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Leeporder And The Savings Of Karen Orsted
Leeporder And The Savings Of Karen Orsted
Leeporder And The Savings Of Karen Orsted
Ebook48 pages35 minutes

Leeporder And The Savings Of Karen Orsted

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This story is true about an danish woman named Karen orsted who trapped inside an occult and wanted to be free. she meet's a man named Leeporder who can only set her Free and risks his life for her freedom.

Release dateApr 27, 2016
Leeporder And The Savings Of Karen Orsted

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    Leeporder And The Savings Of Karen Orsted - Samuel Lee Smith

    The lonely House

    Chapter one

    An Danish woman named, Michelle lived with her mom  Betty and sister Julie. which is Betty's. favorite daughter. Julie has dark long hair and Michelle has long brown hair and blue eyes and she loves to write songs and hope to see the united States.  she always wanted to be free from home.  she always been treated poorly by her mother.  Michelle washes the dishes.  you better make sure that they're done perfect. said Julie.  you're not the the one who's doing it. said Michelle! I'm the most favorite child  in this house and I don't have to do anything. said Julie.  Michelle  shook her head and finish washing. after she washed the dishes, she  scrubs the  floor. that's it for now and you  shall take a break. said Betty. yes ma'am.

    said Michelle. as she went outside and ran by the beautiful lake. she just stares into the shore. dreaming of  getting away.

    Lord, please let me get away from this place. said Michelle.  however, Joshua came over. which is Julie's boyfriend.

    Julie ran up and kisses him on the lips.  that. slave is not in here is she? he asked.

    Julie and Betty just laughed.  she lives here remember? asked  Julie.  I've forgotten about that. said Joshua.  mother, we're going out  now. said Julie. be safe dear. said Betty. as they left.  Betty was about to bake a cake and had no eggs. Michelle comes  back into the house. you need to go get me some eggs. said Betty.

    yes ma'am.  said Michelle. as she left out the front door and start walking down the road.  it was very warm  and Windy.  the sky is blue and all she can hear was farm animals.  suddenly, a white house  blocks her path and out came a native American handsome man. he is dressed as a white cowboy.  It's  gonna take you an hour to get  there and. get back. he. said. how do  know?  asked Michelle.  I've been up and  down this  road a lot.  he said.  I've never saw you. said Michelle.  look out your window at night. he said. you're going to get me in trouble. said Michelle.  if you  promise to tell me your name  and let me give you a ride. he said.  my name is Michelle and yes I will want to ride with you. said Michelle. well, you can call me Sam and may I help you on to the horse?

    asked sam.  sure! said Michelle. as he helps  her on the horse and then he got on. Michelle held onto him by hugging around his waist and off they went. so they made it  to. the.  store and Michelle climbed down and ran into the  store. Sam  just stares at her.  some people came and checked out. Sam's  horse. suddenly, Michelle. sees her sister.  Michelle swiftly dodges  and  ran over to the egg's and stayed hidden until she left.  Michelle grabs  the dozen of 

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