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No More Whacky Worship: God's Revival Series, #1
No More Whacky Worship: God's Revival Series, #1
No More Whacky Worship: God's Revival Series, #1
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No More Whacky Worship: God's Revival Series, #1

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No More Whacky Worship

Series: God's Revival Series

Volume 1

Page Count:  Approximately 182 pages (in print)

Much of our worship is "whacky". Whacky, meaning that it's worship that does not make true spiritual sense. "No More Whacky Worship" is a no nonsense admonition of current and prevalent behavior among many named Christians - behavior that nullifies our claim to true worship.  The book addresses how to identify and overcome personal and corporate practices that disqualifies our claim to true worship. True worshipper genuinely embrace both private and corporate worship.

The book answers questions such as:

How to overcome the spiritual bondages and strongholds that prevent true worship?

Can a true worshipper avoid regular church attendance?

Are all churches true places of worship?

How a local church can experience a revival of worship?

This book is the first in a series of books around the theme of God's Revival. We are expecting revival to blaze across the world as believers worldwide arise in holiness, prophesying under the power of God and preaching the return of Jesus Christ (Joel 2:28). This book begins a journey to grasp the tenets needed for Christian believers to be catalysts for God's Revival. The books in the series include: "No More Whacky Worship", "Start Praying Hard", "The Convicting Power of God", and "Your Prophetic Release".

Release dateOct 15, 2013
No More Whacky Worship: God's Revival Series, #1

Omaudi Reid

Bishop O. Reid is the senior pastor of Harvest Army God's Revival Arena in Brooklyn, New York. He is married to Pastor Guerline Reid, and together they have three children. Bishop O. Reid is an executive member of the Harvest Army Church International, an international ministry with over 200 branches and affiliates worldwide. He is also the Executive Educator leading Biblical education and serving as the President of the Harvest Army International Seminary. Bishop O. Reid holds a Bachelor in Biblical Studies and Leadership from Beulah Heights University, a Masters of Arts in Education from Mercy College, and has completed Post-Graduate studies in Christian Education at Regent University. He has a passion for seeing every believer embrace their calling and purpose to the fullest extent. Several of his articles on Christian living, marriage, and revival have been published online. He is the author of two books, Creating Unbreakable Bonds and No More Whacky Worship.

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    No More Whacky Worship - Omaudi Reid


    No More Whacky Worship is an anointed, concise teaching on true spiritual worship.  The teachings given are keys to enter the presence of God.  Overseer Omaudi Reid is a Spirit-filled teacher who communicates with great clarity.  He gives in details what is, and what is not true worship. 

    The author was led to write this book because he observed that many do not know what constitutes true worship.  He noticed that many in the church and outside the church believe they are worshiping God but they are not.  The book illustrates how the woman at the well in John 4:22-23 was told, ye worship ye know not what... the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth...  This condition of many today is why this book was written; they are ignorant of true worship. 

    I am convinced that as you peruse the pages of this powerful resource, that your worship will collaborate with the Spirit of God. The book enlightens the reader to the hindrances to true worship. Some of the hindrances include idolatry, divination, wrong church, worldliness, and sexual sins.  Then it tells you how to unload, get rid of these hindrances and lift off into true worship, into the very presence of God. 

    No More Whacky Worship is directed by God because it deals with the condition of society and the world today, whacky worship. But God wants people to worship Him in spirit and truth and not just by mere singing, raising hands and shouting. 

    I welcome this book, No More Whacky Worship. The social, moral and spiritual condition of the nations definitely necessitates this book.  It gives Spirit led direction for true worship because the days of whacky worship are over. 

    Overseer Euphema E. Collins

    Senior Pastor, Harvest Army Church International

    Author, Soul Survival


    This book chronicles teachings and instructions I have given as a pastor. I have seen many of the instructions in the book deliver lives, preserve believers, strengthen the weak, and illuminate the double-minded. Similarly, I have seen many ignore these instructions to their own peril.

    My sermons and teachings have been conveyed into the pages of this book. As such, some of it may at times seem repetitious. However, I have allowed at least some repetition to remain for areas that need different and varied emphasis.

    The church that I currently pastor has an intense focus on winning souls and discipling new believers. It is located in the urban city of Brooklyn, New York. The fluffy teachings often heard on mass media can hardly bring about the life changing effects that are needed for many new believers. Invisible forces at work in the people’s lives require reproofs, rebukes and exhortation.

    In the body of Christ we are seeing an influx of homosexuality, eastern religious practices, pluralism and rampant worldliness. Yet we pretend that true worship is taking place. We are awed by beautiful singing, elaborate sanctuaries, eloquent speech, professional organization, and cutting edge technology, but often failing to seek the real life-changing power of God. Christians that follow this trend find themselves bound while singing gospel songs, speaking in tongues, shouting and prancing. Many are running from conference to conference, church to church, prayer line to prayer line trying to find freedom. There are not many voices speaking the simple truths of the word of God. Only the teachings and corrections of God’s word can rescue a soul out of the snares of the devil.

    Pastoring in Brooklyn over the last few years has shown me that young people are looking for the real thing, the unchurched are looking for the real thing, and troubled Christians are looking for the real thing. The whacky behavior prevalent among many has left them without a solution. The book is a rallying call for No More Whacky Worship. The time of whacky worship is over.

    I have noticed that some believers, realizing the hypocrisy that often exists, has resolved to secluding themselves from regular gathering with saints. Seeking spirituality, some have fiddled with deceiving spirits neglecting accountability to a local church. This book is meant to address such practices.

    This book is the first in a series on the theme of God's Revival. In March of 2007, God gave the following words to the general overseer of Harvest Army Church International: Brooklyn, two weeks, God's Revival. Out of that revelation, the church that I currently pastor, was born. God's Revival is world revival. For revival to take a hold in the body of Christ, it is necessary that we raise the standard. God's standard for true worship must be embraced for revival to unfold in its fullness. Thus, No More Whacky Worship begins to lay out the tenets that are necessary to raise the standard of true worship.

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    Much of our worship is whacky. By whacky, I mean worship that just does not make true spiritual sense. God declared in Isaiah 1:11 To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.

    To what avail are our acts of worship, when we dishonor God in our behavior and lifestyle? With the increase of sin, and spurious doctrines many believers claim to be true worshippers while living lives that discredit God’s glory. Some claim individualistic worship while totally ignoring the necessity of gathering with others in a local church. True worshippers embrace both private and corporate worship. True worshippers honor God in their lives, hearts, and lips. God wants no more whacky worship.

    True worship is in Spirit. Therefore it is more than the form and ritualism, but must be with true submission unto the Spirit of God. True worship is more than lovely singing, beautiful sanctuaries, oratory praise, and organized services. It must be in truth – no one can ignore the foundations of the Christian faith, while claiming to be worshipping God in truth. Furthermore, God is looking for true worship gatherers - those who gather together to worship in truth. Gone are the days of secluded worship. Gone are the days of hypocritical worship. Jesus is looking to move in the lives of true worshippers who also gather together in His name.

    If you were looking for a normal book on the subject of worship, this is not it. This takes an unconventional look at the subject. First, it addresses the increasing habit of secluded worship, and rampant Christian individualism (claiming Christianity in name while rejecting church attendance). Secondly, it addresses hypocritical worship – honoring God with church activities while participating in behaviors, and beliefs that dishonor God. Thirdly, the book explores our freedom to worship in Spirit and truth both corporately and individually. Enter into the time of true worship for the days of whacky worship are over!



    The root of hindrances to worship can often be traced to a lack of desire to attend a local church assembly. Some believers increasingly fail to be in true worship, refusing to cooperate with the Spirit of God to gather together in a local assembly. Unfortunately, reasons are given not to attend church, even among those that claim to be spiritual Christians.

    Whacky worship is claiming to be a true worshipper of God without consistently gathering in a local church. It is like a priest without a place; like a body part with no usefulness; like a family member without a seat at the dinner table; like an athlete without a home team; like a soldier who has broken rank. A believer that seeks to be a true worshipper will steadfastly gather in the local church.

    I make a call to all believers across the world to regularly gather in local assemblies. God is gathering His people for a mighty, end-time revival. Before great revivals are great gatherings. In the great Welsh Revival of 1904, Thomas Phillips in his book, The Welsh Revival, recounts a testimony of a person that was present in the meetings as the revival developed; this is a segment of the account: ...the following week the two churches, Wesleyan and Calvinistic Methodists, united to keep prayer-meeting every night alternately, and we soon had a proof that the Lord was willing to accept our offerings, for there was a sweet smelling savor accompanying them. Old backsliders began to return. Men came in crowds from the mountain, and all the country round to our meetings, until we were afraid the chapel would come down,-men who were never seen in any place of worship, except at a christening or a funeral and who knew nothing of worshipping God! (3). In God’s revival, great gatherings strive. Now is the hour to overwhelm places of worship with our presence. It’s time to quit:

    Dipping - inconsistency in gathering at a local assembly. Just like quickly dipping the hands in a pot of food for tasting, but not taking the time to sit and eat a full meal, many attend church to get a dip, but miss out on the full blessings of faithful attendance. The taste is good, but there is much more to a full course meal.

    Deserting - leaving your local church, while attempting to practice lone Christianity. This will not work – not even for the spiritual. This is like a soldier leaving his brigade to fight the enemy alone; he is in much more danger of being killed.

    Dividing - discouraging others from being faithful church attendees. This is not the time to make and promote trivial excuses for missing opportunities to gather in church. Some for self-serving reasons discourage others, even members of their own church, from faithful attendance. A misunderstanding of the seriousness of the time leaves dividers in petty pursuits. This is the time to gather more than ever! Persecution against the church is increasing; the rapture of the church draws closer; sin is rampant; revival is needed. If there was any time for every believer to come together - it is now.

    Diverting - spending time watching TV, going to sport events, and other trivial activities while there is the opportunity to gather in the church. Some will say these statements are legalistic, but listen to the Spirit- there is a tremendous call to gather. The time has come that trivial activities should not be a priority in our lives because these are the last days; it behooves us more than ever to increase our gathering.

    The devil has implanted excuses in the minds of many to avoid local church gatherings. The following are some of the various reasons given for avoiding church:

    - I can pray and read my Bible at home, so there is no need to go to church.

    - I am the church, and don’t need to go anywhere.

    - There are too many hypocrites in the church; I am better off not going.

    - It's good enough to go to church once in a while. I don’t need to go all the time.

    - I am not in the mood to go to church. I am having too much problems.

    - I am tired.

    - I have my own ministry that I am getting started. Or, I am a minister, and I have not started my church yet. I have no need to submit to any leadership.

    - I visit a different church all the time. I don’t need to have one set church.

    - My ministry is on the streets, so I don’t need to go to a church.

    - I have an Internet ministry.

    - I watch church at home on the television, or Internet so I have no need to attend a local church.

    Generally, there are three classes of people that avoid regular church attendance: the spiritual, the struggling, and the unbeliever. The spiritual seem to be dissatisfied with the state of the church and either wander from ministry

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