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The Mirror
The Mirror
The Mirror
Ebook95 pages1 hour

The Mirror

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About this ebook

This book is a journey that will be different for every one: a personal, insightful adventure that can grow your spirit and feed your soul. It is a fusion of adventure and contemplation, written to be both uplifting and thought provoking. It explores life, relationships, acceptance, intuition and the importance of being you, along with other insightful and inspirational thoughts such as the Tapestry of Life and the Understanding of the Soul. It enables the reader to take from its pages as little or as much as they want to support their own life’s journey.

Whilst writing this book, I often wondered about my ability to be the one to convey all that is written within these pages. I didn’t set out to write a book, nor did I know that this was what I was meant to do. However, when the words just kept flowing from my pen to the paper, it felt like they were being given to me to pass on to others. I was being helped to use my life experiences and difficulties to bring wisdom for others to use if they wished to do so. ‘The Mirror’ was down on paper within 6 months and I was ignorant enough at the time to think that it was finished. It has actually taken 3 years to complete and to be what you have before you today. I felt compelled to write these words for you and wanted them not to be prescriptive but more about planting seeds of thought that may enable you to bring out the best in your life and, along the way, grow your soul to become the best you can be. This book is part of my life journey: I hope it can be part of yours.

PublisherAJ Harvey
Release dateMay 26, 2016
The Mirror

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    Book preview

    The Mirror - AJ Harvey

    The Mirror


    A J Harvey

    Published by

    A J Harvey at Smashwords

    The Mirror

    Copyright 2016 by Angela Sharp

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy; recording, or any information storage and retrieval system now know or to be invented, without the permission in writing for the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, or broadcast.

    Table of Contents




    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8



    This book is a journey that will be different for every one: a personal, insightful adventure that can grow your spirit and feed your soul. It is a fusion of adventure and contemplation, written to be both uplifting and thought provoking. It explores life, relationships, acceptance, intuition and the importance of being you, along with other insightful and inspirational thoughts such as the Tapestry of Life and the Understanding of the Soul. It enables the reader to take from its pages as little or as much as they want to support their own life’s journey.

    Whilst writing this book, I often wondered about my ability to be the one to convey all that is written within these pages. I didn’t set out to write a book, nor did I know that this was what I was meant to do. However, when the words just kept flowing from my pen to the paper, it felt like they were being given to me to pass on to others. I was being helped to use my life experiences and difficulties to bring wisdom for others to use if they wished to do so. ‘The Mirror’ was down on paper within 6 months and I was ignorant enough at the time to think that it was finished. It has actually taken 3 years to complete and to be what you have before you today. I felt compelled to write these words for you and wanted them not to be prescriptive but more about planting seeds of thought that may enable you to bring out the best in your life and, along the way, grow your soul to become the best you can be. This book is part of my life journey: I hope it can be part of yours.


    Angela was delighted with her purchase from the local auction room, a large floor-length antique mirror. She had waited a long time for one so magnificent to grace her house but little did she know that the Mirror had not come into her home by chance: another world awaited her.

    As she is getting ready for work one morning, a voice from the mirror called her name. Angela turned and in the mirror she saw an elderly women smiling back at her. Slowly, they engage in conversation, she discovers the elderly lady is called Miriam, who says she has waited a long time for the right moment for them to meet. Miriam encourages Angela to walk through the mirror to be with her and, after some moments of hesitation tinged with fear, she takes a leap of faith and steps through the mirror. The room she arrives in is warm and comfortable and Angela feels surprisingly at peace as she sits down in a chair opposite Miriam. A cup of tea and a handful of golden dust later, they start the journey they are destined to take together. They become good friends, sharing laughter and their understandings of life and they travel by land and sea to places Angela has never seen before. All they need for their journey is provided for them: no one else is around but who is looking after them? Caught up in the wonder of it all, the journey for Angela becomes one of self-discovery and growth of spirit and, for Miriam it is food for her soul.


    The Mirror beautifully illustrates some important lessons for us to learn about being human in our world. I found the book uplifting and thought provoking and the ideas within it represent a shift that could start to make the world a better place

    Dr Vikki Barnes

    Clinical Psychologist 

    'The Mirror prompted me to look differently at myself; thought provoking, containing intrigue and depth. An enjoyable novel written with a story line, combined throughout with very deep thoughts in belief and values. An excellent read!'

    Lois Clarke

    Public Sector Worker

    'I was really taken by the way my imagination and interest was caught right from the start, part of me was a child again on a fantasy journey. There was learning and wisdom to be taken and digested page after page.'

    Jill Abbott

    Counsellor - Psychotherapist


    By A J Harvey


    The frost was glistening on the fields and the air was still and very cold, any exhaling of breath made cloud shaped mists that floated off into the distance. I stood there a while, taking in all that surrounded me, whilst waiting for the car windows to defrost. I had tried to scrape them, but today it was just too thick, so I started the engine, put on the heater and watched the ice slowly melt away. Everywhere I looked it was like someone had scattered diamonds whilst I slept and now the morning light danced on them, and it made me feel that this would be a good day. Little did I know that this day would be like no other I had ever experienced in all of my 53 years on this Earth.

    The car now clear, I went indoors gathered my things and decided to quickly use the bathroom: the cold played havoc with my water works so best to pre-empt any problems in this area rather than have to address them in the rush hour traffic. I loved my home it was warm and friendly: natural light flooded all rooms and made it a very special place to be. I had been here for three years now: the village was friendly but also allowed you to have your solitude, if that was your chosen way. I valued this, as for a while now I have felt more in need of solitude than company. As I walked up the stairs to the bathroom, I passed the large floor mirror, which I had bought at one of the first auctions I had been to. It stood so grand against the auctioneer’s wall, its gold frame somewhat tattered in places but beautiful all the same: deciding that this would be the item I would bid for, I took my place in the audience and waited. I had never been to an auction before; a childlike excitement flooded over me, butterflies had danced in my stomach and all felt well with the world. Every time I passed this most beautiful mirror on my landing, I remembered a special day and recalled the joy I felt when the hammer went down and the auctioneer said, SOLD to the lady at the back; number madam please?

    I had just had my usual glance in the mirror and was nearly at the bathroom, hand poised on the doorknob, when I heard a voice say hello: I looked around and could see no one. Again this very gentle voice said hello. Where are you? I replied, wondering why I was talking to thin air. Move to the mirror. a voice replied. I stepped back and

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