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Sexy Alphas Boxed Set: Collection of Short Stories
Sexy Alphas Boxed Set: Collection of Short Stories
Sexy Alphas Boxed Set: Collection of Short Stories
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Sexy Alphas Boxed Set: Collection of Short Stories

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Reconnected--Rai needs a safe haven, she just wasn’t planning on it being at her ex’s cabin in the middle of nowhere. Lee tried to forget the woman who stole his heart, but now that a killer is after her, he’ll do whatever he must to keep her safe. 

The Sandman--When the Sandman finds her, Chevy turns to the dangerous dragon shifter lover she left behind. 

Thief of Souls--Immortals are powerful beings, but soul eaters are dangerous even for them. Can Devon and Francisco stop the soul thief before she becomes too powerful?

PublisherJaycee Clark
Release dateApr 27, 2016
Sexy Alphas Boxed Set: Collection of Short Stories

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    Book preview

    Sexy Alphas Boxed Set - Jaycee Clark

    Sexy Alphas Boxed Set

    Sexy Alphas Boxed Set

    Jaycee Clark






    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    The Sandman


    The Sandman

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Thief of Souls


    Thief of Souls

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    About the Author

    Also by Jaycee Clark

    Copyright © 2016 by Jaycee Clark

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    Jaycee Clark

    Copyright © 2016 by Jaycee Clark

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    by Jaycee Clark

    Rai needs a safe haven, she just wasn’t planning on it being at her ex’s cabin in the middle of nowhere. Lee tried to forget the woman who stole his heart, but now that a killer is after her, he’ll do whatever he must to keep her safe.

    Chapter 1

    What the hell did she do?


    I warned you, you little shit, Niall said, kicking the man on the floor.

    She stilled behind the door to the dining room. She needed to get the hell out of here. If she moved, they'd know she was here.

    But the French doors were right behind her leading to the patio and pool.

    Had he installed motion lights?

    He had wanted to, Niall often talked about it.

    You know what would happen if you double crossed us again, Niall growled.

    She peeked through the crack and saw he stood over the guy with a gun in hand.

    How had she ended up here? She just came over to get a few things she'd left.

    She'd been told he wasn't home. He hadn't asked for her key back. She'd kept it, and kept the fact she had left things here. He hadn't believed she was done.

    He never believed and God knew she'd come back too many other times.

    She had come in through the back door through the courtyard into the kitchen. There weren't any cars in the drive, only the old bike. She'd had a friend drop her off a couple of blocks away and she'd walked. She hadn't wanted Niall to know she was here, or that she'd even come to get her things and one of his neighbor buddies would tell him.

    She checked her watch.

    She'd been upstairs when she'd heard the garage door go up and had heard the scuffling.

    Should have checked the living room.

    There was a large sheet of plastic tarping on the floor and over the furniture.

    She had first thought he must be redecorating. Again. Niall was always redecorating something, adding something. Now though, now he wasn't decorating, unless blood spatter was the new vogue.

    He kicked the man in the head and again.

    She bit down, and tried to ease back towards the French doors.

    Had he set the alarm?

    Probably not.

    He'd know someone else had been in and set it back if he checked the logs and he would if he noticed her locket was gone.

    She should have just left Seattle.

    She'd planned on it, but she'd waited.

    Waited on work.

    Waited on a friend.

    Waiting on who the fuck knew.

    Look where that got her.

    You owe some people a lot of money and we've let it slide. Let it slide a few too many times, Niall said.

    The other man sat on the arm of the chair and watched, not smiling, not frowning.

    She'd seen him a few times.

    So I'm supposed to make an example out of you, Niall tapped his fingers on this thigh.

    No. No. Please, the man on the floor mumbled.

    They always beg, don't they? the man on the chair said.

    It's like a script almost, Niall said, chambering a round.

    The sound danced chills down her spine. She closed her eyes, silently praying.

    The shot made her jump.

    Shit. Shit. Shit.

    Her hands trembled as she eased back, eased a bit more. She should just hide until they were gone. She looked around.


    She slid between the wall and the china hutch. Please, please, please let them just leave.

    She heard them talking, planning and plotting where they'd put the body.

    The plastic crinkled as they must have rolled the body up.

    Clean kill. Shouldn't be a problem getting rid of the body. The other guy said.

    It's never a problem getting rid of the body, Niall said. You get to carry his ass though. Dumbass shoulda laid off the carbs.

    They both grunted. She heard them moving through the house. Heard the door open and shut in the kitchen.

    Please don't let him come in here.

    The grind of the garage door raising eased some of her tension. She waited, tense. The metallic taste of fear coating her tongue.

    Now? Or wait?

    What if Niall didn't go with whoever it was?

    She scrambled up and opened the French door hurrying over to the bushes that surrounded the backside of the pool. She slid behind the bushes, and caught her breath, waiting to see if the stupid lights came on. They didn't.

    But had the alarm sounded?

    She shook her head and eased down the bushes to the ally gate. Looking both ways, she shoved a strand of hair out of her face and opened the gate. Thank God she'd oiled it just last week. She eased it back shut and hurried down the ally, pulling out her cell phone.

    Who did she call?

    Would Niall know? Would he suspect it was her?

    With her missing jewelry? Yes, stupid. Stupid.

    It might be her grandmother's locket and the earrings her brother gave her, but neither were worth her life. She knew that. Knew it and they were still in her pocket. She’d wanted to grab a few other things.

    The box.

    Damn it! She'd left the box sitting on the damned counter, with her knives and her mug in it. She'd grabbed them in the kitchen earlier. She'd wanted to just go through the house and get what was hers, and dump it in the box.

    She should she go back and get it?


    She didn't know. And now? Now there was some dead schmuck.

    And a body they'd get rid of.

    And she knew.


    She had to tell someone.

    Who... who...

    Her hands trembled and she almost dropped the phone. Almost dropped it in the damp ally.

    Chill the hell out, Rai. She took a deep breath, but kept moving. Water dripped off the pine needles plunking to the ground.

    Keep moving.

    She pulled her hoody up, a dark one and kept walking. Through one ally, then another. When she was blocks away, she scrolled through her contacts trying to figure out what to do.

    She knew Niall. It was why she broke it off with him. She would be joining that poor bastard if, or rather when Niall realized she even could have been in the house when he killed the man.


    No, that wouldn't work. Her brothers would protect her, but she didn't want to pull them into this. Niall knew about her family. They'd probably be the first place he checked. She needed somewhere else to go.

    As she scrolled all the way to the bottom, work caught her eye.

    D. would probably help her.

    No, he would.

    Taking a deep breath, she hit the number. the loud music in the background settled something in her. She glanced back over her shoulder.

    If you're calling to say you can't come in, JI don't want to hear it. Three other girls are out with the damned flu. I need you.



    Rai, what's up?

    He just--he just--he just...


    She took a deep breath, then another. I need your help.

    Chapter 2

    Bear slid the brass into the slot to remove the old primer. As he raised the lever, he cursed. The brass crumpled. Well, damn.

    He grabbed another .10mm and slid it in after double checking it.

    Boom. Boom. Boom.

    Someone banged on the back door.

    Baxter barked and barked again. Tearing off from the back room to the backdoor. He hadn't heard anyone drive up, but then he had his music on rather loudly.

    Stupid dog. "You coulda warned me before they were at the damned door. How many times do I have to go over this with you? You bark before they get here. Not when they're already on the back porch. He checked from the side window and saw the beat to hell truck.


    He opened the door. What are you--

    An armful of woman tumbled into his chest.

    Hey! she said.

    Doc merely nodded to him. You owe me.

    Bear frowned. What the hell is this?

    Doc looked at the woman, then at Bear, and grinned. Man, if you don't know a woman when you see one, you've been doing the mountain hermit thing a bit too damned long. In which case you should thank me. His dark eyes slid back to the woman. Though with this one, you very well might not.

    Hey! I resent that. I didn't do anything to you.

    You're welcome, Doc said. Then he turned on his heel and started back towards the old truck. The woman jerked out of Bear's arms and hurried towards the truck. You're just pissed I offered you advice on how to deal with your pissed off girl.

    I didn’t ask.

    You're the one that brought up the fight. Several times I might add. I was only helping.

    Not gonna happen.

    Don't know what you're missing, she said sassily.

    It was dark and Bear had no clue what time it was. October in the mountains was cold and it got dark early. But he knew that voice.

    No way. No way. He couldn’t be that cursed.

    What the hell, Doc? he asked as he started down the walkway to the gate. A fence surrounded the yard so Baxter would have plenty of places to run, not that he'd run away, but it kept the neighbors and insurance peeps happy.

    D. call you? Or Harlen?

    Harlen called. D. mighta tried. He shrugged.

    Well, they explain?

    Bear frowned. He might of done a bowl and forgot. It happened. He thought about it.

    Great. This is where I'll be safe? Seriously? she asked, drawing his attention and his memory.

    He was cursed. Why him?

    Need your help in keeping a package safe.

    A package? he asked.

    Doc's chuckle danced across the night. And such a feisty one at that. Have fun.

    Wait a damned minute.

    The woman caught the duffle bag. Her long blonde hair glinted in the lights from his house.

    Baxter, the damned traitor, just bounced around her legs. Long legs.

    Damned fine long legs in some sort of workout clothes.

    Doc, you're so nice. I will always treasure this pleasant journey we shared.

    You, woman, are a pain in the ass.

    She laughed. So I've been told.

    You just ignore?

    Well, if you don't want my advice, don't ask.

    It was more implied.

    As I said, Doc told him, have fun. D. or Harlen will call later to make sure she made it and all is well. Don't loose her. Don't hurt her. Don't kill her, though the provocation might be great. Doc opened the door to his truck. Oh and don't make her cry, D's orders, or he'd come out here and kick your ass.

    Bear sighed, raked a hand over his face.

    What had just happened?

    She dropped her duffle and strode over to the door of the truck. She caught Doc before he climbed in. Thank you, Doc. And sorry if I was a pain in your ass. She gave him a hug and patted his back. Just remember to be nice, bring her a random gift, some small something and she'll be putty in your hands. And jewelry doesn't count.

    I look like a jewelry guy, Pita?

    Her laugh made Bear straighten, soft, husky it immediately made him think of bedrooms, countertops, a shower stall. Somewhere she could wrap those long, long legs around him. Bear watched her. And remembered the times she’d done just that.

    Thanks, again, Doc. she said. Please tell the guys thanks as well.

    Anytime. And try to rest. You don't sleep for shit.

    Getting killed in my dreams rather curbs that.

    Doc grunted. Point is, you sleep you're rested. You’re rested, you're aware. You get worn out, you'll miss something.

    He'll find me. You know he will.

    You don't worry about that piece of shit, Doc tapped the side of her head with a forefinger. Then he looked over to Bear. Seriously, watch out for her. Watch out for strangers looking for her. They want her bad.


    Doc opened his mouth, looked down and shook his head. I'll let her tell you. Y’all have fun!

    Doc climbed in, backed up and took off.

    Both Bear and the woman simply stared off after the red taillights.

    Baxter barked once. She reached down, let the hound smell her hand and then rubbed his head.

    Baxter sat at her feet and let her pet him.

    What the hell was he supposed to do with the her?

    He turned and walked in, then stopped and took the duffle from her.

    Come on.

    Well, hello to you too, Lee. Been a long time. Didn’t know they’d bring me here.


    Bear? Still? Seriously?

    He didn't answer only walked up the stone walkway and into the house. He stood waiting for her. She had some rainbow woven thing slung over her shoulder. When she stood in the light, he saw her eyes were blue, straight on bright blue and slightly titled up at the corners.

    Her lips were wide and plump, high cheekbones.

    She was damned beautiful. A pretty face, long legs, long hair and that mouth.

    Yeah, he'd probably been too long without a woman. And this one had trouble written all over her.


    He'd be talking to Harlen as soon as he had her settled.

    Chapter 3

    Rai followed Bear into the house, noticing the porch, that were it not so cold, she would love to sit out on.

    One look at that face and she knew it wasn’t going to happen. Why did it have to be him?

    What were the guys thinking?

    This wasn’t my idea, she said, following him over the threshold and into an entryway that soared up to the overlooking loft. Pine everywhere, mountain motif ran rampant. At least there was a cool couch with large multicolored throw pillows. Wonder who picked those out.

    Then who’s idea was this? And what the hell are you doing here?

    I have no idea. She shrugged and set her bag on a chair beside the entry where several boots were at attention against the grate of the heater.

    So Doc just decided, what the hell, kidnapped you, brought you here and dumped you on my doorstep? He walked deeper into the house.

    She followed him down a short hallway and into the kitchen. Damn, what a kitchen. Stainless steel gleamed from top of the line appliances, dark granite countertops, and redwood cabinets. Nice.

    Did you build this?

    He grunted.

    What did that mean? Grunts. She’d always had a hard time understanding Gruntaguese.

    I’d forgotten you did that. All the damn time.

    Memory had blurred on how much you talk, too.

    I don’t talk a lot.

    He grunted again. Probably just to irritate her.

    He refilled a

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