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Montana Harmony: Love in Big Sky Country
Montana Harmony: Love in Big Sky Country
Montana Harmony: Love in Big Sky Country
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Montana Harmony: Love in Big Sky Country

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A recent grad from a small college in Billings, Montana, Larissa struggles for her well-deserved independence. She’s constantly threatened by her parent’s unrealistic expectations and control. Desperate for her freedom, she leaves her childhood community and all she knows.

Settling in Kelispell, she meets a local rancher who steadily pursues her. Sparks fly with the handsome bad-boy. His charm is irresistible and their passion ignites like a wild fire, hot and fast moving. But he has secrets and a lifestyle unlike anything she's every dealt with before. Will their burgeoning romance survive her meddling parents and his unique lifestyle?

Release dateMay 7, 2016
Montana Harmony: Love in Big Sky Country

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    Montana Harmony - Felicia Pheonix


    The soft sound of a door shutting followed by a shower turning on, woke him.  For several minutes, Nick relaxed into the mattress as he listened to the sounds of the new day echoing through the large log house. He enjoyed the feel of the satiny sheets against his skin along with the sweet scented body pressed against his.  Jodi snuggled close to him.  She was deeply asleep.  He hugged her to him.  His cock stiffened as he thought of the pleasure her luscious body had provided the night before.   

    Reluctantly, he turned to glance at the clock on the bed stand.  It was nearly 7:30. Damn, morning comes too fast. Carefully, he moved his arm from under Jodi’s warm body trying to not rouse her from her sweet dreams.  Nevertheless, she sighed, her beautiful blue eyes opened slightly.

    Good morning baby, he whispered, then kissed her lightly on the lips.

    Yes, it is a good morning. She reached over and caressed the side of his face.  I’m going to go back to sleep for a bit.  She smiled, then quietly rolled away from him into Sam, who was asleep on the other side of her.  Quickly, she resumed her deep slumber. 

    Nick watched her for several moments. His heart ached with tenderness for her. She was a generous woman with her body and her heart.  Jodi was his partner Todd’s legal wife, and his and Sam’s precious life-mate.  All three men loved and shared her as they did everything else they possessed. Tenderly, Nick caressed her thigh as he covered her with a sheet. 

    He realized she was tired. They had taken turns enjoying her lush body for hours last night.  Jodi pleased them and they loved her all the more for her eagerness to do so.  Sam was sprawled out snoring loudly. Reluctantly, Nick got out of the bed.  He stood up and stretched.  Then bent down and sweetly kissed Jodi’s warm cheek. 

    He heard Todd turn off the shower.  He was humming one of his favorite songs.  Todd had gotten up earlier to get the morning chores done. There was a lot to do in the mornings at a ranch the size of theirs.  Today was Todd’s turn to feed the cows and horses and let them out to pasture.

    Nick rushed into one of the other bathrooms to shower, shave and get dressed.  He was ready in twenty minutes, anxious to be on his way to town.  He was meeting the hot little waitress he’d been seeing every day for the last two weeks.  Since he had met her, she was always on his mind.  He was constantly daydreaming about her long auburn hair, and lovely sparkling eyes.  He needed to go to the mill to get more feed and then to get supplies and groceries. But his most important stop would be the café where she worked. 

    Nick finished up and headed downstairs. Hey Todd, the coffee smells great. He passed the open windows.  A pleasant breeze was blowing in.  It’s another gorgeous day.  Everything smells so fresh.

    Yep, it sure is. Todd smiled.  There’s no place more beautiful than Montana in the summer.

    I’m grateful every day to be here.  Nick stood in front of the window appreciating the view. 

    Me too.  You’ve been through a lot. We all have.  But we’re here now and Iraq is behind us.

    For sure. Nick nodded.  This is a paradise and we have our own little angel.  Nick glanced in the direction of the bedroom.  

    Jodi’s perfect.  Todd grinned.  Want a cup of coffee? I know I really need the caffeine. I could hardly roll out of bed this morning. He took a large mug out of the cupboard then poured the steaming liquid into it. 

    Yep, I’ll have a cup. Nick accepted the full cup from Todd. 

    A good breakfast would be great too.  But, I’m not cooking it.  He added cream to his cup. 

    I’m not either. Nick shook his head.  Jodi needs to rest this morning. We rode her so hard last night, poor girl. He grinned. 

    True, I guess I’ll eat cereal. Todd drank down his cup of coffee.  You’re going to see your waitress at the café.

    I am, but it’s a distance to drive.  I’ll be starving before I get there.

    I know. Todd nodded.  I just wanted to bring her up. He grinned.  I sure hope she works out for you.  What’s her name?


    Larissa, what a pretty name. Todd added more coffee to his cup. 

    For a pretty girl. Nick nodded.

    I sure hope she works out.  I know you like her.  It would be great for you, for us. He winked. 

    Yes, I’m excited for our family to grow too.

    It’ll be nice when you and Sam add to our family.  But, I realize it’s not easy to find the right woman.

    Nope, it’s a challenge. They watched the horses in the barn yard.  

    It would take some work off of Jodi in and out of the bedroom. Nick drank down his coffee.  Like I prefer her coffee to yours.  He grinned.

    Me too.

    You need anything special in town? Nick walked to the pantry to grab his box of cereal. 

    No, but Jodi made a list of groceries for Saturday’s dinner.  She’s excited to meet Larissa.  I hope your little waitress agrees to come here for a visit.  

    She wanted to come.  Larissa’s not shy but kinda old fashioned, in a guy asks a girl, sort of way.  I think she’s used to being the one pursued.

    The gorgeous ones always are. Todd winked.  Well, hopefully she’s not too old-fashioned for us. Todd laughed.  We’re a bit different.  Especially, in our concept of sharing.  That last woman Sam brought home was not impressed with our way of doing things.

    Yeah, that turned out badly.  I’m hoping I‘ve read Larissa right.  Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve spent hours talking. I thought it best to not rush it, but to get to know her a bit.

    So, what’s your verdict?

    She’s smart, a new age thinker, sweet, and a fireball all rolled up into a sexy petite package. Nick smiled. 

    Sounds perfect. I think talking and really listening is the key to building a solid relationship.  It helps build trust.

    I’m hoping it’ll just work out like it did with Jodi.  Nick shrugged. I really have a good feeling about Larissa. And I’m not gonna lie, I can’t wait to get into her pants.  I have a feeling it’ll be soon.  

    Good luck with it. I can’t wait to meet her. Todd grabbed his cowboy hat off the hook.  

    It’s sweet of Jodi to make a special dinner for her.  She’s always thoughtful.  Nick added milk to his cereal. 

    Jodi wants our family to grow too. So, she’s anxious to meet Larissa.  She’s looking forward to sharing some of her duties.

    Why, so she can actually sleep at night? Nick chuckled.  Shit, I forgot my wallet in the bedroom.  I’d better go get it before I leave here again without it. Nick nearly inhaled his cereal. 

    Yea, that would stink to drive all the way and have no money.  Todd grinned as he put his boots on.  

    Be sure to get Jodi’s note on the dresser next to the bed.  And pick her up some flowers too on the way home.  I think she would like that.  Todd opened the back door to leave. 

    Sure, sounds great. Nick headed up the stairs.  Moans of pleasure echoed down the hallway.  When he entered the bedroom, Jodi was on her knees in the middle of the mattress. She was resting on her elbows with her hips raised.  Her legs were spread apart to accommodate Sam as he thrust into her.  I thought you were still sleeping. Nick stood at the edge of the bed watching Sam mount her. Her head was down. Her lovely long blonde hair was spread out over the sheets as she met his thrusts with her own.  She glanced up to see him. 

    Sam’s horny.

    That’s nothing new.  We all are. Nick searched for his wallet.

    Good thing I am too. She smiled.  Would you like a turn?

    Yes I do. He smiled.  But it’s getting late, I’ve got to get to town.

    Yeah, good luck with Larissa. Jodi swept her long hair to her other side as she arched her back.  Oh baby, feels so good. Jodi stroked her pussy where Sam’s cock joined her. She was exceptionally skilled in giving pleasure and she truly enjoyed sex. Whenever they wanted her to pleasure them, she was more than willing.  Sam’s expression was intense with emotions as he moved in and out of her.  Nick reached out and touched Jodi’s beautiful hair.  He twirled a section between his fingers as he watched her fuck.  Sam ignored him and rolled Jodi over to face him.  Effortlessly she spread and lifted her legs for him.  She took hold of his cock and caressed it.  It glistened with cum. Then she placed it at the entrance of her wet pussy.  Don’t stop baby, push it in, she purred. Jodi moved her hips up inviting him to fill her once more.  Sam did as she requested in one forceful thrust.  Jodi whimpered as she withered beneath him. 

    Jodi, you feel so good.  Sam kissed the side of her face.  His arms held him up above her as his hips slammed into her body.  The

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