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The Politically Correct Bible
The Politically Correct Bible
The Politically Correct Bible
Ebook218 pages2 hours

The Politically Correct Bible

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Liberal Protestants have produced a whole raft of "inclusive language" Bibles. But these scriptures don't come near to making the Bible acceptable to the leftist sensibilities of Liberal Christians. What would the Bible have to be like if it were to suit Liberals? How drastically would it have to be rewritten? And how ridiculous would the result look? Maybe like this.
Release dateApr 26, 2016
The Politically Correct Bible

Robert M. Price

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    The Politically Correct Bible - Robert M. Price



    Satire is accounted in the Holy Scriptures an honorable thing and to be considered worthy in the sight of all men (and women), if I may paraphrase a familiar wedding liturgy. Second Isaiah's lampoon of Babylonian idolatry in Isaiah chapter 44, Proverbs's burlesque of the drunkard in chapter 23, verses 29-35, Matthew's parody of people who act pious in public for the sake of applause (Matthew 6:2, 5, 16) are still side-splitting as we read them today! My favorite biblical humorist has got to be Luke, the author of Acts. Get this: in chapter 12, Peter is on Death Row, his execution imminent. The faithful are gathered at Mark's mom's house, praying for his release. In fact, Peter is miraculously released and shows up at the door to tell them so. But when they hear the news, it does not so much as occur to them that their prayers might have been answered with success: no, Peter must have been killed already, and it must be his guardian angel, i.e., his ghost at the door! What a riot! What a picture of an utter lack of faith, of prayer reduced to a pathetic charade! And Luke's got a million of them! Ask Eutychus!

    This book is a little different: it is a parody of scripture. Or is it? Maybe not, despite appearances. Let me explain how it came about, what motivated it. I had been a fundamentalist, then an evangelical, and I believed very strongly in biblical authority. I knew the danger of citing verses out of context and of reading into the text what you wanted to find there, though I guess I was not yet aware of how often or easily we do that. It was important to avoid such abuses as far as you could, since the goal was to find out what the Bible really said and do it, or believe it. I didn't yet realize the difficulties attached to that aim either. But I thought I knew cheating when I saw it. My fundamentalist pals and I used to deride the way Jehovah's Witnesses would mistranslate (we thought) John 1:1 in order to fit their Christology, to make Jesus merely a god. I thought that was about as low as you could sink. That was just making the Bible into a ventriloquist dummy. That was just writing your own Bible. Little did I suspect that what I thought was an exception would soon prove instead to be the rule! For here came various Bible versions that were wholesale ideological rewrites!

    For the fundamentalists, here was the Living Bible, not even a translation from the original languages, just an admitted paraphrase of the American Standard Version of 1901. Paraphraser Kenneth Taylor admitted that he had used evangelical theology (and devotionalism) as his theological lodestar. I watched in disbelief as Pat Robertson and many, many other fundamentalists embraced and promoted this book (under various catchy new titles, including just The Book) as their favorite Bible. Wait just a second! Weren't these the very people who made biblical accuracy and inerrancy into a fetish? Who engineered seminary purges to protect inerrantism? Now that they had that settled, what next? Well, let's just throw the real Bible out the window and replace it with this phony Bible that we like better!

    But maybe the theological liberals were captive to a greater irony, since for them, the Bible was ostensibly not literally authoritative. They professed to allow more elbow room for modern thought in understanding and applying the Bible. This implied they felt freer admitting it when the Bible was reprehensible or backwards from the viewpoint of modern readers. And then, what do you know? They came out with the New Revised Standard Version and subsequent, even more radical retranslations. The goal of these was to purge the Bible of those retrograde passages that aided and abetted sexism, racism, etc. The goal was to make the Bible politically correct. It is part of a theo-political agenda that seeks to recover, or if need be, to fabricate what is openly called a usable past. So to manipulate the ancient text presupposes that one does not believe it to be the authoritative word of God. And yet it simultaneously presupposes that many readers do believe it to be the divine authority. And the whole enterprise is a patronizing (or shall we say matronizing) attempt by the liberal Grand Inquisitor to manipulate a faith for the masses that he/she does not personally share. I think of Orwell's brilliant 1984. The operating assumption of the Ministry of Truth was that the past is infinitely malleable precisely because it can never be changed. This meant that one might get away with changing it since one could never overthrow the commonsense supposition that what is written down in black and white is eternally true. But all one need do is to write it down again and throw out the old version. Then no one will think to question the new any more than they questioned the old, since they will continue to believe the past cannot be changed. And this will stop them from recognizing that it has been. The politically correct Bible is a cynical propaganda device, even if some of its creators and proponents have been taken in by their own ruse.

    Basically, the idea for this book arose from the realization that even such extensive retooling as the Bible received at the hands of its politically correct censors must represent only the beginning of a Newspeak Bible, since the 1990 New RSV still fell far short of total political correctness. If the goal was to create a Bible that would embody and so reinforce liberal PC orthodoxy, much more work, more extensive retooling must lie ahead. Not that it will, mind you. It's just that it would have to. I mean to poke fun at the whole enterprise by depicting the Bible as it would have to look to satisfy liberal ideologues. And of course not even they will ever dare to go so far. Why? Just because it would look as ridiculous as it does in this book! Or very nearly so. The NRSV is already pretty hilarious.

    I am grateful to my colleagues at the Jesus Seminar for their knee-slapping reception of portions of this book as I read them to the Saturday evening banquet audience twice a year. A few fragments of the text have appeared before in The Door, First Things, and elsewhere, sometimes without my knowledge or permission! But that's okay: to me it just meant some folks liked it enough that they could not wait to share it. Finally, don't get me wrong, and, my conservative friends, don't take too much comfort from these pages. I have plenty of ideas for a companion volume: The Fundamentalist Bible.

    Robert M. Price

    February 18, 2002

    A Testament

    The Book of Gynesis

    Chapter One

    1 In the beginning God evolved the heavens and the earth, and the earth was without patriarchy and void of sexism. 2 And God said, I propose there be light. Any feedback on that? And there was none, since God had not yet made anyone to give feedback. Soon it would not be that easy anymore.

    3 And God said, Let there be light, and there was light, and the light began to complain that since God was paying only minimum wage he should at least allow the light some vacation time. 4 So God divided the light from the darkness. The light God called Day; the darkness God called Differently Day. And God encouraged them to try and peacefully co-exist.

    5 And God created the firmament of the heavens to separate the waters above the earth from the waters below the earth, but then it was pointed out to God that this might be construed as segregation, so God started over. 6 This time he decided to install the ozone layer, that none might get skin cancer or a bad sunburn. And God saw the ozone layer and called it good. 7 And God said to himself, "Now that ought to work just fine, so long as nobody discovers fluorocarbons, but then, hey, what are the chances of that ever happening, huh?"

    8 Next God divided the waters from the dry land. The waters God called Seas, and the dry land God called Differently Seas. 9 And from the Seas did God cause all manner of animals and fish to swarm, and God saw that it was good and celebrated diversity.

    10 Last of all did God bring forth humans, two of every color under heaven, female and male did God create them, both gay and straight, lesbian and bisexual. 11 And God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, or just screw around, as you please. Far be it from Me to privilege any one form of sexual expression over any other. 12 Just leave the beasts of the field out of it, okay? Or I'll have the animal rights people all over me quicker than you can say ‘speciesism’.

    13 And God said, Behold, I have given you every green plant for food, and all manner of quiche.

    14 And God strictly charged them that they should eschew all strip-mining, animal experimentation, and littering. Good planets are hard to find, and believe me, I ought to know!

    15 So God planted a rain forest in Esalen, in the East, and there God placed the person God had formed, so that the person might tend the garden and discover all manner of homeopathic medicines. 16 Before then, there was no rain in the earth, but all creatures observed careful resource conservation.

    17 And God, beholding all that God had made, said, It is not good parenting to leave the person all alone. I will make a co-dependent fit for him. 18 And while the person slept, God took one of the person's ribs, called the penis, and cast it away as a withered branch. 19 And God saw that it was good, and God called her name Eve, and the Eve and the morning were the first day of the rest of your life.

    20 Now the serpent, an obvious phallic symbol, was craftier than any other creature God had made. 21 One day it reared its ugly head and whispered unto Eve, Hath God said ye shall in no wise partake of the fruit of carnal knowledge? 22 And Eve said to the serpent, We may indulge freely, but God said, of the fruit of monogamous heterosexuality ye shall not eat, lest on the day you eat of it you become homophobic.

    23 But the serpent said, Get thee real! Thou shalt not become homophobic. You shall be like God, abolishing the oppressive hierarchy that privilegeth good over evil! 24 And she fell for his line. And afterward, as the serpent was getting dressed, he said unto her, Tough break, sweetheart! Henceforth, your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall reign over you.

    25 And Eve was exceedingly dismayed at these tidings, wondering in her heart what a husband might be. 26 And God spoke to her, saying, In pain shall you bring forth children, except that ye use the method of the prophet Lamaziah whereby ye shall keep the commandments Thou shalt push! and the second, being like unto it, Thou shalt breathe!"

    Chapter Two

    1 And Eve conceived and brought forth a son, and she named him Cain, for she said, He is sweet as sugar and will probably be just as fatal. Now Cain grew up to become an organic farmer. 2 And Eve had another son, and she named him Differently Able. Differently Able became a herder of sheep. 3 One day, the boys were out in the field, and Cain rose up and clobbered Differently Able with a particularly vicious-looking stalk of celery.

    4 In those days, everyone was happily vegetarian, so Differently Abel just raised sheep to sell them as pets. But, seeing that God had not yet created money, sales were slow. 5 God appeared, looking for Differently Able. He found him not and spake thusly to Cain, saying, Where is Differently Able, thy brother? For I have his welfare check to give him.

    6 What, am I my sibling's keeper all of a sudden? protested Cain.7 You realize how patronizing that would be? He's got his own life... at least he used to!

    8 Very well, but there's still the matter of this check...

    9 Uh, tell you what, O Lord; I'll be sure to give it to him the next time I see him.

    10 But God is not mocked, much less hoodwinked, so he said unto Cain, Listen, smart guy! Just who do you think you're fooling with here? You can't pull the wool over the eyes of the All-Wise!

    11 Yea, verily, answered Cain, especially when it's still attached to the sheep! Remember? 'Thou shalt not knit for thyself any woolen sweater nor any polyester blend with 50% wool in it.' 12 And as for being all-wise, would you mind telling me where I'm supposed to get a wife from? Unless you want me to marry my sister or something!

    13 Waxing wroth, God said unto him, Zip it, Cain! Or I just might forget about the absolute sacredness of life. In your case, I just might make an exception...!

    14 Hey, don't do anything rash, now! saith Cain. Besides, it's not going to bring Differently Able back, you know. 15 And after all, I'm the real victim here! I'm the product of a dysfunctional family!

    16 I suppose you're right, muttered the Lord. Still, I have to do something! I can't have it going around that I'm soft on law and order. 17 For the Lord remembered the mess that followed not long before when Lucifer had organized the angels and they went on strike. He thought he'd never hear the end of that one. 18 Here, we'll put this mark on you, so concerned parents will know a convicted murderer is in their community and avoid you like the plague.

    19 What about my right to privacy? I have rights, too, you know! And how can you be so sure I'm guilty, anyway? 20 That DNA test doesn't mean a darn thing! Why, there must be another two or three people on the planet, and they all have the same DNA, I'll bet.

    21 Well, come to think of it...

    22 Hand me that fig-leaf found at the scene of the crime, O Lord. Remember, if it doesn't fit, you must acquit! 23 So Cain went out from there to wander the face of the earth, golf clubs in hand. And he promised to spare no effort finding the real killer.

    Chapter Three

    1 Here is the book of the generations of Adam. When God made human beings, being a bipolar deity embracing both genders, and possibly others unknown to us, he, she, or it, made humanity in his/her/its own image, only not quite so tall, and in both male and female editions. 2 When Adam had lived a hundred and thirty years, being still exceedingly frisky, he begat a son in his own likeness, no big surprise given the state of the gene pool at this point, 3 and he named him Seth, and Seth became the father of those who write cheap psychic paperbacks. 4 The days of Adam after he begat Seth were eight hundred years, and he did make a shambles of the Social Security system.

    5 And Seth lived an hundred five years and decided he was about ready for a committed relationship. 6 So he begat Enosh on his sister, none other females being available, and he did build a mobile home for them to dwell in, and Enosh became the father of white trash. 7 And Seth lived for another eight hundred and seventy years after he begat Enosh. 8 Enosh lived till ninety and begat Kenan, he who married Barbie. And Enosh lived about a zillion more years, and he died, that being about the only remaining alternative. 9 And Kenan, being made of plastic from the hand of the Lord, lived a couple zillion years, 10 but, Kenan and Barbie alike having no genitalia, God intervened and created for them a son, named Mattel, who lived fifteen billion years and begat a son, and they did name him Jared, 11 for that they stuffed him in a jar for safe keeping. But he was nicknamed Shorty by all who knew him.

    12 Then Mattel begat Enoch, who became the father of all who make bad jests, whence to this day they are called Enoch-noch jokes. 13 But God could not get enough of these groaners, so he took Enoch up to heaven, which was a great relief to his family, who had gotten pretty sick of him. 14 And among these was Methuselah, who built the temple atop Mount Geezerim, where old geezers like him might worship, for Methuselah was famous chiefly for his longevity, even some fifty gazillion years. In fact, he's probably alive right now.

    15 And somewhere along about his fourth or fifth millennium, Methuselah begat a son whom he did name Lamech, which was even short for Lambchop, a fact the lad learned to hush up once Passover time came around.

    16 And it came to pass that after a few zillion years, Lamech begat a son and named him Noah, saying, Damn! I wanted a girl--wouldn't you noah it? 17 And after living for longer than anybody could count, Lamech died, apparently the same day as Winston Churchill.18 After Noah was five trillion years old and was getting kind of bored whiling away the Cambrian, Mississippian, and Devonian Periods, he went into Norea his wife and asked her to explain that sex thing again, and he begat Shem, Ham, and Cheese.

    19 Now

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