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Broken Boys: A Thriller
Broken Boys: A Thriller
Broken Boys: A Thriller
Ebook365 pages7 hours

Broken Boys: A Thriller

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Maggie Morehouse has a husband who ignores her and a grown son who doesn't need her. When a mysterious stranger at a small-town parade offers her a life outside the box, she disappears with him, leaving her family to pick up the pieces. Caught between anger and fear, her husband involves the police. The search for Maggie and her companion leads two Pennsylvania detectives into the VFW halls and bingo parlors of rural Virginia where broken boys are at very dangerous play.

Praise for Broken Boys

"Jill Kelly makes you believe each character in Broken Boys, and the suspense in her story grows ominously without a hint of contrivance or a single false note." Mike Bowen, author of Damage Control.
"Detective Hansen from Fog of Dead Souls returns in the search for a mysterious drifter whose charm masks a darker intent. This chilling story will keep you reading late into the night to find out what happens next." Pamela Stringer, author of Death in the Debit Column
"Broken Boys is a riveting and unrelenting combination of lust, larceny, and human weakness. Kelly has an extraordinary ability to delve into the psyches of her characters and expose them as the damaged humans they are." Leigh Goodison, author of Jigsaw Man

PublisherJill Kelly
Release dateApr 28, 2016
Broken Boys: A Thriller

Jill Kelly

I began writing in 2002 with a memoir that was a finalist for the prestigious Oregon Book Award. Since then I've been writing most days in the morning for an hour or so and am currently working on book #10. It's just so fun. I'm a big reader of mysteries and thrillers and have written three of my own. I also enjoy exploring the relationships between men and women, and mothers and daughters. I'm a former college professor of literature and writing who's been a freelance editor for the last 25 years. I am also a pastel and acrylic painter and I make art deco needlepoint pillows ( I live in Portland, Oregon, with my four cats who do all the chores so I can be creative 24/7.

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