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Baverstock's Allsorts Volume 1: A Short Story Collection
Baverstock's Allsorts Volume 1: A Short Story Collection
Baverstock's Allsorts Volume 1: A Short Story Collection
Ebook41 pages26 minutes

Baverstock's Allsorts Volume 1: A Short Story Collection

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About this ebook

This eclectic collection of eight short-short pieces crosses from gritty science-fiction to heartwarming poetry, showcasing the versatility, imagination, comic wit, and pathos of author Jessica Baverstock. The perfect companion to an afternoon tea break or a morning commute, this collection will tickle your funny bone and tug at your heartstrings.

Baverstock's Allsorts Volume 1 draws together science-fiction (‘The Stone Trader’ and ‘Dinner Plans’), period fiction (‘Obedient Tongues’), poetry (‘I Love You, Mum’ and ‘Beach Talk’), sweet tales (‘Will You Help Me?’ and ‘Buried Jewels’) and a newspaper article with a twist (‘The Morning Horticultural’).

Release dateJun 8, 2016
Baverstock's Allsorts Volume 1: A Short Story Collection

Jessica Baverstock

Jessica Baverstock has been a storyteller since she learned how to talk, and dreamed of becoming a writer from the day she first saw a typewriter at age 3. She writes an eclectic mix of endearing stories, crossing from science-fiction to historical fiction and everything in between.She is an Australian author and blogger. In her early twenties she moved to China. Now she lives in the South West of Australia with her husband and a modest book collection. When she's not busy working on her next story or globetrotting across oceans, she's usually curled up watching a good movie.

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    Baverstock's Allsorts Volume 1 - Jessica Baverstock

    Baverstock’s Allsorts Volume 1

    Copyright 2014 Jessica Baverstock

    Published by Jessica Baverstock at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    The Menu

    The Stone Trader

    Dinner Plans

    Obedient Tongues

    Will You Help Me?

    I Love You, Mum

    Beach Talk

    The Morning Horticultural

    Buried Jewels

    About the Author

    Other books by Jessica Baverstock


    Dear Reader,

    Welcome to this small collection of short, short stories.

    Perhaps this is the first time we’ve met. I’d offer you a cup of tea and a scone, but you’re likely further away than my next-door neighbor. So instead I offer you this collection of assorted literary snacks.

    I’m an eclectic writer. I cross the boundaries of romance, comedy, drama, science-fiction — and anything else that stands in my way — all in the pursuit of an interesting story. Why? Because I’m a storyteller, and I want to share my favorite stories with you.

    So, imagine we are meeting for afternoon tea. This collection of stories is the paper bag of assorted candies from my pantry. There are sweet, sour, crunchy and chewy ones. Something for everybody.

    You don’t have to like every one of my candies. Just taste-test your way through to discover your favorite treat. There’s a menu on the next page to show the variety of flavors in the collection. Simply pick and choose between comedy zest, tragedy sourness and the sweetness of heartwarming tales.

    I wish you an enjoyable read as you dip your hand into this collection of Baverstock’s Allsorts.

    Happy reading.


    The Menu

    The Stone Trader

    A dark, rich science-fiction tale with a dash of

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