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Her Firemen
Her Firemen
Her Firemen
Ebook69 pages58 minutes

Her Firemen

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About this ebook

Jordan Ward has been with the love of her life, Matthew Dixxon, for two years. But things aren't as expected. After an unexpected pregnancy, the couple split due to ultimatum; end the pregnancy or end the relationship.

Devastated, Jordan gets the help and emotional support she needs from her best friend, Tessi Mason, along with Tessi's big brother, Nickie Mason. She has always had a crush on him.

Nickie and Jordan find themselves in a whirlwind romance while they wait for the baby to arrive. How will Jordan handle a new baby, romance, and drama surrounding her ex-boyfriend Matthew and true love, Nickie? Find out in book one of Her Firemen!

Release dateJun 13, 2016
Her Firemen

Kristen J. Shallot

Kristen J. Shallot is an author, predominantly in the erotic romance and paranormal romance genres. She has been writing since she was eleven years old and takes great joy in bringing her fantasy worlds to life. She can be found on Wattpad, Twitter, and Facebook! She has a few projects lined up for summer and fall 2016; including a book of poems, the sequel to her story Her Firemen, a thriller, and a zombie trilogy!

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    Book preview

    Her Firemen - Kristen J. Shallot

    Her Firemen


    Her Firemen was written by: Kristen J. Shallot

    Her Firemen was published by: Kristen J. Shallot at Smashwords

    Copyright 2015 © Kristen J. Shallot

    Chapter One

    The clock shocked her out of her dreams, making her swear and slam her fist down on the snooze button. It was only 5:30 in the morning, and she had tossed and turned all night. She turned to see her boyfriend sitting up in bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes so he could go start his shift at the fire department precinct on 50th and Washington. He kissed her lips and told her to get an extra hour of sleep, though he knew she wouldn’t. She waited until he left their home and turned off the damned alarm, and stood on the icy floor of their unusually tidy bedroom.

    Jordan stripped her clothes as she looked inside her closet, finding her uniform for work. She worked in a small bar and grill as a little barmaid, sometimes taking over cooking duties as well for extra cash, though she dreamed of putting her degree to use one day. This job was easy work, and it reminded her of the bar on the TV show, Cheers. The regulars were friendly, and most of them were friends that met before and after work to relax and grab a cold beer and some wings before making it home to their families. Sometimes she wished she had an exciting city job, but that would have to wait.

    As she let the warm water stroke her dark, velvet like skin, she lathered her body in soap that smelled of milk and honey, and washed her hair with creams and oils that smelled like a soft summer breeze. She couldn’t wait for the warmer season to arrive. She was sick to death of snow and it was only the beginning or January. By the time she had finished showering and dressed in her modest uniform, she wandered to the kitchen for a cup of coffee from a pot that Matthew, her boyfriend, had made for her and made some eggs and fried bologna. The sun was finally up and shining, and the bustling city noises greeted her ears.

    Once she brushed her teeth and put on her makeup, she slipped on her heeled pumps and set out the door, purse over her shoulder and walked the two and a half mile commute to her workplace, which was named Big Joey’s Bar. She wrapped her over-sized wool coat around her curvy frame, trying to keep warm against the icy chill of winter. When she made it, it was 9:48 in the morning and the boss, Big Joey, and his wife, Big Tammi, were setting up and waiting for the rest of the crew to come in. As always, Jordan was first to arrive.

    Hey, Jay. Early as usual. Tammi greeted her.

    I wanted to sleep, but Mattie kept that damn alarm of his on my side of the bed, waking us both up at a quarter after 5 this morning, she said. I swear he does it on purpose.

    Men… What can ya do? she laughed.

    Cackle, cackle, cackle. Let’s get to work, hens! We open in forty-five minutes and the bathrooms need to be wiped down a final time, the bar needs some furniture polish to give the beautiful oak it’s shine, and we need to start getting some food cookin’ in this joint! Joey laughed.

    Why yes, your highness. We womenfolk will get on that right now. Tammi spat, rolling her eyes.

    It was a little after two pm when Jordan finally went on her break. Her feet ached, her hair was sticking to the back of her neck from the heat of the oil drifting into the bar area, and she was exhausted from very little sleep. She went outside for a cigarette, taking in some fresh, cold air and listening to the noise of the city jolt some energy into her tired bones. When she saw a familiar face, however, any ounce of drowsiness disappeared, and a balloon of happiness and surprised filled her whole body. Her best friend since Pre-K was nearly running to greet her, and a blast from the past was trailing behind her, his eyes watching her intently.

    Tessi! Jordan shouted, putting out her cigarette and running to her friend.

    Jordie boo! How are you doing, babe? she asked, giving her friend a hug.

    I’m doing great! Same as usual. How was Utah? And… Wait… Is that…? Jordan stuttered.

    Well if it isn’t miss punkie poet. The man smiled.

    Nickie? Jordan whispered.

    Yeah, Jay. C’mere and give me a hug. He smiled, opening his arms to her.

    Seeing Nick Mason brought back memories from her younger years. He was always a good friend to

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