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Candy Mason, The Real Story
Candy Mason, The Real Story
Candy Mason, The Real Story
Ebook120 pages1 hour

Candy Mason, The Real Story

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Candy is the apple of her pa's eye, The prettiest girl around, she's also hot and horny and whenever she can she doesn't hesitate to get up to some nasty fun with the local Texas farm boys. But Candy wants to go to Houston, where she's set up a meeting with a photographer there to shoot a portfolio.
She coerces her fella into helping her escape and after a few adventures en route, she finally gets her photo shoot.
Well sometimes a girl can be in the right place at the right time. Candy strikes it lucky in a new quality guys magazine and after having a few sexy adventures in Houston with her new friends she hits the big time.
Life becomes one big sex party for the home town girl and that's more than enough plot for now. This is a girl makes good story with more sex than might be healthy if you have a weak heart.

Release dateMay 22, 2016
Candy Mason, The Real Story

Charlie B.

Well my name is Charlie B but you already know that. I live in the UK, Bromley, Kent, any GR peeps close by, friend me by all means. I write hot steamy stories. Why, well because if it turns me on I hope it will do the same for you, guy or girl! For those of you that might be interested my web site address is all of my books are individually listed there along with synopsis and other interesting articles. you can also sign up to my new releases newsletter and receive a free short story Commecial finished, please read on! I write a lot, a book a month sometimes even more and I like to do something different every time. Sometimes the sexy scenes are part of the story and other times the story is the vehicle for the sex scenes but one thing is always present in my stories, Sex! Most of my stories feature women as the lead characters, I liker strong women, women who know what they want and go get it. They want men who can satisfy them in every way, who can excite and give then totally fulfilling sex. Women today have found their freedom, they want books that excite and arouse, they want a hot read that will give them a thrill and why not. Ah, but I hear you guys saying , 'what about us? Well I know what guys like, after all I am one. Fresh young women, cheerleaders, raunchy college girls that are naughty rather than nice. Older women that bend the rules, blur the lines because they are hell bent on satisfaction and they will do their devious best to get it. In actual fact, although there's a possible division in what I write, I think men and women will enjoy most of my books as many sit in the middle road.

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    Candy Mason, The Real Story - Charlie B.

    The year is 1953, the Korean War had been going on for some time and be-bop was the latest new sound on the radio and teenagers were suddenly rewriting the rules on dress sense and popular music, not to mention moral behaviour.

    When Candy stepped out of her old man’s pickup truck and walked toward the diner attached to the main highway truck-stop every male head in the place turned to stare. Why? Because the hot 19-year-old had a body that cried out for a man to satisfy it. Her long thick, pony-tailed blonde hair bounced just as jauntily as the huge breasts that punched two pert spikes into her tightly stretched, pink cut-off tee shirt. The front, partially ripped open at the neck, showed off her bulging cleavage in the most alluring manner. Her hips snugged in her tight blue jeans swivelled with each step she took and her blue-eyed, lush lipped, gorgeously sensual face with its cute button nose and freckles was enough to raise every damn dick in the place to rigid attention.

    Those grinning heads soon dipped though when her downright ornery pa got out of the truck, shotgun under his arm and a glare on his face that said, ‘hands off unless y’all want trouble!’

    Girl, git back there while ah do mah business inside.

    Candy stopped, then threw up her arms in frustration, an act that raised her big, firm, jiggling tits up in answer to every mans muttered prayer, then she turned and walked back to the truck, her pear shaped tightly encased ass rotating divinely with each step she took.

    Aw pa, I just’ wanted a drink is all.

    I’ll fetch it. Ah don’t trust any of these guys. Damn lecherous every one of ‘em. Why, if ah was to let you out of my sight for even a minute, they’d be around you like a swarm of bees searching for honey, cept it would be honey of a diff’rent kind in your case girl.

    Candy scowled as she leant against the truck, one knee raised as her foot rested, slim hips jutting out and her hand idly scratching at one of her breasts which joggled a little in a manner that showed the absence of any underwear under that clinging top, besides her hard nipples of course. With just her pa and her two brothers her only companions on the farm, a girl didn’t get to learn about brassiere’s and such, anyhow, Candy liked the way her breasts bobbled around freely in her tight tops and so it seemed, did the guys!

    Billy Summers crept from car to car as he approached the stunning babe. The hunky young man was no stranger to Candy, his long hard cock had sneaked between her thighs on the few occasions that she’d managed to get away to meet him. Now he was after a replay because the girl’s love-making was just as hot and wild as her body.

    Psst, Candy?

    Hey Billy, keep your head down. Pa’s around and you know he’ll use that shotgun if he catches y’all out here.

    Aw, he don’t scare me none. So, when can we do it again? Ah’m already nursing a damn boner that won’t quit. Damn girl, you are driving me crazy with that body of yours.

    Why Billy Joe. We all did it just yesterday. Are you after my pussy again already? You are just so bad.

    It’s the sweetest tightest ah’ve ever had Candy. Come on, ah gotta have more Candy afore ah go crazy.

    So, show me why then. Pull it out an’ ah’ll show you mah big tits. Jerk it off for me.

    What, out here?

    Uh huh, If’n y’all wanna see mah jugs naked.

    Candy turned away from the store and pulled up her cotton top, her tits spilled free, high, firm and with wide pointed nipples that she pulled on with her fingers as she stared down at the young man’s groin. His eyes flew open wide and a big grin passed across his face.

    Damn Candy, you sure do take chances. Damn it, here’s mah dick then, see how it’s all swelled up?

    It’s a real monster one Billy. Hurry up, jerk it off and ah promise ah’ll sneak out tonight for some fun.

    Candy’s eyes grew wide as she stood on tip toes on the running step of the pickup truck so she could watch as he jerked off his huge rod for her. Her slim hand slipped down into her figure hugging jeans; fingers seeking out her blonde tufted cunny and her pert ass began to wriggle about in the most uninhibited manner as she fingered herself toward a climax.

    Every man in the diner had stopped eating, loaded forks hovering tween plate and mouth, their eyes devouring that sweet butt as it rolled and squirmed under the tautly stretched denim. A lucky few even got a side view of her awesome boobs as they bobbled about in all their unfettered glory.

    Ah’m coming Candy. Here it comes. Oh glory, look at that stuff fly?

    Candy slipped down onto the running board; legs spread wide, fingers rubbing madly. She gawped at Billy’s massive rod as it spurted its load into the air, one splatter landing on her naked tits another on her pretty face. She cried out softly as her own orgasm rifled through her writhing body.

    What the hell, …. Hey you?

    Billy ran, his swinging prick bobbing before him as he made his escape, Candy’s pa shaking his fist as she swiftly covered up her boobs and wiped the cum from her cheek.

    Dammit, ah knew it. These town boys are nothing but sinners. There’s not a girl in this town that’s safe from their filthy wiles. Here’s your drink sweetie, now ah got one more call to make then we can head on home.

    That call was to the widow Merrill’s place; a fine-looking woman that had lost her husband last spring in a sad accident, however that loss had opened a door for Candy’s pa. One that he’d practically run through to get his prick into the woman’s pantie’s time after time and didn’t he just love to get his big ol’ cock into her in any way he could.

    Candy smiled because the widow Merrill had two lusty young boys and while her pa was away poking the fire so to speak, the boys wasted no time in getting Candy up into the hayloft for their own horny fun. If her pa ever found out he might have loosed off that shotgun, but then he was hardly likely to deprive himself of the widow-woman’s lusty services by hurting her loving boys.

    Now girl, y’all keep an eye out for those two, ah don’t trust them. Anyways ah know you’re a good girl so ah reckon you’d not do anything to be ashamed of huh princess?

    No Daddy, you all know Ah’m a real good girl.

    Well that good lil’ girl wasted no time in sneaking around to the barn. She was hot as a firecracker after witnessing Billy Joe’s dirty jerk off already. One quick frigging though wasn’t going to answer her lust driven demands for sex; not when Jake and Artie were ready to give her what she needed in plenty.

    She found them within minutes, their shirtless, sun bronzed bodies causing her to gasp with excitement, which was exactly the reaction she also caused in the two young men as they paused to watch her approach. Candy had a way of walking that set her big boobs all jiggling wildly with each step she took, her hips rolling and her pretty face with a big welcoming smile all across it that could light up the whole town if it was connected to the power lines.

    She tugged up her top, her breasts swaying rising with the action or a moment and then dropping back down in a most arousing manner. An act that caused some pretty hard swellings to appear in the two guy’s straining jeans. It wasn’t often a near naked sex siren appeared out of nowhere needing a good dose of cock. Well two doses in fact.

    "Hey boys. Oh I see that y’all are really pleased to see me. Pa’s inside with your ma and ah need it real bad, so come on, let’s hit the straw guys?

    Roosters in a hen house never reacted this fast. Two hard, bristling dicks appeared as if by the cast of a magic wand, to further tempt the horny kitten once they were all three ensconced up in the hay-loft.

    Wow, boys, all that horny fuckin’ dick for little bitty me. Oh, ah do so love hard dick. Jus’ let me at those horny, boners right now you dairty pair?

    There all yours Candy. Oh yeah, suck mah hard cock girl, damn it Artie, ain’t them tits just so good? cried Jake as Candy

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