ‘cross of intelligent application’ and those under its influence often display a high degree of intelligence. This is the cross of knowledge and experience.¹⁸

    The crosses are also expressions of the three major aspects of divinity. The cardinal cross is the exponent of purpose, or divine will. The fixed cross is the exponent of divine love, with all the testing and trials that love can bring to us, as a benevolent influence and gift. The mutable cross is the expression of divine intelligence and adaptability. It is the cross of wisdom in action.


    Each of the signs is associated with one of the alchemical elements—fire, earth, air and water—and these are associated with the quadruplicities of medieval astrology. A triangle of signs makes up each element. The fire triangle is Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

    These signs are all in a 120 degree relation to each other. The signs of the fire triangle are all inspirational, fiery, enthusiastic and bright, in the sense of being full of life. This triangle might be called the ‘triangle of enthusiastic effort,’ for there is something of effort in the expressions of each of these signs.

    The next triangle is that of earth, composed of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

    These signs are sustaining and dedicated to purpose. They are the three signs that best know the way of the world and can produce great success with efforts along their chosen line. This might also be called the ‘triangle of sustaining work,’ for those under its influence are some of the hardest-working members of the zodiac.

    The signs of the air triangle are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

    These three signs are associated with intellect and those born in these signs can be intellectually brilliant along their chosen lines. They are also people who are difficult to pin down and who are said to lack dedication, especially when it comes to relationships. To be fair, this is largely due to the fact that these people often see the motives and workings of others and they will bow out of situations as the better part of wisdom. These are the ‘ideas people’ and live in the world of the mind. Intuition and insight are their greatest gifts and they have a quick apprehension of detail and context. The air signs might be called the ‘triangle of intelligent application.’

    The final triplicity is the water triangle of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

    Those born in these signs are often seen as emotionally based. The water triangle is, however, more mystical and psychic in its expression. Those born in water signs can be very far-sighted and can know a path before it even appears. These people are the great seers of the zodiac. They do not necessarily reason things out when impressions come to them. They must master emotion in order to see clearly. They are the archivists and keepers of wisdom. This triangle might be called the ‘triangle of sensibility.’

    Opposite sign

    The sign opposite the one under consideration is important because it indicates a line of incorporation in order to produce wholeness in the life. This is the primary line of relation in the zodiac.

    Stages of Evolution

    The stages of evolution are covered under the headings of "developmental phrase and completion phrase."¹⁹ There are many stages of spiritual progress, many stages of the expansion of consciousness. They indicate the promise and way of achievement, and the tests or ‘present problem’ immediately before one in life as well as the way forward.²⁰

    For the average person, the one for whom family and self are the major concerns, the "developmental phrase holds sway, and this is particularly true with regard to the Sun sign. This indicates the crucible of experience in the three worlds—physicality, emotions and conceptual mind—what we might call ‘bondage in form’ that leads to the seemingly never-ending cycle of life, death and rebirth. At some point in the evolution of consciousness the futility of the developmental phase is realized in some life and then the completion phrase" of each sign is undertaken, slowly at first but finally in fullness. In the developmental phase one is stuck in a cycle of inertia, bound and buffeted by the demands of karma and often barely sensing there is another way, a way that offers opportunity, not just for self, but for others. The developmental phase is more selfishly motivated, whereas the completion phase is entirely cooperative and selfless.

    Light Conferred

    Each of the signs transmits a specific type of spiritual light, which is highly descriptive of how each sign functions, especially in relation to one’s higher Self. The twelve ‘Lights’ are as follows, (being more fully described under the headings of each sign):²¹

    1. AriesThe Light of Life Itself.

    2. TaurusThe penetrating Light of the Path.

    3. GeminiThe Light of Interplay.

    4. CancerThe Light within the form.

    5. LeoThe Light of the Soul.

    6. VirgoThe blended dual Light.

    7. LibraThe Light that moves to rest.

    8. ScorpioThe Light of Day.

    9. SagittariusA beam of directed, focused Light.

    10. CapricornThe Light of Initiation.

    11. AquariusThe Light that shines on Earth, across the sea.

    12. PiscesThe Light of the World.

    For our Aries example, the light conferred is The Light of Life Itself. To create, to experience the new, is the very life-force of the Aries type. The Aries person is a pioneer, and this applies to the pioneering of new ideas as well. This is the Light that drives us forward into experience on the one hand, and the Light that draws us back to the source of life on the other. When these types of Light are combined with the keywords for each of the signs, a clear picture of how they operate begins to emerge from an esoteric perspective. For Aries the keywords are: And the Word said: Let form again be sought (developmental) and I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule (completion). So for the Aries type, the creation of forms and imbuing them with life is the means of evolution in the early stages of the soul’s journey through many lives. The Aries person who is in the completion phase instead works from the realm of the higher mind, contemplating ways to make life more fitting for the spiritual development of others.

    Creative Hierarchies

    The hierarchies of life in the various kingdoms of Nature is perhaps one of the more interesting and revealing aspects of esoteric astrology, and one of the least understood. These are listed in Appendix 4. A creative hierarchy is a clearly defined group of lives connected with the evolution of the Earth. What defines them is not their appearance, but the ranges of consciousness they represent. They range all the way from the tiniest and most unconscious of lives, the Baskets of Nourishment of Aquarius, all the way to the most sublime and highly evolved Lives, about which so little is known that they cannot even be named, such as those connected with Pisces. There are twelve of these hierarchies, each connected with one of the twelve signs of the zodiac, and they have their own internal organization and functional groups, according to consciousness and attainment within their particular hierarchy. The type of Light connected with each of the signs is also an expression these hierarchies.

    Emphasis and Theme

    Common Emphasis, Emphasis on the Path and Theme of Evolutionary Progress are terms from the Bailey books that relate specifically to human life. The common emphasis is the more orthodox interpretation of the sign in question. The emphasis on the path is self-explanatory, and the theme of evolutionary progress is an undercurrent that constantly accompanies the actions and most likely outcomes for the sign.

    Cycle of Progress on the Path

    The "Cycle of Progress on the Path" describes a period in the life of the soul, not the personality. As such, it has to be seen from the perspective of many lives, if such a thing is possible to the native²² or the astrologer. It describes a phase of work to be instigated or fulfilled in the life of the soul, and it is felt as a sort of compelling force in the life of a person born under the influence of that particular sign. The path is that course of action which leads one to a fuller realization of the influence of the soul in one’s life and thus to a larger perspective regarding one’s fellows and larger community. It is a progress that takes one away from self-interest and into the realization of greater service in the world. This leads eventually to the "Stage of Renunciation."

    Regardless of the negative connotations we might have about the term, renunciation is a noble path and pursuit. It means that we give up the concerns of this world and of self and seek to be of use for the greater good. This has as many meanings as there are people in the world. In effect, it is an intimate agreement or ‘contract’ made with one’s higher Self, and it marks a great moment in the life of the soul, for it means that a corner has been turned and forces of selfishness and materialism in the world have been dealt another blow, and that more has been added to the luminosity of our planet. Every sign is said to have its tests and its goals, and for most people the realization of this stage of renunciation is a much-sought goal. To fully realize it means that we have been touched indelibly by the soul and that life has been a success in spiritual terms. It is something that must come from within, however, and must be heartfelt, otherwise it is fleeting and of no great moment. When the native is born with this theme as a normal and usual expression of their life, it is one of the marks of a server and disciple, as one who is truly on the path. This stage is preceded and accompanied by certain trials—specific to the sign in question—and those trials are represented symbolically in the mythic tales Hercules.

    The Labors of Hercules are a mythological representation of the path of the disciple. For Aries, the test is the conquering of the man-eating mares. The mares in this case refer to the four-fold lower nature of a human being—physical, vital, emotional and conceptual—and the aspiration to be free of their control. The factors of the lower life must cease to be a danger to the expression of a higher way of living. Corresponding labors are to be found for each of the signs. The Labors of Hercules can be seen in the light of the twelve signs of the zodiac and as a symbol of the triumph of the soul over the material forces of the world, leading eventually to a great expansion of consciousness as well as a greater realization of the need to free all beings from the suffering of their own bound consciousness: "Liberation Achieved."   

    I make no claims at expertise in the subject of esoteric astrology. It is a science and art yet in its infancy and takes years of study and meditation to even begin to gain facility in understanding it, much less being able to effectively apply it to one’s life in a practical manner. The vistas included in it are vast, extend to solar systems far beyond our own, which astronomers are only beginning to understand. We know a lot, but there is so much more to uncover in our local universe. Yet, as a friend of mine once said, we only have eternity to get there. The basics of it are laid out in the Alice Bailey books, but there are other writers and astrologers who have added their insights. Links to some of them are given at the end of this book.

    What has emerged from this body of work over the past ten years is a compilation of reference material outside of the main esoteric works. Each letter is an exploration into some facet of esoteric astrology, usually sparked by a conversation with someone in the week preceding, or symbolism I saw in certain events. I am very grateful for the conversations I have had with my friends and colleagues over the years, and for their encouragement. The letters are my attempts at understanding the concepts of esoteric astrology and at sharing those insights with others. When I have appeared to make claims and assertions in these letters, those have been more of the nature of Ah ha! moments and interior affirmations rather than of claiming any authority. I express my deepest gratitude for being able to share these insights and experiences with readers over the years.

    There are many layers of meaning in astrology, but to attempt to gain a deeper meaning from life takes time, intense self-examination as to motives, and a real passion for abstract subjects. In addition, esoteric astrology takes us away from our own self-interest and places us squarely in the realm of the collective. The subscriber list for these letters is not large, but there are readers from all walks of life and disciplines. Some are academics, most are not. Some are astrologers, most are not. Most people who have subscribed to them are people who, like me, seek to understand life at all its levels and presentations. So I see what I write as a kind of shared information and path to understanding, and I do not write simply for the esoteric audience. It is assumed that people who read these letters would have at least some knowledge of astrology, but that understanding need not be esoteric. I draw upon whatever works in terms of making sense of what I see around me and sense interiorly, and that includes a good dose of science and skepticism as to what appears in the public domain, as well as what makes the rounds in the more esoteric circles.

    The world has changed a lot in the past ten years, however, our essence is eternal. I refer here to the Soul, the higher Self or the Spirit, however we name it. Take what you will from these letters, and hopefully there is something in them you will find of use. I have certainly enjoyed writing them and my passion for astrology and discovery of life certainly has not abated or become jaded since the turn of the century. In fact, my enthusiasm for what lies ahead for humanity and this world has only steadily increased. I hold great expectations for this world as the decades unfold. Enjoy!


    Mar 20 – Apr 20

    Rulers: Orthodox—Mars, Esoteric—Mercury, Hierarchical—Uranus

    Exaltation—Sun, Detriment—Venus, Fall—Saturn

    Decanates: Mars/ Sun/ Jupiter

    Ray transmitted—4, via Mercury, Related to—Virgo

    Cross—Cardinal, Element—Fire, Sign opposite—Libra

    Developmental Phrase: And the Word said: Let form again be sought.

    Completion Phrase: I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.

    Light Conferred: The Light of Life Itself. This is the dim point of light found at the center of the cycle of manifestation, faint and flickering. It is the searchlight of the Logos, seeking that which can be used for divine expression.

    Hierarchy ruled: Unity Through Effort (2 or 11)

    Common emphasis: [Mars] The birthplace of ideas, struggle, idealism, fanaticism, the urge to work materially, the feeding of the ardent desire for material advantage and of constant worldly undertakings.

    Emphasis on the path: [Mercury/Uranus] One of the catalytic signs, producing transformation in others, the final burning ground, bringing release (ruled by Uranus); the power of organization, of control over forces, particularly over the energy of death, over the power of destruction applied with love, of dominance over multitudes, of cooperation with the plan and the practice of the Will in rightly and correctly guiding and directing planetary affairs.

    Theme of evolutionary progress: 1) Express the will to be and do; 2) Unfold the power to manifest; 3) Enter into battle for the Lord; 4) Arrive at unity through effort: CreationBeingActivityStrifeSynthesis.

    Cycle of Progress on the path: Re-creation, the pull into incarnation or manifestation.

    Stage of Renunciation: Initially, transference of desire into spiritual aspiration.

    Corresponding Labor: Capture of the man-eating mares.

    Liberation Achieved: Ultimately, the final planetary initiation.

    Associated Full Moon Festival: Easter, the Christ Festival, or the Festival of the Risen Christ.

    Main Star: Hamal, the Ram, Mag. 2 – 3, yellow, one of the 10 Kings of the ecliptic, the others being Alcyone, Aldebaran (both in Taurus), Pollux (Gemini), Regulus (Leo), Spica (Virgo), Antares (Scorpio), Algedi, Deneb Algedi (α and δ Capricornus, resp.), and Scheat (Pegasus).²³

    The 2nd-Order Cycles (Feb 2003)

    Mars, Nations and Humanity (Feb 2003, 2nd Mars Letter)

    Mars and the World Psyche (Feb 2003, 3rd Mars Letter)

    Mars and the Arts

    Moons and Planetary Psyche

    The Course of War (Mar 2003, 4th Mars Letter)

    Pluto and its Meaning

    The Course of War, Pt. 2 (Mar 2003, 5th Mars Letter)

    The Office of the Christ (2003)

    The Meaning of Mercury (2004)

    Aries and Science (2005)

    Mercury as Messenger


    Uranus through the Aries Points (2011)

    The Neptune Ingress to Pisces

    A Look Back on Eclipses (2012)

    Eclipse Cycles

    The Symbolism of the Crucifixion

    The Letters:

    To set the context for the letters in this Aries chapter, prior to the first Aries letter the   second Iraq War had just started. In the lead-up to that I had sent out a series of letters about Mars, since war was on the forefront of people’s minds at the time. It is of interest to note that the War started at the last degree of Pisces, thus inaugurating the spiritual high point of the year in 2003. I have included the chart for the Iraq War so the reader can follow what is outlined in the references to be found about it throughout the letters. So, to presage the Aries letters, I have included those Mars letters as a prelude and the letter that describes the War even though they are not specifically on the subject of Aries, but especially because Mars is the orthodox ruler of Aries.

    The Mars Letters (1): 4 February 2003: Lunar New Year letter

    Happy Lunar (Chinese) New Year! Given the precipitous happenings around the globe and certain information that has come to light for me regarding Mars I feel compelled to send this first in a couple, if not three, letters out to you. This will be in parts because there is a lot of information to give, but that information will be needed as the year unfolds and may help to explain astrologically why things are happening in the manner they are. Even though it is the Year of the Sheep and a yin water year at that (which is supposed to be a passive and diplomatic year) Mars figures very prominently in it and it is helpful if we can understand more about the celestial and psychic undercurrents pushing things forward. In 1998 we started a new greater cycle of Mars. Those of you familiar with my work in Chinese astrology will know that I am speaking of the 2nd-order cycle of Mars which is 79 years in duration²⁴. This is a social cycle and plays a big role in social upheaval and liberation. There is a great deal which needs to be cleared away before the true Aquarian values can take hold in the new millennial cycle starting next year. With these points in mind I will get started.

    The 2nd-Order Cycles: A 2nd-order cycle occurs when a planet is conjoined by the Sun astrologically at that planet's node.²⁵ There have been two such very close Mars conjunctions in the past 100 years—one in May of 1919 and the most recent in May of 1998. Western astrologers rarely, if ever,   use these cycles in their calculations, largely because they do not apply individually so much and also because a client would normally only experience one within a lifetime for most of the planets, excepting Venus and Saturn. There is an even greater 3rd-order of such planetary cycles, each of which takes many thousands of years to complete and which govern the unfoldment of all the races. I believe that one of the aforementioned Mars conjunctions began one of these racial cycles of Mars, so that Mars is very prevalent in the human psyche at the moment. One has only to look at the state of the world to see that is the case, knowing what Western astrology teaches us about Mars.

    The Chinese used these 2nd-order cycles in their calculations to forecast the fate of the State which happened to be in power at any given time.²⁶ They are mundane cycles in that they apply mostly to groups instead of individuals. Astrologers of the time were employed by the Imperial court and did not cast horoscopes for individuals, unless they were important within the State. These preceding points about the Mars cycle will bear out when we begin to examine the recent history of the world in places like the Middle East, Ireland, India and Pakistan, the US, Europe and the Balkans, for many of the recent historic events in those regions are the working out of causes set in motion 79 years ago and in many such cycles preceding the modern ones. I will spend some time with each of these regions in forthcoming missives. We need to be aware of what is working out so that we may be of greater help and service when the need arises, as it surely will. 

    There is another cycle which will cap off what is happening with Mars this year and which will show why this will be such a pivotal year in world history. It also points to why the consequences of actions wrought now by world leaders will reach far into the future, thus determining if we can get things correct now or if we have to wait at least another 79 years to get things right. The cycle I am referring to made the press a few weeks back and goes something like this: Due to its orbital perturbation, Mars will be the closest it has been to Earth in 73,000 years and will appear some 85 times brighter in the sky at that point. This will occur in late August and will be accompanied by a very potent and powerful planetary alignment consisting of Mars, Uranus, the Sun, Jupiter and Venus, but more on that later. For those of you who just cannot get enough of Mars, this is your year! Add to this that Saturn is closer to the Earth than it has been for 30 years and that a naked-eye comet (which in the past usually portended calamities and dark times²⁷) should appear in February and all the doom-sayers should have a field day. Actually, I feel a lot of hope and excitement for our world and times in spite of and, indeed, because of the potency of the energies in existence this year.

    It would be helpful at this point to go over what Mars is all about astrologically. In Western lore Mars was the Lord of birth, death, generation and destruction. The Chinese held a similar view, adding that it governed the South, summer, and brought retribution when rites were neglected.²⁸ They also said that it produced rebellion, piracy, illness, mourning, famine and war, and that results would be

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