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The Last Kraken One: The Last Kraken, #1
The Last Kraken One: The Last Kraken, #1
The Last Kraken One: The Last Kraken, #1
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The Last Kraken One: The Last Kraken, #1

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This is the first half of this DEEP SEA THRILLER! Its 1800 England.  A MAN with a glorious past Captain Slaymore Seaborne "The Seadog"  they called him in his day! He is a Legendary Leviathan hunter. He has hunted every type of  sea creature and slain them all! All save one: THE KRAKEN.. All say this creature is A FANTASY OF FICTION. Captain Slaymore's  family  want him to stay on the dry land and retired. Captain Slaymore  has stated: "THERE BE ONLY ONE SEA MONSTER THAT COULD GET ME BACK INTO THE HUNT! THE DEADLY KRAKEN'! A MYTH COME TO LIVIN"! All say there is no such thing! AN ANCIENT CURSE! Fishermen and Seafarers know it well! It is told as a bedtime story and campfire tales! Who knew the HISTORICAL FICTION COULD BECOME FACT! THE CURSE: The seagod Neptune would send a horrible leviathan to exact a revenge against those who killed  sea-creatures for folly...This horrible leviathan IS A KRAKEN! A LEGENDARY MONSTER! 100ft long with tentacles like snakes! Albino white and wearing  a crown of living seagulls atop his massive head! This seadiving killing machine finds the KINGS MERCHANT VESSELS  to be the boldest  offenders of  this curse! Killing way too many whales and sharks! Many for only sport! This monster takes no prisoners as he CREATES EPIC DESTRUCTION ON THE HIGH SEAS! A SHIPPING MAGISTRATE: CARVER COINPURSE is feeling the heat! THE KINGS SHIPS ARE BEING DESTROYED! He faces his daunting task! KILL THE PIRATES OR SEAMONSTER RESPONSIBLE! OR FACE THE HANGMANS NOOSE! Carver hires MEN OF THE BRAVEST SORT To kill the Kraken!    A STORMING GALE.. Captain Slaymores Landlubber wife! She wants him to stay on the dry land! "STAY ABOVE THE WAVES NOT BLOODY UNDER THEM"! A YOUNG UPSTART! "THE BRAVE CRAB " Captain Conceitous Joins the leviathan hiunters along with Captain Slaymore. The young man is A ROCK STAR OF HIS DAY! Surrounded by  brawny sailors and  THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FEMALE SAILORS EVER TO WALK A SHIPDECK!! Captain Conceitous is determined to outdo or elominate any who get in his way for the bounty on this Sea monster! BUT SO IS CAPTAIN SLAYMORE SEABORNE! AN EPIC ACTION ADVENTURE AWAITS! TWO WORLDS COLLIDE! TWO HUNTERS BUTT HEADS! All willl find out that: EVERY MAN HAS ONE MORE ADVENTURE IN HIM AND UNDERWATER NO ONE HEARS YOU ..SCREAM!  This is the first book of the EPIC DEEP SEA ADVENTUREseries by SKYLER PATTERSON!

Release dateJul 14, 2016
The Last Kraken One: The Last Kraken, #1

Skyler Patterson

Skyler Patterson is a Goodreads author of fantasy fiction. He is a versatile author who writes in  Adult, and Young Adult. genres. His books are epic thrillers and cover tales of action and adventure in romance, and paranormal, horror..He is a critically acclaimed writer of ebooks .Reviews of his books can be found on Goodreads. He is from New York City

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    The Last Kraken One - Skyler Patterson

    A Gaze upon a horizon of BLUE. Borne up upon the waves are our dream -filled hopes. Who Knows  what lies neath yon fathoms. For The weary still yet dream. Vain is the chivalry  of men. Many are the perils of liquid depths. May the compass of our hearts guide us past the reefs of our discontent. Surging are our souls awash with greed. Woe to the one who would seek to plunder the deep dark down. For merciless is the one who wears King Neptune’s crown—FOR GOODREADS



    It is said that the sea is reluctant to give up her dead, and her secrets. The gigantic leviathan was the water’s biggest secret of them all! He was a true monster nigh to 100 feet from aft to stern. His tentacles were leagues long and as thick as trees of the strongest oak. His huge head was round and when poking from the surface could be easily mistaken for a small wide island. The power of the monster was most grievous. His tentacles were of a ferocious power. For the unfortunate soul who found himself in the creatures grasp it would be a crushing end from the cold deathly grip. The skin surface was like an impenetrable white leather. The underside was a pinkish shade. The underside also possessed the huge round cups of suction that could rip the flesh to the bone .The underbelly of the monster was just as deadly as the surface. For this is where lurked the mouth of the creature .It was here where the prey was dragged to be fed to the huge white fangs of death. The leviathan’s teeth were as big as a castle portcullis, but they were the gate way to death! In all truth The Kraken was a sea- gliding killing machine. One could only imagine the fate of a victim whom while being crushed by the monster also could feel his skin being flayed like a swine for the cook fire spit! And then after being crushed by the massive tentacles; being dragged down and fed into the jaws of hell! No living being was safe from the massive sea demon nor were manmade vessels. The monster could take even the largest sea galley, cog or merchant vessel or warship and tear it to wood kindling. It was said that this creature was a throwback from the days when the ancient giant sea monsters swam the realm. This was before the first men dwelled. For any soul to attempt to bring down a beast of this size and girth; would be a most dangerous perilous undertaking. For whilst attacking the creature with cannon or harpoon the leviathan’s tentacles could reach across a ship’s deck ripping up masts and weapons like the hands of the devil! Located on each side of the creatures massive head were the beasts gazing eyes. Like two small lakes they were. This monster’s eyes were white with a bright white iris in the center. It was through these eyes that the leviathan gazed upon and stalked his prey, The beast could glide swiftly across the surface and under the water. There have been discovered pictures that were drawn on the walls of caves; that show events that happened long, long ago. The pictures drawn of the giant monsters; showed them causing havoc. Some of these drawings depicted whales, sharks. And some of these depicted the dreaded giant squid like creature. It is this large creature that is believed to be a Kraken. It is said that the Kraken is the great, great forefather of the squid and octopus we see today. This creature has many long tentacles similar to the spider. This is why some sailors have named the dreaded creature the sea spider. Also in ancient days the word krake could mean large tree, branches , which some felt the creature’s tentacles resembled. The word Kraken comes from the European language. In the English language the word Krak means broken or struck. It was said that this type of creature usually lurks in the deepest waters. Because the waters where it dwells are so deep this creature is rarely ever seen. It was also said that every creature had its freakish unnatural giant. That one of the species which grows larger in size than it has ever done before. A Kraken was known to reach 40 to 50 ft in length. But this creature was even longer nigh to 100 ft. This creature was said to have been last sighted in Norway, and Sweden in early 1701. Others have said the beast may have been sighted in the warm waters off Egypt. Many believe this creature to be only ..myth! There have been squid and octopus seen in the color black, silver grey. But this leviathan was albino white. It was known that looking into the creatures white eyes was like looking at death itself. There could be no mistaking the sight of the beast it was an abomination, a shock of white and to its prey there would be no escape!


    A flock of sea-gulls were a blanket of white, above the horizon. One bird gazed down upon a whale vessel. The Stubborn Maiden lingered about a massive whale carcass. The men on board had finished extracting all of the oil and blubber from the slain creature and were lowering it into the sea. Sharks were beginning a long feast upon this slain leviathan... There he was  upon the bulwarks again. The Captain Gred Goldworthy, he was called. Depending upon whom ye asked. The men aboard called him Gred the greedy! The man never seemed to get his fill. The ship was loaded down with oil and blubber from the many leviathans  slain  during this voyage. Yet Captain Gred felt one more whale before returning back to England would not  cause a trifle. One disgruntled sailor  Quinnly Quarrel stept forward and spoke: Captain a word if i may? Speak lad! answered the Captain Gredmore. Sir, Permission to call it a day sir. The men are well flogging tired sir an— —PERMISSION DENIED!! the man yelled back quickly. He was staring down his extended spyglass. The man drew the glass away from his eye in a wicked frown! Tis coin ta go round here! Quinnly! Ye have debts back home! Them debts need payin boy! Here’s how ye pay the piper! Right here! SO! Tis back to yer post boy! And jump to!! The captain drew his spyglass again and became livid! THERE SHE BLOWS!—— ———THARRR SHE BLOWWS CAP’NN!! shouted a sailor in the crow’s nest. The young man scurried back to his post. The captain stepped mid- deck and barked  like a dog of the sea! Alright men! You heard em!! GET YERR KILLIN STICKS! DOWN YE GOOO! Into the small boats! DOWNN YEE GOOO!! yelled he! SURROUND THAT BUGGER!! DARTS AND HARPOON!! We saw the deed done once! Now we shall see it done One. More .Timmmee!! The King! He aint been gettin his whale oil steady! That’s why we King’smen been called in!  Steadman take us round! GET HER STEADY! TIS STEADY AS SHE GOES!! Now into those booatss!! Yelled Captain Gred the Greedy! The ship halted. The anchor crashed down into the sea. The small boats hit the water with a splash! The Stubborn Maiden was ever so as she refused to quit her fruitful slaughter. The small boats were heading straight for the massive whale. The creature was at least 50 ft long! The sailors aboard the boats dug in their oars like  swords, as they gained on the location of the creature! The fish  breached the surface and crashed down into the sea splashing up water. The fish jumped up again, the fish was directly in front of the small boats! The sailors armed themselves! They raised their harpoons and their darts! MAKE READYYY! LOOOSEE THEMM NEEDLESS BOYSSS!! yelled a sailor. The needles hit their marks! The blood sprayed up like a red waterfall! The massive fish began to drag all of the small boats behind it! What a sight!  the whale jumped up and splashed down below the sea! White sea-gulls began to circle in the skies above the whale’s location. A sailor pointed into the skies! Sea-hell! Look at all o’ them bleedin sea-gulls! Why are they here"?! Suddenly a white mass began to arise

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