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Ellie Mae 2, Sex, Sugar And Sundaes: Ellie Mae, #2
Ellie Mae 2, Sex, Sugar And Sundaes: Ellie Mae, #2
Ellie Mae 2, Sex, Sugar And Sundaes: Ellie Mae, #2
Ebook134 pages2 hours

Ellie Mae 2, Sex, Sugar And Sundaes: Ellie Mae, #2

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About this ebook

Ellie Mae has left high school and now works in the local ice cream Parlour, but never fear she is wilder than ever. She's looking for a sugar daddy now, or maybe two to move up in the world and to make the most of her favourite occupation, sexual gratification. So who better to turn to for advice than her new friend at the ice cream parlour, a hot blonde who already knows how to work that little number to perfection.
So follow Ellie Mae's sex filled adventures as only she can tell it. She's hot, sexy and most accommodating, especially when she knows that sex pays real good.

PublisherCharlie B.
Release dateMay 26, 2016
Ellie Mae 2, Sex, Sugar And Sundaes: Ellie Mae, #2

Charlie B.

Well my name is Charlie B but you already know that. I live in the UK, Bromley, Kent, any GR peeps close by, friend me by all means. I write hot steamy stories. Why, well because if it turns me on I hope it will do the same for you, guy or girl! For those of you that might be interested my web site address is all of my books are individually listed there along with synopsis and other interesting articles. you can also sign up to my new releases newsletter and receive a free short story Commecial finished, please read on! I write a lot, a book a month sometimes even more and I like to do something different every time. Sometimes the sexy scenes are part of the story and other times the story is the vehicle for the sex scenes but one thing is always present in my stories, Sex! Most of my stories feature women as the lead characters, I liker strong women, women who know what they want and go get it. They want men who can satisfy them in every way, who can excite and give then totally fulfilling sex. Women today have found their freedom, they want books that excite and arouse, they want a hot read that will give them a thrill and why not. Ah, but I hear you guys saying , 'what about us? Well I know what guys like, after all I am one. Fresh young women, cheerleaders, raunchy college girls that are naughty rather than nice. Older women that bend the rules, blur the lines because they are hell bent on satisfaction and they will do their devious best to get it. In actual fact, although there's a possible division in what I write, I think men and women will enjoy most of my books as many sit in the middle road.

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    Ellie Mae 2, Sex, Sugar And Sundaes - Charlie B.

    Charlie Dobb’s Ice Cream Parlour. Well, we all have to start out working somewhere people and this is my choice, …. for now. Who am I? Why, Ellie Mae. Remember? The girl that you read about in my first book. The hot teen with the skinny figure, well not quite skinny because now I have growed some real curves that men seem to go for, like lots. Older guys especially, and you’ll also remember that Ellie Mae don’t as turn away a hard cock when it’s up for grabs. No sir. I love that glorious, manly length of exciting flesh. I truly worship cock.

    So, why am I working in this place? Well, I’ll tell ya folks, but first I suppose I’d better tell you how it’s been since I left high school last month. Mama wanted me to go on to College but I surely knew I wasn’t gonna get into one of those fancy institutions. Oh, I’m smart alright, but not educated smart. You see, a girl can earn her way in life in two ways, getting an education or using what she’s got. I reckon that the second is a damn sight easier, and while I ain’t never gonna be President of the USA or anything else for that matter while laying on my back, I sure am determined to get what I want, even if it means doing a few extra’s, if y’all know what I mean.

    Charlie Dobbs? He’s the place’s owner. He took one look at me in my short plaid skirt with my tied up, ‘peek a boo’ top, and I guess he made his decision with his dick and not his head. The head atop his shoulders anyhow. His eyes lit up like sparkly diamonds, mine just saw sparkly diamonds, not immediately, but they sure was thinking about stuff like that. Course, I’d put on my best push up bra and made sure that what cleavage I had was well on show, and he took the bait real easy. I felt my pulse rising at this first step to world domination. Ok, not quite that, but perhaps of Mr Dobbs to start with.

    What’s your name girl? Ah seen you about Town but you ain’t never been in here afore, have you honey? He says, still staring at me like I was his favourite flavour already. Why, Ellie Mae Sir, an’ no, I ain’t as never been in here afore, because my Ma says that ice cream and soda is fattening, but I need a job real bad Mr Dobbs, like I mean real bad. and I’m batting my eyes like a girl does when she’s in need.

    Well, I need staff an’ you sure do look good, but would you be ok in our uniform though? It’s a lil’ bit skimpy, but that’s how we get the trade in? I take a good look at the girl serving behind the counter right now. Thick, blonde hair, big jiggly jugs that are barely restrained by the stretchy tank top that she’s wearing and a pair of shorts that look like they are superglued to her ass. Name tag says Molly. Hot? She is fuckin’ dynamite. Guess I have some competition here.

    Why, Mr Dobbs. It seems to me you got all the girlie attraction you as need right there, I giggle.

    Molly? Well she’s girl alright, but she ain’t boy crazy if’n ya’ll know what I mean.

    Not sure as I do,.…. Oh my, you mean that she’s into girls?

    Hush, not so loud. She gets offended some, an’ she’s got a real vicious temper on her when she’s all roused up, but yeah, y’all got it.

    Now this is news to me. I mean, I like cock, don’t get me wrong, but my best friend Sasha has occasionally shown her other side in that manner; not that I’d encouraged her by the by, but she sure has a hot tongue. (Giggle) Pity then that she has gone off to College. Yep, she’s left me to my lonesome self, well, except for Deputy ‘Dawg’ Biggs of course, and his super-duper dick, and, ….. Oh, but later for more of that stuff you lecherous lot.

    Yep, I guess that seeing Molly all dressed up so sexy is giving me lots of horny idea’s that no doubt are echoed by every guy that she gives that big smile too, as she tops up their sundae’s with cherries that are as big as the nipples that protrude from her tight top, but I am a girl and she dotes on girls. Seems that’s no contest for you guys.

    Well Mr Dobbs, I say in my best Monroe voice. "Maybe I should try one of these outfits on so that you can as see jus’ how good I might look in it; like, do ya’ll have an office where I might…..? Oh yeah, he bites alright, the dirty fucker. He bites big time, and I am about to put my big-eyed lil’ Miss Innocent, act on just for him because I need, not just the job, but the extra dollars too, for extra chores.

    What is he like? Not those hot characters ya’ll can read about in those erotic fantasy books. No, he isn’t no handsome, hunky guy. He’s overweight and in his mid-fifties I guess, with receding hair and stuff, but I need a job and he is gonna need a different kinda job real soon, a hand job. How’d I know that, because his fucking dick is already pushing out at the front of his pants, is how.

    So, he shows me into his back office with a word to Molly, who gives me the once over with added interest. Damn she is hot. Did I say that already?

    Here you go. Seems ‘bout your size Ellie, he says, with a look very similar to the one I’d just got from the blonde dish.

    So I just turn my back and peel open my itsy-bitsy top an’ then I pull off my short skirt, wiggle my slim, see-thru, panty-clad ass some as I do so, knowing he is looking at it real good, and probably rubbing at his hard-on dick through his pants too because my ass is real cute. The top goes on, but first I yank off my bra so that my nipples will jut out real good at the tight pink top with the joints name written all across it. My tits are gonna need all the help I can give them because they are growing some but not fast enough to get guys attention yet, as Molly’s do.

    Hope you is being a gentleman Mr Dobbs, an’ not peeking any? I remark.

    His strangled reply tells me he is not only peeking but sneaking a rub of his dick too I reckon. I tug on the, second-skin, pink shorts till they snap around my waist real tight and then slip a hand down to check that my camel-toe is pouting out real good. Mr Dobbs is gonna get my best look and he is gonna come in his pants if I don’t get to relieve him first.

    What d’ya all think then Mr Dobbs? How do I look? I ask coyly, as I let him have my best eye fluttering, seductive look with my hand perched on my hip and a lower lip biting pout to go with it. Mr fucking, hard-on, Dobbs don’t have to say, because his eyes are popping out something wild, and his groin is twitching like he has a snake of some sort trying to escape, which is exactly what he does have, I guess.

    Mr Dobbs, I see that you are quite taken with me, but if there’s anything I can do to clinch the job; well you only have to say? I purr. I’ve sure learnt a lot since my first time with one of Ma’s lodgers, and then the second one, and the third, and all the other guys I’d gotten up to naughty stuff with including Sasha and Deputy Sherriff Biggs. Men are just so easy.

    Now I know I’ve got the job already, but being the cock-tease I now am, I just have to carry the thing right on through. I mean, my pussy is all tingling like crazy and my big puffy nipples are bulging at that tight lil’ top and I need to get off real bad, and I sure ain’t gonna wait till I get home to get that done. Call me a slut, that don’t hurt me none, but I need to get my rocks off. It’s a kind of power thing, a turn-on to know guys want to screw me, and it’s driving me crazy right now.

    Ellie Mae, you got it, you got it, he mutters as his eyes roam over my jiggling, young body like a ravenous dog on heat.

    Oh I know I got it Mr Dobbs. All the guys tell me that, but then they all want it too. Do y’all want some of it then, Mr Dobbs?

    I swear this is true; he near passes out at those words. His body jerks and I reckon he comes in his pants, so there is just no point in continuing the interview anymore. I don’t need to be fishing his soft dick out from that sticky mess any time soon now do I?

    I’ll be in tomorrow Mr Dobbs, and I’ll keep this uniform on for now. Give the guys a treat as I walk back home. Mom will be pleased that I got the job. Oh, is 30 dollars a day ok for starters? and then we’ll see about a performance bonus. Ya’ll do want me to perform for ya don’t cha, Mr Dobbs? I ask, with my lashes fluttering again

    Huh, yeah, fuck yeah. I mean yes, that’s good Ellie Mae. 9am tomorrow, and here’s two more uniforms for spares.

    Ok, see ya later Mr Dobbs.

    I leave his office feeling real good, but still horny as fuck. I reckon Bruno, my toy bear, is in for a treat because I am certainly up for it right now, and I know he’ll really like my new outfit. He is one horny Teddy is Bruno. Ya’ll remember him, the big toy bear with the ten-inch strap on, and he’s damn near insatiable too. He really knows what this girl needs and gives it to me real good when the real thing ain’t around. I get a big smile from Molly as I leave Dobbs office, or lair. Remember her? Picture-perfect looks, blonde hair, big boobs, sexy voice?

    See you got the job then, she purrs? Fuck, she has one of those gravelly accents that can set a girl’s body to the dirtiest thoughts, and I am already having those afore I hear her speak."

    Yep, start tomorrow. Hi, I’m Ellie Mae.

    Molly. Did you y’all blow him then?


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