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The Truth About Debt: Get Out of Debt, Now! Series One
The Truth About Debt: Get Out of Debt, Now! Series One
The Truth About Debt: Get Out of Debt, Now! Series One
Ebook82 pages1 hour

The Truth About Debt: Get Out of Debt, Now! Series One

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About this ebook

The book is the first series of Get Out Of Debt, Now! and it is called The Truth About Debt. It focuses on the knowledge regarding the truth about Debt and encompasses the truth about what debt is, the truth about what can debt do and finally, the truth about preventing yourself from falling into the debt trap. The whole book is based on the Biblical truth about debt and is practical.
Release dateApr 26, 2016
The Truth About Debt: Get Out of Debt, Now! Series One

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    Book preview

    The Truth About Debt - Themba A Malashe



    This book is dedicated to all those whom Paul speaks about in:

    2 Corinthians 4:8

    We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.

    It is dedicated to those who are passionate and committed about living their lives FREE from all debts.

    God requires us to be free from everything that is heavy for us to bear, thus

    He sent his only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for us.

    Jesus Christ paid all our DEBTS, meaning we are delivered from all forms of DEBTS.

    Are you willing and ready to live a debt free life — it is possible, as all debts have been paid.

    All answers are rightly hidden in the WORD, for you to discover them for your Glory.

    Get ready to free yourself from Debt and enjoy life in abundance.

    Themba A Malashe


    In this book I will be talking to you regarding the truth about debt. It is necessary for you to know the truth as it has the power to set you free. Only the knowledge of truth can set you free.

    And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32

    The million dollar question is: what is the meaning of this truth, or rather, who is this truth? Before we continue, let’s answer the question that has blinded us all these years, and unlock the world of freedom that is found in knowing the truth. All answers about the truth can only be found from the book of life, that is, the Bible.

    Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.’ John:14:6

    Jesus is the truth whom God has sent to save the drowning world. He is our road map to freedom from all forms of debts, because he paid all our debts and took away all our iniquities. To further confirm this, let’s look at a verse from the book of John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.

    This is Jesus speaking as the only begotten Son of God, confirming that he is indeed the truth who came to deliver us from all kinds of debts. The only way to be freed from anything in any manner, is by knowledge of the truth. Knowledge of the truth is the key to our freedom. As we are about to dig deeper into the knowledge of the truth about debt, it is imperative that we invite the Holy Spirit who is our counsellor and our helper, to counsel us and help us to understand as we read through this book. Join me in this short prayer of declaration against debt, and if you can, please make it your everyday prayer:

    "Heavenly Father,

    thank you that Jesus your only begotten Son, came from heaven to earth

    to teach us the truth;

    from the earth He went to the cross, to forgive all our debts;

    from the cross to the grave to uproot the root of debt;

    from the grave back to heaven

    to intercede for us that we may live the life that he created — the life of freedom.

    Holy Spirit, counsel and help us to do just that for the Glory of God.

    We ask this, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!"


    The definition of debt is broad and may differ in definition from one person to the other. But I have found it very significant and relevant

    for me to look at this question based on the following three pointers.

    In my simple terms, debt is:

    owing something;

    an obligation or liability to pay;


    an offence or trespass requiring forgiveness.

    If we want to understand the meaning of debt, it is very important that we look at every word that is connected to the true meaning of debt.

    Let’s look at these three pointers individually:

    Debt is owing something

    To owe something means that you have either borrowed or taken something from someone with his permission, or you have made a vow or a promise of something to someone. It all means that you owe that thing to that person.

    I guess that in this life, we all owe something to someone and owe our lives to God who gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die on our behalf for the forgiveness of our sins. ‘Debt’ means owing something to someone — it does not necessarily mean owing money, but rather it means owing something. It could be money, time, life, love, favour, etc.

    We need to look at how one ends up owing something to someone.

    1. By borrowing something from someone with an arrangement to return it — you owe that person what was borrowed.

    If someone borrows an animal from a neighbour and it is injured or dies when the owner is absent, the person who borrowed it must pay compensation to the owner. Exodus 22:14

    Some of the things that we borrow:

    a) Money

    b) Cars

    c) Property

    d) Equipment e) Clothes

    2. By making a promise (vow) of doing something for someone. By making a vow, you become indebted to that person to whom you made the vow.

    "A man who makes a

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