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The Initiative Index
The Initiative Index
The Initiative Index
Ebook88 pages51 minutes

The Initiative Index

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What women wish men knew about the signals men send. The book helps men think through what they can do to increase their "initiative." Men wear an Initiative Index (I.I.) on their heads like a thermometer, and women can see it just as clearly as men can see The Availability Index (A.I.). Women look at men and ask themselves, “Will this man lead me? Or will he snag me with charm, and then settle into passivity? Is he one who will continually take initiative?”

The Initiative Index lays out a series of "sub-indices" to consider in tackling the perception or reality of "He lacks umph." Things like Hygienit-i, Masculinit-i, Hilarit-i, Petabilit-i ... all in all there are about 20 elements that make up the Initiative Index. Read it yourself, gather a group, debate, tell me I'm wrong or right... but, do something. Reading the book is a start. You can even take the initiative and decide what you will pay for it!

PublisherBrett Johnson
Release dateMay 17, 2016
The Initiative Index

Brett Johnson

Brett Johnson is the founder of The Institute for Innovation, Integration & Impact, Inc, which is headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area. Passionate about the abolition of dichotomy­—eradicating the false barriers between facets of life, Brett is particularly interested in removing the barrier between the so-called secular and sacred. A chartered accountant, writer, father and social entrepreneur, Brett is dedicated to societal transformation through business, capital and leadership transformation. Brett has over thirty years of experience with leading public accounting and management consulting firms. He and the team at The Institute have repurposed over 365 corporations. He works extensively with executive groups within businesses, NGOs and international charities, helping them dream new futures, and align around a common purpose. A South African native, Brett has lived in Silicon Valley with his family for 30 years.Brett has authored ten books, and has some more in the works:• Convergence—Integrating your Career, Community, Creativity & Calling• I-Operations—How the Internet can transform your Operating Model with Gary Daichendt, former EVP of Worldwide Operations at Cisco• LEMON Leadership—Radically fresh leadership• Repurposing Capital—Rediscovering Faith-based Financing• Transforming Society—A framework for fixing a broken world• CYCLES—A journey to Purpose• 50 Principles of faith-based financing• The Initiative Index• The Availability Index• 10 Steps to RestorationBrett and his wife Lyn are frequently asked to speak and conduct consultations around the world.#businessonpurpose#convergence#integration#lemonleadership#lifepurpose

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    Book preview

    The Initiative Index - Brett Johnson

    The Initiative Index

    What women wish men knew about the signals men send

    By Brett Johnson

    Copyright Brett Johnson

    1st Edition: 2012 Indaba Publishing

    2nd Edition: 2016 (Smashwords)

    ISBN 9781310782077

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents
























    Where Do I Go From Here?

    The Initiative Index Assessment


    Some years ago my wife, Lyn, and I sat around our kitchen table with a group of single but-want-to-be-married folks in their twenties and thirties. I made the following statement: Women have an availability index emblazoned on their foreheads letting men know whether they are even approachable. Some indices are so low it would be going into the arctic to venture there, and some are so high they come off as needy. Right in the middle is ‘the zone’ of healthy availability. While this got a Dude, that’s totally true from the men, it started a fire storm among the women. That’s that true! No way! So I said, On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is cold and 5 is overly need… Sally! (Not her real name, of course... I cannot remember who I chose.). Immediately the otherwise clueless bachelors chimed in. 2.7 3.0 2.8 Then I chose another name at the other end of the spectrum. Gertrude. 1.5 1.85 1.6" Like the calibration of a good rifle, these men grouped their perceptions tightly. The ladies around the table looked a little shocked.

    After a while I was asked the question, Do men have the same index? Initially I thought the topics for men and women were the same, roughly. The longer I considered it, however, the more I realized there is a parallel but different index for guys, The Initiative Index (I.I.). Men wear it on their heads like a thermometer, and women can see it just as clearly as men can see The Availability Index (A.I.) dial. Women look at men and ask themselves, Will this man lead me? Will he snag me with charm, and then settle into passivity? Or is he one who will continually take initiative?

    It is complicated being a man nowadays. There are many obstacles to men taking the initiative, each of them a topic in and of themselves. The feminist movement has had many positives; one negative is emasculated men. Political correctness: it can also be good, but when it comes to relationships, it can dull the differences that make men and women interesting to each other. Then there is the immediate, instant access of real and virtual women. Friends has become a pattern for some, which starts fine, but people end up in the friend zone for life. In my book, Convergence, I cover the over-availability of women to men, and sometimes men to women; the result is your friends have benefits without having to

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