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Driven By Demons
Driven By Demons
Driven By Demons
Ebook450 pages7 hours

Driven By Demons

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For JD Walker, owner of the infamous fetish club Devil’s Playground, life is good. His club is successful, he has plenty of money and spends his time indulging in his lifelong addiction; sex. But despite his current success he is still haunted by a dark and violent past marred by the death of his mother, a death he blames himself for.

Two years ago reporter Molly Malone was part of a news team sure they could prove the Playground was more than a strip club, and was in fact a high end brothel where people paid to have their sickest fantasies fulfilled. But Malone and her partners underestimated JD Walkers powerful connections and the expose blew up in their faces, ending in a libel suit that cost all but Molly their jobs.

Now JD faces a far more serious threat in the form of Reverend Zachary Knox, a fire and brimstone preacher who has sworn to close dens of iniquity like the Playground. Knox’s protestors are scaring always Walkers clients and his employees and to JD’s dismay it seems the Reverend has just as many connections as he does.

Molly Malone wouldn’t mind seeing JD go down, but not in this case as she has a personal vendetta against Knox. Back in Alabama where Molly grew up Knox and his corrupt ministry was responsible for the darkest event in her life, one that has left her scarred emotionally and craving dark perversions, the kind JD has made his living on.

Up until now JD and Molly had nothing in common, but a mutual loathing for each other. But both have reasons to bring down Knox and are willing to dance with any devil that gives them a chance, including each other. Using Molly’s firsthand knowledge of Knox’s crimes and Walkers connections, the two unite to destroy their common foe and learn they have more in common than they knew; they are both driven by the demons of their pasts.

~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~

Molly's spine stiffened, and she stared belligerently up into his eyes. “I’m tougher than I look.” She realized she was losing the battle with Slut Molly when she impulsively goaded him, “I’d offer you a demonstration, but I doubt your girlfriend lets you off the leash for long. Isn’t it about time you ran home and reported everything to Mommy like a good little boy?”

“A demonstration?” He loomed over her and, despite her bravado, she took a nervous step backwards. “What, you think I’m one of those creeps from Chelsea? You think I’d jump at your little ‘free lunch’ sign?”

“Oh, please.” She glared disdainfully up at him. “You’re an easy target! I’ve hit close to home with you every time, and you know it!” Her voice took on a caustic edge. “I know your kind, Walker, and I know how to handle you.”

“Do you?” His smirk reappeared, and he advanced steadily as she backed up again.

The rational part of her mind screamed to tell him they were done, and make him leave, but her sluttish persona was eager to play her game. J.D. Walker had haunted her dreams for two years now. In a way, he’d become the personification of everything she craved, but shouldn’t…the ultimate bad boy. An arrogant jerk who made her yearn to be treated the way he did his clients.

The wall blocked her retreat, and he towered above her. “You want to play Tough Girl with me, Molly?” he demanded, gripping her chin in one large hand. “What’s the matter? Don’t know how to play the game because you’re in your place, and not on your knees in some back alley?”

“You arrogant son of a…”

“You want a demonstration?” he insisted. “I’ll give you one.” He released her, then began undoing her blouse. “I told you there’s one rule: consent.” Another button popped open, and her breasts heaved as she struggled for breath. “That doesn’t mean you have to say yes…it just means you didn’t say no. Tell me to leave, and I will. If you don’t…” He shrugged. “We both know what will happen.”
Release dateJan 28, 2016
Driven By Demons

Laura Lovecraft

Support me on my new Patreon!Like her famous namesake, Laura was born, raised and still resides in historic Providence, Rhode Island. This Lovecraft's writing however, brings thrills of a completely different kind! Don't let that pretty little pout fool, erotica’s bad girl is not for the faint of heart!Although Laura has dabbled in many genres and kinks, she's most famously know for keeping it in the family. Over the years, Laura, who with tongue firmly in cheek, refers to herself as the queen of the taboo, has built a reputation for having a unique style.Aside from some of her 'one handed read' anthologies and an occasional short piece, Laura is known for writing long, slow burn stories full of conflict, character development and an attempt to make such an extreme kink as incest, somewhat realistic and believable. In the words of Laura "My smut has depth dammit!" but no worries, she knows what taboo-and all erotica fans come here for-and she delivers the heat as few can.So don't stop at this bio, check her out for yourself and browse her over 200 titles

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