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Ellie Mae 3, Sex On The Road: Ellie Mae, #3
Ellie Mae 3, Sex On The Road: Ellie Mae, #3
Ellie Mae 3, Sex On The Road: Ellie Mae, #3
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Ellie Mae 3, Sex On The Road: Ellie Mae, #3

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Fortified with the proceeds of her sugar daddy exploits, Ellie Mae is off to Atlanta to make her Porn Star dream come true.. After a series of adventures as she gets various lifts along the way; well it don't take much to entice Ellie Mae into some dubious deeds, she finally ends up with a group of girls whose speciality is dancing. Not however the sort of dancing a guy could tell his mother he'd seen. These girls are also travelling north while putting on some outrageous shows and Ellie Mae is soon roped into the action. Not that she needs much persuading.
The third in this series; straight talking Ellie Mae, or Red as she likes to be known tells it in her own way, hard talking sass.

PublisherCharlie B.
Release dateJun 25, 2016
Ellie Mae 3, Sex On The Road: Ellie Mae, #3

Charlie B.

Well my name is Charlie B but you already know that. I live in the UK, Bromley, Kent, any GR peeps close by, friend me by all means. I write hot steamy stories. Why, well because if it turns me on I hope it will do the same for you, guy or girl! For those of you that might be interested my web site address is all of my books are individually listed there along with synopsis and other interesting articles. you can also sign up to my new releases newsletter and receive a free short story Commecial finished, please read on! I write a lot, a book a month sometimes even more and I like to do something different every time. Sometimes the sexy scenes are part of the story and other times the story is the vehicle for the sex scenes but one thing is always present in my stories, Sex! Most of my stories feature women as the lead characters, I liker strong women, women who know what they want and go get it. They want men who can satisfy them in every way, who can excite and give then totally fulfilling sex. Women today have found their freedom, they want books that excite and arouse, they want a hot read that will give them a thrill and why not. Ah, but I hear you guys saying , 'what about us? Well I know what guys like, after all I am one. Fresh young women, cheerleaders, raunchy college girls that are naughty rather than nice. Older women that bend the rules, blur the lines because they are hell bent on satisfaction and they will do their devious best to get it. In actual fact, although there's a possible division in what I write, I think men and women will enjoy most of my books as many sit in the middle road.

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    Ellie Mae 3, Sex On The Road - Charlie B.


    So, you’re asking me just what I’m doing motoring down the freeway in an old pickup truck on a hot summer’s afternoon. Well you see, it’s like this. There I was all down on my knees, my bright print dress stretched real tight across my cute butt with Deputy Biggs’ huge fuck-rod bouncing all around in my horny hands; yeah, the both of them afore you ask. Now fun as it was to be licking and suckin’ on that delicious specimen of manhood that he has been so blessed with, I was also thinking as to how, in his police-pants pocket there is a bunch of keys that I happen to know he’d appropriated off of old Hiram Jones, so that he couldn’t drive his truck home on account of how juiced up he was on whisky, the night afore.

    Now those jingling keys were kinda drawing my thoughts to my own appropriation, I do so like that word, of them. So, like I said, there I was with my new boobs sticking out all naked over the top of my low-cut dress, my super-dooper new awesome tits supplied courtesy of my ex-sugar daddy, Ross, you remember him? The weird rubber lover? Well anyways, my sweet mouth was giving Biggs the best blow job he’d ever had so’s he wouldn’t guess at my sinister thoughts right then. Reluctant as I was to take one hand off’n his big ol’ monster of a fuckin’ dick, I truly needed those keys real bad, so I slipped a hand into his pants pocket, which was real easy since they was pooled down around his ankles; his pants not the keys, and lifted those lil’ fuckers free. Liberated them just as I liberated a whole load of steaming hot cum from Biggs super-dick.

    Easy as lifting condoms from the store counter. I’d hooked them out as I’d milked his balls dry with my free hand and drank down that copious load, while he’d howled out like a wild wolf. I mean, y’all know us girls can manage more than one task at a time don’tcha now? Course, he had his head throwed way back, and all, and was saying dirty stuff like nobody’s business, so he never noticed a thing as to my surreptitious appropriation of them keys, even when they jangled some.

    There you go Deputy, you sure had a load in there. Ah thought it would never stop, I grinned, staring up into his eyes with my cutesiest smile all across my face while I struggled to get his big damn dick back into his underwear.

    Hey, hold it girl. Ah got plenty more. Ain’t we gonna fuck?

    Not today Biggs. ah got things to do so y’all better save the rest for later, I’d giggled as I climbed to my feet while slipping those keys into my panties and then covering up mah tits, which wasn’t easy cos they was sure snug on my hips, my panties I mean.

    Dammit Ellie Mae, ya’ll know ah need more’n a blow job to keep me happy, he’d muttered, while still working over one of mah covered up boobies with his hand. Damn man knew jus’ how proud I was of my new jugs, and the way he was pinching on my jutting nipple was giving me second thoughts about getting fucked, but now that I’d gotten those keys I was real anxious to say goodbye to that man’s cock for good, afore he discovered as to how I’d appropriated those self-same keys. Did I tell you how I liked that word? Oh yeah, ah surely did.

    So that’s the how of it, and as to the why of it? Well it is time to head on out, to make mah dreams come true. I tol’ you afore, I want to be a porno star. To act out all my fantasies with all those hot, super-hung studs and let the world know that Red here is about to become the hottest chick in porn movies. Red? Well you gotta remember as to how that’s my other name, the one I use when I am just so hot to get down and dirty. It’s like my alter-ego.

    So here I now am, heading up to, …..hell I don’t know where, ….someplace else, with the winders wide open and the cool breeze bringing my nippies out like corks under my sexy as hell, dress. So easy to see them babies, cos I don’t need a bra no more. These new puppies I got are jus’ well, ….wowser. I mean, like absolutely firm and guaranteed to turn heads wherever I go, and to raise me up some hard-on dicks too. Yep, pants just bulge uncontrollably when Miss Ellie Mae goes by, and if the guys real lucky? Well y’all know how I like dick so much. I sure can’t resist a real big hard-on that’s attached to a handsome man.

    Now thinking about such things as cock always gets me horny, and while I’m driving Hiram’s borrowed pick-up truck, I kinda feel a need to dip into my panties for some recreational pleasure, y’all know what I mean? Course, I coulda pulled over, but that ain’t no fun is it? I mean there’s no thrill in diddling yoursel’ while your parked up, is there? Better to put your foot down and get a real thrill outa it huh? So, I yank up my short, tight dress some and then run a finger over the thin white cotton that’s covering my horny snatch. It’s so damn good, an’ it don’t take long afore I have that narrow strip of cotton pulled well aside and my fingers are frigging away like crazy. Then I remember my big, nasty vibrator that’s tucked in my bag and in no time at all its buzzing like crazy right inside where it’s really needed. Closing my eyes I picture cocks, big hard cocks getting’ jerked off by men’s hands as I diddle myself real good with that jiggling, pussy-fucker.

    Now even blondes know that driving with your eyes closed is like, well, real stupid, which is why at the very moment when I come real hard over my buzzing sex toy, I get a wakeup call like no other. You ever get a blast up the rear from a truck? A big fucking truck with loads of wheels on it that’s travelling right up your ass, real close? Well then, you’ll know just what i mean people. So yeah, I panic, spin off the road and end up in a ditch as that beast rolls on by like it’s just swatted an itty-bitty fly outa its path.

    Suddenly I don’t feel horny no more, I feel like a dick, no, like a dickhead I mean, for letting my feelings get the better of me. Snatching the damn vibe-stick up from where its landed on the cab floor, I switch that fucker off cos it’s just like its mocking me for being so damn stupid. The pickup truck ain’t going no further, and I dare not get it towed outa that ditch. I mean, it ain’t mine is it? Anyways, straightening out my twisted-up panties, ah grab up mah suitcase and stuff and then get on down the road some ways, real fast on my tall, wedge heels. Now you’d think that a whole bevy of horny guys would be pulling right on over for a girl looking as hot as I am, wouldn’t cha? Well it don’t happen, so I sit on my suitcase and flash my legs some.

    What do I get? Another pickup truck dating back to the time the world has forgot, or some such place, all loaded up with crates of damn noisy, fucking chickens.

    Well Missy, you wanna ride or not? shouts this grizzled old timer. He’s staring at me like he’s just hit the motherlode, which he possibly has since I’m hotter to look at than the chicks in the dirty mags I can see scattered all about on the cab floor, and the ones he’s got back of the truck, though I don’t look too close at the magazines in case the damn pages are, well all yucky.

    Guess so, but you better behave. Ah ain’t no cheap whore Mister, I holler back above the noise of the passing traffic, as I climb up into the cab while nearly spilling my tits outa my dress which kinda gives the lie to that statement somewhat.

    Guess cheap you ain’t, he grins, showing a few missing teeth as I slam the door shut. He stares at me like I’m Miss Red Riding Hood, now what the hell was that chick doing out anyways on her own? and he’s the big nasty wolf. A wolf with the biggest damn grin all across his weather-beaten features as his eyes ravage my thinly clad body, an ah know what he’s thinking.

    Where y’all headed then?

    Where’s this freeway go? I reply, tugging my dress down uselessly to try and hide mah legs.

    Atlanta eventually.

    Yep, that’s the place, I reply.

    Ok, he says. Well I’ll get you along away at least, and then he pulls back out onto the freeway. I try to stare out of the window some, so I don’t notice straight away as to how he’s angled the rear-view mirror so as he can gape at my boobs every few minutes. He don’t as say nothin’ much for a mile or two but ah notice him slip something into his mouth.

    Got any spare gum, ah ask, cos my mouth is dry.



    Oh this ain’t gum.

    Oh, so what is…..

    Viagri Missy. Ah gets it on the side for mah dick, y’all know what I’m sayin’.

    Viagra; why the hell are you taking that right now? I mutter, edging away some.

    "Well, on account of this horny

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