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The Blood Calls You Back (Part 2)
The Blood Calls You Back (Part 2)
The Blood Calls You Back (Part 2)
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The Blood Calls You Back (Part 2)

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Joe is a mean, swearing, beer-drinking android programming machine, but lately, his ancestor keeps making him time travel back to the Ice Age to help her fight off an incursion from a local village.

They may have spears, but the Chieftain known as Bear has a secret weapon: Joe.

Plus the Internet. But on top of that, apparently technology similar to the mysterious vial Bear uses to pull Joe’s consciousness back to the past is showing up both in the past and in the present in the form of strange robots.

What is their interest in Joe and his bloodline?

Blood Calls is an ongoing Newcomer World story.

PublisherMike White
Release dateMay 29, 2016
The Blood Calls You Back (Part 2)

Mike White

I'm going to try to throw as much wacky science fiction/fantasy, and non-fiction comedy at you as you can handle. I'll have more books coming really soon in the Blood Calls You Back Series and the world of Reality Zero. After a long delay to get my ducks in a row, they are finally coming now. Especially books from my world "Newcomer." I love helping out other writers who have their own great stories to share, and I'm a prolific reader and reviewer.

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    Book preview

    The Blood Calls You Back (Part 2) - Mike White

    The Blood Calls You Back (Part II)

    By: Mike White

    Copyright 2015 Mike White

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover Image Vacation on Mars (cropped) by: Brooke Binkowski under Creative Commons

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    More Books by Mike White

    Chapter 6

    I didn’t hear from my apparently ancient relative from the Ice Age for months after the first encounter. It was actually springtime by the time it finally happened.

    She decided to show up right as I was trying to put a bottle of beer into my cart at the supermarket. The Blood didn’t need to call me back this time, apparently, because she just popped into existence right in front of me and said-

    I require better weapons, now.

    Naturally, this made me drop my beer.

    Fortunately, I was able to catch it again before it hit the ground. I practically had to dive across the floor though.

    Right, course you do, I said automatically from my position on the floor, holding up my saved bottle of beer.

    Some lady pushing a baby in her cart gave me a dirty look as she wheeled by at the near end of the aisle.

    She pushed her cart quickly away before I could say anything, as if I were a crazy person that might threaten her kid.

    Guess that’s fair enough.

    Think you’re in the wrong aisle for ancient Ice Age Weapons, I said to a probably-fictional floating woman who was largely naked besides for a bear skin.

    Try aisle 5, I said, pointing.

    She frowned, and then floated right through the aisle, disappearing and giving me a few seconds to pant in relief on the floor and try to figure out what I was going to do.

    Didn’t take long before Bear came back, however.

    I cannot access what is beyond this wall, She said, gesturing at the aisle. Her brown bearskin shook as she thrust out an arm to point. For I can only see what you see.

    Her ice blue eyes tore into me as she levelled them on me.

    But you already knew that, Bear said, and as she tilted her head to the side, I could feel her rummaging around in my cranium through our shared connection in the ‘Blood’.

    Whatever the hell that meant.

    Also, according to your memories, the area beyond the wall contains a food known as Coca Cola, though I cannot imagine what plant or animal it came from. Your world is a strange one, She said, her eyes blinking against the harsh fluorescent lights of the grocery store.

    Clearly you’ve never pulled an all-nighter trying to meet a deadline if you don’t think Coke cans are weapons, I told her.

    My witty one liner didn’t impress Bear. She turned her gaze back to the other side of the aisle we were in, as if I was trying to hide the Secret Aisle with Awesome Weapons from her.

    OK, look it’s great to see you and everything, but um-I thought the Blood called me back, I told her. You know, with the chanting and everything. You’ve got me on speed dial now? You can just show up?

    Bear took a breath and looked down; reaching out with her hand where it looked like it was just disappearing into a box of Captain Crunch, as if she were searching for a prize in there.

    Her arm came back up into view again, and I realized she was just reaching down behind the rock in her bone-hut and my brain was interpreting it as vanishing.

    She held up the strange, silvery glass bottle I’d seen before, and it was definitely pulsing with white light at the top now.

    I believe the process that bonds us together is becoming stronger, she said, and I was surprised to hear something like real worry in her voice. The points where it is stronger and then weaker follow a process unknown to me.

    That should probably concern me too. But, considering that I was waving casually to my fourth confused grocery shopper from the damn floor, I kind of had bigger fish to fry at the moment.

    I got up, finally, and went back to shopping.

    "OK, Bear Lady. I need to finish up, uh, whatcha call it-foraging for food. Unless you want to just watch me do that, which I guarantee you is going to be boring as hell, for you anyway, I Love it personally, ‘least when it’s

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