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The Hilltop Inn
The Hilltop Inn
The Hilltop Inn
Ebook191 pages2 hours

The Hilltop Inn

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About this ebook

Jackie Bowers, widowed for two years, recently moved five hundred miles to Ponderosa, a small town in Northern Arizona, where she purchased The Hilltop Inn, a Bed and Breakfast, a dream she has always had. When her washer dies, she goes to the local Laundromat Soap Suds. There she meets Brian Williams, a local contractor, who has come looking for his Gram.

Jackie needs renovations done to the Inn and she calls Brian about doing the work. Little does either of them know that sparks will fly when Brian meets with Jackie to discuss the renovations she has planned. What will their relationship become? Will it only be about work or will it include romance?

Brian sees a future with Jackie and has many ideas for romancing her. Will his ideas work in his favor? Will Gram play matchmaker since she adores Jackie?

As soon as Jackie's four children learn about Brian, they arrive in Ponderosa to check things out for themselves. How will they react to this new romance?

There is much excitement, and many changes going on. How will it end?
Release dateApr 26, 2016
The Hilltop Inn

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    The Hilltop Inn - Alice V. Roberts




    Oh, would this day ever end? Jackie Bowers had had enough problems to last the rest of her life. She was fifty-eight years old and widowed for the second time. She had put her big girl panties on when she sold the home she had lived in for twenty-five years and recently moved to the small town of Ponderosa in Northern Arizona, named after the pine trees, to buy a bed and breakfast. She had first seen the town while travelling on Amtrack from Chicago to Los Angeles with her now deceased husband on one of their many trips together.

    But now her washing machine had died and she was headed to the local Soap Suds Laundromat. She really needed to stop at the Outlet Mall and find a linen store. Sheets! Towels! She needed more sheets and towels. Running a bed and breakfast did not allow her the flexibility of running out of either. She still had six months before she officially opened for business, but at least if she had plenty of back up supplies she could still run The Hilltop Inn and not have catastrophes like this. Thank goodness this happened now rather than later.

    But first the laundry had to be done. She had plenty of quarters for the washers and dryers, soap, softener and her Kindle to help pass the time. And her cell phone if anyone really needed her. More likely she would need them, whoever that could be.

    A kind man held the door open for her as she tried to maneuver her way in to Soap Suds. As she thanked him she noticed how good looking he was and also how out of place for him to be here. He was really good looking and she had not even looked at a man that way since becoming a widow two years before.

    Almost six feet tall and around two hundred pounds, he was definitely eye candy with rich mahogany brown hair and deep brown eyes. And he had huge biceps. He had a healthy tan which meant he spent a lot of time outdoors. That said a lot since she was living at almost seven thousand feet in altitude in this quaint town.

    He was also well dressed in tan khaki pants and a white shirt that showed off his tan even more. Jackie, on the other hand, was five foot two, weighed one hundred and ten and had deep brown eyes and medium brown hair with highlights, thanks to the local beauty shop Hair and More. She had been widowed for two years and had accepted the fact that her life as a married woman was over. But after seeing this handsome hunk of a man she realized there were still female stirrings inside of her and they were working. Little did she know her helpful man was also feelings sparks of attraction.

    Hmmm, is he married? Jackie wondered. She didn’t see a ring. But in this day and age that did not mean anything. Some men were married and wore a ring while others did not. And she had learned from experience that some who were married purposely did not wear any ring. After that experience, which was horrible, she had resigned herself to living the rest of her days as a widow, looking forward to time spent with her children and their spouses, enjoying her grandchildren and running a bed and breakfast, which had always been her dream.

    After helping Jackie in to Soap Suds the gentleman introduced himself. My name is Brian Williams and you must be rather new to Ponderosa, since this is a small town and almost everybody knows each other, he said. Wait! Are you the new owner of The Hilltop Inn? Everyone in town is talking about who the new owner might be. I drove by out of curiosity and saw that new exterior painting had been done. It looks great.

    She replied, Thank you. I’m the new owner and my name is Jackie Bowers. The washing machine at the Inn died and I needed to get these linens washed. On my way home I plan to stop at the outlet stores and stock up on more sheets and towels. And I need to hit Sears and buy a new washer and maybe a dryer too so this doesn’t happen again. I’m also worried about what else might not have much life left in it. The kitchen appliances look good but so did the washer. I’d rather be safe than sorry.

    Good grief she was chatty, which was unusual for her when meeting new people, especially a man. And there were those female stirrings while she talked to him. She had not had those feelings since Ted, her late husband, had died. She had been on some dates but never had the stirrings she was having now.

    Suzanne Miller is the manager at the Sears store. She is fair and honest and will do right by you, Brian said. I’m a contractor if you need anything. I know The Hilltop Inn is old and you may want to really check everything out. It has great bones, so structurally you are good there at least. This is not to scare you and get business. I’m just warning you that the former owners, the Parkers, were not always on top of things. They were getting older and didn’t see things deteriorating. They did the best they could but they were aging and definitely ready to retire and move on. The town hated to see them go but realized all good things must come to an end. Everyone hopes they have adjusted with their move, are happy and spending quality time with their family.

    Brian’s comments made Jackie start to worry a little. Acquiring The Hilltop Inn was only possible because of the money she inherited from her two deceased husbands and especially from her second husband’s investments. And when the time came she would also have a generous social security income from Ted. Being an attorney he had made a healthy income before his death. He had invested wisely and wanted to be sure she was taken care of financially for the rest of her life. Jackie had always wanted to own a bed and breakfast so she had his blessing for this venture long before he died. Jackie was grateful she had plenty of money in the bank and investments so she could afford to upgrade all the appliances and make the renovations that were necessary, and still know her future would be comfortable. There were also trust funds for the grandchildren that would allow them to have a good college education.

    And now after Brian’s comments, when she returned home she needed to check out the other appliances, plumbing, electrical and whatever else she couldn’t think of immediately. Thank goodness she had those six months before her first guests would arrive. That would hopefully give her enough time to fix what needed fixing. If more time was needed that would be all right too. Any income from the Inn would go towards investments, since her financial security was well intact.

    But first the laundry had to be done. As Jackie started to fill up the washing machines she noticed Brian walk over to a very elderly woman and say, Gram, I told you to wait. I have a new washer being delivered to your house tomorrow. Did you forget again?

    Yes, I forgot Brian. That is what happens when you get older. You start to forget. Someday it will happen to you, but you have a long time before that happens. You are too young, quick and sharp. Or it may never happen, but for me it has begun and I have to learn to accept it. Getting older is not what people think it will be. Do things now while you can physically, mentally and financially. If you wait for those golden years you will realize they already passed by you. This is just a tip from your Gram who learned this the hard way, the woman answered. I also wish you would find a nice woman to share the rest of your life with. Your sister Mandy has a family of her own. I just wish you did. Things seem so much better when you share them with someone special. I have many wonderful memories with your grandfather. Those memories help me during the lonely times. And I have my God to lean on. He sees me through each day until it is time to be with your grandfather again.

    Well Gram, I’ll remember that. Let’s get your stuff together if you are done and I’ll take you home. And next time call me when you need something. I’m never too busy for you. Promise me? Also Brian really did not want all of this conversation in a public place. Even though this woman Jackie Bowers seemed busy with her laundry and did not appear to be eavesdropping, he was still uncomfortable with a conversation of this kind among others. Private family conversations should remain that way- private, especially when health issues were part of the conversation. After all, he had just met Jackie Bowers and knew nothing more about her except that she was the new owner of The Hilltop Inn. And he was attracted to her. There was no doubt about that. He just wondered how he could learn more about her and get to know her.

    I promise Brian. But don’t get upset if I forget. That seems to be happening a lot more often. There may come a time when I can no longer live alone and I’ve accepted that too.

    Well let’s not put the cart before the horse. And you know full well I’ll be sure you have a live-in care taker if it comes to that.

    Jackie continued to fill up the washing machines and mentally began a new plan for checking out the Inn for more issues. As Brian helped his Gram on the way out, he stopped and told Jackie, Good luck. Here is my card if you have any questions or need help or referrals. I hope things go well but call if you need to. I mean it. Ponderosa is a small town and we all try to look out for each other. Jackie could feel her face flush just from looking at him. She certainly hoped he didn’t notice.

    Jackie pulled out her Kindle once the washers were running and began a new book from one of her favorite authors (she had many), Ginny Baird. She loved her novellas, and was currently reading the Summer Groom Series. She became so engrossed in her reading that she didn’t realize the washers had stopped and it was time to switch to the dryers. After forty-five minutes more the laundry was dry and she began to fold everything neatly and pack up.

    Three hours later Jackie had finished her laundry and loaded up her Lexus SUV. That had been the last gift from her late husband. He wanted her to have a dependable vehicle. It was white with brown leather interior and had every gadget imaginable including a GPS which had come in very handy many times. Being four-wheel drive, it was perfect for living in the mountains with rough terrain.

    Jackie’s next stop was to the outlet stores where she found Fine Linens. At Fine Linens she bought enough sheets and towels for each suite to have triple sets. And all that she bought would fit in with the new names of the suites décor so everything was well coordinated. Jackie also took the time to buy table linens and napkins since she knew exactly what she wanted and the store had them. She even found cute bib aprons, pot holders and kitchen towels that would match her kitchen once it was redone. That was several checks offs on her to do list. She loved one-stop shopping. It saved precious time and gas. That was one good power shop and she was pleased.

    After making her selection and completing her purchase she headed for the Sears where she met the manager. Hello, may I help you? My name is Suzanne Miller. My husband Conner and I own and manage this franchise store. Is there something I can help you find? If it isn’t on the floor we can look through the on-line catalog. Orders can be shipped to the store for free or delivered to your home. And depending on the cost, free shipping may be included to the home.

    It’s nice to meet you Suzanne. My name is Jackie Bowers and I recently purchased The Hilltop Inn. This morning my washing machine died and I need to purchase a new one. It needs to be heavy duty and able to stand a lot of use. And I should probably buy a matching dryer so I know the set is new and dependable. I met Brian Williams at Soap Suds this morning and he mentioned I should check out the other appliances to be sure they were in good shape and not on their last leg, so I’ll most likely be back.

    Let me show you what we have. Do you want top or front loaders? A front loader washer is higher in efficiency in both energy use and the amount of soap required. We have various makes and models and they come in several finishes. Stainless is currently the most popular. We also sell a cleaning product especially for stainless appliances to prevent fingerprint marks from being left on them.

    "I think front loaders should be the way to go. Please show me what

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