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The Playgirls 2: Growing Up: The Playgirls, #2
The Playgirls 2: Growing Up: The Playgirls, #2
The Playgirls 2: Growing Up: The Playgirls, #2
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The Playgirls 2: Growing Up: The Playgirls, #2

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About this ebook

Growing Up is Book 2 in The Playgirls series

Used to playing games and winning, the Playgirls are about to discover that what used to work is no longer viable for them. 

Life finds them struggling to get by, just like everyone else. Not prone to having to work so hard for what they want, Chelsea, Alyssa, and Katherine have to tighten up their game or risk losing what they thought they once had.

When Chelsea meets her match in handsome Antonio, the chase is on, but will Antonio be easily snared in her silly game or is Chelsea about to learn a very tough lesson?

Things become very complicated for perfectionist Alyssa when she takes the game to a whole new level and winds up entangled in a sticky situation.

Budding actress Katherine stumbles upon what could be her big break, but finds out the hard way that she's just a fish in a huge pond.

With powerful men and demanding careers, the Playgirls must change their game to succeed. It won't be easy, or fun. Can these three young women finally let go of old ways or are their old habits destined to cause them problems every step of the way?

Release dateJun 1, 2016
The Playgirls 2: Growing Up: The Playgirls, #2

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    Book preview

    The Playgirls 2 - Clarissa Carlyle

    Chapter I - Hand Outs

    BUT, AUNT LISA, I— Alyssa closed her eyes and listened with her ear to her phone. Her aunt’s voice was distant and cold. We didn’t mean to break those things. And we said we would— But her aunt wasn’t listening anymore. Aunt Lisa was tired of the excuses. Weary of the party girls and their antics.

    Katherine and Chelsea huddled on the floor, their ears taking in Alyssa’s conversation. The world grew larger. Doubt circled their hearts. They were being evicted. Evicted! Kicked out by family. Their arms were wrapped around each other, and their eyes red from crying.

    But— and the line went dead. Alyssa stared at her traitorous phone.

    She’s... is she really kicking us out? Even after we agreed to the rent increase she wanted? Chelsea asked. She twisted her long, red curls around her fingers. They were homeless. Welcome to the real world.

    Yes, Alyssa whispered. She let her legs crumple to the floor and sat beside her girlfriends. I’m sorry.

    No, no, Katherine stopped her apology, it’s okay. Not your fault.

    But it was Alyssa’s fault. She and Jordan had fooled around on the bathroom sink and busted the vanity right off. It was funny at first. Not so much when Aunt Lisa’s face turned crimson with determination to teach her niece a hard lesson.

    I called my dad, but he’s out of the country on a business trip, Chelsea said. She felt instantly alone without her father coming to her rescue. She rarely needed help with anything, but if ever she did, she could count on her daddy. Where were they going to live?

    Alyssa wiped her eyes and sniffed. Their vanilla-scented candles coated the air around her and soothed her spirit. They could do this. She squared her shoulders. I called my folks. They said we could live with them.

    The girls exclaimed. Boots!

    I don’t want to live in Boots. Ever, Chelsea said. Her spirit sank. She hated that small town with its small grocery store and two stoplights. She wanted to make it big in Dallas. No way. I’m gonna just keep trying my dad. Daddy would make it all better.

    My card was canceled today, Katherine said softly.

    Your credit card? Alyssa asked.

    My dad’s card, really. He told me to quit using it. But I didn’t know what else to do. I needed shampoo. A razor. Condoms... Katherine sighed and a warm tear oozed from her already red and swollen eyes. It slid down her cheek. Broke. Homeless. Loser.

    None of my jobs have turned up any leads, Alyssa joined in the pity party. I applied everywhere. Her voice dropped. The girls strained to hear her whisper, Even McDonald’s.

    McDonald’s? Please, please tell me that was in their cooperate office and not at the drive-through, Chelsea said.

    Her voice grated on Alyssa’s fried nerves. Shut up!

    Chelsea and Katherine looked at each other. Drive-through, they said together.

    Alyssa groaned and threw her body back onto the plush carpet. We’re never gonna make it!

    The other two girls lined their thin bodies up beside their desolate friend. Side-by-side, comfort flowed between them. They grasped each other’s hands.

    Why did we bother with all this college, and now, nobody will even hire us? Alyssa mumbled.

    It’s not over till the fat lady sings, Chelsea quipped.

    Katherine burst into an aria from Ombre Pallide.

    Alyssa elbowed her and giggled. Shut up. You’re so not the ‘fat lady.’

    Not yet, Katherine said. She patted her flat stomach. I may never be if we don’t have money to buy food.

    I’m telling you, we can move home to— Alyssa started again.


    WE’RE NEVER GOING TO get all this done, Alyssa said. She slinked into the only empty chair in the living room. The couch was covered in their dress clothes still on the hangers. She couldn’t even walk across the floor without kicking trash out of the way.

    Katherine wrapped another plate in newspaper before carefully placing it on top of a neat stack in the corner of her solid kitchen box. She sighed. They were all in this mess together, and Katherine was so tired of listening to Alyssa complain. It wasn’t just about the eviction. Alyssa whined about Jordan, too. Mostly, it was about Jordan. With no mercy, Katherine called from the kitchen, Get up. You’re not done.

    Alyssa slit her eyes at her friend. "You’re such a bitch, she breathed out her mouth. I just sat down!"

    I haven’t taken a break since this morning. Get your ass out of that chair and haul down more crap. We have until noon tomorrow. NOON! Get moving, Katherine said. Sweat dripped from her messy, blonde ponytail. The air conditioner blasted frigid air into the old Victorian home, but it was a lost battle. Twenty straight days of 100-degree days... Katherine mumbled. Ick.

    What did you say? Don’t talk about me behind my back. Alyssa whipped up from the chair and stared at her friend.

    Katherine’s laugh burst through the air. You are so vain. I wasn’t talking about you. I said I’m freaking HOT!

    Whatever. Bitch. Alyssa put her hands on her hips and glared at Katherine standing in the kitchen.

    Katherine stuck her tongue out and crossed her eyes.

    Takes one to know one. Chelsea stumbled through the room. Her arms ached from the heavy box of books she carried. She sat the box down with a thud and rubbed her arms. My room’s packed.

    Have you heard from your dad? Katherine asked, ignoring Alyssa. Hope squeezed her heart, and fear ripped apart her stomach. She should have gone with Ken. Regret joined fear in tearing at her insides.

    Kind of... Chelsea said. Like a tornado, she moved about the trashed room, whipping lost papers into her trash bag. I got ahold of his assistant. I should hear from Daddy by tomorrow.

    By noon, I hope, Alyssa mumbled. She missed her folks. Maybe she would move back to Boots by herself. She was tired of dragging these girls around. Her heart squeezed in her chest. Not true. She loved her girlfriends. If they would just not push her around so much...

    She said we would hear from him tomorrow, Alyssa. Quit being such a titty baby, Katherine said.

    Fine, Alyssa quipped. I’m calling Jordan to come carry these boxes out. She felt left out of the threesome. Why hadn’t Chelsea taken her side on this? Obviously, Katherine was being unreasonable.

    Chelsea waited for Alyssa’s door to shut upstairs before she turned to Katherine. What is your problem? She crossed her arms and waited. I don’t think it’s just this awful eviction driving you. What is going on?

    Katherine breathed in deeply through her nose and blew it out slowly through her mouth. She put on her acting mask with a happy fake smile and replied, "What do you mean? I’m fine. I’m so great." She combed her hair up and out of her face with a sweaty hand. Wind from the box fan ruffled the newspapers strewn about the kitchen counters.

    Chelsea knew her friend better than the pretense she wore around the house. I know you’re not fine. Quit lying to me. Why did you break up with Ken? I know that is what’s making you bitch to me and Alyssa. Now, I’m sick of it. Tell me what the hell is wrong with you before I—I eat all your chocolate!

    Despite her best efforts to appear angry, Katherine laughed. Her body relaxed, and reality filled her face. She didn’t want to talk about Ken. It made her sad. Her heart squeezed as his face flashed through her mind. She looked down, away from her friend, and said, I can’t take handouts. I just can’t.

    And going with Ken to New York? That would be a handout? Chelsea drummed her perfectly manicured fingernails against the bare cabinet.

    "If I got any parts, it would be because he’s

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