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The Carer’s Guide: Spiritual and Practical Advice!
The Carer’s Guide: Spiritual and Practical Advice!
The Carer’s Guide: Spiritual and Practical Advice!
Ebook141 pages1 hour

The Carer’s Guide: Spiritual and Practical Advice!

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About this ebook

Many Carers are often faced with unexpected situations in their daily lives & need gentle, practical & spiritual insights into why their patient is ill, how to care for them & how to make sure that they too, don't become exhausted & ill! Whether your patient is an ill child, an injured partner or an elderly parent, you will find this an invaluable guide to giving care. A Beacon of Light Book.

PublisherThe Abbotts
Release dateMay 1, 2016
The Carer’s Guide: Spiritual and Practical Advice!

The Abbotts

The Abbotts have published over 140 books on many different alien/extraterrestrial, psychic and spiritual subjects including the paranormal, self development, love, relationships and inspiriting fiction.They also have another 275 plus books that are being prepared for general release!All of their published books and courses are available through all major online book stores, book retailers and digital libraries.The Abbotts goals for the future includes writing even more alternate books and branching out into other forms of mass media including films, animation, audio books and translated books.The Abbotts hope that you enjoy their free and low-cost books. Please recommend us to your family and friends.Love, Light and hopeThe AbbottsTony Abbott and Robyn Abbott.

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    Book preview

    The Carer’s Guide - The Abbotts

    The Carer’s Guide

    Spiritual and Practical Advice!


    The Abbotts

    A Beacon of Light Book

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2016, The Abbotts

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this ebook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of the authors.

    Table of Contents


    The Authors, Tony Abbott, Robyn Abbott, The Abbotts


    Chapter One - Meditation

    Basic Meditation, Deep Meditation Exercise

    Chapter Two - Ill-Health Reasons

    Past Life Wounds, Life Lessons, World Plan, Freewill, Forgiveness Exercise

    Chapter Three - Patient Love

    Chapter Four - Child Patient

    Chapter Five - Elderly Patients

    Pain Reduction Exercise

    Chapter Six - The Terminally Ill Patient

    Chapter Seven - Hospital Manners

    Chapter Eight - Spiritual Help

    How to Contact Your Personal Spirit Guides

    Natural Health Tips, Migraine, Gall Bladder Pain, Hemorrhoids, Tinnitus, High Cholesterol, Eczema, Some Typical Light Body Symptoms Include, Healing Temple Meditation

    Chapter Nine - Patient’s Responsibility


    Other book titles by The Abbotts

    Over 200 titles available including

    Hermetic Healing Course - A 10 Part Spiritual Healing Course

    Why Did That Happen To Me? - The Spiritual Complexities of Illness

    Living with the Lightbody - A Guide to 21st Century Health!

    Other book categories by The Abbotts

    Categories include


    The Authors

    Tony Abbott has been a professional clairvoyant, hypnotherapist, healer and self-development teacher. He is now a writer and the Managing Director of Divine Publishing Australia an independent electronic publisher & promoter of paranormal & New Age material.

    Robyn Abbott is a former spiritualist minister, clairvoyant and social welfare worker who now devotes her time to writing and publishing spiritual, psychic and self-help books.

    The Abbotts have published over 200 books on many different psychic subjects, the paranormal and personal development. All of their books and courses are available through Divine Publishing Australia at


    Our Carers are often the unsung heroes of our society, but very little is ever written about their duties, plight, worries and own health care!

    For those of you who have read our earlier books and courses, you will know that we are a spiritual couple, counsellors, hypnotherapists, healers and clairvoyants. We have worked with spiritual beings for over thirty years and feel that they are kind, helpful and practical angelic beings who are not restricted to churches and temples, but like to work with us in our every-day lives. Their advice is often useful and caring. We will include some of their advice in this book.

    No doubt, our former clients’ successes and problems are similar to your own and so, we will mention some of these scenarios but of course, for our clients’ privacy, we have changed their names!

    We offer our ideas with much Love, Light and Hope.

    Tony Abbott and Robyn Abbott,

    The Abbotts

    Eden Park, 2016

    Chapter One - Meditation

    Whether you are a professional carer such as a nurse, doctor, physiotherapist, therapist or healer or an amateur who is caring for an ill partner, parent, child or neighbour, you are a special person whose goal in life is to help ease the burden of someone weaker and sicker than yourself.

    You are the unsung heroes and quiet achievers in our society who often go unnoticed and unrewarded! We hope in this book to give you personal practical and spiritually inspiring advice and encouragement, to help you cope with your valuable daily work and ease your own burdens, while you perform your everyday chores.

    Often the carer’s role falls on one person in a busy extended family and people become so used to this person sacrificing everything that they forget that a carer needs kindness, space and time to themselves, as much as the patient.

    We have both seen committed carers buckle under the load of caring for another person and suffer from psychological and physical ‘burn-out’ and we don’t want this, to happen to you! Your health should not suffer for another’s! You are as important as your patient and should be respected and cared for, as well!

    Carole came to see us for counselling, as she was quite exhausted with looking after her mother who was in her late sixties and recuperating, from a severe case of glandular fever. What can I do to make the burden easier? she asked us, in a tired voice.

    We suggested respite care for her mother for a week or two, but she did not want this, as her mother hated to be looked after by strangers. (Please note Chapter Nine, Patient’s Responsibility!)

    But we did suggest that she keep-up a healthy diet and adequate vitamin intake, took short rest breaks and more importantly - learn meditation.

    She was surprised at the last suggestion and felt like many people that she didn’t have the time and how could it really help her? Wasn’t it just mumbo-jumbo?

    Meditation has been used by practitioners in many lands for millennia, to relax the mind and body and provide insights into life situations. Priests, nuns, doctors and yogis have all discovered

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