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Conversations With Dog
Conversations With Dog
Conversations With Dog
Ebook64 pages36 minutes

Conversations With Dog

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About this ebook

Conversations With Dog offers wonderful insights to the successful training of a strong minded and very clever dog who due to the strangest twist of fate narrowly avoided being homeless or eauthanised.

Conversations With Dog ia also  an excellent guide to training both owner and dog using gentle and kind approaches to both with surprising results.

Accompanied by beautiful photographs that bring the story's to life, Conversations With Dog will entertain, inform and delight anyone who owns a dog or wants to.

It's all here, conversations with dog, plus the looks from a dog that tell stories on their  own, the training failures, successes and a few more interesting surprises.

PublisherAlan Kiddle
Release dateMay 30, 2016
Conversations With Dog

Alan Kiddle

Alan Kiddle lives in New Zealand, with a comedian dog, two plum trees, an apple tree, and one grumpy cat. Always having an interest in Eastern ways, Mandalas came naturally to his coloring books as an expression of geometric symmetry and beauty.

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    Book preview

    Conversations With Dog - Alan Kiddle





    Alan Kiddle

    Copyright © 2016 Alan Kiddle

    All rights reserved.






    This book is dedicated to my children. My best teachers.

    And my Dog Riley. An outstanding teacher too.





    Thank you Sky for being a great daughter &

    putting up with Dad when he's slow.

    Thank you Doggy Dan for taking my dog

    training to new levels and helping shape me into

    the person my dog needed me to be.

    Thank you Bubbles for believing.

    Thank you Riley for helping me

    take computer breaks, walks & for the

    many interesting conversations.


    1  puppy days

    This is the story of how Riley has taught me many things and how she responds to me and my family that leaves me grateful beyond words. Next to my children, Riley has been one of my best teachers.

    Riley a beautiful, intelligent, sensitive, intuitive and somewhat supernatural dog came to me despite my own internal belief of never ever wanting to own a dog again.

    Over the years I had come to see having a dog as a burden. A dog would be something needing looking after and restrict my lifestyle.

    Having had several dogs throughout my childhood and again in my adult life I understood the commitment required and had made up my mind that having a dog would not be something I needed to experience again.

    How very wrong I was. Mindset gets you every time.

    Around seven years ago my daughter Sky, then aged 16, decided to get a dog in what I then considered to be her naive teenage enthusiasm.

    Sky arrived home one day with a puppy, Riley. Contractually I wasn't allowed to have a dog according to landlord rules at the time. Sky was leading a busy life of school and part time work so Riley was often left to her own devices.

    Riley spent too much time alone and unattended for a young puppy in my opinion and was acting destructively tearing up furniture and leaving way too many toilet messes. This continued for a few weeks and was driving me nuts.

    Being very closed at that time to the idea of taking care of a dog I had warned my lovely daughter that if the dog (Riley) wasn't going to get the attention she needed and I had to clean up after her again, I would take her to the SPCA and have her re-homed. 

    Such was my mind. Made up and immovable.

    The day did come when I arrived home to a lot of mess inside the house after Riley had been left alone while both Sky and myself were working.


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