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After the Sex
After the Sex
After the Sex
Ebook207 pages2 hours

After the Sex

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In the words of Raven (the main character)
"We’ve passed the test that comes after the sex. I have a great husband with an awesome cock and a beautiful family. If there's a such thing as a LIFE OVERLOAD, we’ve survived the pitfalls of love that makes it happen. This must be what bliss feels like. I’m going to enjoy every fucking’ minute of it."

Release dateJun 27, 2016
After the Sex

Priscilla Laster

Welcome to Priscilla’s $0.99 promotion happening right now. Until further notice, all Priscilla Laster reads are reduced. ALL OF THEM. Regardless of the word-count or cover-art contributions. Why not add a few 'Priscilla' titles to your digital library? Click on the profile to browse her full catalogue. "Hi everybody! My name is Priscilla and I am so excited about Smash-words. Approximately 50% of my books have been published (here) on Smashwords. That's 70 books. I'm celebrating this accomplishment by running a $0.99 cent 'TAKE'EM ALL' promotion. I've been writing erotica/romance stories for a while. My stories typically come from a dream I had the previous night. I have over 140+ titles that are being sorted and made available for Smash-Words. Two of my 'best friends forever' are helping me to post titles as fast as corresponding cover arts can be created. It is my dream that I become your faithful source of romance and smutty erotica reads. 99% of my reads can be enjoyed by men and women. Don't let the "tags" fool you. Please remember that I'll never claim to be a perfect writer. I'll never claim to be the best author. My only claim is that I am a great dreamer who loves to write. I record the events of my daydreams that are interesting. I don't know you personally, but I already appreciate you. You don't even have to purchase one of my reads. I appreciate you for simply being a reader. In a special way, you're a 'romantic' like me. You may even be a dreamer like me. We are a special kind of people. My journey to becoming your favorite Smash-Words author starts with your positive feedback and sincere encouragements. Don't be a stranger. My train is full steam ahead. Join me on Facebook. " - Priscilla Laster

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    Book preview

    After the Sex - Priscilla Laster

    After the sex

    by: Priscilla Laster

    Fiction, Erotic, Romance, Love, Sex, Raven, newlywed, marriage, Priscilla

    It takes more than sex & fucking to create care-free commitment. That part of a great relationship comes after the two have triumphed through ‘growing pains’. Many relationships fail to feel like heaven on earth. Raven (a gorgeous woman) narrates her own story of how her teen crush turned into a great life AFTER the SEX. This read is dialog-heavy. Enjoy.

    Copyright © 2015 All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    Chapter 1

    Raven couldn't help, but watch the dirty-blond boy her brother was with. He’s always been gorgeous. She's been drooling over this particular boy since she was thirteen. He moved in down the street and watches them standing against the door frame of her brother's room. She wanted to go in. Hell; she always wants to be with her brother when Jake came over. He was over a lot. He practically lived there with all the time he spent visiting. She never went in though. Although the most they’d ever be doing was play video games, Raven thought she would be intruding on guy time as he brother called it. She muffled her laughter with her hand. Her brother is making noises which meant he is losing. He turns and glared at her, and she smiled in return. Jake didn't bother looking at her, never did. No matter what she did or how hard she tried to get his attention. He never noticed and she about had enough of it. Having had a crush on him since she was thirteen. She starts trying to get his attention since she was fourteen. Fifth-teen she amped it up. She starts dressing in short shorts, skirts, shirts that barely covered her tummy and still he didn't bother looking at her.

    You think you can do better?

    She turns her attention back to her brother with a the look on his face. He clearly had enough. He was so competitive. He stuck the controller out to her. He was actually going to let her play? She looks at Jake and nervously bit her lip as she hesitated to step into the room. She walks in and grabbed the controller and took Dustin's place in the bean bag chair. She looks at Jake again. His attention was glued to the TV. Fine. He still refused to acknowledge her, whatever. We'll see who acknowledges who after I kick his ass. She starts playing, after a good ten minutes she killed him. On impulse she stuck her tongue out and laughed. Still no acknowledgement, what the hell! She got up and walks out of the room as she smiled at her shocked brother. She didn't think Dustin ever beat Jake and she did in ten minutes’ time. She had to admit her time playing that game when Dustin wasn't home actually paid off. She went down stairs into to the kitchen to find her mom slaving over a hot stove.

    Hey, mom do you need help?

    She looks up at Raven and shook her head.

    It's fine honey. I'm almost done. Is Jake still here? her mom asked as she set the table. Raven nodded.

    Ok, can you go get your brother and ask Jake if he's staying for dinner.

    Sure thing mom.

    Raven turns and ran up the stairs. Hearing her feet pounding on each step. Walking down the hall she stopped as she heard her brother and Jake talking. She slowly inched closer to the door to hear what they were talking about.

    Just breaking things off with Elizabeth. one of them said.

    Then tell her how you feel. the other responded.

    That was Dustin talking.

    "Elizabeth? Jake had a girlfriend? Dustin never mentioned her, neither did Jake, at least not when Raven was around. Her heart was racing, Jesus, this is not what she wanted to her.

    I've been with her for a little over a year. I can't just… I can't. Jake could be heard saying. 'Over a year!’.

    "Oh my god! Maybe that's why he's never bothered looking at her.' Riley whispers to herself.

    She bet this 'Elizabeth' was a lot prettier than her. Probably ten times prettier, chances are she's a senior, probably eighteen to. Raven had no chance being with Jake. She knew that. Even when she starts trying to get his attention. She knew, still tried though, and never gave up because she had hope, tons of it. But to have it confirmed, as she listened, it hurt, all hope vanishing.

    You've been with her this long and I know you don't love her. Dustin said matter of fact.

    No. I don't but sometimes she helps with how I feel. I keep hoping what I feel goes away. What he feels? He doesn't love Elizabeth? Why? Raven get a hold of yourself. He just said he doesn't love her, why questioned it. She tried calming’ herself with quiet slow breaths.

    Elizabeth is one hot piece of ass. If she doesn't change how you feel then I don't think any girl will. Dustin said with a little hint of laughter.

    Raven heard him take a deep breath and exhale.

    I honestly don't know what to tell you, but I really think you should just tell her how you feel.

    How can I? When we leave in six months? Jake exclaimed.

    She'll wait till we come home from boot camp. She'll wait for you with opened arms. I know she will. Dustin told him calmly.

    I can't just tell her how I feel and build something with her and then leave her. She deserves better. Jake exclaimed.

    I'm sorry, let's drop this. I can see that you're not going to change your mind.

    Her heart was racing. She heard footsteps coming up stairs. Shit. She was supposed to tell the boys about dinner and now her mom was in no doubt seeing why they weren't down stairs. The boys weren't done talking. She couldn't hear them though, there were so many things going through her head. Should she bolt? Make a run for her room and act like she didn't hear any of this or stay and hear the rest while getting caught? Her noisiness got the best of her. She inched closer. Before she had a chance to make out what they were saying she feels somebody behind her. Fuck it was her mom. She was afraid to look behind her but she did anyways knowing she was going to get in trouble for not staying out of people’s business. Her mom had her hip cocked to the side with her hand on it, fingers tapping her hip. Raven tried her innocent face and watches her mom roll her eyes. Her mom gave her the thumb over the shoulder and Raven didn't fight her. She bolted to her room. She needed a shower, which would clear her head. She walks into her bathroom and made sure to lock the other door that connected to Dustin's room. She hated that she had to share a bathroom with him. Damn she should have used this side, to listen to them talk. She wouldn't have gotten caught and she would have heard what they were talking about before she got caught. Oh well. She turns the handles and adjusted them till she got the right amount of hotness and then turns the middle handle. She watches the water shoot out as she closed the curtain. She took off her clothes and got in. The hot water feels amazing against her body, made her relax somewhat but not completely. Who was this her they were talking about? She obvious meant a lot to Jake, enough that he was going to leave her alone because he thought she deserved better, enough that he was trying to get over her by being in a relationship with somebody he didn't care about. And Dustin obviously knew her.

    'She'll wait for you with opened arms. I know she will' he said.

    Raven has no idea who she is, but apparently he knows her pretty well. After Raven quickly dried and wrapped the towel around her body she unlocked her brother's door and walks into her room, shutting the door and locking it with the bolt. I know a bolt. She hated the idea that she couldn't lock her door from the inside of her bedroom. The lock was on the other side of the door, the bathroom side, so her mom put a bolt on the door. She grabbed her iPod and jammed the ear plugs into her ear, put on her recent favorite song and put the iPod into her mouth as she looked through drawlers, grabbing what she wanted to wear. She threw her clothes on the bed. She took her iPod out of her mouth and held it in her hand as she starts to unwrap the towel around her she. Her bedroom door suddenly opened and she quickly looked up and notices her brother.

    Jesus, Dustin what the fuck!

    She quickly wrapped the towel around herself and pulled off the ear plugs, hurting herself in the process and threw the iPod on the bed.

    I…I'm sorry. I thought you heard me knock. Mom told me to tell you she left a plate of food on the counter for you to. he blurted as he looked at the ground in front of him.

    Ok, sorry I should have locked my door. Thanks.

    He just notices her completely naked. She watches him as he closed the door. She quickly ran to her door and locked it. She ran back to where her clothes were and put them on and pulled her hair up into a messy bun. She grabbed her iPod and put the ear plugs back in and tucked half the iPod into the waist band of her pink cotton shorts. It was dark when she got to the bottom of the stairs except for the glow of the TV in the living room. Jake was still here, sitting on the coach with Dustin, watching a scary movie, which meant that Jake was spending the night. Great. She turns towards the kitchen and flipped the switch on and went straight to where she knew her food waited, next to the microwave. She places her finger on it testing to see if it was still hot, it wasn't, it was warm so she popped it into the microwave and punched in the numbers. She danced to Jessie J's 'Domino' as she waited for her food to heat up. Jake couldn't help but look at Raven as she danced in the kitchen. He could hear her singing to herself. She had such a beautiful voice. He watches as her hips swayed, watches as she acts like she’s singing the song herself, watches as her shoulders moved up and down. Her hips and head move to the beat of whatever she’s listening to. He wanted to laugh. He loved seeing her like this, happy, full of life. He watches her grab her food and not bother sitting at the small table. She places it on the counter and starts eating it. She had a plate full of food and he knew she'd eat everything like she always did. He didn't know where she put it all. Her waist was tiny, stomach flat and probably rock hard from all the working out she did. Her hips were a little wide for her age but he loved them. Her legs were toned. Her ass was perfect. Her breasts were perfectly round and high. God, and her beautiful face, the way she smiled. Her dimples, the way her dark blue eyes lit up when he came over. Her beautiful long wavy brown hair that was at the moment pulled up into a messy bun. Jake noticed he wasn't talking about where she put it anymore. He loved how she looked, everything about her. He watches her as she put her plate of food into the sink and then turns to the fridge to pull out what he figured out was her favorite ice cream, Rocky Road. He watches her eat the ice on the counter again. Didn't she get tired of standing? Her hips starts moving again and this time she’s singing louder then what she was before.

    'Your stare was holding'

    'ripped jeans, skin was showing'

    'Hot night, wind was blowing'

    'Where you think you're going, baby?'

    Her whole body swayed as she sang. She hummed it when she put a spoon full of ice cream in her mouth. He wanted to laugh as she threw her head back and then forward and broke out singing again.

    'Hey. I just met you, and this is crazy'

    'But here's my number, so call me maybe'

    'And all the other boys, try to chase me'

    'But here's my number, so call me maybe'

    It must be new song. He figured. God. He loved watching her dance. He suddenly notices something fall from her shorts. He heard her curse and rub her ears. She bent down and Jake couldn't help but look and admire her beautiful heart shaped ass. His damn dick was swelling from just looking at her, not what he needed. He quickly turns his attention back the movie he and Dustin were watching.

    You done? Dustin asked amused, as he watches the movie.

    Done with what? he asked, a bit confused.

    Looking at my sister. Dustin said with a slight tug at the corner of his lips.

    Jake cleared his throat.

    Don't know what you're talking about. trying to keep his expression relaxed.

    Take my advice, go into the kitchen and get me a coke and make some more popcorn.

    Dustin looked at him with an amused smile. He wanted to rolls his eyes but didn't, Dustin was really pushing this and he didn't know why.

    He got up.

    Oh, and tell her to shut up. I can barely hear the movie with all the damn singing she's doing in there.

    Fat chance he was actually going to tell her to shut up. He starts walking towards the kitchen and took a deep breath when he walks through the entry. She’s still dancing as she washes her dishes. He tries not to pay attention and heads straight to the pantry where he knew the popcorn was. He pops the popcorn in the microwave and pushes the button that had popcorn on it. He leans against the counter and watches her wash the dishes. She still hasn't noticed him. When Raven turns to set the clean plate in the rack she jumped, Jake wash leaning against the counter and laughing at her. She took off the head phones and blushed.

    Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. the corner of his lips tugging into a smile.

    No. I… I was too involved in what I was listening to. Raven said shyly.

    What are you listening to? he curiously asked.

    Damn those eyes, light hazel green eyes.

    I'm sorry what?

    He chuckled. Wow! What a beautiful laugh it was. Focus Raven, a really hot, luscious, drop dead gorgeous guy was talking to you. She was probably drooling right now and she didn't give a damn.

    I asked 'what are you listening to?'

    I, uh. I was listening to Katy Perry.

    She's nervous right now. 'Don't question it dumb ass. He's talking to you'. She thought.

    Cool, got a favorite song? he asked as we heard the microwave beep three times.

    She watches him take it out and grab a bowl from the cabinet that was in arm’s length to put the popcorn in.

    Uhm, it's between Teenage dream and Part of me. she murmured.

    That's cool, you like her enough to go to one of her concerts? he asked nervously.

    He's never been nervous around girls, talking to them came naturally from him, but talking to Raven that was a different story. Why was he asking her this?

    Yeah. I've been dying to go to one of her concerts. I've been saving for the past year to get good seats. Hopefully I have enough when tickets go on sell in a few months, and I'm going to stop talking because I'm just rambling on.

    She looks embarrassed. He's never seen her like this, talking fast and getting excited about something she really wanted.

    It's fine, well I got to go Dustin's waiting for his popcorn and soda. I don't know why he couldn't get it himself. See you later he smiled.

    O-ok, b-bye. she wanted to scream, Jake talked to her. Calm yourself Raven, it's just Jake, oh who was she kidding. She let out a small squeal and ran up the stairs to her room, forgetting about the dishes she had to rinse.

    Raven sounds happy for someone who was told to shut up. Dustin said as Jake handed him the popcorn and soda.

    I, just talked to her that's all and I didn't bother mentioning to keep it down. he sat down and watches the movie.

    "Well. I'm sure it was one hell of

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