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The Substitute Groom (Texas Brides Mail-Order Style Book 4)
The Substitute Groom (Texas Brides Mail-Order Style Book 4)
The Substitute Groom (Texas Brides Mail-Order Style Book 4)
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The Substitute Groom (Texas Brides Mail-Order Style Book 4)

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Lily Dixon lives a comfortable, although lonely, life in Chicago. When the benefactress from her youth persuades her to travel to the great state of Texas to become the wife of Zack Logan, she agrees. However, a childhood friend has arrived with the same intentions. Determined to win the hand of the wealthy rancher, Lily struggles with her decision. Does she pursue what could be a loveless marriage, or does she take a chance on a penniless ranch hand?

PublisherRegina Tittel
Release dateJun 16, 2016
The Substitute Groom (Texas Brides Mail-Order Style Book 4)

Regina Tittel

Glad you stopped by. I'm a writer of inspirational suspense romance and love what I do. A road near our home inspired my first novel which I was able to squeeze into print in a year's time in-between homeschooling our children. I'm never bored and enjoy learning new things and meeting new people. Thanks for taking an interest and I hope you come back!

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    The Substitute Groom (Texas Brides Mail-Order Style Book 4) - Regina Tittel

    The Substitute Groom

    Regina Tittel

    Texas Brides—Mail Order Style series

    Book Four

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    The Substitute Groom

    Published by Regina Tittel

    Copyright © 2016 by Regina Tittel

    Smashwords Edition

    Cover design by Mildred Colvin

    Photograph by

    All rights reserved.

    This ebook or parts thereof, may not be reproduced without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews and may not be re-sold.

    All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version.

    Regina Tittel’s books are written to uplift and encourage each individual while also entertaining them with a great story.

    Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite.

    Psalm 147:5

    To Mildred Colvin, Jamie Adams, and Linda Cushman. I couldn’t ask for better critique partners. Thank you for sharing a like-minded desire to spread God’s love to others and your willingness to pray for one another. I’m truly blessed to call you my friends.

    And always, thank you, Jerad and Jesus.

    Chapter One

    Fall, 1890, Chicago, Illinois

    The door to Lily Dixon’s office opened as Mr. Draker, a man fifteen years her senior, entered. He often stopped by with paperwork that an office-boy might deliver. Lily tried to overlook the odd habit, but knew it was less than innocent.

    She smiled politely, What did you bring me today, sir?

    Tsk, tsk. We’ll have none of that now. To you, I am Thomas.

    Thank you, Mr. Draker, but my job requires I keep everyone on a professional level. All except Matthew, who had recently asked her to call him by name.

    You look a bit pale this morning, if you don’t mind my saying. Accompany me to lunch. The bit of fresh air would do you good.

    Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m meeting Mrs. Foster today. She’s just in from Texas.

    Oh, I hadn’t heard she’d returned. He stalled as if searching for something else to suggest before settling on, Maybe another time.

    The atmosphere of the room cleared with his absence. Lily took a deep breath and settled back in her chair then unfolded Mrs. Foster’s letter for the third time. She laughed and shook her head. Mrs. Foster, a benefactress to Lily’s childhood orphanage, had encouraged a few of the girls to become mail-order-brides somewhere in the vast state of Texas, and now it would seem she wanted to extend the invitation to Lily. Of all the silly notions. Lily was in the heart of Chicago, surrounded by everything she could ever want. She had no desire to leave, nor was she so desperate for a husband that she would take that chance.

    Lily moved to the window overlooking Lake Michigan. Steam boats churned the surface of the water while others busied the dock transporting goods and people. The rush of city life invigorated her senses.

    Mrs. Foster had done well in providing Lily her secretarial job. The pay allowed her to share a flat with two other girls and even enjoy a meal out now and then.

    The thought came again of a mail-order-bride. She didn’t need to answer an ad to obtain a husband. As if to support the fact, a man in a dark blue suit strode into view. Even from four stories high, Lily recognized his familiar gait. He paused and the staccato in Lily’s heart quickened its pace. For the past month, Matthew Montgomery had stopped below her window each lunch hour to wave and tip his hat. They had met in the lobby of Marshall Field & Co. Lily had saved for months to warrant shopping in the exquisite department store. Upon entering, her jaw dropped as she stared at the Tiffany Ceiling.

    A man spoke from beside her, I’m told it took over a million pieces of Favrile glass.

    It’s exquisite. She slowly turned from the breath taking view and met the handsome dark-haired man beside her.

    He smiled then gave a slight bow. Excuse me, I don’t believe we’ve met before, and it would be a crime to my heart if I let you pass without introducing myself.

    Always poised and in control, Lily was surprised to feel a giggle rise in her throat. With the dignity drilled into her by Mrs. Foster, she tilted her chin and held out her hand. Lily Dixon. And whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?

    Matthew Montgomery, willing to be at your eternal service.

    Lily flushed even before his touch ignited the skin beneath her gloved hand. Their short conversation had led to other opportune visits. Always public and far too short. Lily dreamed of the day when he’d ask for her hand in marriage.

    The clock struck noon, reminding her of her appointment. She gathered her purse and gloves then moved toward the front of the building. In the foyer, Mr. Draker stood talking to another businessman. Like a hungry wolf, his eyes followed her movements while the other man pretended not to notice. More than likely, Mr. Draker was the reason no one from the company had made advances toward her. Several of the young office men had expressed interest when she first arrived, but now appeared fearful of showing any attention.

    Just as well. Matthew will provide well enough I won’t have to work around them for long. The idea of marriage to a man of respectable status lightened her steps as she crossed the street to a favorite Italian restaurant.


    Lily chewed her food in small bites. No matter how many details Mrs. Foster gave of Texas, she still didn’t believe it offered anything over Chicago. Without a doubt, Mrs. Foster thought a certain Zackary Logan was the catch. Although the idea held adventure, Lily wasn’t the adventurous type. I thought Ida planned to go with you?

    According to the cook, Miss McAllister has left the orphanage and made other plans. Regardless, Lily, I don’t want you left alone in the city.

    Lily let go of a light laugh, Really, I appreciate your concern, but you needn’t worry. I have a feeling I’ll be quite all right. She leaned her straight back against the chair. Though perhaps smug, she was proud of the fact that life was falling into place, and it had nothing to do with the interference of the benefactress before her. Mrs. Foster had forever been a part of Lily’s life, but not always appreciated. Her strong affection toward Lily caused more trouble than good between Lily and the other orphanage girls. If she wanted to stay in Texas, she should go, but Lily had no intention of following. The thought of being out from under her wing thrummed with mischievous excitement. Perhaps this was what a child felt like when stepping out on her own away from the controlling hands of her parents.

    I don’t understand why you’re being so obstinate. You’ll be lonely here all alone.

    I won’t be alone— The rest of her rebuttal fell silent as Lily

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