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Peppermint Passion
Peppermint Passion
Peppermint Passion
Ebook76 pages1 hour

Peppermint Passion

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Shyla has dreamt about, lusted after and fallen in love with her bosses over the past year that she has worked for them. With only a few months left before she graduates and earns her teaching degree, she decides to make her move at the company Christmas Party. As if that wasn't nerve racking enough, her place of employment is an exclusive BDSM club and her plans to ensnare her Dominant bosses attention revolves around them bidding on her at the charity submissive auction.

Trent and Jack have been fighting a losing battle to keep their hands off of their beautiful waitress, Shyla, until she no longer works for them. Her gentle spirit and genuinely good heart call to them almost as much as her obvious submissive inclinations. When she surprises them by arriving at their Christmas party dressed like a wet fetish dream, and they learn she plans on being part of the submissive auction, the men quickly decide that the time to show Shyla who she belongs to and who truly loves her has arrived.

***This is a re-release of a previously published book. While it has been revised, no major changes were made from the original version.***

PublisherAnn Mayburn
Release dateDec 5, 2013
Peppermint Passion

Ann Mayburn

With over forty published books, Ann is Queen of the Castle to her five dogs, three cats and three amazing sons in the mountains of West Virginia. In her past lives she's been an Import Broker, a Communications Specialist, a US Navy Civilian Contractor, a Bartender/Waitress, and an actor at the Michigan Renaissance Festival. She also spent a summer touring with the Grateful Dead-though she will deny to her children that it ever happened.    From a young Ann has had a love affair with books would read everything she could get her hands on. As Ann grew older, and her hormones kicked in, she discovered bodice ripping Fabio-esque romance novels. They were great at first, but she soon grew tired of the endless stories with a big wonderful emotional buildup to really short and crappy sex. Never a big fan of purple prose, throbbing spears of fleshy pleasure and wet honey pots make her giggle, she sought out books that gave the sex scenes in the story just as muchd etail and plot as everything else-without using cringe worthy euphemisms. This led her to the wonderful world of Erotic Romance, and she's never looked back.    Now Ann spends her days trying to tune out cartoons playing in the background to get into her 'sexy space' and has accepted that her Muse has a severe case of ADD.

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    Peppermint Passion - Ann Mayburn

    Peppermint Passion

    Ann Mayburn

    The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement (including infringement without monetary gain) is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

    Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in, or encourage, the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Peppermint Passion

    By Ann Mayburn

    Copyright © 2013 by Ann Mayburn

    Published by Smashwords

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    **DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice, BDSM or otherwise, without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Ann Mayburn will not be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in this book.**

    Author’s Note:

    Dear Ladies and Gents,

    There is nothing I love more than reading a romance novel and finding out something new and fun to try out with my husband. After all, the couple that plays together stays together. Before you decide to try out peppermint oil play with your sweetie/subbie, a word of warning:

    Peppermint oil can hurt you!

    And I don't mean a good hurt. I mean ah 'Oh crap I have to figure out how I'm going to explain to my family why I have to get a skin graft on my vagina' hurt you. See, peppermint oil, while fun and arousing when used in moderation, is a chemical and can cause chemical burns. The best way to use peppermint/cinnamon/spearmint oil is in their diluted form and the best way to dilute them is with a water based lubricant, preferably an edible one. Usually the ratio is 1 part peppermint oil to three parts lubricant. Start out with small amounts and work your way up to what you and your partner like.

    Doms- this is for you. Before using peppermint oil on your sub, use it on yourself first. While you may not have the same sexual equipment as your partner, you can use other parts of your body to simulate the feeling of peppermint oil on the anus, vagina, or glans. Your inner lip, for example, will have similar sensitivity to a vagina. Dilute the peppermint oil and place some on your inner lip and test it before you pour it all over your sub. This will educate you on the sensation and not leave you guessing as to what your sub is experiencing.

    I hope I didn't scare you away from a little peppermint play. In the right amounts it can provide a mind blowing experience for both partners. Enjoy, and remember- Safe, Sane, and Consensual. :)

    Chapter One

    The car door next to Shyla opened and a frigid breeze gusted into the toasty warm interior of the Mercedes. She turned her attention to her best friend Opal’s husband, Greg, as he held his hand out to help her from the backseat. The faint lines around his dark eyes crinkled when she stared at his hand and his breath misted before him. The winters in Michigan were no joke, especially the day before Christmas.

    Greg looked over the car as twilight streaked the sky with burning amber and velvety amethyst streaks. Opal, I think Shyla needs a moment with you before she’s ready to go inside.

    Shyla mouthed ‘thank you’ and Greg nodded with a small smile as he shut the door. A moment later the door on the other side of the car opened and Opal slid in with a clink of chain and creak of leather from beneath her jacket. Her auburn curls bounced as she shut the door and shivered. Around her neck she wore a red leather collar with a little boughs of mistletoe embroidered on it. A gold medallion with Greg’s name etched into the metal flashed in the fading light as Opal turned to her. Shyla wore a similar collar, but it hers had red and white stripes like a candy cane and had no owner’s charm to catch the light.

    Before Shyla could say a word, Opal pinned her to the seat with narrow-eyed glare. Seriously, you’re gonna chicken out now? When you’re finally single and ready to mingle? She held up her hand, stopping Shyla before she had a chance to say a word in her defense. All those speeches you gave me about embracing your sexuality and not being ashamed of what you want, how does sitting in the driveway of your boss’ house instead of attending your works Christmas party fit into that plan? What part of cowering alone in the backseat of my car while the men of your dreams are inside says empowering?

    Shyla tried not to squirm beneath Opal’s school-teacher stare. Well—

    And, I know that I didn’t spend all day last Saturday with you helping you pick out the perfect outfit, going and getting a pedicure, and enduring a cookie waxing with you so you could sit in the car and hide.


    Opal patted her hand and the car shifted slightly as Greg leaned his back against the window. So what’s the problem?

    Shyla took a deep breath and let it out slowly, practicing the relaxation technique she had learned in yoga. A skill she’d desperately needed when her ex-boyfriend proclaimed her a perverted nymphomaniac and dumped her

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