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The Dragil: Broken Magic: Quick Reads, #2
The Dragil: Broken Magic: Quick Reads, #2
The Dragil: Broken Magic: Quick Reads, #2
Ebook53 pages43 minutes

The Dragil: Broken Magic: Quick Reads, #2

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When Willum, an apprentice book maker, has a nasty fall, he loses all of his memories…including the strictures concerning protective magic for the exquisite miniature dragons called Dragilios. Not knowing he is breaking the magic law, and sending the little Dragil, Malle, into deadly peril, he draws the friendly, little dragil.

The moment the picture is finished the protective spell shatters. Her anguished cry as she disappears restores his memory.

Devastated at what he has done and wanting to right the wrong or die trying, Willum undertakes a dangerous quest into the malignant world of the giant leather-winged dragons. Can he find her in time before she is ripped apart and eaten? If he stays too long in that lethal land, he becomes stone.

The hourglass sands are slipping away toward the doom of the boy and the fragile little dragil. Can he save them both?

Release dateJun 28, 2016
The Dragil: Broken Magic: Quick Reads, #2

Holly Barbo

Holly's world is shaped by her love of family, the beauty of the nature and an irrepressible curiosity that frequently has her turning over rocks and questioning what she finds. This sometimes sends the reader down a rabbit hole into an alternate view of the world than what they expected. Holly’s mind can be an interesting place. To get the latest news just subscribe to Holly's newsletter. The button is on the right of the page.:

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    The Dragil - Holly Barbo

    Also by Holly Barbo

    Sage Seed Chronicles

    The Founders

    The Healers

    The Unraveling

    The Reweaving

    The Lost


    Other Titles




    Beyond Time Volume I

    A Beltane Gift

    A Bell For Valor

    A Magic Yule


    Quick Reads

    The Dragil: Broken Magic

    The Tin of Honey

    Treasured Legacy

    A Crystal Snowflake

    Binding Contracts

    A Battered Ball



    Writing as K. H. Bixby

    Shell Game


    Second Edition, 2016

    License Notes

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

    Copyright © 2016 Holly Barbo

    Cover design copyright © JC Clarke

    All rights reserved. Published by Paper Gold Publishing

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form of by any electronic or mechanical means, including information and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. This is a work of fiction, names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. 


    When Willum, an apprentice book maker, has a nasty fall, he loses all of his memories...including the strictures concerning protective magic for the exquisite miniature dragons called Dragilios. Not knowing he is breaking the magic law, and sending the little Dragil, Malle, into deadly peril, he draws the friendly, little dragil.

    The moment the picture is finished the protective spell shatters. Her anguished cry as she disappears restores his memory.

    Devastated at what he has done and wanting to right the wrong or die trying, Willum undertakes a dangerous quest into the malignant world of the giant leather-winged dragons. Can he find her in time before she is ripped apart and eaten? If he stays too long in that lethal land, he becomes stone.

    The hourglass sands are slipping away toward the doom of the boy and the fragile little dragil. Can he save them both?

    Table of Contents

    The Dragil: Broken Magic

    About the Author

    The Dragil: Broken Magic

    The Drying Loft


    Willum trudged up the steps to the drying loft. Being an apprentice for the papermaker and bookbinder meant he sometimes had long, weary days. It was exhausting work to carry the big deckle frames up to the racks at the top of the shop because they were heavy and dripped. He had to carry them flat since they were only lightly pressed, otherwise there was a chance of having the contents shift or slump in their flat cages. His master wouldn’t be pleased if he had to make the paper sheets all over again. With so many in the stack needing to be dried, it meant many trips up and down the stairs. Willum tended to race down them to make up time. If he completed his duties early, he could have free time for his own projects.

    With all the drying pulp in the frames, the air was quite warm and humid in the attic. Since the temperatures had been so hot, the papers would be firmer in a three-day span and could then be released from their flat-screened beds. He’d have to go back to the garret to lay

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