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A Kingdom at War-The Gods Shall Play
A Kingdom at War-The Gods Shall Play
A Kingdom at War-The Gods Shall Play
Ebook86 pages54 minutes

A Kingdom at War-The Gods Shall Play

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Three kingdoms at war.
Two kings are dead.
One king is missing.
Are the god's playing around?
An assassin sent to find and end the life of the missing king.
Will the king find his way home in time to conquer another assault?
Will the king live by fighting his way past all obstacles placed in front of him?
Find out how a young king fights his way home in this epic adventure of sword, beast and magic!
Release dateApr 26, 2016
A Kingdom at War-The Gods Shall Play

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    Book preview

    A Kingdom at War-The Gods Shall Play - Norman Willey


    Book One

    The Gods Shall Play

    A Novel

    Copyright 2011 Norman Willey,

    All rights reserved.

    Published in eBook format by

    ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0285-7

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

    I want to say thank you to all my family and friends.

    Thank You.

    Norman Willey


    He awoke with a smashing headache in an awkward position in what seemed very unfamiliar territory. It seems he smells hay about and horse urine, his senses are a bit confused this morning. The young king sits up with a dizzy, sick feeling with his head spinning, his mind slowly regaining comprehension. It dawns on him that he was in fact lying in a bed of hay, dressed in only a loincloth. The king would lie still, regaining more of his dulled senses as his eyes gather his surroundings and he in fact is lying in a barn full of animals, with the sweet aroma of animal piss and dung that fill his nostrils with such an aroma as this.

    What a rude awaking this morning and heads will surely roll by the end of this day:

    The prince became a king when his father died rather abruptly during war.

    The prince, now king, found himself in a political upheaval at home with only one close political friend he could count on...

    The new king found himself slowly losing political ground in the Kingdom of Unity.

    The new king and his woman entertain politicians, kings and enemy in an attempt to bring peace to the entire region.

    During these times, the king grew soft in the middle with wine and much food.

    Unbeknownst to he and his betrothed a plot is in the works to rid his enemies of his presence and unite many kingdoms of evil by eliminating the one true righteous king in the area, and defeating all of his followers.

    The friend of the king spoke up against this, but as a knife came to his throat, he had no choice but to beg for his king and the woman to live.

    The enemy conspired to save the lives of the king and his woman to drop them on the other side of the world with nothing, and surely, they will never be able to return…

    The kingdom of Unity will believe, that the king died and a fake ceremony, passing the king could commence and since the king had no heir, a new king would have to sit at the thrown, who the king’s friend, who was the close appoint, will provide.

    The other members of the meeting having had much wine thought hard and considered this to be a wise decision, as the king has many warrior followers and if they found out about any treachery there would surely be an uprising. It will be risky but the advisor can appoint a successor and no one would be able to do anything about it.

    Therefore, the members decide to take the king and woman to a far away land across the world far away across the seas. Therefore, they would never ever find the way back to the home they love …But they forgot in all, the son of a mighty man savage barbarian brute there is one man from the hills of the land of Unity who was now a king fighting to regain his kingdom.

    The two leaders of the rival kingdoms who were in need to take over sought to send an assassin to trail after the king and lady, to make sure they never made it back to the kingdom alive. They met an assassin who chose his contacts in secrecy. The price was high and no one was ever disappointed unless that is, you are his target. He is a shadow in the night, which follows from behind.

    This is their journey home to the kingdom of unity, and their fight for what is theirs, but first, they have to find and fight their way across the world with nothing except their wit and brawn.

    Chapter One

    The God’s New Game

    Apollo and Hercules are up in the heavens playing tennis on a court lined of gold. 40-love games match my serve. Raising his racket Hercules throws up the gold-laced tennis ball and serves with his golden racket and as the ball sails across the court with flames behind, Apollo dances to the spot of impact for the

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