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Sexual Charisma: How to Be Sexually Irresistible
Sexual Charisma: How to Be Sexually Irresistible
Sexual Charisma: How to Be Sexually Irresistible
Ebook51 pages47 minutes

Sexual Charisma: How to Be Sexually Irresistible

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In this book, you'll learn strategies on how to become more sexually charismatic. If you use these strategies systematically, soon you'll feel and be more sexually attractive and enhance your sexual charisma.

Release dateOct 12, 2014
Sexual Charisma: How to Be Sexually Irresistible

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    Sexual Charisma - Eirini Haritou


    How to Be Sexually Irresistible

    by Eirini Haritou


    CHARISMA – HOW TO BE SEXUALLY IRRESISTIBLE. Copyright © 2014 by Eirini Haritou. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

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    Mother of four, dedicated to showing the world how to combine Sexuality and Spirituality in the most profound and harmonious way possible

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    Charisma - How to Be Sexually Irresistible

    Hi there!

    Thank you for taking the time to read this ebook. You’ll be glad you did! You may freely distribute this ebook as long as it is not altered and all the links in it are kept the way they are. In this book, you'll learn strategies on how to become more sexually charismatic. If you use these strategies systematically, soon you'll feel and be more sexually attractive and enhance your sexual charisma.

    What is Sexual Charisma Anyway?

    Quick definition:

    Sexual Charisma is that magic quality some lucky individuals exude that can arouse in most people a deep attraction, the emotion that we feel when someone enters our heart and mind in a way we can’t really explain with words. Sexual charisma is something undefinable and yet powerful that reaches deep inside us and stirs up emotions we don’t understand and feel almost powerless to resist.

    Because when we feel attraction for a sexually attractive individual, we no longer use our logical mind to decide what we want. Attraction takes over and causes us to start acting and making decisions emotionally instead of rationally. Attraction is not logical, and attraction is something you just can’t help but feel.

    How does this attraction work? What is it that draws people to each other? Why are certain 'types' of men or women widely considered to be charismatic attraction-wise more than others?

    Many of us don't believe that we can be so naturally sexually magnetic that people notice and gravitate towards us. We'd rather attribute sexual attraction to good looks, intelligence or 'chemistry'. Attraction revolves around beauty. That's what the media tell us, and that's what we can tell for ourselves from the direction of men's or women's eyes on the street and in bars and clubs. But is that really so?

    Attraction is not about being physically beautiful.

    It goes much deeper than that. You are not sexually attracted to another human being because of how he or she looks. You may think so, but I assure you it is by no means so and everyday experience confirms it. Think of all the times you've seen a man or woman that could very well be considered attractive or that most people would consider attractive but they did nothing for you.

    You acknowledge they' re pretty or handsome, and yet the spark is definitely not there. You could tell within a few minutes that their pretty/handsome face or figure had nothing to offer to you. Or think of all the times that you've found a voice seductive, on the radio or the internet, without even seeing the face it belonged to.

    Many people who have spent any time interacting on-line will have had the experience of becoming sexually-attracted to someone whose picture you've never seen, just because of the interaction that goes on. And most people who have spent any time interacting off-line will have met people who are truly beautiful but not in the least bit sexually attractive. You could

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