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We make a deal and I drive the lady back to her car, make that former car. The lady's ex-car has been torched.
I tell her, “No problem. When we finish our dealings, I'll get you a replacement car, using your insurance money. In the meantime, you don't need a car, my secretary can get you what you need.”
The lady then packs a couple of suitcases that are almost as big as she is.
I then schlep the suitcases out to my car and drive the lady back to the apartment.
The lady tells me, “I want no funny business.”
I tell the lady, “Business, yes! Funny business, no.” I then give the lady a key.
I pull into the garage and tote the lady's two suitcases up to the apartment.
The lady tells me, “I have to make some phone calls. When I get what you'll need, I'll call you.”
I tell the lady, “The sooner, the better. We'll get the business finished and then we'll get you relocated somewhere where your ex-employer won't find you.”
The lady says, “You saw my car. The people who are looking for me play for keeps.”
I tell the lady, “Not to worry, so do I.”
Over the course of the next couple of weeks, the lady gets me three more contacts with disgruntled customers of her former employer.
I get two new contracts now and one more will come when the customer's current contract runs out.
I talk briefly with the lady and determine that she has about exhausted her sources. I then meet her for supper, one night. I tell her, “I have gotten two new contracts from your leads. Give me a bank account number and I'll have your commission money transferred to your account, as the contract money comes in. I also have a contract pending from a lead you gave me. When the contract comes in, I'll pay you your commission for that contract. You told me what kind of car you wanted. I got you the deluxe version and it's in your garage. I got you a much better deal than you could have gotten on your own. If you'll just sign the papers, you're ready to go wherever you want.”
The lady scans everything and we then go and look at the car.
The lady falls in love with the new car and she signs.
We then go back to the apartment and the lady and I have a discussion.
The lady asks me, “I was a corporate whore. Do you know what I did?”
I sense a trap but I say, “Well, you obviously screwed customers.”
The lady says, “You'll have to excuse me, but I look damn good. I screw out of town customers, rich guys who want sex but don't ever want to see me again, unless its for another corporate whore date.”
I tell the lady, “Makes sense. So what?”
The lady lectures, “The typical social girl looks good, screws local boys and gets involved in messy, local situations.”
I think for a moment and lecture back, “The corporate whore deals with intelligent people in top of the line places. The social girl deals with mostly dumb boys and gets taken to the kind of cheap places the boys can afford. The corporate whore knows how to dress and conduct herself in a top of the line place. The social girl wears as little as she can get away with and can basically only deal with, 'wanna fuck?' The corporate whore deals with older men and not only has to screw, but she also has to learn to be a bit inventive, when the older men can't get it up.”
The lady says, “Pretty much.”
“Okay, so what?”
The lady tells me, “I originally come from a city on the other coast. I have a girl friend who lives in a smallish town, back there. My girl friend's sister is a corporate whore. The corporate whore wants out. However, she's afraid that people will find out. You just might be the man who can figure out how to get her out. At worst, you get a few nights of hot sex. At best, who knows?”
“You think I might fall for a corporate whore?”
The lady says, “Well, there's always the local non-corporate whores, I mean social girls.”
I get some contact information. I then help the current lady plot an escape.

PublisherR. Richard
Release dateJun 11, 2016

R. Richard

I'm the co-author, with Sunset Thomas, of Anatomy of An Adult Film.I have 48 novels and over 299 short stories currently published.I spent my early years in the part of Los Angeles known as the South Central. I was known as Whi' Boy, which was sufficient to indentify me in that place. I'm a skilled kung-fu player, using a system that I learned from a Korean I knew only as 'Pak.' It would be easier to tell you the places that Pak wasn't wanted by the police, rather than the places where he was wanted by the police. Pak's kung-fu system, augmented by some bits and pieces from some Chinese practicioners is quick and effective, or I wouldn't be alive today.My early education was mostly obtained by stealing books from the public library (I always returned them and the Librarian even began to provide me with reading lists.) I did go to high schools, but I never really learned anything there. I eventually graduated from the University of California at Los Angeles, UCLA, with a degree in mathematics.I work as a Systems Analyst and also make a part of my living as a professional gambler (legal in Nevada.) I write science fiction and erotica. My published novels are:Anatomy of An Adult Film (With Sunset Thomas)1. Second Chance: God Killer2. Second Chance: Sky Pirate3. Second Chance: Scroll Seeker4. Second Chance: King of The Islands5. Second Chance: King of Zaya6. Second Chance: Duke of Averon7. Second Chance: King of Golomon8. Second Chance: King Of The Sky9. Second Chance: Warlord of Ifrequeh10. Second Chance: King of Ariby11. Second Chance: King of Mesodania12. Second Chance: King of Avuls13. Second Chance: King of Kemet14. Second Chance: King of Zorran15. Second Chance: King of Two Worlds16. Second Chance: King of Averon17. Second Chance: King's Duties18. Second Chance: King of The New WorldAdventurer: Simulation ProblemAdventurer: Pannar ProblemA Programmer's GambitAmateur StripperBeach MurdersBondage HouseCorporate Sex SlavesFriday NightGo Naked In The SoftwareGrasshopper WinterInvoluntary NudeLayoffNot A HeroPirates of The KeysSummer of SexThe LakeThe Last Moon DanceThe Nude Adventures of Plain JaneThe Secret Life of Wanda WilsonTails of the Pussycat LoungeTo Keep A JobTopless RestaurantToy WhoresVix: The MarineWayward BoyShort Stories:A Christmas Visit

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    Opportunist - R. Richard


    By R. Richard ©

    Published by R. Richard at Smashwords

    Copyright 2016 R. Richard

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    By R. Richard © 2016

    You probably wouldn't even see me, if we rode in the same bus. I'm five feet nine inches tall, appear to be of average weight, have a face so anonymous that people have trouble describing me. I have hair colored hair and eye colored eyes. People mistakenly tend to think that, if I don't look like anything, then I must be nothing, just 'Jim the zero.'

    What I do for a living is, I prey on other people's stupidity. Since there are a lot of stupid people in the world, I make a very nice living preying on them.

    I got started in my business career by cleaning out a high stakes poker game. I then had quite a bit of money and the question of what best to do with my capital?

    I happened to overhear a conversation between two idiots waiting in line at a lunch place. The two idiots are chuckling over the fate of an apparently bright, but not too politically aware, engineer. According to the two idiots, the engineer thought that he had developed a winning widget, at home and on his own time. The engineer then tried to get his current employer to develop the widget into a big moneymaker. However, per the two idiots, the engineer's Department Manager didn't want anything to do with pitching the widget to his management, since it might result in the engineer getting promoted over him. Thus, the engineer runs into the legendary brick wall.

    I manage to find and talk to the engineer in question. The engineer is short, has the face of a rodent and he's afflicted with a nasty stutter. However, behind the loser front is a brilliant man.

    I then hire the brilliant, but ugly, engineer and make damn sure that no one that I employ gets in his face. I then sell

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