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Five Steps to Break Any Habit: How to Get Out Of Your Own Way and Start Being Happy
Five Steps to Break Any Habit: How to Get Out Of Your Own Way and Start Being Happy
Five Steps to Break Any Habit: How to Get Out Of Your Own Way and Start Being Happy
Ebook72 pages38 minutes

Five Steps to Break Any Habit: How to Get Out Of Your Own Way and Start Being Happy

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About this ebook

The Five Step System will show you:

The dangerous habit that could be robbing you of happiness right now-- and how to make sure you never do it again!

How to use basic, time-tested psychological principles to turn negative habits into positive habits

Why self-help books don't usually produce lasting results and how you can make your progress last

The amazing technique that can help you painlessly confront difficult memories of people, things and events and change the way you feel about them

The amazing trick I discovered that helped me to change my self-image instantly-- and become the person I always wanted to be!

How to "light up a room" even when all you want to do is hide under the covers
One of the most powerful secrets in the world to finding happiness and peace in any relationship
Three simple steps that will help you literally change your state of mind and help you feel good even when it's most difficult
The simple exercise that can convince your brain to crave healthy behavior and diminish the appeal of unhealthy behavior so wrong choices begin to lose their appeal to you
How to avoid the destructive habits and thought patterns that may be destroying your relationships
...and more!

Release dateJan 5, 2013
Five Steps to Break Any Habit: How to Get Out Of Your Own Way and Start Being Happy

Brittany Bullen

My name is Brittany Bullen. I am a member of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society and the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. I am a wife, mother of two boys, a writer, a performer, a composer and an aspiring vegan chef. I am also a Five Steps success story. I have used these five steps to transform nearly every area of my life, and that's how I know that you can too. I have always had an aversion to therapy. I always found myself restless, looking for a practical way to fix my life and make me feel good again. That's why I decided to become my own therapist, to fix my own problems. I have spent the past fifteen years studying psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, relationships and human behavior and have discovered that there are some very simple things that any person can do to significantly increase their quality of life, no matter how limited their time, resources or circumstances might be.

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    Book preview

    Five Steps to Break Any Habit - Brittany Bullen

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this book. I sincerely hope it helps you achieve your goal-- so much so that I’ve designed another free way for you to experience my Five Step System: The Five Steps E-Course. I designed this course because I always intended for the Five Step process to be interactive. The information I offer in the e-course is exactly the same as what you’re about to read, so you’re welcome to skip to the Five Steps section in the Table of Contents and just start there if you’d like. The difference between the book and the e-course is that the e-course has forms where you can fill out your answers to the questions posed with each step, and your information will be emailed to you for your records so you can keep track of your progress over time.

    What are the Five Steps?

    The Five Step System is, in essence, a system for changing habits. This system can be applied to just about any subject we want to apply it to, the only thing that really changes is the habits we want to break and/or establish. In this book, I’ll begin by proposing certain habits that you might want to consider adopting or eliminating, and then I’ll help you with the process of making that happen.

    Why is this book so short?

    I think the best way to answer that question is to tell you a little story. When I was about twelve, all I could think about was how much I wanted boys to like me.  Sadly, I was coming up a bit short in that department and I didn’t know what to do.  Upon perusing a popular pre-teen magazine, I noticed an ad for a book promising the secret to getting the boys’ attention.  This must be the solution I’ve been waiting for, I thought!  If only I could read this book, I would be just like the cute girls and have boys calling my house non-stop.  I spent every last dime I had saved buying that book.  Two agonizing months later, it finally came in the mail.  I tore it open and skimmed past the introduction to find that the secret was... confidence.  THAT’S IT??  I thought?  All my money for THAT?  

    What I didn’t get then, or for years afterward, was that it really was that simple.  Granted, the book did have some other things to say on the subject of attracting the opposite sex, but that really was (and is) what it boils down to.  Nine times out of ten, I’d venture to say that the more confident woman gets her man.  It isn’t more complicated than that and it doesn’t need to be.  The same holds true with the principles I’m about to teach you.  They’re simple, easy and effective.  It won’t take a textbook to explain them.  I would be wasting your time if I told you otherwise.   

    I've read more books on the subject of improving one's life than I can count.  Most of them contain similar (and sometimes the exact same) anecdotes, quotations and references to each other.  While I appreciate and have

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