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The Interrogator
The Interrogator
The Interrogator
Ebook220 pages1 hour

The Interrogator

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About this ebook

The Interrogator is riveting story of one man that became an invisible King; revealing his secrets to some of the most classified covert brain washing warfare strategy and psychology virus applications science ever created.

Read first-hand how the people that have invaded his home to interrogate him work him nonstop to unveil how he has shaped the evolution of the human race and path of war in the world in the fight against terrorism.
Release dateApr 26, 2016
The Interrogator

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    The Interrogator - Perry Ritthaler



    I would like to thank the many leaders and organizations seamlessly affiliated to Digital Mind Coach. Without the support of these organizations the peace empowerment operation success story created would not have been possible.

    I would like to thank people mentioned in this eBook for some of the information and ideas and wisdom and pictures that have influenced my thinking.

    The information that is shared with the reader from gathering facts that are used in this eBook documented a paper trail on cyber war strategy empowerment operations recorded by Perry Ritthaler.

    The Author

    Perry Ritthaler


    This e book is dedicated to people on the front lines of homeland security representing the many freedom fighters, politicians, spy agency or military professionals working around the world.


    The Interrogator is riveting story of one man that became an invisible King; revealing his secrets to some of the most classified covert brain washing warfare strategy and psychology virus applications science ever created.

    Read first-hand how the people that have invaded his home to interrogate him work him nonstop to unveil how he has shaped the evolution of the human race and path of war in the world in the fight against terrorism.

    Movie Script / eBook

    The Interrogation

    Opening scene…Man sitting in under wear; tied in a chair with a black hood on his head; sitting in dim lit room with disruptive music playing. 30 seconds

    He is moaning and then starts yelling why am I here; where am I; who are you. 15 seconds

    Disruptive music 10 seconds.

    The music stops; and a small man with an accent pulls off his hood; not revealing his face on the camera; he is quietly waiting for the subject to talk. 20 seconds

    Captive…Who are you; why am I here; where am I.

    Interrogator…We have some questions for you concerning your work in the internet.

    Captive…I do not work in the internet; I write eBooks.

    Interrogator…Yes; we know you write eBooks; we are fans of your work and wanted to meet you.

    Captive…Why am I in my underwear and tied to a chair; are you going to hurt me?

    Interrogator…No we just want to get to know you better; and we want you to explain some things to us; and if we like what we hear; I have a small pile of cash to give to you when we release you; would you like a glass of water?

    Captive…Yes; that would be good; my throat is dry.

    Interrogator…What is the name of your superior you report to; and who and how do you receive your information orders to write the story you create?

    Captive…What happens if you do not like my answers?

    Interrogator…For now you must trust me; I am sure if you tell me the truth things will work out fine for us both.

    Captive…If you trust me; why am I tied to a chair?

    Interrogator…My boss is from the old school and he is watching the video feed live on the computer in your kitchen; and wants you to stay put; while we video tape the interview; getting the right camera angle focused on your eyes and facial expressions is always challenging; and necessary for the people sitting with my boss watching the interview. Relax this will be fun; and you will do fine.

    Captive…Are you in the movie business?

    Interrogator…Well I do these video interviews for a living; however I do not think the video interviews I do are interesting enough for the movie industry. My boss is curious about you and who you work for online?

    Captive…I write eBooks and really work for no specific people per say; and yet in some people’s minds I work for many people in a co-op operation that is independent and open source in the internet. I am just a man trying to become a better writer; do you like my eBooks?

    Interrogator…Yes; as I said we are fans of your work.

    Captive…I offer free samples on my web site in a blog and on my home page; which eBook do you like the most?

    Interrogator…Actually I have watched all the videos on your web site and the eBooks I would like to know more about   pertain to cyber warfare; I like your poetry and motivation eBooks; and your self-help psychology eBooks are also fascinating; however; at this time I really want to understand more about how you create the cyber warfare eBooks. My boss is curious about you and who you work for online?

    Captive…I am not sure I understand the question; do you mean people I meet like this; but not tied up; or people that email me as fans; I basically write my eBooks for my fans that follow my work; so I guess I work for people like you.

    My best ideas for stories I write come from the online newspaper articles I read online.

    Interrogator…Do you know who I work for?

    Captive…No I do not know who you work for.

    Interrogator…Tell me more about the ideas you get; when you read specific articles and how do you find the articles you read?

    Captive…I have a Facebook account and sometimes I use Google to find articles posted on web sites. Do you have a Facebook page?

    Interrogator…No I do not have a Facebook page; in your eBook series Spy Land Women Play Me are you a character in the eBook series?

    Captive…That is an interesting question; can you untie my hands?

    Interrogator…No I am sorry we do not want you to move around away from the camera; if we get answers we are looking for we can take a short break and move around the room; and then perhaps place you back in the chair with your hands tied loose; the objective is to do the video properly; my boss is rather specific and does not believe in wasted time of handing an interrogation situation more than one time.

    Captive; Okay; my characters in my eBook are all one character; the Canadian writer is delusional suffering from schizophrenia; and the people in the eBook are characters voices in his brain; he is after all diagnosed with schizophrenia by many doctors and has the degree papers from doctors to prove he is insane.

    Interrogator…Do you think you are insane?

    Captive…Goodness me and shut the front door; you do ask me interesting questions; are you a doctor or a psychologist; and is this about my disability pension from the government?

    Interrogator…No my friend I do not work for the Canadian government and I am not a doctor; just a man curious being one of your biggest fans.

    Captive…Well sir; an example of insanity is doing the same repetitive behavior over and over and expecting a different result in a quest to hope you will win or succeed at facing the challenge in front of you.

    So we all have this insanity trait inside of us; occasionally surfacing through fear of failure; afraid to learn and try new experiences that involve failure described by others as learning what will work and paying the price in loss of ego as we experience what fails to work.

    Perhaps everyone is a little insane if they have an extremely high IQ and ego; the difference is in my mind and how you perceive this experience; is your level of insanity based on the healthy side of being eccentric or extremely driven and focused; can you find the positive solution that empowers your peers and yourself; when in a dysfunctional challenging situation appears in your life; and are you creative enough to turn that situation to your advantage; allowing you to defend yourself and accomplish the goals you have in your life; are you a happy person.

    Have you accepted yourself for who you are in your life?

    Do you have hobbies and a network of friends to turn to if a crisis appears in your life; or will you simply turn to drugs to bandage that reoccurring dysfunctional sadness?

    On the flip side some people with a high IQ are depressed and angry most days and not creative enough to help themselves or accomplish the goals placed upon their plate by their peers in situations shaped by the environment tilting their job description out of balance.

    They may not have many friends or hobbies and shape a personality that is more introverted on most days; unable to deal with crowds or people they do not know personally; displaying external behavior patterns that naturally lead to seldom smiling or laughing.

    Personally I do not believe in doing drugs; please do not get me wrong; I enjoy a social drink and believe I have worked hard to develop my life to fit into successful set of habit patterns that naturally empower my confidence and security and personality.

    Interrogator…How do you deal with the voices in your head; this must be very time consuming and stressful at times; especially if they start to argue with you or each other; or try to control your behavior patterns and ideas you associate to your reality within your mind?

    Captive…The so called voices you refer to are just characters in my eBook; yes they have their own personalities based on the information they have processed in the readers brain; and the answers they create in their mind; an eBook would be very boring for the reader if you could not identify with the characters in the eBook. In Spy Land Women Play Me the characters discuss the information from different angles; my goal is to stretch the reading story experience for the reader in their mind; in essence rivet what and when they experience the story presented in one of my novels.

    However there is a significant difference between schizophrenic voices in your brain and

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