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Troglodyte, Inc.
Troglodyte, Inc.
Troglodyte, Inc.
Ebook52 pages43 minutes

Troglodyte, Inc.

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A somewhat whimsical two-act play written in rhyming couplets, describing how primitive hunter-gathers might have developed into a more sophisticated society.

PublisherRoger Edwards
Release dateJun 12, 2016
Troglodyte, Inc.

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    Book preview

    Troglodyte, Inc. - Roger Edwards

    Troglodyte, Inc.

    A two-act libretto giving a plausible but accelerated account of economic evolution.

    by Roger Edwards

    Published by Roger Edwards at Smashwords

    copyright 2016 by Roger Edwards

    Table of Contents

    Act 1 [with 4 secenes.]

    Act 2 [with 6 scenes.]

    About the author

    Troglodyte, Inc.

    by Roger Edwards

    act 1 scene 1 [A primitive camp on the shore of a lake, women and children performing domestic tasks. A group of men arrive with a slain beast.]

    Missus: Where is Trog?

    Chief: He was gashed by the beast.

    Thought of his wound casts a cloud on the feast.

    We bound up the wound and found him a stick

    That helped him to hobble, but not very quick.

    Missus: So he has been injured. But will he survive?

    If he is hobbling here when will he arrive?

    Chief: Trog’s a determined and resolute man

    But live or die he is lost to the clan.

    We are wanderers who have a new camp each night.

    We cannot wait here until Trog is all right.

    Missus: Then I’ll stay behind to be with him too.

    He will need some help to see this thing through.

    Chief: That’s how it must be as the clan functions best

    When a man and a woman share each of our nests.

    Now come to the meal. You must eat well tonight.

    There’ll be time for hunger when you confront your plight.

    Snide: Why waste so much meat on a wench who’s soon dead?

    Chief: Because unlike some folks she’s not a lunk head!

    She’ll have her fill of the fruit and the meat!

    Trog: I hope there’s a bite for a cripple to eat.

    All: Trog!

    [The clan rallies around Trog with warm greetings and a variety of questions. Missus comes to his side.]

    Various: Does it hurt?

    Trog: There is a dull pain.

    Various: Can you walk?

    Trog: I think I am lame.

    Various: Will you live?

    Trog: I don't know how long.

    Various: What will you do?

    Trog: What must be done to wake each morning strong.

    Chief: So here you are to eat the beast that bit you.

    You will find it very tasty I will bet you.

    For this story could have had a different ending

    I'm glad to have you here again and mending.

    Eat hearty and enjoy the good of Earth.

    Tomorrow may have less cause for good mirth.

    [The tribe members gather their thing as they prepare to depart.]

    Chief: Praise good fortune when it comes your way

    Without good fortune we could all be prey.

    May you be blest with a successful cure

    We will not forget your good times as we tour.

    [They clasp arms. The clan bids Trog and Missus farewell as they file offstage.]

    Missus: They didn’t even look back.

    Trog: They’re already looking for their next snack.

    Finding food is a full time job

    Survival demands that they pillage and rob.

    Missus: Working together gets their chores quickly done.

    No one can shirk or all will have none.

    How can we two do the tasks of so many?

    Protection alone is best done by twenty.

    Trog: It is not my intent to fade away in the mist.

    What are the things that we need to persist?

    Missus: There’s water enough in the lake for our thirst

    But your wound is still the root of our curse.

    You can’t go to the woods, to find beasts to

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