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Living Your Life In Freedom
Living Your Life In Freedom
Living Your Life In Freedom
Ebook71 pages1 hour

Living Your Life In Freedom

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About this ebook

When we talk about living in freedom, we automatically think of living free from slavery and tyranny. Many people have had to live their lives bound by these terrible means. The type of freedom that I want to talk to you about transcends any kind of bondage that mere man can possibly impose. You can live your life in complete freedom from sin, disease, sickness and all other satanic oppressions. You do not have to be bound by anything!
Release dateOct 6, 2011
Living Your Life In Freedom

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    Book preview

    Living Your Life In Freedom - E. Richard Bridgeforth, Sr.



    When we talk about living in freedom, we automatically think of living free from slavery and tyranny. Many people have had to live their lives bound by these terrible means. Thankfully, at least here in the United States, slavery and tyranny were abolished, but in other parts of the world, people are still being exploited and held captive. This is not acceptable and should be the duty of every free person to pray for the freedom of those who are still bound.

    The type of freedom that I want to talk to you about transcends any kind of bondage that mere man can possibly impose. You can live your life in complete freedom from sin, disease, sickness and all other satanic oppressions. You do not have to be bound by anything! Now, you may say that you aren’t bound by anything and that you are living your life in total freedom. Are you? Well, why then do people get sick with a cold or the flu at times? Why do some people have various diseases like cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or any other problem that may be crippling or even terminal? Oh, I have heard people say, Well, that’s just ‘Nature taking its course.’ No, what it is, is the fact that the devil is having his way! Every person living is subject to having some sickness or disease in their life. Furthermore, every person is subject to being bound by unhealthy habits or by demonic control that leads them to do things that are not Godly. However, there is a way that we can live our lives in freedom from all these things.

    People who are not born again believers are vulnerable to anything the enemy (the devil) throws at them. They have no one but doctors, medical personnel and other professionals to offer them help. However, there is hope for them. That hope is in Jesus! Those who are not born again can accept Jesus into their lives by surrendering their hearts and lives to the One who can and will heal them and set them

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