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Who Am I? 2
Who Am I? 2
Who Am I? 2
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Who Am I? 2

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About this ebook

Nikolai answers the question "Who Am I?" as said to him by people asking him the question. Nikolai learns the answer to that question via various sources of people giving him answers to his identity. He after awhile figures out the answer to that question "Who am I?" He figures out his identity involving that question including his Father's identity involving being asked that question of who his Father is. Nikolai tells the answer to that question to the Souler Council while his paired female the Recorder is typing down his stories to tell to the group. Including typing down his answer to that question "Who am I?"

PublisherBeth Hoyer
Release dateMay 15, 2016
Who Am I? 2

Beth Hoyer

I'm currently owned by a cat who considers me hers.I love to type stories on my computer for hours.I like the science fiction fantasy genre with romance thrown in it when it comes to my stories.I like to take hikes through forests snapping photos to use as my covers for my stories.I'm an aspiring author of science fiction fantasy.

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    Book preview

    Who Am I? 2 - Beth Hoyer

    Who Am I? 2

    Edenia Series

    By Beth Hoyer

    Copyright Smashwords 2016

    The clone dubbing he Nikolai telling the tale titled Who am I? involving tales of what he said to the High Council’s group in planet Aire before freed from contained by the group. Nikolai frowned lost in thought till he heard snickering like laughter of the Meritanians sounding in his mind again annoying him. The clone gave up a sound of disgust echoed by the others in the room.

    The clone added after a lengthy pause Father!

    He felt annoyance take hold hearing him speaking that word as he frowned while staring at the table lost in thought.

    Barry seated next to him gave him a glare of Confess your crime.

    Nikolai or clone of him remained seated at the table lost in thought.

    He felt confusion hitting him spoke with confusion in his voice Not sure why I’m speaking that word.

    Nikolai groaned and shut his eyes only to hear from Barry or clone via Jinks Montreal’s form with human black eyes and a scarred cheek of a Kang mark speaking "Just concentrate onto your mind on why you spoke that word ‘Father.’

    Just see what’s going on within your mind now."

    The clone obeyed to do it only to blurt after a lengthy silence Father!

    The clone rubbed a hand onto his forehead and spoke Victoria, what do the files say on me anyway?

    The clone eyed another cloned copy dubbed Victoria Montreal despite taking the name of Veronica Thomas.

    The cloned Victoria in response spoke "The files say this Nikolai is animalistic acting like an animal or gonoid as the preferred term and not thinking any wording at the moment despite acting via instincts. The file adds that this Nikolai as dubbed was originally dubbed Angel by his own Father, Thurin himself. I’m not entirely sure of what the files say involving where or how Thurin himself passed away or got put down deposed. I’m finding some file’s hinting indicating that Thurin is contained somewhere where.

    File’s language says quoting ‘Thurin is not to be freed at all costs.’

    Not sure what that meant."

    The cloned Victoria gave Barry Jinks a glare and spoke Shouldn’t the information be in your mind Barry dear?

    Barry Jinks in response gave up a loud Humph and spoke Don’t dear me, Victoria!

    The cloned Nikolai was heard groaning loudly followed by Jinks Montreal assumed cloned copy of Nikolai speaking Sounds like Nikolai himself the original is finally grasping the language uses of the word Father.

    Nikolai the clone was seen giving Jinks, the male, an all black eyed glare and narrowing his eyes out of annoyance sensed from the male.

    Jinks in response spoke "Hence you blurting ‘Father!’

    I figured that must be that case anyway."

    At the moment the recorder heard snickering like laughter from the Big Three Meritanians sounding like they were playing a joke again to recorder’s disgust.

    Recorder spoke loudly in response to the silence from the Souler Council’s speakers What joke did you Meritanians play again?

    Recorder got in response from Tank broadcasting within her mind onto the Souler Council "No joke actually! It’s actually Nikolai himself the original grasping the Human language after awhile of being animalistic as those First Ones call people who are gonoid thinkers.

    Hence he blaring that word ‘Father!’

    He finally is beginning to get the language but I warn you that his cloned copies will be blurting his thoughts while he’s contained in his trap. I do recommend that he remained trapped till he starts to think like a Human which he’s not thinking yet despite grasping the word of Father. We’re still trying to find out why’s he’s speaking that word or if it’s related to his trapped status and he’s appealing to whomever to free him."

    Recorder frowned while typing this down but found Tank quit the broadcasting to focus onto the recording of Jinks Montreal’s residence’s dining room holding clones talking conversations.

    Recorder recorded this boredom of the clones falling asleep in the dining room mostly till Shad blared Turn that thing off now!

    Recorder found that thing turned off to her relief and got ordered Recorder leave!

    Recorder obeyed type more lately.

    Recorder went to the Hall of One Thousand Voices to sit next to a tube holding her twin brother Tam-Mykola or original of cloned copy Jinks Montreal. Her brother appeared to be asleep in his tube again which Recorder Victoria Montreal or clone of Tamara Ariel seemed to figure that Tam would be doing his NOED trick of haunting like a ghost. Recorder thought to herself as she spied Tam asleep No wonder the High Council whined of this ghost trick that Jinks Montreal was doing and thought him responsible. They didn’t think of checking Tam-Mykola himself doing it. Ugh.

    Snickering like laughter was heard in response to Recorder’s thinking to notice a tube holding a figure as if drawn or compelled to look. Recorder picked up laptop and went to that tube to sit next to it while eyeing as if compelled by the Meritanians again.

    Argh you stinking-

    Recording ends as typed by a clone of Victoria Montreal just prior to finding her lying in the Hall of One Thousand Voices with blood leaking out of the back of her head indicating a cut injury. The Souler Council has put in an order for another Recorder clone and to investigate that tube holding her attention that resulted in her disappeared.

    Nikolai heard from Victoria a clone of her speaking the file out loud who added Barry what’s going on if you can see?

    He gave Barry a glare and waited as the clone appeared to be concentrating onto something followed by the male opening his eyes with a familiar glare.

    Nikolai felt himself gulping in response followed by Barry speaking Tube’s containing Coyote Wilson with a dog from what I could see from the situation except I know it’s not the tube that a cloned Victoria went to. I saw that a cloned Jinks Montreal was in a tube next to the one the clone went to as if drawn. I found that someone is manipulating me to look elsewhere when I tried to look. Really must you manipulate me Meritanians?!

    Nikolai heard in response Hah, hah! sounding of Ramses’ snickering like voice.

    Sounds like a damn joke again by the Meritanians amusing themselves. sounded of Jinks via his voice breaking the snickering like laughter.

    Nikolai groaned and rubbed a hand over his forehead and appeared to be staring at his hand a lengthy period of time despite Barry giving him a glare of his familiar look.

    Nikolai spoke in response "That link between original and clones how is

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