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Clash of Passion 4: Saving Faith
Clash of Passion 4: Saving Faith
Clash of Passion 4: Saving Faith
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Clash of Passion 4: Saving Faith

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Iliana finally found out who Nickolas really was. He is Nick DiAngelo, her most hated person in the world. The man she's been in love with was her parent's murderer!

How could she live with herself, knowing she has saved the life of the man whose given her so much misery? How could she have betrayed her parents so stupidly? She knew he was too good to be true. She suspected there would be a catch. But not like this. Never like this.

She hates him with all of her being but he still wouldn't let her go. The one time when he finally succumbs, she gets abducted by the enemy. Now it is his chance to save her. If she would let him.

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READER ADVISORY: This story contains contents that some readers may find objectionable, including sex and erotic themes.
Closing her eyes, she felt the softness of his lips, the probing of his tongue and the warmth of his mouth. Her body was responding before she even knew what was happening. She wrapped her arms around his neck and their bodies melted together.

The heat between them only grew hotter. Iliana could feel the evidence of Nickolas's desire pressing against her thigh. She turned her body into him so that his hardness was pushing against another part of her body. Her hips moved ever so slightly so that she could stimulate his already rigid member. Ah yes, she thought. That's something else that I remember clearly...

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PublisherSandra Ross
Release dateJun 20, 2015
Clash of Passion 4: Saving Faith

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    Book preview

    Clash of Passion 4 - Eve Albright

    Saving Fate

    By Eve Albright

    Published by Publications Circulations LLC.

    SmashWords Edition

    All contents copyright (C) 2014 by Publications Circulations LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, companies and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or the publisher.

    The following story is for entertainment purposes only. This book contains sexually graphic scenes depicting consenting adults above the age of 18 engaging in passionate sexual acts. This story is intended only for persons over the legal adult age. By downloading and opening this document, you are stating that you are of legal age to access and view this work of fiction. Mature readers only. Reader discretion is advised.

    Limit of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty:

    The publisher has used its best efforts in preparing this book, and the information provided herein is provided as is. Publications Circulations LLC makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

    ~ ~ ~ ~

    Chapter One

    TWO DAYS HAD passed since the charity ball night and the scandal that had ensued.

    Two days during which Iliana locked herself up in the pink bedroom in the Castle, not sleeping, denying food and water brought to her. She left steaming hot plates of food cool into lukewarm, then finally, cold plates of food. She paid them no mind.

    Nickolas spent endless hours outside her door begging her to open it to listen to him, to at least have something to eat or to say one word. Even when he smashed the door and broke into the room, he found her sitting on the bed still wearing the evening gown from the ball. She just gazed at a spot somewhere on the wall, unresponsive, showing no visual contact with the environment.

    She wouldn't react to his pleas, or his orders.

    In the end, he withdrew in desperation, to the library.

    He didn't know what to do, how to get to her. He was frightened, terrified as he had never been in his life. His sweet, untamed stray cat had finally bent... and broke.

    All because of him, again.

    On the third night, she entered the library. He sat there with his head in his hands. She was ghostly pale. Her eyes were burning seas of blue. She wore a long, white nightgown. Her hair fell uncombed to her face and shoulders. She had never looked more eerily from another world.

    For a moment, he had the horrible feeling that he pushed her to insanity. So terrible was her aspect to behold that he had to stop himself from shaking her back and forth. She resembled nothing like the kitten she had known, the cat he had nursed in the hospital nor the woman with whom he had fallen in love. Instead, she appeared to be a ghost of her former self. Somehow, in the room, a part of her - or so Nickolas thought - had departed this world, never to be seen again.

    She stood in front of his desk and gazed at him impassively. She said in a clear voice,I want the whole truth.

    The request did not sound crazy to him. She sounded like someone who was in so much pain she has to bury everything deep down inside or she would die. He did not know then if he should be grateful.

    It was the lesser evil, but at what cost?

    The truth?


    So he started to tell her the truth.

    Cautiously, he began, I was born a few blocks farther from your neighborhood. My father was a scumbag who beat me regularly just because he could. My mother abandoned us when I was born. I don't even know who she is, just that her name was Anna. Not that I ever cared to find out. All that I need to know - all that I ever needed to know - is that she left her newborn child with a vicious man and ran off. She must have known that, I suppose.

    His voice was flat, unemotional. They sat on the library's big, long couch, but on opposite corners. So far from each other that no one would have thought they had made love on that couch so many times.. She was leaning as far away from his direction as she could, as if sitting so far from him wasn't enough to her. She stared at a void that only she could see, keeping her eyes away from him. He tried to fix up his courage in the face of what might that might mean for him. He knew what he had to say. He knew how she might react.

    He continued, "I was ten when I ran away from him, but not before smashing his face with a baseball bat he usually used on me. As far as I know he never tried to find me even if he only wanted to exact revenge. I joined the Panthers and they became my family. I was the best at fighting, fearless in battle. I became their leader when I was 16, when the previous leader was killed in a fight with the Wolves, my rival gang. I had first to take care of the guy who did it, of course, to gain more favor with the members of the group.

    After that, I let Chezaro into the group, and made him my second-in-command. He was my best friend. He was like a brother to me, and we've been together since we were little kids. We watched each other's backs. I especially watched him like a hawk since he was two years younger and has always been weaker. That's also when I met Markella, and she became my lover.

    He thought he saw her face flinch, but it was such an very subtle flinch that, after a moment, he wasn't sure if it happened. He knew she had a jealous streak in her. He knew also how Markella comported herself at the club. He'd had two whole days to think about confessing this much to her, during which time he became convinced that she would resent him for ever having chosen someone like Markella when she had been alive all along. In

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