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Protector of the Sea
Protector of the Sea
Protector of the Sea
Ebook246 pages3 hours

Protector of the Sea

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During a storm, mermaid Liana sees an unconscious woman fall into the water from a sinking ship. Liana doesn't see any other people around to help the woman, or anything that could be used as a life raft, so she saves the young woman's life in the only way she knows how: by pulling her beneath the surface and turning her into a mermaid.

Felix saw the mermaid dive toward his sister April during the storm. He blames the sirens both for the storm and for April's death, and now, unaware that his sister is one of them, he wants all mermaids to be exterminated.

PublisherSonya Writes
Release dateMay 24, 2016
Protector of the Sea

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    Protector of the Sea - Sonya Writes


    of the


    By Sonya Writes

    All rights reserved.

    Copyright ©2015 Sonya Jeffords

    Book description:

    During a storm, mermaid Liana sees an unconscious woman fall into the water from a sinking ship. Liana doesn't see any other people around to help the woman, or anything that could be used as a life raft, so she saves the young woman's life in the only way she knows how: by pulling her beneath the surface and turning her into a mermaid.

    Felix saw the mermaid dive toward his sister April during the storm. He blames the sirens both for the storm and for April's death, and now, unaware that his sister is one of them, he wants all mermaids to be exterminated.

    Chapter One

    Liana darted to the surface as the skies grew black. Earlier she’d seen a small boat at sea, and now with a thunderstorm coming on, she was concerned for the people aboard. As always, she watched from a distance. She wanted to be close in case anyone needed her help, but not so close that she could be seen if they didn’t.

    Waves crashed against the boat's sides, rocking it to and fro. Storm clouds completely blocked the setting sun. The wind howled, and pieces of debris flew off the ship into the ocean. Liana closed her eyes for a moment and tried to calculate how far from shore they were, but her thoughts were interrupted by a loud blast of thunder. When she opened her eyes, she witnessed as a streak of lightning struck the boat's side, breaking it nearly in half. Her heart fell. The boat was sinking, and anyone on it would drown unless she saved them.

    Liana swam closer to the small boat, her eyes darting back and forth as she scanned the water for humans. If she could save just one life from being lost in this storm, it would ease her broken heart.

    Then she saw her. There was a woman in the water, unconscious and sinking.

    Liana darted toward her. She wrapped her arms around the woman’s waist and pulled her to the surface. The crashing waves made it difficult to keep the woman’s head above water. Liana searched for something the woman could float on, but she found nothing. The only thing she saw on the face of the water was the top half of the boat as it continued to sink. She saw no other humans; the others must still be in the boat, she thought. By the time she could get to them, it would already be too late. This woman, therefore, was the only one whose life she had hope of saving.

    Liana bobbed in the waves and struggled to keep herself and the human woman at the surface. Her tail fin was strong, but it wasn’t meant for this kind of swimming. Liana quickly grew tired while trying to keep the woman’s head above water.

    She was not strong enough to swim the woman to shore, particularly in these tumultuous waves, and there was nowhere safe to put her until the seas calmed. There was only one way to save her life.

    As much as she hated to do this, Liana knew it was better than doing nothing at all. She pulled the woman under water. She watched as air bubbles escaped the woman's lips and flitted to the surface. Liana placed her fingertips against the human's neck; she felt the woman’s pulse and waited until it slowed—until it had nearly stopped. Then Liana began breathing life into her. She placed her mouth over the woman's and breathed into her. They sunk deeper into the water together as Liana held the woman tight and gave life back to the woman. The woman's chest began to rise and fall once more. Her pulse grew strong again. The transformation had begun.

    Liana let go of her and moved back while the transformation took place. The woman's back arched as the shape of her body changed. Gills opened up at her sides. Her clothes tore and fell from her body while her legs combined together and her bone structure changed from within. Scales began to grow, covering her from her torso down. Liana stayed back and waited patiently until it was over.

    The woman’s body fell limp once the transformation was complete. They all did. It took a huge toll on a person to go through such an experience. Liana held the woman by her shoulders and carried her through the sea until she arrived at one of her many homes. She laid the woman in her bed and then left to find Dorian, her husband. It was always good to have someone else around when a new mermaid awoke to discover she was no longer human.


    Meredith watched with a fierce intensity as the helicopter landed. Her eyes were full of tears ready to fall, but she held them back. Please be alive, she whispered. Nine people had been found on the two life rafts, none of whom had any serious injuries. The trouble was in knowing that ten people had been on the boat.

    The anxiety was too much. Meredith closed her eyes to fight the tears. When she opened them she saw Felix emerge from the helicopter. He warily stepped out onto the dock, his legs shaking beneath him.

    Relief swarmed her body and she ran to meet him, but his countenance stopped her in her tracks. She looked past him at the others who’d been rescued.

    Where’s April? she asked. She looked around once more. Everyone’s silence and sober expressions filled her with dread. April? She looked again. April!

    Felix shook his head. She’s not here, he whispered, his voice heavy and sad. She’s gone.

    No, Meredith said. No. The tears returned and she shook her head. She wiped at her eyes. No, she can’t be gone.

    Felix nodded. She is. A tear slid down his cheek and he pulled her close. Meredith pressed her face into his shoulder and cried. Felix found her hand and squeezed it. He’d done his crying on the life raft, and then again on the helicopter, but seeing and feeling Meredith’s reaction brought all his sadness and anger back to the surface. He had to bite his lip to stop it from quivering, and he squeezed his eyes shut to stop the tears from falling. He wasn’t opposed to crying over the loss of his sister, but he sensed in that moment that Meredith needed him to be strong.

    He closed his eyes and questioned himself. Was he strong? A stronger man wouldn’t have let his sister drown in that storm. He would have found a way to save her. How could he explain this to his parents? To April’s friends? Self-blame invaded his mind for a moment, until Meredith pulled away from him.

    Her eyes were red from the tears. I’m ready to go home now, she said.

    Felix nodded. They went to her car and sat. Meredith placed her hands upon the steering wheel but did not start the car. Her eyes had a glassy look to them as she stared off toward the ocean.

    I’d offer to drive, he said, But in the state I’m in I’d almost surely crash.

    She suppressed a laugh. Me too, she said.

    Do you want to catch a bite to eat? Felix pointed to the diner across the street.

    Meredith nodded. That might be good. She dug around in her purse and pulled out her cell phone. Here, she said. Your parents have called at least a dozen times wanting to know how you are, she told him. They’re on their way, I think. Should be here by nightfall.

    Felix shook his head. I can’t tell them about April over the phone, he said. It wouldn’t be right.

    Meredith bit her lip and put the phone away. She slung her purse over her shoulder and started to get out of the car. Let’s go, she said. Dinner’s on me tonight.

    Felix laughed, in part because of all the stress and in part because his wallet was sitting in a broken ship somewhere at the bottom of the ocean. Once he started laughing, he couldn’t stop. Meredith stared on in disbelief, but the sight of his laughter did bring a smile to her face.

    What’s so funny? she asked.

    He looked at her, and as soon as he thought of his wallet he burst out laughing again. He closed his eyes and tried to breathe. Once he calmed himself he shook his head. Dinner better be on you, he said. Because right now some lucky fish is making off with my Visa.

    Meredith scrunched her eyebrows, but once she understood she started laughing too.

    All right, she said. "Enough of that. I think all the seawater is getting to your brain, mister. You need some food and some sleep, now."

    I can’t argue with that, he said. He walked to her side and held her hand. There was so much that he wanted to tell her, but it wasn’t the right time. Instead he kissed her cheek and they walked across the street to the diner.

    Chapter Two

    Liana nudged Dorian's arm. Look, she said. She’s waking.

    He turned and looked. The new mermaid she’d brought home was stretched out on a bed of seaweed. She’d been perfectly still for several hours, but now she was turning over to her side. Her eyes fluttered open. Her lips parted and then she closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes once more.

    Liana swam to her and smiled. Welcome, she said.

    Suddenly alert, the new mermaid sat up and stared at her. Liana swam a circle around her and then reached out to touch the side of her face. She tilted her head and gave a warm smile.

    The new mermaid’s mouth dropped open. I must be dreaming, she said.

    Liana slowly shook her head. You are awake. She held out her hand. My name is Liana.

    The woman stared at Liana's hand but didn't reach forward to shake it. April, she said.

    Liana smiled once more. Welcome, April, she said.

    April looked around the room. She noticed Dorian. Where am I? she asked. Then she saw her tail. "What am I?" She slid back, away from Liana.

    You are a mermaid now, Liana said. It was the only way I could save your life.

    Save my life? April asked. Suddenly memories began to flood her mind. The boat. The storm. Felix. Felix! she said. Felix. Where is he? Where is my brother?

    A forlorn look came over Liana’s face. I’m afraid you were the only human I saw in the water. By the time I realized I had to transform you, it would have been too late to save anyone else.

    April’s mouth fell open. They all died? she asked. Are you telling me my brother has died? She looked away and closed her eyes.

    Liana reached out to touch her shoulder. I’m so sorry, she said. It was a vicious storm. There wasn’t much else I could do. You were the only human I saw.

    April brought a hand to her face and her shoulders began to shake. No, she said. No. She pushed Liana’s hand away and darted out through the open doorway.

    Liana moved to follow her, but Dorian placed a hand on her shoulder. Let her go, he said. They all go through this, and you know she can’t go very far with her new tail.

    I know, she said. I know. I just wish there was a way to help her through all of it.

    "You are helping, he said. This happens every time. They all need a moment alone before they can begin to understand."

    Liana sighed.

    If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this was harder on you than on the ones you save. Dorian chuckled.

    She closed her eyes and rested her head against his chest. I know I’ve seen this hundreds of times, she said. But it never gets any easier.


    April thrust her fin with all her might to propel herself forward. She didn’t know where she was going or what she was doing; she just knew she needed to go. Her core muscles weren’t used to this type of strenuous exercise, however, and the muscles in her tail were still new. April quickly tired and collapsed on the ocean floor. She wrapped her arms around her head and cried.

    Felix. Oh, Felix. You were always so happy. A light to everyone who knew you. How can you be gone? And Meredith, what will she do without you in her life? What will I do without you?

    She realized then that she’d not only lost Felix; she’d lost everyone in her life. Her mother. Her father. All of her friends and co-workers. Her cousins. Her grandparents. Her aunts and uncles. Everyone. She might never see them again. She was alone.

    April shivered at the thought. She opened her eyes and looked around. The ocean seemed to go on forever no matter which way she looked. She had no idea where she was.

    She looked up. The surface. She had to go to the surface. April picked herself up and started swimming. Higher, higher she swam. Her whole body was sore, and she wondered several times whether or not she would ever make it. The sun looked so close, and the light burned her eyes. Her fresh mermaid eyes weren’t used to the sunlight the way her human eyes had been.

    April reached her hand upward, desperate to find the surface of the water, desperate to feel the air. But she couldn’t make it. Her body would not go any further.

    She closed her eyes and fell, gradually drifting back down to the ocean floor. Every muscle in her body burned from exhaustion. All she wanted to do now was curl up into a ball and sleep away her pain.

    Chapter Three

    Meredith tossed and turned in her bed. She couldn’t stop thinking about April. Or Felix. She was grateful his parents had come. The thought of him being all alone after such a tragedy would be dreadful.

    On the other hand, she knew his parents would try to pressure him into moving to the mountains with them. It made her uneasy to think of him going out to sea again, but the ocean was his life. He loved taking tourists out on the water for deep-sea fishing, and the people he worked with were wonderful. Meredith couldn’t imagine Felix staying away from the water for long. He wouldn’t be Felix if he did that.

    Her phone vibrated. She picked it up. There was a text message from him.

    I can’t sleep.

    Meredith smiled and typed back.

    Me neither.

    She closed her eyes and imagined he was there with her. She thought of her hand in his and the way his arm felt around her. Meredith looked down at her left hand and imagined a ring sitting there. They'd talked about marriage, but so far the question hadn't been asked yet. She sighed, knowing now that if he ever did ask her to marry him, April wouldn't be there for the wedding.

    Her phone buzzed again.

    Will you join us for breakfast tomorrow? I miss you already.

    Of course. What time?

    I’ll definitely be sleeping in. Maybe 10?

    10 sounds great. I love you.

    I love you too, Meredith. Good night.

    Warmth filled her heart as she studied his words. She loved how even after all these years he could still take her breath away with a few simple words. A few simple words, but they meant so much.


    That was such a strange dream, April said. She groaned and rolled over. Her whole body ached for some reason, and her legs felt so funny. Then she opened her eyes.

    No. It wasn’t a dream. But this can’t be real, she thought. She looked down to where her legs should be and instead she saw a magnificent tail. She dug her hands into the sand beneath her and watched it sift through her fingers. Then she looked up.

    April’s breath was stolen away as she noticed the great white shark circling above her. Maybe it hasn’t seen me, she thought. She tried to flatten herself on the ocean floor and wondered what she should do. Perhaps I can crawl away unseen. Using her arms she tried to pull herself forward along the sand.

    The shark moved closer to her and widened its circle. Then it swam up beside her and stopped.

    You’re awake, he said.

    His gruff voice startled her, and April screamed and sat upright. She pulled her tail to her chest and hugged it the way she used to hug her knees when she was human. She wanted to attempt to swim away, but her nerves kept her body frozen in fear.

    The shark growled at her. April's muscles tensed even more. Through the corner of her eye she searched for some way of escape, but she saw none. The shark was close. Too close.

    He gave a sideways glance at her and then turned away. Come, he said. This way.

    Come? He expects me to follow him? No way.

    She watched as the massive shark slowly moved away from her. He had to be almost twelve feet long, she estimated. April wondered how far he would go. If she started now, while he wasn’t looking, could she swim fast enough to escape? She glanced about, but there was nowhere she could hide. Her only hope was to swim faster than the shark, somehow, and she wasn't sure she could do that. April flipped her fin a few times to get a feel for how it moved. She still wasn’t used to using her tail.

    The shark was at least thirty feet away by now, and he wasn’t looking at her. Perhaps if she started out slowly enough he wouldn’t notice her edging further and further away. Then when the time was right, she would swim as fast as she could until

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