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A Mortal Indiscretion; Author's Cut
A Mortal Indiscretion; Author's Cut
A Mortal Indiscretion; Author's Cut
Ebook879 pages15 hours

A Mortal Indiscretion; Author's Cut

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Justin Bertolli, a 29-year-old free-spirited bachelor with smoldering good looks, had nothing to want for. Until a chance encounter with a woman unlike any other. Ambra Taylor was a stunning natural beauty, full of mystery and sensuality. A woman that made Justin rethink everything he ever wanted. Ambra was perfect, all except for her puzzling behaviors. Justin had questions about Ambra’s past that he could not answer. Nothing could prepare him for what Ambra really was. Will his love be strong enough to keep them together, forever?A page turning paranormal romance set in the late 1990’s, A Mortal Indiscretion is an epic love story that explores love, life, and death. Join Justin on his journey to learn about Ambra and what she truly is. A Mortal Indiscretion is the first novel in a vampire romance series. Look for the dark, foreboding sequel, Marzio’s Revenge, available now in Ebook and Paperback.

Release dateJun 23, 2016
A Mortal Indiscretion; Author's Cut

Barbra E. Ross

Barbra E Ross lives in Michigan. She is a nurse by day and a writer of fiction at night.A Mortal Indiscretion; Author's Edition is the first in a series. It is a vampire romance with mystery and action. The sequel, Marzio's Revenge is now available. The third in the series, Zeus is available now!Join my email list for new release information and great giveaways. me at to join!For more information on her work visit...

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I usually get discouraged easily when a book is that long (I can read a series of 3 books with 300 pages each but somehow, I cringe when it’s only one with 600 pages).

    However, when I started reading A Mortal Indiscretion, I couldn’t stop. I spent all night reading and taking screenshots, because there were certain parts that I wanted to remember and read again.

    Justin is a womanizer, he has absolutely no intention of setting down any time soon, he goes from woman to woman and from bed to bed without any regrets. But as he says, he is not using them more than they are using him, it’s just a 2-way, non-strings attached kind of life. And it works for him, for now.

    Soon after the book starts, we meet Ambra, a gorgeous brunette, sexy as hell and instantly obsessed about Justin. She is not like any women that he is used to date, she’s sweet, innocent, and secretive. But what attracts Justin the most, is her passion. They seem to not be able to keep their hands off each other, and soon Justin decides that she’s the right girl for him.

    But this story is not only about steamy romance and night clubs. From the beginning, we know that Ambra is a vampire, and that Justin will find out eventually. But I often forgot about this, since Ambra is such a different vampire from what we are used to. She even sounds inexperienced and with low self-esteem. I learned to care about her and to worry about her more than about Justin, and he is the vulnerable human here! But Ambra is such a lovable character, that she took all my attention.

    I loved this book, however, I give it 4 stars because I think everything could have been told with less words. I understand the author wanted to show us every detail and build the characters as much as possible, which, by the way, she did wonderfully, but I think it was a little too long, unnecessarily.

    I enjoyed the story, the plot and the characters very much, and I’m looking forward to read the next book in the series, Marzio's Revenge.

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A Mortal Indiscretion; Author's Cut - Barbra E. Ross

A Mortal Indiscretion


Barbra E. Ross

Copyright © 2016 by Barbra E Ross

Smashword Edition.

All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under the copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


C.M. Malone

Discover other titles by Barbra E. Ross

Marzio’s Revenge.

The sequel to A Mortal Indiscretion


Darryl and Anthony

My boys who inspired me.


Who taught me being myself is the only way to live.

My friends;

Tanzy, Dana, Jennifer

Who believed in my writing before I ever did.

Mom and Dad and Carolyn

My family, who made me who I am.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Last Chapter


It was dark in the windowless van. I glanced towards the front of the van and my eyes focused on the men who were holding us hostage. Their faces illuminated, only by the dim light of the dashboard. One of them turned back to look at me and I quickly turned my head, not wanting to make eye contact. I had to admit that I was afraid. Afraid of what was going to happen to me and most of all, her. I found myself wishing, it would have been better if she had never come home, never stumbled in…

I turned my attention to her, sitting there so quietly, almost statuesque. I couldn’t make out her face. Then, a bright flash of lightning flooded the van, and I could see her expression. It was a calm look, not a hint of fear. Almost as if she were thinking, calculating a plan. I wondered how she remained so restrained. She even gave me a small smile and I felt an ease in my anxiety for a moment.

Then, suddenly, mad panic took over and I tried to loosen the ropes that bound my wrists behind my back. I twisted, pulled and then, gave up, yet again. It was a futile attempt. Feeling helpless and very angry, I gave up all hope.

The van came to an abrupt stop, and I almost lost my balance. Things happened in such a rapid succession. The van door opened and the next thing I knew; I was being thrown from the van. I landed face first, in a puddle of mud. As I spit the gritty water from my mouth, I heard her land beside me with a splash. She was on her knees and staring down at the ground.

Ambra, I started and was quickly silenced by a smart slap to my face. It was so forceful that it made me fall back into the mud. I shook my head and raised up again. One of the men grabbed me by the hair.

Now, out in the cold and blinding rain, I felt a surge of anger again. I glanced up, blinking and saw the barrel of a gun, right in my face. I closed my eyes. It was all over now. So, this is how I was going to die. Kneeling on the ground in some muddy park. I waited for the sound of the shot, imagining the burning pain. But it did not come. Then, I heard as the men began to argue and the grip on my hair was released. I breathed and kept my eyes closed. A momentary reprieve, confusion building inside me.

The men continued to argue, and I was shocked by gentle hands on my cheeks. I opened my eyes and looked up, into her eyes. I was stunned as the rain splashed on my face.

I need you to do something for me, she whispered. She glanced over her shoulder at the men still fighting. Then, she turned back to me, wiping my face gently. I need you to promise me that you will close your eyes, and not open them. No matter what you hear, no matter how badly you want to look!

I nodded blindly.

But baby, how are you free, how… I stammered.

Shhh, no questions. Promise me please! There was an intensity to her voice.

I bit my lip and nodded, not fully understanding.

She paused a brief second and touched my face, giving me a waning look. She breathed through her nostrils and closed her eyes briefly.

But baby, I don’t…

Justin, she insisted.

Okay, I promise, I whispered. I really didn’t want to, but I did. Her face, a portrait of beauty, pleading. I reluctantly closed my eyes. She kissed my forehead and let go of my face.

I heard a wet, crunching sound and understood that she was walking away from me. The rain was pouring down so hard, I could barely hear the men. I strained to listen and then, I heard….

What the hell! A man’s voice, clear as a bell.

So! We have a fucking Houdini! Now you just go sit your ass back down!

I heard the undeniable click of a gun. My heart raced, head swirling.

Didn’t you hear me bitch? A more determined tone.

My insides were falling. It was a deep empty feeling.

Bill! You tie her up again and this time…do it right!

Then, a quiet sound, unexplainable.

Hey! Didn’t I tell you to tie that bitch up?


Bill! I am fucking talking to you! What is your problem?

Silence again. I wanted to open my eyes so badly. A gasp. A horrified gasp.

She... she’s not right! Her eyes! Her fucking eyes! It was the voice of a man, but he sounded like a scared child.

What the hell are you talking about!

I heard a scream, an ear-piercing scream.


What’s the matter with him? I detected a tone of fear in the voice.

Silence. Without warning, a bang. And another bang, and another…I felt sick to my stomach. Tears welled up in my eyes. Oh, my god! They killed her!

Do you see what I am seeing! She is still standing!! Did you load that?

Two more shots fired.

Shoot her again! Again!

I did! I am!

But she is still standing! I mean, she is walking! Jesus! Get her away from me!

I heard running, grunting. Men screaming and then, nothing.

Shall I shoot you? I heard her speak. "with this… this useless toy? It was not the voice I knew …that I was familiar with.

Get…get away from me! You demon! Demon from hell!

I heard a whimpering. A crawling sound. Whoever it was, was blubbering like a baby.

I am afraid that escape is no longer an option. Ambra spoke.

Please! No!

It is too late for redemption.

There was a crescendo of noises… gurgling, grunting, panting. The rain splattering all around. Then, nothing. No struggling or voices. I was shaking from the cold rain and adrenaline. I could not understand what was going on and it was driving me mad. My breathing increased. I was getting a little lightheaded. My curiosity was at a peak, and it became impossible to keep my eyes closed. But I did. I kept them closed.

I heard a dragging noise. I shook my head and tried to blow the water off my nose. I was soaked to the bone. I waited what seemed a lifetime for her to speak to me, to come to me. Then, I heard the van door slide shut.

I felt her hands on my face and I glanced up. Relieved.

There she was hair dripping wet. She looked down at me and did not speak. I could only stare at her. There was blood all over her face and gown. She placed her fingers on my mouth and shook her head.

Justin, I would never hurt you…you know this? You know that right?

There was something so different about her expression, her face. She almost had an embarrassed look upon it. I had never once seen the look of shame on her face. Not on her fine face. I could not answer her. I did not know what to answer. I was in a state of shock. She pulled on the ropes behind me, and they came off. My hands were numb. She turned away from me and walked towards the van. I watched as she got in and opened the passenger door. I stood and just stared at her.

Justin. Come on and get in, she called to me.

I stumbled over to the van and got in. As I shut the door, I took a good look at her. The blood, dripping from her hands as she put the van into drive. Although she was covered in it, I could not see a mark, cut or anything. The only evidence I saw, were the holes in her gown. Holes in the fabric on her chest and waist. Shaking, I turned to look into the back of the van. The bodies of the men were back there. I focused on one, eyes open and glistening. Then, I saw his throat. It was torn open. Gory and grizzly. I realized all of them, had their throats torn to shreds. I turned back quickly to the front of the van and held on to the dash. I thought I was going to vomit.

Are you hurt? I asked. Of course, she isn’t hurt! She is moving without a complaint of pain! I glanced over at her. As she entered onto the highway, the silence was unbearable. God! I wish you would speak to me!

I do not know what to say Justin. I did not ever want you to find out, she stated.

Find out? Find out what! What the hell are you talking about!

She only shook her head. Find out what! I repeated. What you are? What are you! I don’t even understand! Tell me baby!

You have seen enough. Please, do not make me say anymore. Let me take you home, she said, just staring ahead.

I am not just fucking going home! You just killed three men…you were shot, and you don’t have a cut or scratch or… or anything! You saved my life! I want to know how!

She slammed on the brakes. I was thrown forward so hard, I hit my head on the dash. I swear, I saw stars.

Justin. It is over. I am not going to explain, not anymore. I rubbed my head and she reached over to me. She picked me up with one hand. I stared at her in disbelief. She placed me back into my seat firmly. Now, no more questions. Do you understand? Her voice was deeper, almost a growl.

I sat there in angry silence. Breathing hard and fast. I turned my head and glanced out the window. I watched the trees whizz by as we drove away from the park that we had been taken to. I shook my head thinking that this was not supposed to be happening. How did we end up here? Confusion and fear were invading my body. I had so many questions and was infuriated that she would not answer me. It was the longest ten minutes of my life. Then, she pulled up in front of my house. She just sat there, looking straight ahead.

Aren’t you going to say anything! I yelled.

She turned to look at me. That face I loved so much. I started to smile thinking she was going to speak to me. But then, her eyes changed. In them, an iridescence I had never seen before. I reached up, realizing my hand was shaking and touched her face, refusing to believe what I was seeing. She did give me a smile, but it was a smile that sent a cold chill run through me. Her teeth were startling white, and in the front, I noticed a difference. She had fangs. Her skin was on fire as my cold fingers felt her cheek. The water from her hair was causing the blood to run down the sides of her face. For a split second, I believed I saw a tear well up in her eye. She removed my hand from her face. I was shaking my head unconsciously.

Do you see? Do you see now, Justin!

No, I don’t. No, I rambled.

Get out, she yelled at me. It hurt my ears.

No baby, no. Not until you tell me, not until… I did not finish my words. The very next thing I knew is the van door opened and I was out of the van. I saw nothing. The van began to move. I reached out, as if to stop it and ended up pounding on the side as it squealed away from me. Ambra! I yelled into the air. The van was almost out of sight. Come back!

But she left me, standing there on the curb. I dropped my head back and looked up at the night sky. The black clouds were giving away to reveal the moon. The wind was blowing as I stood there and looked up into the night sky. Biting my lip, and angry tears streaming down my face. I did not move for a very long time.

****CHAPTER 1****

It’s a Wonderful life

I lived in New Hampshire, in a little suburb of Manchester. It was a picturesque little town, straight off the cover of some greeting card. I had lived there my entire life. I had grown up in a town called Franklin. My father had made a decent living as a pharmaceutical sales rep. My mother never worked outside the home. Our family had never wanted for anything. I had the best education available, went to college and majored in Advertising. I had a great job. A nine to five, Monday through Friday, lots of vacation time and awesome benefits. I was living a normal life.

My father had died in 1993, after a series of strokes. My mother soon followed him. I knew she would not last long without him. He was her rock, her life. Right before she died, she had apologized for not having more children. She feared that I would be alone, and she was right. The only other relatives I had left were in Italy, and they never acknowledged that I was born. So, I was alone. But I was not lonely. I had friends and they became my family.

I had been out to dinner with Racheal the night that I met Ambra. Racheal Mathers was one of the few women I allowed myself to date on a more regular basis. She was tall and very beautiful. A little bit stuck-up, but it was tolerable. She had a funny way about herself. She was also in the middle of an ugly custody battle. There were so many rules she had to follow. I did not mind being second on her list. I knew how much her children meant to her.

While at the restaurant that night, she had been complaining about her new problem with her ex, and I thought I would fall asleep. I was wishing my food would just come so I could get her out of there. But I had to play the game. Buy her dinner, say the right things, listen to her and then, end up in the sack. That was it. Simple. The waiter finally brought our food.

Racheal just kept on talking and I almost yawned. All this, just for a little piece of ass. I glanced up and around, sighing. Then, I noticed there was a woman sitting directly across from me in the room. And it was as if suddenly, all the sounds in the restaurant faded away. Every other person disappeared as I became locked on that face. She was looking right at me, and I became aware of myself. I cocked my head to the side. She was fair skinned, almost ivory. I began to fall into a trance, staring at the corners of her lips as they began to smile. I smiled at her. She knew I was looking back at her. Her hair was a chestnut brown and long. It framed her face. She wore all black and had silver earrings on. But her eyes had me. They were big, brown eyes. I felt her stare. It was all over me and suddenly, I felt self-conscious. I began to blush, unsure exactly why. I quickly looked back down at the table and my plate of chicken scallopini. I chuckled to myself and shook my head. I built up the nerve to look back up and when I did, she was gone.

Racheal was still babbling and had not even noticed my inattention. I suddenly felt discouraged and scanned the room. I didn’t see her anywhere. I quickly told Racheal that I had to use the bathroom and excused myself.

I headed for the bathrooms, searching for her. I walked down the dimly lit hallway until I reached the dead-end. Puzzled, I gazed back towards the dining area.

When I started to walk back, I felt a chill and then, she was there. She was standing against the wall. I could not have passed her by. I stopped and looked at her, my eyes taking in the entire view of her. Absolute perfection. I had a slight wave of a drunk- like feeling come over me. Suddenly, she grabbed me. She said nothing. I flinched a little when her hands reached up to my face. I was not understanding what was going on but relaxed as soon as I felt her touch me. She was probing my skin like a deep massage. My eyes began to close, and she nuzzled up to my neck. I breathed in the scent of her. Some perfume I could not recall. It was a subtle, sweet scent. Then, she moved and placed her lips on mine. It startled me, but at the same time, it turned me on. I pulled her body closer to mine as she began to kiss me. Her scent, seeping into my nose. I became uninhibited and placed my hands firmly on her body. Started acting like I was some teenager. I kissed her back and the taste of her drove me wild. She pulled back abruptly, and I felt a sharp pain. I wanted more. I did not want the kiss to end. I had only heard of first encounters like this. Maybe in some sort of romance novel. I didn’t care. I reached out, to pull her back to me, catching her by the nape of her neck.

Who are you, I asked.

A man exited the bathroom and gave us a strange look. I quickly looked back at her. Our eyes met, and I was frozen by it. She did not answer me. I reached out, touching, feeling her chest as if I had never touched a woman before. Her damn coat was in my way. I maneuvered my hands and fingers around it, in a desperate attempt to reach bare skin. The material gave way, and I got a chance to feel that skin, the softness of it.

Jesus! Get a room! A voice complained.

I felt a huge grin come across my face. I pushed her backwards and we bumped into the wall, knocking a fake planter down to the floor. I heard it break but did not pay attention. I pushed her arms wide open and pressed my body up against her. I took hold of her face with one hand, squeezing her cheeks, running my thumb across her velvet lips. Then, I leaned in and laid one on her. It was far more intense than the first kiss. That first kiss, I had been in a state of shock, but this one, I was wanting… needing. It was initiated by me, and I had the control. I was touching her anywhere I could, pressing my hips up against her to let her feel what she was causing in me. She was starting to make these sweet noises and it only made me more lustful. They were slow, deep breaths all in my ear. I couldn’t take anymore. I heard people talking, but I ignored it. I could have laid her down right there and taken her, without a care in the world. I literally forgot where I was. I did not care who she was, who I was, anything. All I knew was that I wanted her. So badly. More than anything, or anyone I had ever wanted before.

I felt a very annoying tap on my shoulder. I disregarded it and kept on, touching her, wanting her to give it to me.

Excuse me!

I heard it and still did not respond. My hand had found the soft flesh of her inner thigh. I had to touch her, there. I was going to lose my mind.

Excuse me, but people are starting to complain. Please don’t make me call the authorities! I heard a desperation in the tone of the voice.

I turned, bothered, still caught up in what I was feeling. It was one of the waiters. He was nervous and glancing at the floor. I felt her hand on me. I looked down and she had a hold of me. She squeezed softly, and I felt faint. He caught a glance at where her hand was and cleared his throat.

If you do not take this somewhere else, my manager instructed me to call the police. I am only trying to give you the opportunity to come to your senses, he said, still glancing to the floor. Please don’t make me cause more of a disturbance! His voice was pleading.

Her hands were all over my ass now. It was feeling so good. I turned and looked back at the dining room. The whole crowd of patrons, staring at us. It was silent in the restaurant. I quickly realized that we were the main attraction.

I… I am sorry. We will stop, we… I started and then, another squeeze and a tugging on my belt.

Thank god. The waiter whispered in an angry way.

I looked back to my accomplice, and she had started giggling. I started laughing too. Her eyes sparkled. Then, the feeling started again. It built inside me, and I felt myself moving towards her again. I was needing it. I had the urge to just pick her up and take her back home with me. To my bed.


A familiar voice called out my name. My stomach hit the floor. I had completely forgotten about her. I cautiously turned and there she was. Racheal. She was looking confused and a little angry. I raked my fingers through my hair and became aware of my embarrassment. My face felt flushed and warm. It was starting to sink in, what I had just done.

Racheal, I started, clearing my throat.

Take me home…! She snapped, staring at the woman.

Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry, I said. My brain was on automatic, speaking words that I did not want to.

I turned back to that perfect face one last time. She placed her fingers on my lips and smiled at me. Then, she placed her hand on her chest and stood there quietly. I really did not want to leave.

Justin! Racheal blasted. I almost turned to go. I was so torn.

I believe we will meet again, Justin. The woman spoke, with a little glimmer in her eye. She reached up to touch my face and I felt myself smiling back at her. I could not move.

She walked out of the dim hallway first. People were gawking like we were two lovers caught in a torrid affair. Racheal glared at her as she passed by. She walked, head held high and smiling an incredible smile. Some people snickered as they felt they had just witnessed some lewd act. As she moved, her long coat floated behind her. She was completely unaffected by the event.

Racheal grabbed me by the arm and pulled me towards the exit. I am sure I paid as we left. I just could not get her out of my mind. I was still turned on. I wanted… needed to know her name. We walked onto the street, and I found myself trying to follow her. She was only a few feet ahead of us. Racheal was digging her fingers into my arm, trying to lead me the other way.

Wait, I called out before I knew what I was doing. I didn’t get your name.

I couldn’t help myself. The woman paused and looked over her shoulder at us. Racheal was swearing at me, and I ignored the words. I pushed Racheal off me harshly. The woman smiled and blew me a kiss. She turned and continued her way. I felt a hard slap to my face. Still with all the stinging, I kept on staring, watching her walk away. Feeling an ache inside me that I have never known. Racheal grabbed at my groin and pulled as hard as she could. I jumped back.

Oh, my god! You’re still hard, she yelled at me.

Her words stunned me, and I looked around suddenly, coming back to reality. People were still staring. I huffed through my nose and then, Racheal grabbed my face, turning it to her. I kept my eyes on that woman turning the corner. I felt as Racheal kissed me. It was a hard kiss, and I could not respond to her. My eyes were locked on the corner, wishing she would come back around. Racheal became more determined and pressed harder upon my lips, almost causing pain. I backed up abruptly and wiped my mouth. Racheal looked shocked and then, her face changed to rage.

What? I am not good enough now, she asked me, sharply.

Stop it Racheal, I whispered.

Don’t talk to me like that!

I’m sorry, I muttered. I wasn’t, I was wishing she would just shut up.

I’m sorry? How… how could you do that to me? I am so embarrassed!

I…she… I was not thinking clearly.

Why Justin! Who is she?

I looked at her, her face was coming into focus. She was angry, downright angry. Face red, eyes sharpened, staring me down. Her hands on her hips and all I felt was hate spilling from her.

I don’t know, I don’t know who she is, I answered.

What? You don’t even know her? Are you fucking kidding me? I shook my head.

I swear, I don’t know her, I answered.

Well, that’s wonderful! You were acting like some teenager in there. You have never kissed me like that. You have never touched me like that. I saw you, Justin. Her voice was rising with every word. She pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

I know. I am sorry, I said, again.

Don’t say it one more time. Sorry my ass! Just take me home!

I turned away from her mean expression and started walking towards my car. She walked behind me, muttering under her breath.

I tried to open the door for her, and she pushed me out of the way. I went around to the driver’s side and got in. Then, I noticed she had tears now.

How could you! How could you kiss one woman and now I am nothing!

Racheal, I started, and she turned her back to me. I sighed.

I started the car and drove her home. I did not speak. She on the other hand called me names, and rambled on, the whole way to her house.

I am not stupid. I know you have been with other women, but not in front of me. No way. I thought you might be different. But you are not. You are just like him. Like all the other men I know. Fucking men ruled by their dicks. And you, the worst! We were friends. Fucking asshole!

I shook my head. I had to bite my tongue. I knew it would only make matters worse. I pulled up in front of her condo and I started to get out, to walk her to the door.

No way! You stay here. I don’t want anything to do with you. Not anymore. Not after that.

Racheal, I just want to make sure you are okay, that you are safe.

Her eyes widened, and she clenched her teeth.

You know what Justin? Fuck your concern. In fact, fuck you! She twisted all over dramatic and got out of the car. She slammed my door and stormed away. I stayed until I saw her enter her condo. Then, feeling a little put off, I drove away.

When I got home, I threw down my keys and flung my coat on the couch. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I examined myself long and hard. I couldn’t believe what I had just done. I laughed out loud at myself. I was looking rather guilty. My hair was all messed up and I had a red mark across my face where Racheal had slapped me. My shirt was unbuttoned, untucked, and twisted. I smiled at myself. I had to admit it, I was still aroused. Shaking my head, I could not concentrate on anything but the shape of her face, embedded in my mind. Those velvet lips on mine and that feeling of lust. I touched my own lips remembering hers on them. I had not felt that way in years. Not since high school, going all the way in the backseat of my car with Susan. First time I had ever had sex and it was so short lived. I had no idea on how to control myself back then. All I remember was a drunken lustful feeling and then Susan saying,Is that it?

Although I have improved and am quite skilled at the fine art of lovemaking, I have not felt that way in a very long time. Not with anyone. Not one woman. Not until now.

I had this crazy idea to try to go out and find her. I shook the idea from my mind, swung by the fridge and grabbed a beer. I flopped on my couch and stared at my front door. I didn’t turn on the TV or anything. I just sat there in silence. I kept imagining her coming in, the door opening and her bringing that sweet body over to me. Oh god if she would only come through that door. I dropped my head back, closed my eyes and imagined her sitting on me. I was so blown away by her. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before. Not me, no way. I smiled as I thought it. I had liked it. Shit, I had loved it. I wanted more. I found my hand touching myself as I thought about it.

I sat on that damn couch all night long. Stuck in some sort of dream land waiting for some fantasy lover to come through that door. Then, the morning light came through the windows and stung my eyes. My poor eyes were all red from staying up all night. Damn it! Why hadn’t she come? But I knew it was insane. She didn’t even know where I lived. I laughed. I had gone off the deep end. I stood and stretched, looking around my living room. I had planned on working around the house today. It was my first Sunday off in over a month. I had been working on a large advertising deal the last six months. I had finalized it Friday and made a huge commission. It was the reason I had taken Racheal out, to celebrate. I had planned on wining and dining her, then, some hot sex. But it did not turn out that way. I grinned. It had turned out better than I had expected.

I was still wearing my clothes and did not want to take them off. I could still smell the faint scent of her perfume on them. I flopped on the bed, still dressed, and dreaming of her body next to mine.

I finally dragged my ass out of bed around one in the afternoon. I was a little tired. Disappointed was more accurate. I wanted more of what I had experienced the night before. I wanted that woman, and I had no idea how to find her. Sunday had been a very long day.

****Chapter 2****

Two months. It had been just over two months since our encounter. It was funny to me because I had become consumed with the idea of finding her. I could not get her kiss out of my mind. The way her body had felt against my body. The smell of her… the taste of her. That vision in my mind of her gorgeous face, taunted me nightly as I slept. I had made love to her thousands of times in my dreams, in every way imaginable. I would wake up aching, longing and covered in sweat. No woman had ever caused such a desire in me. I had even gone back to that restaurant trying to catch another sighting of her. It would end up with me leaving, feeling disenchanted.

I stopped calling all my female acquaintances. Not responding to phone calls or propositions. Now this was completely out of character for me. I always had a date. Every weekend. I never had a problem finding someone to go out with. I had a book, filled with phone numbers, even scratched on the cover of it, or some piece of paper shoved in between its pages. I had hooked up with women I had met at the gas station, grocery store, anywhere. I was a regular on the singles scene. I was never quite ready to settle down. I had too much fun. The spontaneity of it all, the different types of women I dated. From conservative to wild. I had it all and was not ready to give it up.

Racheal had been the closest I had ever come to being tied down. I had known her for years. We had grown up together and had a mutual friend, Michael. It had started so innocently after her two-timing husband had left her. We were friends and then, one night it changed. Michael and I had met up her for drinks and I ended up in her bed. I don’t even know how it happened. And from then on, she had been my longest running regular date. I guess I felt comfortable with her. I knew she was on the rebound and that she just needed someone to lean on. I didn’t mind. I enjoyed her company. She was pretty, smart, and always made me laugh. I thought that maybe someday, I could settle down with her. After the dust settled from her nasty divorce.

But one day, she invited me over and I knew I was being set up. I walked in and her kids were all over me. I had liked her kids. They were cute and well behaved. But as I was swinging the little one around, her ex-husband walked in. He took one look at me and shook his head. He was angry and told her that he had been waiting over an hour for her to drop off the kids. I saw this look in Racheal’s eyes. She had planned on this, him finding me there. He gave me a look and took the kids. I told her that I did not like being used and she had laughed it off. But it bothered me big time. Because she would always find a way to have me around to show off. I don’t know what I had that he did not. Maybe it was the fact I made more money, had a little more success. Who knows? I just stopped thinking about settling down with her after that. I had woken up and smelled the coffee, so to speak.

And the other women? Well, they were just… I hate to admit it, but they were there to have a good time with. When I needed a release, a night of uncomplicated sex. A quick delve into, no strings, no commitment, no anything sex. I preferred it that way. I didn’t have to prove anything… be anything but ready and willing. And there was nothing wrong with that, I concluded because no one had ever given me a reason to want more. I knew I was being used as much as I was using them. It would always end the same, each and every time. Thanks for the good time. I don’t know why I never fell in love. I looked around and wondered about it from time to time. But I figured it wasn’t time for me. That I needed to focus on my career and success. And I loved being single and free.

So, when I met this woman. This woman who made me fall to pieces without even speaking one word to me. Who at the slightest glance turned me into a bumbling idiot. I knew something was strange. And this is really gonna sound off the edge, but on my way to work, I started noticing the flowers. As if suddenly, they were bigger and bloomed brighter. The sky became a canopy of blue above me. This feeling that I was falling from some high mountain top, floating, spinning, and awakened. The air even smelled better. The breezes blew fragrant scents at me as I went along. The world suddenly became an exciting place to be in, full of mystery and possibilities. Just thinking of walking through it all with her by my side. Daydreaming and wishing that she was mine.

So, I went to work and came home, calling out to her in my mind. Praying every night before I went to sleep, that tomorrow, I would see her again. Not caring about the time or even what day it was. I was in a state of limbo. The world could wait, until I saw her again.

I pulled up my driveway on one of those countless evenings and saw a man standing at my door. He was looking around in a nervous sort of way. He did not come across as a salesman. Then, he slipped something into the mailbox slot on my door and started to walk away. I got out of the car quickly. I ran, to try and catch him.

Excuse me, what were you doing at my house? I asked, out of breath.

He turned to look at me. He was an odd-looking man. He appeared very young and had a smooth complexion. He looked me up and down. Then, he got a disgusted smirk on his face.

Are you, Justin Bertolli, he asked me.

Yeah, but…

It’s all in the note, he interrupted me. I was told to deliver it, and now, it is done.

He had a heavy British accent. He gave me another looking over and then, another strange expression. He muttered something under his breath and walked away from me. I ran back to my house and flung open the door. I spotted the note and tore it open.

Justin, please meet with me tonight. Let us say, our one and only ever meeting place. Nine pm.’

I brought the paper to my nose and took a whiff. It brought a smile to my face. It was her scent. It had to be her. My eyebrows lifted, and a huge grin came over my face. How the hell did she know where I live? Maybe she did follow me that night? Maybe….

I stood there a second contemplating it all. Then I stopped. Who the hell cares how she knew? I was going to see her, again.

I went into my house and jumped in the shower. It was seven thirty. I tore through my closet, looking for something to wear. I settled on a black T Shirt and black pants. I slipped on a jacket. I raked my fingers through my hair, sprayed a bit of cologne on and tore out the door.

I could barely contain myself as I drove. I looked at myself in the rearview window as I drove. I looked good. That wasn’t the problem. But I was going over in my mind, what I would say to her.

"It’s good to see you again," I said, aloud. I shook my head. Too formal.

"Hi, I have been dying to see you." Worse.

"God, you are beautiful." Too much, over the top and a come on.

Fuck it! Who cares what I say? I yelled.

I was at a stoplight and two women looked over at me. They cracked up, watching me practice my words. I cocked my head to the side and smiled at them. One still laughed, but the other winked at me. I grinned and took off.

I wanted to get there first, to watch her walk up. To watch her move that body the way she did that night, so smooth and elegant like. I parked across the street and ran towards the entrance. Then, I ran back to my car. I wasn’t thinking straight and thought I had left my wallet in the car. I saw a pack of smokes in the passenger seat. I grabbed them and went back over.

I chose a spot by the door where I could see her coming from any angle. I leaned back, relaxed as if I were waiting for the goddamn bus or something. I did not want to appear anxious, but I was. I shook my head wondering why I was feeling this way. I had always been a cool character.

The steam from the street was billowing in front of me. It was a cold night. Almost too cold for the end of August. Couples, young and old, were going in and out of the restaurant. It was 9:01 pm. My mouth ran dry in anticipation. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I took a deep drag and became buzzed by it, feeling high. I had not smoked in over a month. I closed my eyes and yelled at myself to relax.

When I opened my eyes, she was standing in front of me. She was wearing a long coat and I could not see what was under it. She didn’t speak, and I stared at her. She was even more beautiful than I had remembered. Her face, her presence. But, oh, her amazing eyes. I gave her a huge smile. Her face brightened, and I reached out my hands to her. She took them and smiled back at me.

Justin, she spoke. I am pleased that you have decided to meet me.

Thank you for inviting me. I have been thinking about you since the last time we met, I said, smoothly.

I know, she answered. Because I have only been dreaming of you.

At that moment, all my composure flew out the window. Even though it was cold as hell outside, I was burning up on the inside. I decided to walk towards the door. I opened the door for her and caught a whiff of that perfume as she passed in front of me. It was the same one from before. I watched her, checking out her body as she walked in front of me. The maître di took our coats and my eyes scanned over her body. She was wearing a simple, pale, lavender dress. It fit her body perfectly. Her arms, slender and long. Her legs, lean and strong. She had curves, and they were all in the right places. She glanced back at me as they gathered our menus. I did not smile. I just looked at her with great intent. I had been right. She was incredible.

We were led to a table back in a dimly lit corner. I was glad. I wanted no interruptions. The waiter came and poured our waters. I was watching her every move. She took the menu and opened it. I did mine and looked over it at her. Her eyes were scanning the menu and I just watched her. The waiter asked what we wanted to start with.

I’ll take a soda, I told him.

And for the lady, he inquired.

She placed the menu down and looked into my eyes. Him, she stated, plainly.

Pardon me? The waiter tried to clarify.

I stared at her, stunned by her words. The same for the lady, I answered quickly, not looking his way. He left us, shaking his head.

Her scent filled the air. I reached out my hands and she took them.

What is your name, I asked softly, loving the look of her eyes over the glow of the candle on the table.

Ambra, she answered.

Ambra, I repeated.

She smiled and let out a soft laugh. Her hands were so small in mine.

I have been thinking about what happened the night we met, it was very… I started.

Intense, she finished. I cannot forget it either. I did not plan on that happening. She had a slight English accent.

I know, right? I…I have never done it…. I mean… done that… before…either, I added. I shook my head; I had never tripped over my own words before.

Is your lady friend terribly hurt? I did not mean to cause such a commotion.

Oh, you mean Racheal? I snickered. She was angry with me, but it’s ok. I mean, I have never done anything like that to her before. She is just someone I see on a casual basis, I tried to explain.

So, this Racheal, is she… is she committed to you?

Committed? I questioned.

Is she, are you two… how do you say it…seriously involved?

No, no. She is not my girlfriend if that is what you mean, I answered. I looked right in her eyes. I don’t have anyone who is that close to me. I squeezed her hands. I wanted her to know I was interested in her.

She became silent a moment. I felt a tinge of anxiety Maybe she thought I was lying. Or maybe she thought I was the biggest jerk on the planet. I spoke quickly.

Are you involved with someone? I asked.

She shook her head.

No. I do not have a lover, she stated.

I breathed a sigh of relief. How she could be single was beyond me. She was so fucking gorgeous.

Do you want one, I blurted. I did not know what was wrong with me. I’m sorry, what I mean is… are…. are you looking for someone to…

I want you to be my lover, Justin. My mouth dropped, but I caught it and clamped up tight.

The waiter came and placed our drinks on the table. He asked for our orders. I told him mine and she shook her head at him. I took a sip of water. I was speechless. No one had ever come right out and said that to me before.

I believe that I am infatuated with you, she continued. I took another gulp of water. I was suddenly wanting a drink. A good stiff drink. I have tried to calm my desires about you, but I cannot. I have only thought of you since that evening. You are invading my every thought. It is quite amusing to me.

The waiter brought some bread sticks and I picked one up. I took a bite and could only stare at her. I absolutely did not know what to say. She was so forward, so honest. I liked it, but I didn’t know how to handle it. I had never been approached that way before. I usually laid down the lines. I was taken off guard.

Justin? Are you not going to speak to me? Have I said too much? Have I misspoken?

Say it again. Say my name, I found myself saying.

She smiled a little and whispered my name again. It sent warm shivers down my spine.

How do you know my name? I mean, how did you know how to find me, I asked.

I am a little embarrassed…. I followed you, that evening… she began.

I am glad you did, I said. I was letting it all out. Never done that before.

Well, I did. And I want an answer, she said, and I was confused.

I’m sorry. What was the question?

Are you going to be my lover? Tonight?

I almost choked on my breadstick. She looked at me strangely. Before I knew what I was thinking, before I knew what I was doing, I answered.


Her eyes flickered, and she smiled.

Are you quite sure? You do not even know me. Are you sure that I am appealing to you?

Appealing? Are you serious? Yes. I am positive, I said, and the waiter set down my plate in front of me.

Suddenly, she moved next to me. She picked up my fork and dipped it into my food. She swirled the fork and gathered some of the pasta. For a second, I thought she was going to take a bite and then, she shocked me. She brought the fork full of food to my lips. I opened my mouth automatically. She fed me, and I stared at her. She was so amazing to look at and so unpredictable. I couldn’t read her next move. She had me stumped. She was so unlike anyone I had ever dated before. I chewed the food and she moved in, placing her lips on mine. I closed my eyes and felt the softness of her lips. She moved even closer to me and was almost in my lap. She was breaking all boundaries and I loved it.

You smell so wonderful, she whispered in my ear.

She gave me another bite and I could do nothing but look at her. I felt her hand on my chest. She was feeling my shirt, rubbing my body through it. Then, she moved her hand down to my lap, while looking in my eyes. She touched me under the table and of course, my body responded. She was tracing the outline of it with her fingers through my pants. She leaned in close to my ear again and I felt her breath on my skin.

I believe I can feel your desire growing, Justin, she said, softly in my ear.

I turned and looked in her eyes.

The waiter ruined the moment and placed some grated cheese on the table. He gave me a look. He had seen where her hand was. She moved back slightly. He left, grinning to himself.

Is the food delicious, she asked me, covering her mouth in a soft laugh.

I nodded. I could not find words with her that close to me. She tried to give me another bite, but I pushed the fork down. I pulled her against me. I placed my lips on hers and kissed her. It was a deep kiss. I almost had her on top of me. I remembered her lips, her taste. It was happening again. I was acting like I didn’t care where I was. I had to stop myself and let go of her.

Maybe I should let you eat your own dinner, she said, giggling.

She was looking at me with those eyes as she spoke. Her lips were making me crazy, slightly wet, and full. I really didn’t know what I was feeling. For the past two months, all I had thought about was her. I wanted her so badly. And at that moment, all I knew was that I wanted to take her home with me, right that second. To my bed. I wanted to touch her, taste her, love her all night long. I looked down. How could I just tell her that?

I would go with you, she started. I would go anywhere with you.

What? I swear she must have read my mind. I looked up, shocked. She quickly looked down.

So, take a chance and do it. Come home with me, I said.

I am just so apprehensive. I do not know where this could possibly lead to... she started.

What? Wait a minute. I thought you wanted to, I thought you wanted…

I do. I truly do. I just do not know where this could possibly lead to, where it could possibly end. She reached out and touched my face as she spoke.

But why would it have to end? Why can’t this be a beginning, I questioned. I searched her face for an understanding. I couldn’t figure her out.

A beginning? She asked, sharpening her glance.

Yes, a beginning. The beginning of something wonderful, I answered her. She smiled at me.

Something wonderful, eh?

Most definitely, I insisted.

Have you finished with your meal Justin?

I am through, I answered. I did not want any more food. I only wanted her.

Shall we, she offered.

I stood and took her hand. I threw money on the table for a tip. We headed towards the exit and as I paid for the meal, she kept on staring at me. It made me self-conscious. I couldn’t understand what was making me so self-conscious. I had been with plenty of women. But there was something so different about her.

We walked out onto the street, and she hesitated a moment. She stopped me and appeared to be contemplating the situation. I thought she was having second thoughts. I quickly grabbed her hands.

Ambra. Please, don’t change your mind, I told her. She looked up at me. Big, brown wondering eyes.

I will not change my mind. Please forgive me, I am…

What? You are what?

I am a little uneasy, she said.

I breathed a sigh of relief. It was nice to know she was feeling it too.

Good, the feeling is mutual, I told her. Ok, where is your car? Do you want to follow me, or?

No, I walked. I do not mind riding with you, in your car, she told me.

Ok, I just want to make sure you are comfortable, you know going home with me. We could always go to your place, I offered.

She reached up and touched my face.

No, I feel perfectly safe with you, Justin.

She gave me a big old smile and I returned it. I took her arm and walked her to my car. I opened the door for her. She got in and I closed the door. I started the car and drove towards my house. I was silent. It was so hard to believe that she was sitting in my car. I glanced at her every once in a while.

Justin, are you sure this is what you want, I mean, that I am what you want?

I have never been surer of anything in my life, I told her as I drove.

My insides were a bundle of nerves. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my smokes. As I lit one, she reached over and touched my face.

You are smoking…do I make you that uneasy, she asked. I shook my head.

No. You don’t make me nervous. I really don’t know what is wrong with me, I can’t put my finger on it, I answered.

"How about I try to let go of my fear, if you can let go of what you are feeling as well. I only want to enjoy the pleasure of your company. I would like to try and please you. Do you understand?’

Yes, I do, but… And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew that second what was bothering me. I was feeling that awful pressure. That pressure to prove what every man has to prove. I never had cared about it before. I had only thought of the moment, the instant gratification. But here I was… with a woman that I really wanted to impress. But what if I get you home, in my bed and you aren’t satisfied. What if...

"Justin. Do you not know, that even being with you right now is enough for me?’

But how? How can that…

If we were to stop right here, this instant. I would be perfectly satisfied. Just knowing you want to be with me, makes me feel wonderful. It makes me feel special and alive.

I smiled. She took my hand and squeezed it. It was awkward for me, talking like that to her. But it had made me feel better, letting it all out. I did not want any mistakes with her. No game playing, no tricks. Before I knew it, we were pulling up my driveway.

Well, here we are, I stated.

I got out and walked around to her door. I opened it, and the wind blew. The temperature had dropped. She extended her hand, and I took it. As she stood, her hair blew all around her face. It was shining, even in the pale light of the moon. I held her hand and walked up to my porch. I slipped the key in and opened the door. She stood politely at the threshold as I turned on the lights.

Your house is lovely, she commented, as I took off my coat.

Thank you.

She took off her coat and handed it to me. I went to hang them up and felt her hands on my back. I turned, and she quickly pulled them back.

I am sorry, I cannot seem to keep my hands off you, she spoke quickly.

I took her hands and brought them back to my body. She gazed up into my eyes.

You can touch me anywhere you want, I told her.

She smiled shyly, and I reached out to touch her, taking her face into my hands. This face that I had dreamed about… that had caught my attention with one single glance. My eyes passed over her fine features, examining. I could hardly believe I was holding it in my hands. My thumbs moved over the flesh of her cheek and mouth, lips. Her skin was incredibly elegant and fine. Her eyes were enchanting, and I noticed the light reflected in them in a most unusual way. Irises sparkling and almost alive. I got lost in them, feeling a fire burning through my body. She had me captured by her glance. It was the strangest thing, but I felt at that second, that I had known her…loved her my entire life. I watched in wonder as tears began to build in her beautiful eyes. It was baffling to me, but at the same time, I understood it all. She was feeling the exact same way.

Ambra, I stated, not even knowing what I was going to say.

Justin, …I …I, she started, but I cut it off with a kiss.

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