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Breaking the Chains
Breaking the Chains
Breaking the Chains
Ebook302 pages4 hours

Breaking the Chains

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About this ebook

Ken is about to become the leader of his state, his beautiful wife Cathy perfect at his side.

His policies promise a new life with new opportunities, to rid the streets of crime, violence, immorality and corruption and a government that cares for its citizens. Ken has won the hearts of the people, except that is for a few.

Some are determined to see his demise before ever the election is held by using whatever methods are available to them.

Just a few weeks out from the polls he is handed a video, in an instance his world comes crashing down from the seemingly invincible to the utterly defeated, he is left without options.

One by one he uncovers the betrayals, lies and deceit that have cheated and destroyed his life culminating in confrontations with those who are closest to him.

From the highest office to seedy backstreet deals, abuse and violence, betrayal upon betrayal and the loss of innocence 'Breaking the Chains' is an exposé of people whose agenda is motivated by self interest. Some fall deeper and deeper into the abyss while others face failure and defeat through which they find release and redemption.
Release dateApr 26, 2016
Breaking the Chains

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    Breaking the Chains - William T Blake



    Breaking the Chains is a compelling story. It is a timely and significant message for each one of us.

    You are invited to share in the lives of people who have made particular life choices. It is a journey the reader travels with the different characters as they live out the consequences of those choices. We are drawn into their sense of loss, disappointment and failure as we quite naturally empathise with their feelings of hopelessness.

    In many ways this is a tragic story, for some characters are so consumed by motives of power and gain, they miss the real issues of life.

    It is also a story of restoration and renewal.

    The author reminds us that we cannot change our past, but we can change our future. In this story, hope and reconciliation bring healing. Some characters discover that failure is not final, that they need not be the ultimate victims of wrong choices and that they can choose to change their lives.

    As you read this book, I commend you to consider the power of choice.

    Gary Hamilton

    The Story Begins

    The main characters of this story have all passed, the last of them buried today.

    Their lives, the stories and the lessons learnt over lifetimes will soon be forgotten as a new generation takes their place.

    The sun goes down as night sets in. A man and a woman sit together consuming wine and strong spirits.

    The evening progresses and as drunkenness assumes control a few reefers are shared, followed by higher impact illicit and prescription drugs.

    The talking and laughing all but ceases. The sounds of the silence herald in a new fear. A frighteningly real fear. One that is borne by the innocence of a child. The young girl who lies awake in her bed, unable to sleep. Waiting, her heart thumping, she is terrified.

    She hopes, she prays that the footsteps will pass her door.

    Don't worry, she tells her baby as she hugs her precious tattered doll even closer to her chest, her only friend, the only one she tells all her secrets to. I promise that mommy will take good care of you.

    The bedroom door slowly opens and the young girl starts to quietly weep.

    She knows.

    The Characters

    Ken: Soon to be the leader of government, born into opulence, Ken has it all, undeniably handsome, an abundance of wealth, smooth and charming. Never having experienced failure of any kind, he excels in all he does – there simply is no room in his life for compromise. Superficial, a self-believer, consumed by his own propaganda. Meeting Sarah changes his life.

    Sarah: Captivating, uncompromising in her faith.

    Maggie: A young run-away who turns to alcohol and drugs to cope with life. A lost soul she no longer knows her own identity, culminating into tragic circumstances.

    Chris: Institutionalised, failed by the system, defeated by life, a loner.

    Cathy: A stunning beauty, a lady of true class, she’s everything any man could desire. However Cathy has a secret. One that will do the unthinkable and bring Ken to his knees ushering in failure and defeat.

    Katie: Mysterious, elusive, a childhood victim of abuse and betrayal.

    Jim: Sells his soul to climb the ladder, eventually becoming the leader of his country. He stops at nothing to fulfill his ambitions. Jim pays a heavy price while achieving great wealth and power.

    Mary: Innocent, naïve, a country Pastors daughter caught up in a web of lies, deceit and betrayal. She loses control of her life slipping further into the abyss. Ultimately finds redemption.

    Ray: The underworld thug who makes it happen while building power through blackmail and intimidation.

    Chapter 1

    -I've no doubt he's a man of great vision, determined to achieve his goals and he hasn't shirked the hard yards, not at all.-

    Mike, can you tell us what's happening down there? From all reports we understand that at one stage the situation was almost out of hand. Immediately the vision switching from the studio newsroom to a lone reporter, standing microphone in hand, surrounded by a massive crowd, a veritable sea of people.

    Well Wendy, I can tell you that out of necessity the gates opened earlier than originally scheduled. These long queues you can see behind me began forming early this afternoon and it truly has caught the event organizers right off guard. No one seems to have anticipated this magnitude of response. It's amazing to stand here and be an eyewitness to all that's happening.

    Tell us Mike, have you had a chance to speak with the organizers?

    Yes Wendy I have, they expressed deep concerns. The decision to open the gates early has allowed people to enter the stadium in an orderly manner thereby avoiding potential control issues.

    Just how does it feel down there? Can you describe to us the mood of the people?

    As I said earlier, it's an amazing spectacle. As the stadium fills the atmosphere can only be described as electric. The expectations are tense and filled with excitement. I've got to say that by the stretch of anyone's imagination this is not going to be an ordinary event. For those people that have endured the wait there is now the opportunity to take part in this special occasion. I have no doubt we are witnessing history in the making. This, in my view, promises to be exceptional.

    For just a few moments the vision continued in silence, words unnecessary. The camera remaining firmly focused on the people arriving in their droves. A coming together from every section of the community. All were congregating to hear just one man. This man who promised much, instilling in them a hope for the future.

    Thank you Mike, after this short break we'll return with further commentary from Laurie who is at present with us in the studio and is of course our own political analyst. The news broadcast switched to a commercial break without any further comment.

    Well Laurie what do you make of all this? Wendy asked as the vision switched back to the newsroom.

    Thank you Wendy. To sum it up, there is a general feeling that for many years the people have been ruled by the politics of the wealthy, the powerful, the corrupt and the uncaring. This man has managed to instill a positive belief in the future and people want to catch a glimpse of him. All are seemingly anxious to hear him speak. In all my time as a political commentator I've not seen anything like it. You can see the arena is filled to capacity and still they're coming, many are standing in the aisles or hopelessly waiting around the outer boundaries. As Laurie was speaking the vision switched to the centre of the stadium, showing the immense stage, lit up brightly, emblazoned with logos and slogans. Huge multiple screens, all displaying his image along with other footage taken during the long campaign months. I've no doubt he's a man of great vision, determined to achieve his goals and he hasn't shirked the hard yards, not at all. I can see he is a person of real substance, someone who has earned the right to be admired and trusted. The people have for so long wanted to believe and it seems there's a feeling they have finally found that man."

    Thank you Laurie. We will of course be showing an uninterrupted direct to air telecast of this evening’s event and it's something that viewers shouldn't miss. Right now though, we'll cross for the all-important details of tonight's weather forecast.

    Chapter 2

    - Is this being taken care of?

    Nothing you need to worry about sir. The wheels are already in motion. -

    The daylight gave way to twilight, with all in readiness the proceedings commenced. A series of short speeches from prominent party officials paved the way for his entry. The public relations machine, the men and women who worked behind the scenes knew the only person anyone had any interest in hearing was the man himself. The PR machine had toiled diligently to ensure that the people would not be disappointed. The building up of the crowd, the enthusiasm and excitement gave them every reason to be confident that all of the long hours and hard work would pay off.

    The formalities complete, Ken stood to address his audience. The crowd rose to its feet in unison whilst at the same time breaking out into wild applause to a point of pandemonium. The hand clapping accompanied by the stamping of feet, whistling and cheering, all of which continued on for some time, the noise deafening.

    Standing at a little over six feet tall and with a natural athletic build, Ken was a handsome man. He possessed the rugged type of looks that most women found irresistible. His thick, dark brown hair with a touch of a curl always appeared slightly long but never untidy. An occasional locket would fall onto his forehead affording him a cheeky but innocent look. His muscular arms and broad shoulders all sitting atop a trim waist-line. Clothing fit him well, giving the appearance of being tailor made. Coupled to his good looks were charisma and warm charm, something he could turn on at will.

    Regardless of any endeavor he undertook, he accepted nothing less than perfection, either of himself or those around him. The cost in any terms outweighed by the sweet tastes of success.

    Always calm and collected he was rarely, if ever, unruffled by any situation. From the time of his childhood he had been a 'stand out', feeling comfortable and confident in any place or crowd, a fact that Ken himself knew all too well. He too, never failed to use this to his advantage whenever it suited his purposes.

    Prior to his marriage to Cathy he had had many women, rarely seeing any one of them for more than a few weeks or perhaps some months. Amazingly, he did not consider himself a womanizer. He only saw these activities as taking advantage of an opportunity and nothing more. For a period after his marriage he had remained faithful to his wife. However as time passed and the opportunities kept presenting themselves he succumbed to the temptations. He felt no guilt whatsoever in this self-gratification.

    Dressed in a dark suit, white shirt and red tie, he stood, lifting his arms high above his head victoriously, smiling and waving while he waited for calm. He soaked in the atmosphere, allowing the adrenaline to build up in his body.

    He clearly understood that he would need to draw upon every resource he had within his conscious being. He could leave no stone unturned. Every word he spoke, every move he made must result in maximum impact. Anything less tonight and he would be failing himself and the party who placed so much trust and faith in him.

    After much coercing from Ken, the audience finally settled and there was sufficient silence to enable him to commence his speech. Communicating to those gathered in the stadium and to those watching via the direct telecast or listening on the radio, the speech he himself had written. Despite the many attempts by his minders to make changes or to tone down his own strong beliefs he steadfastly refused. Tonight, this was the real Ken presenting himself to the public at large without any of the usual glossing over. No public relations machine, no minders and no imitations and certainly no apologies for being the man he was.

    He would seek the approval of the people on his own terms. He must, once and for all, convince his fellow citizens that he is the man for this time. A man of unquestioned honor, someone they can trust to represent them fairly and without fear or favour. The one man who could lead them into an era that brought with it new opportunities, someone who would get the job done.

    Tonight's rally was the pinnacle of the entire campaign, everything the party had worked for now hinged upon his performance. Failure on his part to effectively communicate with the people was simply not an option. If he could not convince the community of his desire to serve them with integrity, then he simply did not want the office.

    His nerves were strung as tight as the strings of a violin; however, as he’d stepped up to the microphone all doubt left him. He knew then that he was in control as he thought to himself, It just can't get any better than this.

    He smiled briefly, just long enough to convey that he was confident and comfortable with the situation. He began, Ladies and gentlemen, tonight I stand before you seeking your support, hesitating for a brief moment before continuing, You the people who know me, you know who and what I am. I am a man who comes from amongst you and not one who is imported from another place simply because I fit the mold. I was born right here in the same hospital as many of you were. I was educated here in the same system. I was raised right here in this city and I am committed to the best interests of every person who calls this wonderful state of ours their home. You know my background and you know all of the policies of the party I represent and all it stands for. I have personally stood up to the scrutiny of the media and our opposition. We have hidden nothing from you simply because we have nothing to hide. Ken looked directly into the television camera and as if on-queue, hesitated a moment to further compose himself. Lowering the tone of his voice a tad he continued, You are also aware that my life has been privileged beyond most in our community. My political opponents have ensured you are aware of every detail, relevant or not. Oh yes, indeed, they have left little unsaid in seeking to discredit me and have, in fact, pushed the point of my upbringing at every opportunity. What was it they found? What did they dig up that discredits me or that you didn't already know?

    Let us keep in mind that this opposition is from the political party of my forefathers, even my own father and it was never a problem for them until now. It would be a fair question to ask why that is.

    Yes, I have been sheltered from the hardships that many in our community live with and even to this day continue to suffer. I have an education for so long reserved for just the select few. I have travelled extensively and enjoyed most of the material things any man could hope for or desire. Pausing a moment Ken deliberately looked downward showing, he hoped, regret and with it an appropriate level of embarrassment. Focusing back into the camera he continued, I had all of those privileges by being born in the right place at the right time. We should call it for what it is, the luck of the draw, none of us have a choice as to where or to whom we are born.

    These liberties were not a result of my own labours. I have never been in a position where I have had to risk anything let alone everything to make a life for myself or my family. I would awake to the enjoyment of life’s good things and went to sleep at night knowing it would be there yet again when I awoke the following day. It cost me nothing. It did not cost me any effort, nor worry or precious time; if money could buy it then I could have it. Mostly, I didn’t even have to ask. I just assumed it was mine to take and so I took.

    Taking yet another opportunity he momentarily paused, while at the same time glancing around at the captive audience assembled before him. They hung on his every word, seeing the positive effects he generated, he smiled. With a feeling of elation he once again turned to the cameras and continued, I can make no apologies for the life that I have had, I was born to it and I do not believe I can be held responsible for it. However, I can and must be held accountable from this time forth. For now I understand I was a selfish, self-indulgent man who cared little for the plight of anybody or anything other than the fulfillment of my own wants and needs, perhaps I don't even have the right to call them needs for in the most part it was indulgence.

    Glancing downward, hanging his head just slightly and then gazing into the audience he said in a subdued tone, Why am I not that person now? Why would you, the hard working individual, the battler, the under-privileged or the disadvantaged put your trust in me? It seems such a short time since my eyes were open to a world that I did not know or even consider existed. Not because it was not there for me to see but because, in my life of indulgence, I, by my lifestyle and selfishness denied its existence. My life was so full of myself that I failed to be a proper and complete human being. Then I saw it all with my own eyes, the poverty, the despair, hungry children, mothers and fathers who carried the heavy burdens of keeping a family, those who turned to alcohol and drugs to cope, those whose only option for survival was to turn to crime. I witnessed firsthand women and children who were the victims of every kind of abuse and inside I wept. I wept in shame. I wept because I had ignored it all, but above all I wept because now my eyes were opened to the real world. My heart was deeply touched and with it came the worst of all feeling, total helplessness. After a further moment of hesitation, such was my despair that I delved deep within my soul and searched my heart, for I knew, that with this knowledge I had to do something to make a difference. Over the past years I have worked to that end. You, the people can now judge me on the basis of my personal commitment which the press, my supporters and political party have rolled out before you during this campaign. You, the people can either support a change of government and by so doing empower me and my party to initiate great and effective social changes and impacts or you can by your vote deny us that opportunity.

    Ken took in a deep breath, his eyes again scanning around the stadium before stating, That my friends is the decision you must make when you go to the polls. At the end of the day the decision is a simple one. By your vote you can retain the status quo, keep in power those who have ruled for so long that their arrogance denies them a social conscience. Or you can vote for change. Change that brings with it new opportunities for all, new and fresh ideas and policies. Above all it will bring to power a government that cares for its people.

    With his usual perfect timing and judgment he changed the subject, shifting the focus away from himself and to that of actual governing. I too, understand the need for good and balanced government. My colleagues and I have all of the necessary degrees and qualifications to manage with efficiency. My government will commit to the private sector. We will consult with and listen to business and we will hear their concerns and support their endeavors and ensure a strong and vibrant private business sector. We will retain full and fairly paid employment for everybody. We will bring down balanced budgets. Staring straight ahead, deliberating lowering and adjusting the tone in his voice in warning he continued, But be sure to know this, above all we will govern on a fair to all basis. There simply will not be favor earned by status. There will be no under the counter deals, there will be honest, open government with all of the proper accountabilities to you, the people. Electing my party to government will mean an end to government for the advantaged. It will mean fair and responsible government for all of the peoples of our community, regardless of who they are or where they live and it will mean stability and certainty for businesses both large and small.

    Ken continued to speak, openly explaining once again the key components of his party's policies in line with their official and already stated platform.

    At the conclusion of his speech there was a standing ovation, cheering and applause once again so loud that he could no longer hear any directions through his earpiece.

    It was by now blatantly obvious that Ken had made the right call and the people were on his side. He felt elated beyond anything he had ever experienced at any time in his life. His face beaming as he smiled and waved to the crowd, forgetting the cameras he wandered to the edge of the stage, shaking hands with those who had broken through security barriers.

    Sitting in the audience were two men who didn't share either Ken's or the crowds' enthusiasm at what they were hearing. The senior of the two men turned to the other asking, Is this being taken care of? The other man smiled slightly and nodding his head replied, Nothing you need to worry about sir. The wheels are already in motion. Damn crusaders come and go, this one has been particularly difficult to shake, but let me assure you sir, he will deeply regret ever having taken on this crusade of his, yes sir,. He will deeply regret it.

    Chapter 3

    - Victory was finally within reach, right within his grasp. So close he could now savor the sweet taste of it. -

    It had been a long drawn out day for Ken. Despite feeling a heightened sense of elation, he was totally drained and exhausted and looking forward to nothing more than getting back to his hotel room.

    He almost always preferred to drive by himself, especially whenever using his own motor vehicle. Feeling it gave him greater independence and breathing space, allowed for his own thoughts and no company or meaningless conversation to distract him or cloud his judgment. It was essentially valuable thinking time. Driving back to the hotel, he decided that, once settled in his suite he would phone home to say goodnight to Cathy, his wife. They would spend fifteen or twenty minutes talking, he always looked forward to sharing the news of the day's events with her. She was positive and encouraging and always proved a safe haven. He couldn’t remember a time when she disagreed with or contradicted his opinions. Success in any quarter was something Ken thrived on, even in marriage. He knew of no other couple that experienced this type of affiliation.

    Throughout the past months of intense campaigning, his self-belief never wavering, he was pleased that he had held up well both physically and mentally. Although temporarily feeling tired he was as fit as he’d been at any time during the electioneering. Ken was well aware of the pitfalls of being run-down and drained, a wrong word here or a wrong answer in the wrong place could bring it all undone. The disciplines of ensuring free time for relaxation and sleep were as important as any other. He would guarantee that in the morning he would be up and about, fully refreshed and ready to tackle the challenges of a new day.

    He reflected on the day, it had been consumed with strategy planning and conferences, followed by intense and at times highly stressful presentations. There was the usual meetings with financial supporters followed by the now mundane but obligatory late afternoon cocktails. A light dinner with his loyal team, then, after all that having to travel into the city to join the rally with the party faithful. Despite feeling fatigued, he had never in his life felt so fully satisfied. Everything working out perfectly and was tracking exactly to plan. At long last his political ambitions were coming to fruition. The polls already showing that Ken and his party would be elected to the highest office in the state and with a very clear margin over their opponents. He was set to take up office as the next state leader.

    Almost all of the pundits were forecasting a political annihilation of the current government, thus adding even further to his confidence. Ken felt a great deal of self-satisfaction, that he had done it off the back of almost impossible odds. To win this election he would accomplish what no one had been able to do for many years prior. He was about to unseat the sitting government, despite the great wealth and power it had at its disposal.

    Tired or not, he still wore a smile

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