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Surviving Darkness: Daughters of Darkness: Blair's Journey, #3
Surviving Darkness: Daughters of Darkness: Blair's Journey, #3
Surviving Darkness: Daughters of Darkness: Blair's Journey, #3
Ebook294 pages5 hours

Surviving Darkness: Daughters of Darkness: Blair's Journey, #3

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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With Danny at her side and her newfound powers increasing, Blair should be okay. Heck, she even has a sort of friendship going with Tori, her long-lost half-sister. Sure, Tori might be an assassin, but she draws the line at killing family, and she’s willing to help Blair with something no one else will: taking down Vlad the Impaler, legendary vampire and all-around bad guy extraordinaire. There’s just one problem, though. Vlad is also their father.

Blair knows time is running out, so when Tori arrives with the story of an ancient amulet that might protect her, she sets off to search for it. She’s willing to do whatever it takes to keep herself safe while she prepares for her fight with Vlad, but it soon becomes clear that every step she takes and every enemy she defeats is just bringing her closer to the inevitable showdown…

Release dateJun 26, 2016
Surviving Darkness: Daughters of Darkness: Blair's Journey, #3

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    Book preview

    Surviving Darkness - Chrissy Peebles


    With Danny at her side and her newfound powers increasing, Blair should be okay. Heck, she even has a sort of friendship going with Tori, her long-lost half-sister. Sure, Tori might be an assassin, but she draws the line at killing family, and she’s willing to help Blair with something no one else will: taking down Vlad the Impaler, legendary vampire and all-around bad guy extraordinaire. There’s just one problem though. Vlad is also their father.

    Blair knows time is running out, so when Tori arrives with the story of an ancient amulet that might protect her, she sets off to search for it. She’s willing to do whatever it takes to keep herself safe while she prepares for her fight with Vlad, but it soon becomes clear that every step she takes and every enemy she defeats is just bringing her closer to the inevitable showdown...

    4 authors will each take a different daughter born from the Prince of Darkness. Each will create a series for that daughter.

    Blair – Chrissy Peebles

    Jezebel – Kristen Middleton

    Victoria – W.J. May

    Lotus – C.J. Pinard

    Each author takes on a daughter of darkness with their own perspective series!

    Chrissy Peebles

    Immortal (Prequel)


    Dark Dreams

    Surviving Darkness

    W.J. May





    C.J. Pinard




    Kristen Middleton




    Chapter 1

    When the wanted poster circulated, Danny and I were beyond worried. It was obvious that because I didn’t join my father, that he now wanted my blood. He could’ve easily killed me already. But he let me go... My guess was that he wanted to torment me, play with me the way a cat plays with a mouse. My father was sick and demented.

    And now he knew where I lived...

    I grabbed some suitcases and started packing. We needed to get the hell out of there and go deep into hiding.

    Danny touched my shoulder softly. We don’t have to leave.

    Yes, we do!

    Tori’s been trying to call you. You didn’t answer your cell.

    Because I’m packing like a madwoman! There is a one million dollar bounty on my head!

    Tori put the note on the door.

    My jaw dropped. What? Why?

    It’s the flyers that are currently being circulated in the immortal community. Tori stopped by to show us and we weren’t home, so she left the note on the door so we could be aware that your father is on the hunt for us.

    I placed my hand on my chest and sighed. So he doesn’t know where we are?

    No. And some witches I know just put a powerful cloaking spell on the property. I think this is the best place to stay for now. Nobody knows we’re here except Tori.

    I sighed in relief.

    How did she know? I asked.

    I don’t know. But she’s good. We both know that. Hunting people down is her specialty. It’s why she’s such a damn good assassin.

    Lucky she is on our side then.

    Yeah, tell me about it.

    Is staying here really the best option?

    We can stay with a group of witches I know, or a pack of wolves. But I think we’re better off being isolated. The less people that know where we are, the better chance we have of staying hidden.

    You’re right. I initially thought strength in numbers. But what good is it if one person narks on us.

    We can’t trust anybody. We’re better off by ourselves, just temporarily. And that way we can work on your magic, so you’ll be able to take on your enemies.


    We agreed that was the best option and stayed at the cabin in the woods.

    Nobody knew that’s where we were hiding.  We stayed low and off the radar while we tried to figure out our next move.

    We decided to enjoy our breakfast in the back yard, but Tori, my tempestuous and moody sister, declined to eat with Danny and me and just sat there with her arms crossed, staring at us like we were some kind of misfits.

    What? I said. I’m hungry.

    It’s understandable, Danny said with a wink. I did keep her pretty busy last night. I bet she worked up a huge appetite.

    I laughed.

    Tori smirked. Keep laughing, because you won’t have much to laugh about for long. I’m not here on a social visit, you two. I’ve got info on how to beat Dad at his own little game.

    Well, thank you, Tori. There’s nothing like talking about the Prince of Darkness to ruin my breakfast.

    Considered breakfast ruined then, because that’s why I’m here.

    Great. So what’s going on? I asked.

    I found a way to save your pretty little butt, that’s what.

    I cocked a brow. A way to save me from dear old Dad?

    Yes. I got some intel on an ancient necklace that will protect you with powerful magic. Not even Vlad will be able to hurt you while you’re wearing it.

    Tori went on to tell me a tale about this amazing amulet. Nevertheless, while I was happy to hear that and was also pleased to see that she was looking out for me, I was still a little concerned. 

    Birdcalls echoed through the canopy of trees, and sunlight dappled the deck, playing over my bare feet as I stretched out on the lounge chair. It was really like some scene out of the picture-perfect family vacation, with the smell of pancakes wafting from inside and the grill just waiting for hotdogs and hamburgers later in the day. I could hardly reconcile that travel magazine setting with the macabre conversation that was taking place; something about hotcakes and coffee just didn’t sit well with ancient magic and my bloodsucking daddy issues.

    There’s no way, Danny said. His plate of blueberry pancakes lay abandoned, and he was frowning at Tori. Those trinkets come along with serious consequences. We’re not putting Blair’s life on the line for those things.

    Those things? Tori mused, making air quotes around the words and giving him a disdainful look. Those things like...witchcraft?

    You know what I mean.

    No, I don’t. You’re a witch, Danny, yet, you aren’t willing to trust an enchanted amulet?

    Danny’s head turned sharply, and his eyes met mine. His ancestry was a closely guarded secret. In public, he only admitted to being a werewolf; that had kept him and his brother safe from other werewolves who were trying to keep the bloodline pure or, as had happened to me, members of his bloodline’s coven, trying to come after him for the unpredictability of his powers. The fact was, Danny was just like me: His powers were under control, and he was perfectly capable of being a functioning member of a polite, civilized society. His witch identity was a secret that could easily be used against him, and of all the people who could have found out about it, Vlad the Impaler’s top assassin was not the top on his list.

    I shook my head. I didn’t tell her, if that’s what you’re thinking, I assured him.

    She didn’t have to tell me. I know your little witchy secret, Danny, and so does my father, Tori said. Vlad makes it his business to know everything.

    He paled but offered no verbal response.

    She rolled her eyes. Don’t worry. He’ll sit on the info for now, though I can’t promise how long that will last. You know how he feels about witches.

    Yes, he hates them...and the feeling’s mutual, Danny spat.

    He hates everyone, I said.

    Not true, Tori chimed in. He only hates those who aren’t on his side.

    His own daughter is a witch, Danny said.

    I’m sure Vlad has more witch children he doesn’t even know about. He hates witches in theory, but that doesn’t keep him from screwing an awful lot of them.

    I wrinkled my nose. Vlad was not a real father in any sort of traditional way. He was more into trying to kill me brutally or draw me into a ring of mass murderers, but I still didn’t want to hear about his sex life.

    Anyway, Tori said, drawing us all back to the point at hand. The amulet is real, and it will protect Blair. In fact, at this point, it’s the only thing that will save her.

    Danny gave her a look. The real deal, huh? How can you possibly know that?

    I have a very secretive, reliable source, not to mention that I read about it, Tori said, with great dignity.

    If it can do what you say, why isn’t it being used by someone else? I asked, a reasonable question. 

    It’s in an abandoned temple, and nobody really knows about it, Tori said with a shrug. Only a few ancient books mention it. 

    Hmm. Why was the temple abandoned? I asked, looking at her suspiciously. I mean, it seems to me that people wouldn’t just leave a powerful artifact behind and desert the place. There must be a reason nobody has gone after it.

    Yeah, like a curse, Danny chimed in. Immortals know to stay away from cursed objects.

    First, you don’t believe in it, and now you think it’s cursed? Tori raised an eyebrow at him. "The amulet is fine. There’s no mention of a curse in anything I’ve read. The necklace protects anyone who wears it."

    It can’t be that simple. There’s always a price, Danny said.

    Tori scowled at him. Why won’t you just believe me? I’m not trying to screw Blair over, no matter what you think. She’s my sister.

    Well, you’ve heard of sibling rivalry, haven’t you? Maybe it’s some sorta weird line in the sand for you, Danny shot back.

    Tori was up in his face a moment later, crouching over the chair as she looked into his eyes. "I never hurt family...unless they try to take me out."

    "Well, Blair did try to kill you the first time she met you," Danny said, not at all cowed or convinced.

    Only defensively, because I was coming after her with weapons. I can’t hold that against her. In fact, I admire it. She jabbed a finger at his chest. So you can just shut the hell up about my loyalties. I’d never, ever hurt her, unless she foolishly sides with Vlad, which I know she won’t.

    Fine, Danny, said, then pushed her finger off him, "but that doesn’t change the fact that what she should be doing is learning her magic here, where it’s safe. She doesn’t need to go traipsing off after some mythical amulet in some jungle or museum or whatever, wasting her time on some stupid jewel heist."

    It’s in a temple, like I told you.

    "Fine, so it’s Tomb Raider instead of Ocean’s 11. It’s still dangerous...and pointless."

    Hang on now. I put my hands up to keep them both from speaking. I’d thought it was a good idea to let them get their jabs in early, but it had been a while, and we were getting nowhere; the two of them were still at each other’s throats. So, Tori, about this amulet... Who made it, and how does it work?

    I don’t know how it works, Tori said, shaking her head. In fact, I don’t really know anything about spells. All I know is that it was made by a coven of witches who died in Tibet. Since it’s a witch thing, maybe this one will be able to tell you something, she said, jerking her head in Danny’s direction.


    It’s the perfect place for a coven, very remote, with not a lot of connection to the outside world, unless you’re in one of the major cities. It’s hard to hide in Europe or America, but in Tibet... Well, there, someone could disappear.

    Danny pondered. Lots of covens made lots of amulets. What made that one so special?

    Don’t know. I just know she needs that amulet.

    Look, Tori, I appreciate you looking out for your sis, but Blair’s spent her whole life not only being taught about her powers but also actively being taught not to use them. She can’t take on Vlad like this.

    I know other things, I pointed out, feeling it necessary to defend myself when they started talking to me in third person. It’s not like I don’t know anything.

    I know you do. He looked over at me, and his face softened. You’ve learned so much in such a short period. He reached over to squeeze my hand. It’s really remarkable.

    Touching, Tori said, her voice like acid, but we still need to get the amulet.

    We don’t. Blair doesn’t need to go anywhere till she’s got her magic figured out 100 percent, and we all know that could take months.

    Yes, and during those months, Vlad is almost certain to find out where she is, Tori pointed out, her voice stern. "Do you really think you’re safe here? I found this place on my own. I may be one of the best, but I’m not the only one. Vlad collects the best, and he won’t rest knowing Blair is still out here somewhere. He’ll track her down and kill her before she reaches her full strength—or, at the very least, kidnap her and try to turn her to his side."

    He wouldn’t, I said, my eyes widening and my blood running cold. The thought of Vlad bending me to his will, holding me in a cage, and working on my mind until my very sense of reality warped was so vivid that for a moment, I thought I was going to throw up.

    He won’t get the chance, Tori said, almost gently. Her voice hardened again when she spat, Because you’re gonna go get that amulet and stay safe.

    She most certainly is not! Danny insisted. If she goes back out into the real world on a whim, he’ll pick up her trail in a second. Like you said, he’s watching for her, just waiting to catch her. She can’t risk running.

    Actually, Tori said, grinning, "I think he’s betting on her being just as pigheadedly stubborn as you are. All of our relatives throw themselves into things headfirst when they know they don’t have the strength to fight. She would have already gone after him if you weren’t keeping her here, softening her up with all your...distractions."

    I blushed a fiery red. Danny seemed to make me weak in the knees just by looking at me, but that wasn’t something I wanted my sister to know. Her laughing only made me blush more.

    Anyway, she said, the laugh still lurking in her voice, what she needs is protection, in case he comes for her while she’s learning the ropes. Still glaring at Danny, she unrolled a map.

    It was new, an almost photorealistic view of Tibet, and for some reason, I found that incredibly funny. We were searching for ancient amulets, so I was sure we’d have an ancient map too.

    Tori just shook her head at my giggle. There isn’t any treasure map anywhere. The old books just make vague references to it.

    Wait, Danny said, staring at the map and tracing his fingers over the mountain ranges. We have the oldest books downstairs, a huge collection. He opened his mouth to speak, then thought better of it, pushed himself up out of his lounge chair, and disappeared into the house.

    Tori looked over her shoulder and shrugged. Okay, so like I was staying, there’s a set of tunnels somewhere, well hidden and close to the base of one of the mountains. She tapped the map. You’ll need to follow them down. Whoever the witches were, they were very secretive and did a damn good job of hiding this place.

    Why did they leave, if it was so secure? I mean, it’s not filled with...giant spiders or anything, is it?

    Nope, not giant spiders, Danny said. He had returned and was holding an old, leather-bound book. He dropped it unceremoniously on the map, pointing at a paragraph written in almost indecipherable script. Hellhounds.

    Tori pressed her lips together and swallowed uncomfortably. Sorry. The volume I read was a little fuzzy on the details. So hellish, supernatural dogs are guarding the city?

    That looks to be the case, Danny said. They were sent to kill the witches, which they did, but a warlock cursed them to the temple with his dying breath.

    So they’re stuck there?


    Tori’s eyes widened. Oh, boy.

    See? Danny pressed. Not a good idea. Pardon my French, here, but the place sounds like a real, uh...bitch, a possessed puppy pound.

    I cocked a brow. I wonder who was after the coven. Why would someone send in hellhound assassins anyway? Who would slaughter a coven like that?

    Tori sighed. My guess is that they pissed off somebody pretty powerful.

    What exactly are hellhounds? I asked. I think I have some idea, but I’ve been kept in the dark about the supernatural world.

    Hellhounds, Danny said, casting Tori a bitter glare as he sat back down, are basically a nasty four-way hybrid. They’re part-dog, part-bear, part-human, and part, uh...demon. He shook his head, his features contorting. They’re nearly impossible to kill, strong as hell, and vicious, not to mention uber territorial.

    If they’re still there, that means they’ve been lurking there for centuries, I surmised.

    Right, Tori said glumly, and since they were cursed to the temple for all eternity, I’m sure they’re still there. Danny is right about them. They’re ballistic, crazy, maniacal canine-like beasts of the supernatural world, and few would dare to mess with them.

    And you’re sure the amulet’s still there too?

    Most likely, Tori said, meeting my eyes. I think you should go and risk the devil dogs. Think of the reward.

    You can’t be serious! Danny said, pointing at the book. Hellhounds, Tori. Freaking hellhounds!

    Vlad the Impaler, Tori responded, unimpressed. I think we both know who the lesser of the evils is.

    Danny collapsed back in the chair and groaned, running his hands over his face in frustration.

    I stared at the picture of the ethereal, black dog with glowing, red eyes. It was unnaturally large and looked like it had super strength and speed. I couldn’t imagine facing something so evil, so powerful. I thought about my options for a moment, then leaned over and tapped Danny on the arm. Okay, say I decide to go...

    How did I know you were gonna say that? he asked in a muffled voice, refusing to make eye contact with me.

    Say I do. What kind of magic defeats hellhounds?

    He rolled his head around and finally looked at me. You’re impossible. You know that?

    Yeah, but it takes a special kind of person to go after Vlad the Impaler, right? Anyway...what magic gets the demon dogs off my back?

    He sighed. You’d need to learn warding, he finally said, more than just fireballs. I can think of a couple of things.

    My face lit up with hope.

    But, he said, if you insist on going, I’m going with you, and we’re not going anywhere till I’m confident you know that magic well enough for us to have a fighting chance.

    Fair enough, I said. It would be stupid to risk our lives by going in unprepared.

    Exactly. Also, I’d like to look through more books, to see if I can come up with anything else. At this point, we have very little to go on.

    I get it. We can’t go in blind.

    All we know is that there’s supposedly some amulet in a hellhound-infested temple in Tibet.

    Hey! I gave you a map with the exact location, Tori said. What other info do you need? Just do what you have to prepare Blair to fight the hellhounds, and you’re good to go.

    Danny gave Tori a look. He clearly blamed her for the turn of events, but she only smirked at him, then grinned like that cat that stole the cream.

    Tori stood, stretched, and zipped up her leather coat. There’s one more thing.

    Great. What is it? Danny asked. Or do we even wanna know?

    Only two people can go, so don’t go rounding up your wolf friends.

    You’re kidding, right?

    I never kid.

    Why can’t more go? I asked.

    Tori reached in her pocket. Because I only have two rings to get you through the magical perimeter.

    Danny gasped. More magic jewelry? Really, Tori. This is getting a bit...absurd, even for you.

    She rolled her eyes and continued, There are only two Rings of Fire in existence, but they will get you past any magical barrier.

    Rings of Fire? asked Danny. Those aren’t supposed to exist. How did you get them? Tell me someone didn’t sell them to you on EBay. If they did, you got duped.

    Need I remind you who my father is?

    No. Like Blair said, we’re all aware that you two have daddy issues.

    Tori sighed. I need them back when you’re done, okay? If Dad notices they’re missing, I’ll be dust...literally.

    I stared at the reddish-yellow rings. They were beautiful, with stones that seemed to imprison flames within them. Can I try one on to see if it fits? I asked.

    It will. They’re one size fits all, Tori said. They’ll adjust magically to your finger.

    Cool, I said, admiring the rings once again.

    When you get back, I’d like to introduce you to the other sisters, Tori said.

    "Huh? The other sisters?" I sat bolt upright.

    When you get back, Tori repeated, unconcerned. I gotta run.

    I grabbed her shoulder. You can’t just lay something like that on me, then leave. Please tell me, Tori. How many sisters do I have?

    "Two more, Jezebel and Lotus. They’re both hybrids.

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