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Christ's Forceful Take-over of the Earth
Christ's Forceful Take-over of the Earth
Christ's Forceful Take-over of the Earth
Ebook43 pages31 minutes

Christ's Forceful Take-over of the Earth

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Recall this adage “what goes up must come down, it is simply a matter of time”; as such, the absolute proof that Jesus Christ is alive and ascended to heaven is the truth that he is coming down to forcefully take-over the earth; therefore, the day of this great event (which will affect the entire humanity) ought to be priority knowledge for everyone on earth.

It is also important to know that speaking of himself God did say, “I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure” (Isaiah 46:9-10); since he declares the end from the beginning is it then true that he said nothing about the exact day of Christ second coming (his return)?

The answer to the above question is the major challenge facing those of us, who know that, like the time of his birth, Christ is waiting for the fullness of time to redeem his body from the earth and unleash his wrath, for his return and forceful take-over of the earth (Galatians 4:4; Ephesians 1:10). This challenge is because of the deep rooted believe that no one knows the day of Christ second coming; meanwhile, in keeping with his nature of declaring the end from the beginning, God declared the day of Christ return even before his birth.

Someone might quickly say, but Christ said 'of that day and hour knows no one;' oh yes, just read on, you will come to understand what he meant.

So, just as we know that 25th of December is Christmas day and we therefore, watch as Christmas approaches. In like manner, Paul admonished believers to “consider one another ... so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Hebrew 10:24-25).

How can we see the day approaching if we do not know when that day, of the redemption of the body of Christ, will be? Also, how can we see the day of the vengeance of God approaching if we are ignorant of the day of this event?

As in every long distance race, once the finishing line comes in view, the runner is energized to finish the race. Since we have a God who glories in concealing things for believers (whom he has made kings) to search it out (Proverb 25:2; Revelation 1:5-6); so, if God had declared these days of redemption and his vengeance, though concealed, let us set out to know them (search them out), as to enable us watch their approaching and be energized.

Release dateJun 11, 2016
Christ's Forceful Take-over of the Earth

Jeremiah O. Opusunju

JEREMIAH O. OPUSUNJU is, by formal training, a social scientist who holds a BSC (accountancy) and a master of business administration (MBA) in banking and finance. He is married with two children and anointed minister of the Gospel of Christ (a witness to the awesome glory of the resurrected Lamb of God).His previous books, The Great Mystery (A Prophetic Book of The End Times) and The Biography of Jesus Christ (the Eternal Lamb) have been of tremendous blessings to its numerous readers. This work of his is designed to establish the hearts of millions all over the earth in righteousness, as well as silence the scoffers of God’s promise of Christ’s Second Coming.

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    Christ's Forceful Take-over of the Earth - Jeremiah O. Opusunju




    Jeremiah O. Opusunju

    Christ’s forceful take-over of the earth

    © 2016 by Jeremiah O. Opusunju. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by Jeremiah O. Opusunju at Smashwords

    ISBN: (e)

    Scripture references taken from: The King James Version (KJV), except otherwise stated.









    Recall this adage what goes up must come down, it is simply a matter of time; as such, the absolute proof that Jesus Christ is alive and ascended to heaven is the truth that he is coming down to forcefully take-over the earth; therefore, the day of this great event (which will affect the entire humanity) ought to be priority knowledge for everyone on earth.

    It is also important to know that speaking of himself God did say, "I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure" (Isaiah 46:9-10); since he declares the end from the beginning is it then true that he said nothing about the exact day of Christ second coming (his return)?

    The answer to the above question is the major challenge facing those of us, who know that, like the time of his birth, Christ is waiting for the fullness of time to redeem his body from the earth and unleash his wrath, for his return and forceful take-over of the earth (Galatians 4:4; Ephesians 1:10). This challenge is because of the deep rooted believe that no one knows the day of Christ second coming; meanwhile, in keeping with his nature of declaring the end from the beginning, God declared the day of Christ return even before his birth.

    Someone might quickly say, but Christ said 'of that day and hour knows no one;' oh yes, just read on, you will come to understand what he meant.

    So, just as we know that 25th of December is Christmas day and we therefore, watch as Christmas approaches. In like manner, Paul admonished believers to "consider one another ... so much the more, as ye see the day approaching"

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