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The Noosphere
The Noosphere
The Noosphere
Ebook653 pages21 hours

The Noosphere

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About this ebook

The Noosphere is a "thinking atmosphere" that has been evolving on Earth since the dawn of humanity. The internet is a physical manifestation of it: a worldwide linked network; a global information exchange between people. But what comes next? Does mind detach itself from bodies? Can the collective consciousness of humanity leave Earth and soar off into the heavens on the most amazing of all cosmic journeys? Is the Noosphere a Soul Sphere, composed of the souls of all good, enlightened, moral, rational human beings, and leaving behind the souls of all the greedy, selfish, hateful monsters and psychopaths who have ruled our world? Imagine the Soul Sphere merging, finally, with the "God Sphere" and establishing a Society of the Divine. Is that the ultimate destiny of higher humanity?

The Noosphere will not be powered by faith, prayers or superstition; ontological mathematics and hyperreason will be its engine.

This is the story of the highest human thought, and how it's leaving behind materialism and the sensory domain and realizing the truth of existence - that we ultimately inhabit an immortal, indestructible mental Singularity outside space and time and that the illusion of materialism is generated mathematically via holography. The universe is a self-generating, intelligent, living hologram, comprised of infinite souls (Leibnizian monads).

PublisherMike Hockney
Release dateMay 1, 2016
The Noosphere

Mike Hockney

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George OrwellPythagorean Illuminism, the religion of the Illuminati, formally began with the ancient Greek mystic and mathematician Pythagoras and is the world's only "Logos" religion, i.e. a rational religion founded on reason, mathematics, science and philosophy. It has no connection with "Mythos" religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam which are based on faith, superstition, irrationality, stories, parables, myths, legends and "divine revelation". These religions are wholly false.Illumination is the only true religion. It's the Grand Unified Theory of Everything, linking science, religion, psychology, philosophy and even the paranormal. It does so via the sole medium of truth and absolute knowledge: mathematics, which Pythagoras declared as the arche, the fundamental substance of existence. Ontology and epistemology are finally united in the doctrine of "living mathematics". Mathematics is not a reflection or model of reality. Mathematics IS reality.Whereas science is based on "mathematical materialism", Illumination uses Leibnizian "mathematical idealism". These are the only two possible accounts of reality. All other systems are bogus, worthless and pernicious.In order to follow the one, true religion, you must be smart. Quite simply, the truth is not for everyone. The truth is a function of reason and logic, not faith. All atheists, agnostics, skeptics and cynics will find a spiritual home within Illuminism. They are most welcome. "Believers" are not.The Pythagorean Illuminati are the sworn enemies of Abrahamism. Do not read our books if you would be prepared to murder your child if "God" ordered it. Equally do not read them if you believe in shape-shifting, pan-dimensional alien lizards. Only genuine seekers of true enlightenment will profit from reading our work.*************Imagine a camera that takes pictures of the human soul. Imagine it could detect how good or evil you are. Imagine it could analyze every aspect of your personality. Imagine it could tell you how many times you have been reincarnated. Imagine it could tell you how close you are to achieving gnosis and becoming GOD!Imagine that a real secret society already possesses such a camera, which operates in accordance with the inviolable, fundamental principles of the cosmos - six-dimensional mathematical idealism (as opposed to the bogus 11-dimensional mathematical materialism of contemporary science based on "M-theory").The Paradigm Shift is coming. Humanity is about to enter its divine phase.Mike Hockney, Michael Faust and Adam Weishaupt.**************These books are anti-Old World Order samizdat and agitprop publications. Uncensored, they are the vehicles of the purest free speech available in the world today. If they have a certain rough and ready anti-corporate quality, it's because teams of expensive, glossy capitalist "packagers" have had no involvement with the production of these books. If you want coffee table books, these are not for you. If you want the truth, WELCOME!Join the Illuminist Revolution! Join the birth of Hyperreason. Enter Hyperreality.

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