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Sex In The Valleys
Sex In The Valleys
Sex In The Valleys
Ebook143 pages2 hours

Sex In The Valleys

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I've set this book in the Welsh valleys, circa the 1970.s and its a kind of expose of all the seething sex that's going on beneath the sleepy veneer of these small interlinked Rhonda villages, well one in particular to be exact.
From the uninteresting housewife who finds that her young summer lodger has more to offer than she first realised, to the local preacher, who cant wait to finish his sermons because his female organist has some other organ skills she wants to desperately carry out. The girl who comes of age on Saturday nights and goes in search of the sex she craves. The M.P's wife with a conscience who finds her own way to satisfy her needs without feeling guilty. the twin girls who seduce their mothers lover when she's away, Evans the post has never had it so good and the lusty librarian who wants to act out her sex fantasy and does it.
These and many more secrets will come too life as our mysterious guide takes you into the homes and lives of the people who live in the Welsh Valleys.

PublisherCharlie B.
Release dateMay 28, 2016
Sex In The Valleys

Charlie B.

Well my name is Charlie B but you already know that. I live in the UK, Bromley, Kent, any GR peeps close by, friend me by all means. I write hot steamy stories. Why, well because if it turns me on I hope it will do the same for you, guy or girl! For those of you that might be interested my web site address is all of my books are individually listed there along with synopsis and other interesting articles. you can also sign up to my new releases newsletter and receive a free short story Commecial finished, please read on! I write a lot, a book a month sometimes even more and I like to do something different every time. Sometimes the sexy scenes are part of the story and other times the story is the vehicle for the sex scenes but one thing is always present in my stories, Sex! Most of my stories feature women as the lead characters, I liker strong women, women who know what they want and go get it. They want men who can satisfy them in every way, who can excite and give then totally fulfilling sex. Women today have found their freedom, they want books that excite and arouse, they want a hot read that will give them a thrill and why not. Ah, but I hear you guys saying , 'what about us? Well I know what guys like, after all I am one. Fresh young women, cheerleaders, raunchy college girls that are naughty rather than nice. Older women that bend the rules, blur the lines because they are hell bent on satisfaction and they will do their devious best to get it. In actual fact, although there's a possible division in what I write, I think men and women will enjoy most of my books as many sit in the middle road.

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    Book preview

    Sex In The Valleys - Charlie B.


    I’ve set this story in the Welsh village of Tingwyneth. It’s not on any map. Well who needs to have their village painted as a centre of sin? It’s a fun collection of interlinked, short stories. Fiction set in a time when the coal mining industry had withered to near non-existence, when the steelworks still belched their fumes and the United Kingdom was becoming more liberal sexually with the advent of the pill and the implementation of sex toys for women. But much goes on behind these closed doors so join our mysterious guide as he unveils the secrets of this seemingly quiet community and take a peep behind the drawn curtains into the shady lives of the people of this changing society of the Welsh Valleys.

    Our Guides? Well, all will be revealed in time, but be ready to be surprised at these debauched disclosures for they are not for puritans or the easily shocked!


    Ah, there you are. Come on, don’t be shy. Step into my world and let me show you what lies beneath the surface of this seemingly innocent, God fearing place. Tingwyneth. one of the Welsh Valley villages, nothing really notable happens here you might think nowadays, nothing that might be considered,…..sinful.

    You see the rows of terraced Cottages; some now boarded up, some the second homes of the English invader. Better that one supposes than that they fall into ruin one would think but not all Welsh folks feel so, but that’s by the by now.

    Now then, let’s see? Where shall we begin our revelations? Oh that’s a good clue, yes revelations. The local chapel perhaps as it’s a Sunday. It’s set into a hillside, built some hundred or more years ago when the Colliery was the workplace of most all of the villagers, their lives centred around its towering hoisting wheel, their Godly Sunday prayers centred on the chapel.

    The congregation is gathered on this special day of worship, smaller now than in past times but still attentive to the preachers penetrating words none the less. Their first hymnal devotions sung, this commanding figure of a man is standing tall in his pulpit, ready to give his vitriolic sermon of nonsensical hypocrisy. You question that remark? Well let’s listen in to him then, but listen and watch closely friend for there is more going on here than meets the eye, far more. Come along now, take a seat up here alongside me, now watch all that happens and pay attention.

    Beware the deadly temptations of the flesh. Beware the serpent that calls itself lust. Do not be tempted by such wicked distraction for it will lead you from God’s path into the arms of the ungodly one.

    Good isn’t he, but watch closely, watch how his eyes flicker to Millicent Jones, the organ player. Oh yes, she certainly knows just how to play the organ and most expertly indeed too. She never misses a note and is always in the right key. See how she glances his way, stares for a moment as he slips his hand under his vestment. Now what do you think he might be doing as he spouts his vitriolic sermon at the unknowing congregation?

    Ah yes, Miss Millicent; 37 years old. A spinster now, but what a woman still. Magnificent in her Sunday best dress, the thin, jersey drawn tight over her lusciously large, pointed breasts that project out like barely restrained missiles. Their upper revealed slopes are the very temptations the man warns his avid following to beware of. Most deeply cleavaged and fully uplifted by her straining bra cups. His eyes linger for a moment devouring them. Her waist is narrow, hips flaring under the lightly pleated dresses, stockings held up by a black garter belt to match her black lace knickers and her legs are long, enticing and slightly parted. She throws back her head as she plays, pure sensual perfection in his eyes.

    A smile crosses her attractive face, her eyes widen under the dark curling, locks of her abundantly long hair as she catches his look and duly responds. She licks her red lips for she knows exactly what he’s doing under that loose garment, she knows that he’s stroking up into a spear of burning lust, his big, most amazing cock and her legs part a little wider in anticipation of what she knows will surely later follow once he is done with his preaching.

    The preacher’s eyes flit to young Amber. Eighteen years old and in the full bloom of adolescent youth. The morals of an alley cat he’s heard. The things that girl gets up too with the young lads. How he’d love to get his hands on her firm young body and drive his rampant tool into it. He’d surely show her what an older man can do for her given the chance. How his cock jerks as he takes in her glorious, well developed for her years, luscious, voluptuous figure. His desire rising even higher as he imagines her wide teenaged mouth surrounding his long, throbbing prick; her attractive face sucking out his come, her firm hard nippled breast’s bared to his squeezing hands and his sucking mouth. Her bra released for his squeezing fingers to work on her pert firm breasts as she gazes up at his rearing cock in true adoration. He wonders if she still has puffy nipples, the thought of what he could do to those nearly has him spurting a load right there and then in front of his congregation.

    His eyes flash back to Millicent. Her legs are wider now. God be praised, are those her knickers he can see? Are they damp now? She smiles and eases her legs wider still and he nearly comes in his hand as he sees her mound bulging at the thin, tautly stretched, mound-cupping nylon.

    ‘God is she going to get it later,’ he thinks as his hand squeezes his huge erection well out of sight of the gathering down below the pulpits edge.

    My friends. Ladies, do not fall prey to that wicked monster called desire, do not be led astray by those devilish electrical devices, those vibrating implements of lust that even now can be purchased at Thomas the news’ shop from under the counter in order to sate your every desire. They are the Devils toys. Evil in purpose and not to be trusted for they will lead you from the good path into evil ways as they raise your desires to new heights with their all devouring, overwhelming sensations.

    Janie Jones, jumps in her seat. She has spent the first part of the morning using her own shiny new, white plastic vibrator, purchased from the very source the preacher mentioned via Thomas’s wife who swore it was’ better than sex with her old man,’ in order to pleasure herself over and over again. It’s God’s special gift in Janie’s eyes, the wanton salvation she has been looking for since her husband no longer seemed to be able to get his own cock up any further than the horizontal though she’s kicked him out now. It’s a modern wonder, a door to those joyous moments she has not known for some time and she certainly has no guilt about using it. In fact, she can’t wait to get home and set it to its deliciously satisfying work once again.

    David Williams sits straight backed next to his mother in the pews. He has only one reason for attending church; the gorgeous, precocious girl sitting next to him alongside her own unsuspecting mother. Bethany Roberts, fresh faced, in her final extra year at school. Pretty as a peach with her long blonde hair and big blue eyes. She looks like a Princess in her best Sunday frock. The hem of the short skirt barely hiding her smooth upper thighs from his snatched asides. It was also hiding the young man’s sneaky hand as it worked between her, slightly spread, smooth skinned, slightly open legs finding and then kneading and teasing her hidden vee to a sticky, seething, gloriously wicked frenzy. Easy to do since she has cut out the crotch of her cotton knickers beforehand in anticipation of allowing him total access to her thinly tufted, most sensitive treasure trove, this even with her mother in attendance and the whole congregation sitting around them. That was an extra thrill to the young lady.

    Oh and look you now? She has slipped her hand into his trouser pocket, the one without a pocket at all, and is furtively playing her slim fingers up and down along the thick, hard length of his straining prick as she stares up at the preacher with rapt, seemingly innocent, attention. Surprised? Well this is just a small sample of what you don’t, at first glance, see on the surface in this small Valley Village.

    John Reynolds, our fiery preacher is reaching a crescendo with his noisy sermon; his own hand and Millicent’s lustful teasing as she runs a sneaky hand over one of her huge breasts for him to see, have brought his huge cock to a truly frenzied state and size as it projects from beneath his raised up surplice. Hugely distended and a feast for the gazing organist’s eyes. How she wishes she could frig herself too, but she can only wait for what is to surely come. She can see what the congregation cannot, she can feel herself grow wet at the sight of his near demonic erection, still hidden from others sight within the pulpits close confines. She shifts her nyloned thighs against one another, just a little longer to wait now before divine deliverance.

    The preacher has saved the best sight until last. Meryonith Sims, the local school teacher. 26 years old and up from Swansea to now run the school. She has class, she has looks and she has a body that drives her older boys to fantasies that no young student should be harbouring about their school tutor but who can blame them. Every pore of her superbly put together body exudes the kind of hormone liberating fervour that young men seem to have an excess of, to the point where their swollen erections seem to dominate their heads during her lessons.

    She is tall, near 5’10", has willowy curves that are every students wet dream, legs that they each aspire, in their lusty fantasies, too spread wide so they can have their lusty way with her even if they are too young to do more than stare in appreciation due to their inexperience. She is a redhead, a Celtic dream maiden sent to lure young men into her wilful clutches, and the preacher has made himself a promise that he will soon be the one to tame and subdue this brazen disciple of the Devil.

    His prick lurches in his hand, it’s too much. He spurts his cum as the congregation burst into a hymn, his hand working on his fleshy shaft, stroking its red hot, pulsating length to a juddering climax. Another stain on the inside of the pulpit, and Millicent shivers inside as she witnesses this miraculous happening. Her thighs clenched together, rubbing against each other as she too comes in her own private excitement. She is not disappointed

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