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"Joshua?" I said softly. "I've come for you, my darling."

I was so at peace in that moment that I felt outside of myself as I walked across the room. I stood above him expectantly, staring down upon his tanned body in the candlelight, finally beholding his beautiful, fully unbound manhood in its amazing entirety.

"I dream about you," he croaked, voice breaking.

"I dream about you, too," I whispered.

I dropped my robe.

The scorching romantic PREQUEL to Never Say Never is now available on Smashwords!

Lisa hasn't seen her cousin in seven years. They were close growing up, but a youthful indiscretion ripped their innocence apart.

But when Joshua invites her to the desert for a family reunion, Lisa happily accepts, hoping beyond hope that they've put the past behind them. But desperate emotions explode into a firestorm of moral uncertainty, as both relive a libidinous fantasy that is dangerously forbidden...

Love without limits, and desire without doubt -- Lisa and Josh fall headlong into the searing abyss of brazen desire...

This novella contains explicit encounters between consenting adults.

Release dateJun 21, 2016

Maxine Clematis

Maxine Clematis has a BA in English and has been writing for many years. She is one of the industry's best-kept secrets, but a cult favorite with fans. Her stories are richly diverse and always well written, populated by believable characters exploring raw emotion, and filled with scorching encounters that burn the page like fire.

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    Brazen - Maxine Clematis


    By Maxine Clematis

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2016 by Maxine Clematis

    All rights reserved

    Model photos are stock photography and used with permission.

    This romantic novella contains explicit sexual content.












    I stared out the window as the jet banked left over the Santa Catalina Mountains, and couldn't control the electric shiver that ran through my body. Joshua was meeting me at the airport, and I couldn't wait to see him.

    My cousin was twenty-five, now, the same age as me. He'd written that he'd finally graduated from the University of Arizona with a degree in turf management, and was second in charge of course maintenance at one of the local country clubs. I wasn't surprised. He'd always loved the outdoors, and had swung a club for the high school golf team his junior and senior year. If the headshot he'd sent was any indication, he'd matured into a good-looking young man -- tanned, chiseled features from laboring outside, gorgeous blue eyes, and a wide, easy smile that was still charmingly infectious.

    I was still worried that I might not recognize him, however -- people always look different in person, you know. Joshua and I had been close growing up -- our fathers were stepbrothers -- but because of what had happened between us the night before he left, we'd been reluctant to really keep in touch. Seven long years lay between us -- could we honestly expect to reestablish the innocence we'd shared as kids after so much time had passed?

    I was nervous, no doubt about it. That night was seared into my memory, and I still experienced the same level of guilt and confusion when my thoughts returned to it, as they often had over the years. I had been eighteen at the time, having just graduated high school. But unlike many of the other girls in my class, I'd had very little experience with boys, let alone with one I'd known all my life. As I looked out the window, I couldn't help remembering how Joshua had wept in the darkness...

    Aunt Cindy suffered a massive stroke six days before she, Uncle Bob, and Joshua were to move to Arizona, and that week became crazy and disconcerting. Their house was sold, so Joshua and Uncle Bob stayed with us through the viewings and her funeral. My folks put Uncle Bob in the guest bedroom upstairs -- Joshua got the pullout couch in the basement rec room.

    I awakened late on the final night with an upset stomach and went downstairs for a glass of milk. The house was still, cloaked in silence. As I passed the basement entryway, I heard someone weeping, and I stopped, my eyes widening with apprehension. The basement was a black hole with those disconsolate sounds rising from it, and I felt the fine hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I hesitated, took a step forward and put my hand on the railing, and then hesitated again.

    Joshua? I whispered.

    The weeping continued. I didn't turn on a light -- I knew my way around the rec room perfectly well. I went downstairs, slowly and cautiously. The couch was at the far side of the room, past the pool table, and the soft despair grew louder as I drew closer.

    Joshua, I whispered. What's wrong?

    There was a pause, and then he choked, I miss my mom.

    Something clutched my heart and squeezed painfully as I sat down on the edge of the sofa bed. Even this close, I still couldn't see him, but I could smell the bitterness of his tears and feel the warmth of his body. I reached for his hand in the darkness, but stopped when he put his head against my nightgown and wept against my breasts. He'd never touched me so intimately before, and I immediately stiffened with surprise, although outwardly, I tried to remain calm. I couldn't even begin to imagine what he was going through right now, but if doing this made it better, then it might okay. I put my arm around him instead. When his hip touched mine, I realized he was naked...

    My stomach lurched heavily as the engines powered back with a drawn-out whine, the aircraft descending toward the airport. Despite the AC, my palms were sweaty and my mouth was dry. The confusion had returned full bore. Maybe this reunion hadn't been such a good idea after all. I mean, how much did we really have in common any more? At the very least, it was possible we might walk right by each other and not even know it. And if that actually happened, maybe it would be for the best.

    Stop it! I thought furiously.

    This wasn't the time to start second-guessing myself. I was an adult, not a child, and I needed to act like one. The mountains disappeared from my view and the runway unfolded, the jet bouncing twice, rubber screeching, and then taxiing toward the terminal.

    Finally, I thought.

    Although the flight out of Detroit had only taken three hours, it seemed as if I'd been on this plane forever. I waited for the aisle to clear, and then pulled my carry-on out of the overhead.

    As I walked down the companionway, I couldn't believe how hard my heart was pounding -- the intense anticipation and trepidation were almost making me nauseous. I entered the terminal, looked around, and then abruptly uttered a crazy giggle. Joshua stood at the edge of the crowd, grinning and holding a huge placard above his head that read: Cousin Elisabet, I presume?

    Elisabet, I thought, shaking my head in disbelief. Only my mom called me that anymore. Everyone else just called me Lisa.

    You dickhead, I said under my breath.

    He was still the same old Josh -- mischievous and roguish -- and my worry and doubt were supplanted with a relief so great my legs almost buckled. I could barely contain my delight in seeing him again, and relished this moment for a cherished memory I hoped it would become.

    My cousin was dressed casually in dark blue gym shorts, a yellow tank top with a big blue M on it, and a pair of beat-up flip-flops, looking every bit like the Wolverine fan he used to be. His lean, tanned body appeared firm and compact, and the smile I remembered from his photo displayed a lot of gleaming white teeth. There was a pair of sunglasses perched on his head.

    Elisabet! he exclaimed, laughing, too.

    I dropped my carry-on as I reached for him, and he dropped the sign. We drank each other in for a moment, and then he actually giggled, too.

    Goddamn, cuz, he said. You haven't changed a bit.

    He abruptly pulled me close before I could reply, and I my pulse broke into a gallop. His body wasn't firm; it was rock-solid hard. His arms were steel bars, crushing my boobs against his chest and my pelvis against his pubic bone. I could tell he was bare beneath the gym shorts, and I felt blood boil into my cheeks -- old emotions reignited powerfully, and I felt myself stir...

    ...Joshua held me and wept. I didn't want to believe that this boy I'd known all my life was now sitting beside me naked, but there was no denying otherwise. Even though my eyes had adjusted to the incredible blackness in the basement, I could still see nothing. But I could feel the heat radiating off his body, and I could smell his musky masculinity. I became aware of his hand pumping steadily between his legs and heard his breathing quicken, and I inhaled sharply.

    What're you doing? I demanded anxiously.

    His hand continued to pump rhythmically in his crotch.

    I think you know, he whispered.

    Of course, I knew. I just couldn't actualize it. I was shocked, but I couldn't pull away. His head resting on my chest was sensually intimate, twin sensations I'd never experienced in quite this way. But when my nipples hardened demandingly beneath my nightie in response to his warm breath, and I felt myself grow dizzy, I did struggle to break free. He wrapped an arm around me and held me close.

    Please, Elisabet, he begged softly. Just hold me.

    I can't, I breathed, my heart pounding uncontrollably. This isn't right.

    Neither was my mom dying, he whispered, and choked back a sob.

    I had no answer for that. Before I could protest, he unwrapped my arm and placed my hand in his lap. My fingers brushed a pulsating rail of blood-engorged tissue, and I sucked in my breath, completely shocked...

    People trailed around us in the terminal's corridor. Joshua held me for what seemed like an eternity, but amounted to only seconds, and then stepped away, leaving me breathless. I couldn't help glancing at his crotch, and the color in my cheeks surely deepened.

    God, you look good, he said, still grinning. That picture you sent doesn't even begin to do you justice.

    Bullshit, I replied, now blushing furiously. What's with the sign? Afraid I wouldn't recognize you?

    He laughed heartily. I've seen that crap in movies, and I always wanted a chance to do it myself.

    You're still such a dope, I chuckled, smiling. That sure hasn't changed.

    You got that right. Anyway, welcome to Tucson. He picked up the sign with my carry-on. You have a suitcase?

    I nodded. He took my arm with his free hand. His grip was strong

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