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The Devil's Preying On Me: A Product of His On Own Environments
The Devil's Preying On Me: A Product of His On Own Environments
The Devil's Preying On Me: A Product of His On Own Environments
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The Devil's Preying On Me: A Product of His On Own Environments

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Release dateApr 20, 2016
The Devil's Preying On Me: A Product of His On Own Environments

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Horrible book don’t do it to yourself please. This is not it

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The Devil's Preying On Me - VERNON MILLS

Born in Sin

Hello! Dear Reader, please read this book with an open mind. Please let me introduce myself. My name is Vernon Robert Mills, Sr. I was conceived by James Morgan and Shirley Mills. I was born September 17th 1975 at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NY. I don’t remember anything about being born, but as I got older I heard I was born as a pre-me. I am the youngest of my mother’s three children. Same mother, but different fathers. I have two older siblings; my sister is the oldest out of the three. My brother is the middle child. Then, Me. My mom’s last nut.

My earliest memories of being a little boy start about 4 or 5 years old in Rochester, NY at 11 Henry Street, one of my childhood homes. To my memory, I remember the house being red and black. And having a real nice size kitchen when you walked into the home. The home had a bedroom off from the kitchen, and two more bedrooms when you entered the living room or the den.

I guess my childhood in the beginning was like any other single parent home with siblings. My mother provided love and care and my big brother and big sister being such friends, adversaries, and family. As a child, I remember a vibe being in the house when my sister and brother were there. It was a loving and warm vibe, even though my mom was a single parent, and my siblings and I had different fathers.

As I reflect over the years, a typical day for me at 11 Henry Street as a little boy went like this: I would wake up, used the bathroom, and after I used the bathroom my mom would feed us. If my sister and brother had time they would eat as well, or they would eat breakfast at school.

After I was done eating and my sister and brother were off to school, I would chill with my mom. I would play in the house or my mom would let me watch whatever I wanted to watch until her television programs came on. The TV shows my mom would watch would be the stories…All my Children, General Hospital, and The People’s Court starring the Honorable Judge Joseph Wapner; and probably a few more that I missed to mention throughout the morning and the afternoon, until my sister and brother got home.

When I started to come into my own awareness and knowledge of my home and neighborhood, my mom would send me out to play or to the store for her. I thought that was the coolest thing ever because it would surprise people to see me going to and fro by myself in the neighborhood at the age of 5 or 6.

I don’t know if my mom knew if I was responsible enough or being an irresponsible parent to let me run errands for her or to roam alone as a little boy. Now my days are becoming more interesting and adventurous. I don’t have to sit in the house all day no more and wait until my brother comes home from school. Now my days are similar but different, after me, my brother and sister ate breakfast and they’re off to school. I sit patiently waiting for permission from my mom to either go to the store for her or go outside to play.

I felt at an early age that something great and powerful was protecting me. I couldn’t put my finger on it at the time, what it was, but I knew I was safe. I first would walk the ways I learned from my mom, cousins, and this lady named Winnie (Her Kids). So everywhere I went in the beginning, were places I was familiar with. For instance, I would walk to Uncle Charlie’s house, then to Poke and Mary’s store, then somehow end up at one of my cousin’s houses; Punkin or Uncle George and Aunt Mary Ana’s house (these are my cousins too). When I would appear at these houses, no one would ever ask who walked with me, they would just let me in, and when I was finish visiting these places they would let me go the same way I came, by myself. I would return home, the same way I left unharmed.

This went on for a while until I started school. When I started school this was the first time I experienced change. My dad enrolled me in an elementary school named, Southlawn. It was in the suburbs of Rochester, NY. I can’t recall being scared to attend school, but I do remember I didn’t want to be away from my mom. I guess that’s just an offspring thing. We all have experienced this as kids…girls and boys. So, I would purposely get in trouble just so I can be at home with my mom, but that didn’t work. I still had to go to school.

I can recall the first time I realized I had a will to choose. I hook school. My school bus came and I hid. I played on the playground for a couple of hours until I had gotten tired. Once I had gotten tired, I sat down and ate my lunch. After I ate my lunch, I walked back home and told my mom I missed the bus. She was cool for a minute. She said she was going to call my dad and get him to take me to school. But for some reason she wanted to look inside my lunch bag. Once she looked inside my lunch bag and saw I ate my lunch, she was furious. My mom whooped my ass. While she was whooping me, the belt buckle hit me right above my left eye, left a cut and a bruise. I remember not going to school that day, but I went to school the very next day.

Before I left home from school, my mom told me if anybody asked me what happened at school, tell them, that I hurt myself playing. This was the first time I knew I could tell a lie. When I gotten to school the next day, the teachers were concerned about how I got that bruise and cut. They sent me to the nurse’s office. And questioned me about the cut and bruise and wanted to see my body. I told them I fell playing and refused to let them see my body. My dad was upset with my mom for the way she had disciplined me.

At this point, I knew at an early age that I had a will to choose and I could lie. This was the first time the devil had preyed on me.

The second time the devil came to me was my sixth birthday. My mom bought me a strawberry birthday cake, and she gathered up some change and bought a nickel bag of weed. We sung Happy Birthday. I blew out the candles on my birthday cake. And my mom smoked weed with us for my sixth birthday. I didn’t know this

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